What should be on the festive New Year's table 2022–2023 per year of rabbit (cat)? The best New Year's recipes for festive snacks, salads, desserts, meat dishes for the New Year's table 2022-2023 with decoration and photo

What should be on the festive New Year's table 2022–2023 per year of rabbit (cat)? The best New Year's recipes for festive snacks, salads, desserts, meat dishes for the New Year's table 2022-2023 with decoration and photo

In the article you will find recommendations for the preparation of holiday dishes for the New Year 2023.

New Year 2022-2023 The year of the rabbit (cat): How to meet?

In 2022-2023, everyone will meet the "star hour" of the blue (black) water rabbit (cat). It should be a kind and very fertile year, filled with a lot of positive emotions and impressions. Many say, they say, "as you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it all year." Therefore, everyone tries to set the table as satisfying, magnificent, festive and elegant.

How to celebrate the New Year so as not to offend the Lord of the year? First of all, you need to remember that the rabbit (cat) will not like it if there is little meat on the table! Therefore, the table should shine with an abundance of meat dishes and beauty.

Do not forget to put a small souvenir or figure in the form of a rabbit (cat) on the table. This will be your talisman for a year. He will attract good luck to you and protect you from misfortunes. “Rabbit (cat) on the table” must be blue, black or natural for a rabbit (cat) color.

Try to dress up to the color of the symbol of the year. Pay attention to such colors as:

  • Blue
  • White
  • Pale gray
  • Silver
  • Black
  • Lightly lilac
  • Blue
  • Beige
  • Yellow
  • Mint

Do not forget that the meeting of the New Year is a colorful cheerful holiday, so other joyful, bright colors should also be attended by this holiday.

Important: Rabbit (cat) is a very directed, resourceful and peculiar animal, therefore the New Year should be celebrated only with those people whom you love and trust (this is a good sign).

Beautiful salad feed to the New Year's table 2023
Beautiful salad feed to the New Year's table 2023 in the form of a rabbit
Beautiful salad feed to the New Year's table 2023 in the form of a cat
Beautiful salad feed to the New Year's table 2023 in the form of a cat

What should be on the festive New Year's table 2022-2023: Ideas

Each festive table that you set for guests (including New Year's) must contain several types of treats:

  • Snacks (Aperitif, who only “warms up” a person’s appetite in front of the main dish). The snacks are always small and not satisfying, they often consist of vegetables, cheese and seafood. A snack is an ideal treat for the first festive toast.
  • Salads - These are the main “delicious” on the table that the guests are treated to and eaten. As a rule, each salad has certain ingredients that should not be repeated. It is customary to prepare several types of salads with a variety of fillings at once so that each guest can choose a dish to taste.
  • Hot - These are meat dishes (with or without a side dish). One of the most popular hot dishes is a barbecue or baked meat in the oven, chop, kebab, baked Buzenina are also popular. As a side dish, you can serve potato puree, potatoes in a seasoned or fries, pilaf in rare cases.
  • Dessert- Mandatory completion of the New Year's table. As a dessert, a cake, ice cream, fruits and chocolate sweets, jelly are suitable (it is believed that if the table is sweet, then a year will be “sweet”).
  • Cutting — meat, cheese, vegetable, fruit and fish.
The design of the New Year's table
The design of the New Year's table

New Year's Table menu per year of rabbit (cat) 2022-2023: snacks

Snakes on the New Year's table must be mandatory. They not only soothe a strong feeling of hunger, but are also unusually relevant when drinking alcohol (for snacking). Snakes can be made of fish, seafood, meat and sausages, cheese, eggs, vegetables.

Snacks on bread, sandwiches(links to recipes below):

  • With fish.It is best, of course, to afford to buy a piece of red fish for the New Year. But, if your budget does not provide for this, the salted herring of herring is also suitable. It should be cut with neat pieces and put on top of the cream base (cheese, melted cheese or even oil). Greens will help decorate.
  • With caviar.Just buy any caviar (caper, black, cod, but best, of course, red). Prepare a crouton or piece of bread, which should be abundantly covered with butter cheese or butter, and then put the caviar with a hill. It is not necessary to decorate such a snack. But a pair of leaves or twigs of greenery will be very relevant.
  • With sausages.Remember that the symbol of the year 2023 is easy to offend, and therefore take care in advance to find the right meat product in stores: smoked chicken breast or, for example, dried pork, beef product. Cut the meat with slices and gently spread on top of a piece of bread, complementing with any sauce or herbs.
  • With vegetables.You can cook anything, for example, a snack type of bars. To do this, the bread is necessarily fried (in or without oil), and a tartar of fresh vegetables with spices is placed on it.
Kanapa design, snacks to the New Year's table
Kanapa design, snacks to the New Year's table
A snack flyer
A snack flyer

Snacks in tartlets:

Interesting: such a treat as tartlets save a lot of your time. They don’t have to bake them, because sand or waffle molds can be purchased in any store, and you will fill them out of your desire by what is in the refrigerator. Slightly below you will find links to recipes for a variety of tartlets.

  • With egg.These treats are very tasty if the filling is prepared from a mixture of grated egg and cheese (you can use any: melted, smoked or hard). It is best to season with mayonnaise, and decorate strictly to your liking.
  • Vegetables.To do this, finely, chopped fresh or pickled vegetables (you can simultaneously). You can refuel such a filling with oil, sauce or even simple mayonnaise.
  • Crab.The usual salad of fish sticks has already bored quite enough, but tartlets with such a filling will be very relevant. The sticks can be rubbed or chopped finely and small with a knife, and then mixed with ingredients to taste (egg or cheese, corn, pineapple or captivity caviar).
  • With cheese.Grated cheese is combined not only with an egg, but also with meat, mushrooms, potatoes, herbs, cottage cheese. All these ingredients can be chopped and mixed by adding the sauce (then fill the tartlet).
  • Paste.Paste is always in the assortment in any store (sprout, meat or liver). It is also easy to cook a paste at home yourself. It can be mixed with butter or butter to fill the tartlets.
Operations for snacks to the New Year's table
Operations for snacks to the New Year's table


  • From Lavash.This is the most “fast” and simple type of snack. Lavasha’s sheet can be purchased in any store, and inside you spread and crumble any filling, for example, a melted cheese and salted fish, crab wand, vegetables. Leave in the refrigerator for several hours, and then portionedly cut into circles.
  • Chicken.They are easy to cook from chicken breast, which should be cut and beat off. Inside, you can wrap any filling: cheese or omelet, a piece of smoked chicken or pork, and then twist, tie and fry (or bake). The finished roll is cooled and only then cut into portioned circles.
  • Omelettes.You fry the usual omelet, which differs only in that you need to add a little flour or starch in whipped eggs. The fried omelet pancakes are cooled, then smeared with soft cream cheese and twisted. The resulting tubes must be cut portioned.
Decoration of rolls to the New Year's table
Decoration of rolls to the New Year's table


  • Vegetables.Light and tasty types of snacks from fresh, pickled and salty vegetables.
  • Meat-raw.This is the most “fast” type of snack. It is enough for you to purchase special skewers or toothpicks in advance, and string everything that you will find in the store: cheese cubes, pieces of smoked chicken or pork, cherry or olive tomatoes.
  • With moop products - shrimp.
  • Rh.Picks of fragrant cheese, grape berries or cubes of other fruits, nuts, nuts on skewers alternately.
Snacks on the table
Snacks on the table

Recipe for meat glomeruli for the New Year's table

This dish can be served hot or cook it in advance. This is a dish that is instantly eaten, and the guests of the hostess ask for his recipe. A delicate minced meat wrapped in puff teslo has a unique taste. Great as a side dish, hot snacks. Such a dish will certainly decorate the festive table, especially for the New Year.

Products that are needed for cooking:

  • Minced meat - 500 grams
  • Onions-2 pieces
  • Shampynions mushrooms-300 grams
  • Pepper, salt - to taste
  • Puff pastry without yeast - 0.5 kg
  • Egg - 1 piece
  • Seasoning - to taste
  • Greens - a little
  • Sesamens - a little

Stages of cooking:

  1. You can cook in a year of rabbit (cat) from any meat except the rabbit, so the minced meat should be pork with beef, but not fat. You can add minced meat or minced meat from a turkey fillet for juiciness. Add a little salt, pepper and other seasonings to your taste - Provencal or special for minced meat.
  2. Peel the onion, wash and chop into small cubes.
  3. Mushrooms also treat and cut into pieces.
  4. Fry onions and mushrooms in a pan with vegetable oil. At the end, salt and pepper.
  5. Now put fried mushrooms, onions and chopped greens to the minced meat. Mix everything well.
  6. Cut the dough into thin strips.
  7. Form a ball from minced meat and wrap it with dough, as if you were wrapping the threads on the ball.
  8. When all the balls are ready, lay them in a baking dish, grease them with an egg, sprinkle with seasoning and sesame seeds.
  9. Then put the balls in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 40-50 minutes.

Serve meat glomerly on the table hot.

Meat glomeruli for the New Year
Meat glomeruli for the New Year

To surprise your guests and please them with very tasty, unusual treats, also pay attention to recipes for snacks such as:

The New Year's Table menu per year of rabbit (cat) 2023: salads, recipe for “chamomile” salad

Below is a recipe for the new Salad "Chamomile".

Salad "Chamomile" - This salad is very tasty, but the main "highlight" in its decoration. Experienced chefs came up with him a couple of years ago, so your guests will definitely want to try such a dish, and they will definitely ask for a recipe for this salad.

Such a dish is usually cooked on a festive table, since white chamomile of eggs on green sheets of salad will perfectly complement meat and other dishes.

The following products will be needed:

  • Chicken liver - 300 grams
  • Champignons - 400 grams
  • Onions-1-2 pieces
  • Eggs - 3 pieces, for decoration - 2 pieces
  • Solid cheese - 100 grams
  • Mayonnaise - for refueling
  • Greens for decoration - parsley, salad

Cook like this:

  1. Fry the mushrooms with chopped onions. Simple and pepper a little during cooking.
  2. Boil the chicken liver in salted water, cool and chop finely.
  3. Boil the eggs, clean and rub on a large section of the grater.
  4. Grate the cheese on the small section of the grater.
  5. Now collect a salad on a plate lined with green leaves of the salad: put the chicken liver first, then a layer of mayonnaise, mushrooms with onions, eggs, a layer of mayonnaise, grated cheese, mayonnaise.
  6. To decorate the yolk, grate the graters in a small section, and cut the proteins with thin strips. Put chamomile from eggs and parsley leaves - the salad is ready!

Such a salad can be served immediately after cooking and you do not need to wait for it to soak, since the dish is already juicy and tasty.

New Year's salad of chamomile
New Year's salad "Chamomile"

A light salad can be served as an aperitif:

And what a New Year's Eve, and the holiday itself without traditional

  • "Russian salad"? In addition, there are quite a lot of modern ways of preparing such a salad.

You can surprise guests with such an unusual and delicate salad as

You can also cook salads from chicken fillets

You can decorate the table with such beautiful salads like

There are many variations of traditional

If you like light and not very fat meals, you will like it

Already loved by everyone salad

  • "Mimosa" You can also cook in several variations

It will look very impressive and festive on the New Year's table

Also, the following tips may come in handy:

  • "Men's salads" (recipes delicious, fatty, multicomponent and festive dishes on the table).

Several options for preparing the "New Year" salad itself

Decoration of salad for the New Year's table 2023 per year of rabbit
Decoration of salad for the New Year's table 2023 per year of rabbit
Decoration of salad for the New Year's table 2023 per year of rabbit
Decoration of salad for the New Year's table 2023 per year of rabbit
Decoration of salad for the New Year's table 2023 per year of rabbit
Decoration of salad for the New Year's table 2023 per year of rabbit
Decoration of salad for the New Year's table 2023 per year of rabbit
Decoration of salad or sandwich to the New Year's table 2023 per year of rabbit
Decoration of salad or sandwich to the New Year's table 2023 per year of rabbit
Decoration of salad or sandwich to the New Year's table 2023 per year of rabbit
The design of the New Year's salad
The design of the New Year's salad
The design of the New Year's salad
The design of the New Year's salad

Spectacular salad for the new year


The design of the New Year's salad for the festive table 2023 per year of rabbit on this stencil
The design of the New Year's salad for the festive table 2023 per year of rabbit on this stencil

The New Year's Table menu per year of rabbit (cat) 2022-2023: hot and main dishes, a prescription of stuffed sturgeon

For many, the New Year is associated with a set table and an abundance of delicious treats. This is quite normal, because everyone strives to cook the most original dishes with a mass of delicacies and delicious ingredients. All this is a good sign that portends a “well -fed” year in abundance.

Important: hot and main dishes must be on the new year of 2022-2023. After all, only think, a rabbit (cat) (symbol of the year) is a gluttonous animal and loves to eat, which means it is a good sign.

Here are a few recipes of hot fish and meat disheswhich will help make the New Year's table beautiful and original:

Stuffed sturgeon
Stuffed sturgeon

Stuffed sturgeon

- A popular festive dish in many countries. It is prepared for various family holidays, and especially for the New Year.

  • To make a divinely tasty stuffed sturgeon, there are several secrets.
  • First, you need to remove the ridge from the fish, which is present in the form of sturgeon in the form of a thick cartilage with veins, it is called a visit.
  • Make the cut not on the peritoneum, but on top.
  • Remove the fins and make an incision. If you do not understand how to clean and cut sturgeon correctly, watch the video below in the text.
  • Then it is important to rinse the oral cavity and the places where the gills are located.
  • Now proceed directly to the preparation of the dish.


For the marinade you will need the following products:

  • Olive oil - 3 tablespoons
  • Soy sauce - 2 tablespoons
  • Lemon juice and orange juice - from half of these fruits (do not throw fruit skins, they will come in handy for fish baking)
  • Seasoning-a mixture of peppers or an “exclusive” with a ginger, onion-outline-2 tablespoons
  • Mustard - 2 tablespoons
  • Lemon and greens for decoration

For filling:

  • Shampynions mushrooms-400 grams
  • Solid cheese - 150 grams
  • Onions-2 pieces
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons - for frying
  • Any greens - 1 bundle
  • Salt, pepper - to taste


  1. First make a marinade. Mix olive oil, soy sauce, lemon juice and orange juice, seasoning, mustard.
  2. Then blot the fish inside with a paper towel.
  3. Now you can start pickling: lubricate the fish from all sides by the marinade. It is advisable to do this in a large enameled bowl. Pour the remaining marinade onto the fish and redeem it again in it. Set aside the fish to the side.
  4. The turn came to cook the filling. Cut the mushrooms and clean and chop the onion.
  5. Heat the pan on the stove, pour a little vegetable oil, and put on the onion first. When it is fried until golden, lay out the mushrooms.
  6. After 10-15 minutes, add and pepper, and when the mushrooms are ready, put the filling in a bowl, let him cool.
  7. At this time, grate the cheese on a coarse grater and chop the greens.
  8. Then cut two bulbs with large rings.
  9. Now take a baking sheet, grease it with vegetable oil. Put the fish on it, and lay out on it on the onion, cut by rings so that the fish does not burn.
  10. Mix fried mushrooms with onions with cheese and greens.
  11. Now sign the sturgeon prepared by the filling.
  12. From above, when the whole filling is laid out, you need to put it with toothpicks so that the fish is baked in a beautiful shape, and does not turn out to be collapsed.
  13. The marinade, in which the fish “lay”, pour on top of the fish. Cover the fish on top of the skins of orange and lemon.
  14. Now put a baking sheet with stuffed fish in the oven at a temperature of 180-200 degrees for 40-50 minutes.
  15. When the fish becomes ready, take it out, put it on a beautiful tray. Garnish with lemon slices, greens or any other vegetables and fruits to your liking, and serve to the table.

The whole secret of the divine taste of this fish lies in the marinade. Thanks to him, the fish acquires a delicate and piquant taste. If something is not clear to you in the process of preparing this fish, watch a video in which the hostess talks in detail about each stage.

Video: stuffed sturgeon - divinely tasty. ⛄️?

Stuffed eggplant with a boat with rice and mushrooms: recipe

This dish is great for the New Year's table. Preparing it is simple and fast, your guests will definitely like the taste.


  • Eggplant - 4 pieces
  • Solid cheese - 150 grams
  • Butter - 2 tablespoons
  • Salt and pepper - to taste
  • Greens - a little

For the filling, you will need the following products:

  • Round rice - 0.5 cups
  • Champignons - 200 grams
  • Onions-2 stems
  • Vegetable oil - 0.5 cups
  • Pepper and salt - to taste

Cook like this:

  1. First wash the eggplant, cut in half, salt, pepper and put under the press for several hours.
  2. Sort rice, rinse and boil in slightly salted water. Then throw it on a colander, let the water flow out.
  3. Wash the mushrooms, cut it not large, and fry in vegetable oil.
  4. Then send a chopped onion of the onion to the mushrooms. Put mushrooms with onions for 5-10 minutes and set aside.
  5. When the eggplant stands for several hours under the press and all the bitterness will come out of them, wash them and dry them with a paper towel.
  6. Then remove the pulp from the eggplant, cut it and fry it in a small amount of vegetable oil.
  7. Now mix the fried eggplant flesh, rice, onions with mushrooms, chopped greens. Salt and pepper a bit.
  8. Fill the “boats” from the eggplant prepared by filling and put in an oven for baking and mixing tastes at a temperature of 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes.
  9. In the process of baking, water eggplant with filling with melted butter.
  10. 5 minutes before readiness, rub the cheese and sprinkle it on the eggplant “boats”.
Stuffed eggplant baked in the oven
Stuffed eggplant baked in the oven "boats"

What else can you cook for a New Year's table?

Beautiful feeding of a junction to the New Year's table
Beautiful feeding of a junction to the New Year's table
Beautiful feeding of a junction to the New Year's table
Beautiful feeding of a junction to the New Year's table

The New Year's Table menu per year of rabbit (cat) 2023: desserts, Black Forest dessert recipe, chocolate mini-chiz

The dessert on the New Year's table is completely optional, but very desirable. However, if you are waiting for called guests or want to please loved ones with something special, you should prepare a dessert yourself. Of course, you can not bother and just buy sweets in the store.

Your guests will definitely like the dessert " Black forest". It is prepared based on the cake of the same name, but much faster and from simpler products.

Instead of a biscuit, chocolate cookies are used, which can be cooked independently. But you can buy ready -made cookies in the store. However, dessert with home cookies is more tasty.

Black Forest Dessert Recipe

Ingredients for dessert
Ingredients for dessert "Black Forest"

Cook dessert like this:

  1. Soft butter, sugar and eggs beat until a creamy state.
  2. Add flour, baking powder, cocoa and cinnamon. Mix all the ingredients well.
  3. You can add a little cardamom or nutmeg. Stir again and knead the soft dough.
  4. Remove the dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, having previously wrapped it in the food film.
  5. Then take out the dough, roll out up to 0.7 cm thick. You can cut strips or squares. Put the blanks on the baking sheet and bake at 180 degrees for no more than 15 minutes.
  6. Cook and break the cookies. You can grind on the table with a rolling pin, rolling it slightly on the liver.
  7. Crem -shaped cottage cheese, 3 tablespoons of sugar and yogurt mix with a mixer. Remove the cream in a cold place.
  8. Peel the cherries from the seeds, mix with sugar and put on gas. Cook until sugar crystals are dissolved-5-10 minutes.
  9. Dissolve starch in a small amount of water and pour a thin stream into the cherry with sugar. Cook to thickened (1-2 minutes). Remove from heat and cool.
  10. Now begin to lay out the dessert in layers in transparent glass creamy or glasses: white cream, cherry, cream, chocolate cookies, cream cream and cherry berries.

Sprinkle the dessert with grated chocolate and take it into the refrigerator. Such a dish is served cold, so it should be prepared in advance.

Dessert "Black Forest"

Chocolate mini cheesecake: recipe

Chocolate mini cheesecake  cooking without baking - fast and simple. You will need paper forms for baking cupcakes, as well as a little cottage cheese, cherries and chocolate. This dessert perfectly decorates the festive table, especially on New Year's Eve.

Ingredients for minichizka
Ingredients for mini cheesecake

Cook like this:

  1. Get cherry from the freezer. When it thaws, drain the liquid, add cognac and let it stand for 30 minutes.
  2. Remove butter from the refrigerator so that it goes limp.
  3. With the help of a mixer, grind cottage cheese with sugar to pasty mass.
  4. Grind chocolate cookies using a special block of a blender.
  5. Add soft butter and mix well.
  6. Put the resulting mass in paper molds for baking, and compact well with a small spoon. Remove the molds with the dough in the refrigerator.
  7. Melt the tile of chocolate in a microwave or in a water bath. Cool a little and add a cherry without liquid.
  8. Mix chocolate and cherry. Then combine with cottage cheese. Mix well again.
  9. Beat the cream with a mixer to the density and add them to the cherry-chocolate mass.
  10. Mix all the ingredients and put the mass in paper forms with cookies that are in the refrigerator. Again, remove the forms in the refrigerator for 1.5-2 hours.
  11. Then take out the cheesecakes from the refrigerator, decorate with grated chocolate and cherry berry for cocktails.

Do the decoration right before serving. Chocolate cheesecakes with red cherries look very appetizing. They are perfect for any hot or cold sweet drinks.

Mini cheesecake
Mini cheesecake

What is more suitable for the New Year's table?


This form can be made New Year's baking
This form can be made of New Year's baking or sandwiches in the shape of a cat's muzzle



Design of dessert Christmas trees for the New Year
Design of dessert Christmas trees for the New Year

Cocktail recipe «Jolly Roger »

But the main decoration of the table is a drink, without which no new year is complete in any family - this is champagne. It is poured under the fight of chimes and made a desire, drinking a glass of sparkling. However, you can not just pour champagne into glasses, but make a delicious drink, for example, "Merry Roger" is the best cocktail for the New Year's table.


  • Champagne - 110 ml
  • Gorky liquor Tripl S. - 5 ml
  • Currant de Cassik Current Cumshot - 5 ml

Cook the cocktail like this:

  1. Cool the sparkling bottle and liquors in the refrigerator.
  2. First pour currant liquor into the glass.
  3. Then gently pour the Triple S.
  4. Now pour sparkling wine. The volume of a cocktail of not more than 120 ml should be obtained.
  5. Fill the glass to the top with ice and insert a cocktail tube.

Drink the cocktail slowly, enjoying every sip. Great mood for you!

Cocktails for the New Year's table
Cocktails for the New Year's table

What cocktails are still suitable for the festive New Year's table?

Delicious New Year dishes - ideas for decoration, design: photo

You can decorate on New Year's themes any dish, whether hotter or dessert. To do this, you should use some tips.


Making dishes for the New Year
Making dishes for the New Year

Design of dishes for the New Year in the form of a snowman
Design of dishes for the New Year in the form of a snowman
Making dishes for the New Year with snowflakes
Making dishes for the New Year with snowflakes
Extension of appetizers for the New Year
Extension of appetizers for the New Year
Making dishes for the New Year
Making dishes for the New Year

Salad decoration with crackers
Salad decoration with crackers

Cake decoration for the New 2023 Rabbit (Cat): Ideas, photos

Design of the New Year cake for the festive table 2023
Design of the New Year cake for the festive table 2023
Design of the New Year cake for the festive table 2023
Design of the New Year cake for the festive table 2023
Design of the New Year cake for the festive table 2023
Design of the New Year cake for the festive table 2023
Design of the New Year cake for the festive table 2023
Design of the New Year cake for the festive table 2023
Design of the New Year cake for the festive table 2023
Design of the New Year cake for the festive table 2023
Design of the New Year cake for the festive table 2023
Design of the New Year cake for the festive table 2023
New Year's cake
New Year's cake 2023
New Year's cake 2023
New Year's cake 2023
New Year's cake 2023
New Year's cake 2023

Video: "100 best holiday recipes"

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