Festive salad "Mushroom Polyana": ingredients and a step -by -step classic recipe with chicken layers in order. How to make a delicious preparation "Mushroom Polyana" with mushrooms of champignons, mushrooms, ham, sausage, cheese, meat, liver, carrot in Korean: recipes

Festive salad

To decorate the festive table with delicious dishes, housewives always try to cook something new. Mushroom glade salad is the perfect decoration of the table. Details further.

This salad is famous for its unique taste, beauty. It is perfect for holiday gatherings, can serve as a decoration of the table. This dish is still satisfying, because it includes a fairly large number of ingredients.

It is prepared in a certain order in layers, but the products included in its composition can be different. It all depends on the preferences of the hostess. The meat in its composition can be anything, sometimes it is even replaced by all kinds of sausages. Vegetables are also allowed to add various, the main thing is not to overdo it. The only thing that is necessary is that mushrooms should be in the snack.

Salad "Mushroom Polyana": ingredients and a step -by -step classic recipe with chicken layers in order

The peculiarity of such a dish is that it will have to be assembled by the tops, more precisely, the layer is formed in the reverse order, and in the end all the contents are turned on the dish. At the top, a real clearing of mushrooms is marvelous.

Mushroom glade with mushrooms
"Mushroom Polyana" with mushrooms

IMPORTANT: So that the salad obediently leaves the container in which you collect the layer by layer, you need to lubricate this dishes well with sunflower oil, then it will land well on the dish.



  • Mushrooms (mushrooms or champignons) - 225 g
  • Low -fat chicken fillet - 225 g
  • Salted cucumbers - 125 g
  • Potatoes - 275 g
  • Carrots - 275 g (boiled)
  • Cheese - 125 g
  • Eggs - 175
  • Dill, onion, parsley-3-5 branches
  • Salt, mayonnaise - how much will
Classic salad recipe - mushroom glade
Classic recipe - "Mushroom Polyana"


  1. Take a pan of a suitable size, cover it with a dietary tank.
  2. Put boiled mushrooms with greens with the first layer. Lay out pieces of boiled chicken meat on top. Dimmer with mayonnaise.
  3. Grate boiled peeled carrots on top of the second layer, be sure to pour it with mayonnaise.
  4. Grate cheese on the third layer, and not sparing, and then spread everything with mayonnaise.
  5. Remove the eggs cut into a cube on top, then again mayonnaise.
  6. And finally, put the potatoes with the last layer, nourish it with mayonnaise, send the dish to stand in the refrigerator. It will cool there and become juicy.
  7. Three hours later, carefully turn the salad over on a festive large plate. Correct it, if there are irregularities somewhere, add greens.

IMPORTANT: To prepare a snack, it is better to use a detachable form, which will be convenient and safe when unloading layers of dishes.

How to deliberately prepare a mushroom glade salad with pickled mushrooms of champignons: recipe in layers

This salad with aromatic, juicy mushrooms will quickly saturate your body. Because it has many calorie products.


  • Canned mushrooms - 425 g
  • Low -fat cheese - 125 g
  • Domestic chicken meat - 325 g
  • Potatoes - 65 g
  • Eggs - 175 g
  • Sauce or mayonnaise - 225 g
  • Carrots - 175 g
  • Cucumber - 175 g
  • Greens
Mushroom glade with champignons
Salad with champignons


  1. In a container lubricated with lean oil, the first layer put the mushrooms with hats to the bottom. Put them with herbs.
  2. After laying out the chicken fillet, cover the meat with mayonnaise sauce.
  3. Then put carrots, mayonnaise sauce. Make a layer of grated hard cheese on top.
  4. Put eggs with mayonnaise sauce with the fifth layer, then soak the potatoes with the sauce.
  5. Then lay out the cucumbers. Cover the dishes with a lid, put the contents in the cold.
  6. After two hours, turn the contents on the dish or a beautiful tray, serve guests in that form.

How to deliberately prepare a mushroom glade salad with fried mushrooms: recipe in layers


  • Honey agaric - 225 g
  • Potatoes - 125 g
  • Medium -sized carrots - 125 g
  • Onion - 65 g
  • Green onions - 45 g
  • Salad (leaves)-4-6 pcs.
  • Dill - 35 g
  • Salt
  • Mayonnaise sauce - 6 tbsp.

Mushroom clearing with fried mushrooms



  1. Send cleaned, washed mushrooms to the pan. Moreover, fry the hats and legs separately, without mixing. The legs must be cut into cubes.
  2. Pre -prepare the meat, weld potatoes, carrots, chop the greens, dill.
  3. Then lay out the salad in a bowl of the desired diameter in layers in this order: mushrooms of mushrooms, greens, potatoes, mushroom legs, onions, carrots, green lettuce.
  4. Do not forget to soak each layer with mayonnaise sauce.
  5. After the prepared dish is saturated with mayonnaise in the refrigerator, send it to a large festive dish, and then to the table.

IMPORTANT: A bow can be bitter if it is not marinated. Therefore, it is better to send it to the mushroom clearing in the mushroom glade after preliminary soaking in the marinade with salt, sugar and vinegar.

How to deliberately prepare a mushroom glade salad with mushrooms, ham and cheese: recipe in layers

All salad preparations always begin with the preparation of ingredients. In particular, for this cold dish you will need to cook potatoes, eggs, and then peel and chop.


  • Canned mushrooms - 325 g
  • Cheese - 125 g
  • Potatoes-1-2 pcs.
  • Carrots-1-2 pcs.
  • Cucumbers-1-2 pcs.
  • Vetshchina - 275 g
  • Eggs-2-3 pcs.
  • Sauce
  • Greens, salt
Salad with mushrooms, cheese, potatoes. Mushroom meadow
Salad with mushrooms, cheese, ham. Mushroom meadow

Cooking process:

  1. On the bottom of the bowl, put the honey mushroom, lubricate them with sauce or mayonnaise.
  2. Put the greens with mayonnaise beautifully on top. Then the carrots grated, a layer of mayonnaise.
  3. Next, lay out potatoes with sauce, ham, also pour with mayonnaise.
  4. After a layer of eggs with mayonnaise and cheese, too, cover a layer of mayonnaise sauce.

IMPORTANT: When the salad is on a beautiful dish, you can in an original way decorate it with greens, tomatoes, cucumbers. For example, from tomatoes make hats for mushrooms in the form of fly agaric.

How to deliberately prepare a mushroom glade salad with sausage: recipe in layers

Usually the salad is prepared with meat and chicken or with ham. But some housewives prefer to add sausage instead of these ingredients.


  • Pickled champignons - 1/2 jars
  • Smoked sausage - 225 g
  • Cheese - 225 g
  • Eggs-3-4 pcs.
  • Potatoes-55-70 g
  • Greens
  • Mayonnaise
Mushroom glade with sausage
Mushroom glade with sausage


Boil potatoes in a uniform, put it under a stream of cold water when it cools - clean. Boil the eggs, let them cool, save them from the shell. Grind the cheese with a grater. Cut the sausage, potatoes, eggs, as on Olivier. Then collect the dish in this order:

  1. Layer -1 potatoes with mayonnaise sauce
  2. Layer - 2 eggs watered with sauce
  3. Layer - 3 sausages with mayonnaise
  4. The layer is 4 cheese, also with mayonnaise sauce.

IMPORTANT: So that the top of such a salad looks festive, decorate it with branches of greenery, so that the surface looks like a green meadow with grass. Part the mushrooms also beautifully - to your taste, then you get a real meadow.

How to deliberately prepare a mushroom glade salad with pork meat: recipe in layers

To prepare a “mushroom meadow” with pork, take meat that can already be eaten without cooking, etc. More precisely, buy Buzhenina, boiled-dumped meat and cut it with cubes.


  • Pork ready - 125 g
  • Mushrooms - 125 g (pickled, fried, boiled)
  • Canned cucumbers - 125 g
  • Potatoes - 65 g
  • Dill
  • Sauce, salt
Pork mushroom
Pork mushroom

Original, if you make this dish in small portions and give each guest separately. Only in this case, it does not need to be made "over -over." Collect the layers immediately in the right order:

  1. Pork meat, sauce
  2. Potatoes, mayonnaise sauce
  3. Pickled cucumbers, mayonnaise
  4. Eggs, mayonnaise
  5. Dill, sauce
  6. Mushrooms, sauce, greens, etc.

IMPORTANT: Do not make layers of the "clearing" too high. It is beautiful if they are no more than five centimeters in height, smear the sauce with thin layers.

How to deliberately prepare a mushroom glade salad with beef: recipe in layers


  • Boiled beef - 275 g
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Potatoes-2-3 pcs.
  • Carrots-1-2 pcs.
  • Cheese - 125 g
  • Cucumbers - 3 pcs. (pickled)
  • Champignons - 425 g
  • Greens, salt, mayonnaise
How to make a beef salad?
Beef salad?


  1. Cut or grate the ingredients. Take comfortable dishes where you will collect the salad.
  2. Start laying out the layers in a lower order:
  • first - mushrooms, hats directing down the bottom of the dishes
  • the second is greens with mayonnaise
  • third- potatoes (half) with mayonnaise
  • fourth - boiled carrots, be sure to be tanned from above with mayonnaise
  • fifth - mayonnaise egg
  • sixth - cheese grated
  • seventh - cucumber
  • eighth - meat with mayonnaise
  • the ninth is the second half of the potatoes.

When you collect all the layers, let the dish be eaten, and then only put it on a beautiful plate.

How to deliberately prepare a “mushroom meadow” salad with liver: recipe layers


  • Mushrooms of champignons - 225 g
  • Pork liver, you can cod liver - 225 g
  • Cheese - 65 g
  • Potatoes - 125 g
  • Carrots - 2 pcs. (boiled)
  • Greens, how much will need
  • Grenade grain
  • Mayonnaise Provencal
Liver salad - mushroom glade
Liver salad - mushroom glade


  1. Chew clean vegetables until cooked, when cool, clean.
  2. Then grate vegetables, cheese on a coarse grater. And in a special pan, which is suitable for your salad bowl, start laying out layers of snacks.
  3. Start with champignons, then greens, potatoes, cheese, liver, carrots, potatoes again. Do not forget to soak all the layers with mayonnaise sauce.

At the end, press the components of the salad with a spoon well, put in a cold place. After an hour or three, lay out, more precisely, turn the salad on a dish, decorate with vegetables, herbs, grains of grenade and treat the guests.

How to deliberately prepare a mushroom glade salad with carrots in Korean: recipe in layers

If you like Korean carrots, then you will like the salad with this ingredients too.


  • Pickled mushrooms - 1 bank
  • Korean carrot - 225 g
  • Chicken breast (smoked) - 275 g
  • Potatoes - 225 g
  • Green onions, dill, parsley - to taste
  • Mayonnaise
  • Mustard (French)
Mushroom glade with Korean carrots
Mushroom glade with Korean carrots


  1. Make a mushroom glade sauce. To do this, mix three parts of mayonnaise and one part of mustard.
  2. Cool the finished vegetables, clean, grate on a coarse grater.
  3. Cut the meat with a knife, cut the greens, but not all - leave a few branches to decorate the salad.
  4. Form layers of salad in a separate bowl. The first layer is mushrooms (put the hats at the bottom of the pan).
  5. Then impregnating each layer with sauce, lay out the products in the following order: onions, potatoes, chicken meat, carrots, cheese.
  6. Small the resulting dish a little and put in a cold place.

Cover the finished masterpiece with a beautiful salad bowl or plate and turn over, decorate with what you have in the refrigerator.

How to deliberately prepare a mushroom glade salad with fresh cucumber: recipe in layers

This dish is especially good to cook, in the spring, when the first cucumbers already appear. Its recipe is similar to other salads listed, but there are differences in taste.


  • Potatoes - 275 g
  • Chicken - 375 g
  • Eggs - 125 g
  • Carrots - 135 g
  • Fresh cucumber - 145 g
  • Dill, salt, sauce
Mushroom meadow with fresh cucumbers - spring salad
Mushroom meadow with fresh cucumbers - spring salad


  1. Boil eggs, carrots, potatoes, cool, clean. Grind on a large grater.
  2. Cut the finished chicken fillet into small pieces.
  3. Cuts the cucumbers beautifully chop thin bars.
  4. Finely chop the dill with a knife.
  5. Form layers of salad in this order: potatoes, chicken meat, eggs, carrots, cucumbers, dill, honey mushrooms.
  6. Lubricate all layers with mayonnaise sauce.

IMPORTANT:The difference between this cold dish and others is that it does not need to be turned over. You can immediately lay out the layers in beautiful dishes.

How to deliberately prepare a “Mushroom Polyana” salad: recipe in layers

For those who lead a healthy lifestyle, it is important to observe a diet and use as little fat as possible. Mushroom meadow, prepared as follows, is ideal for those who monitor their weight.


  • Vegetable oil) - 65 ml
  • Champignons (canned) - 225 g
  • Green onion - 65 g
  • Dill greens, parsley - 130 g
  • Carrot (large sizes)-175-225 g
  • Onion - 125 g
  • Potato - 225 g
  • Mayonnaise (not fat) - how much will enter
  • Salad leaves -5-8 pcs.
  • Butter) - 25 g
  • Salt
Lean salad mushroom glade
Lean salad mushroom glade


  1. Fry champignons in a pan, and the hats are separate, and the chopped legs with cubes are separate.
  2. Fry half the onion in the pan to a transparent state. Do not overcome it, otherwise the salad will turn out with a bitter taste.
  3. Mix onions with mushroom legs.
  4. Fry the second part of the onion with carrots, butter.
  5. Now the other components of the salad (potatoes, greens) are chopped with a knife.
  6. Snake these ingredients, mix green onions with mayonnaise sauce.
  7. Now you can make a salad (lay out layers in a container). The first layer - mushrooms, greenery sauce, salt.
  8. After laying out green onions saturated with mayonnaise sauce.
  9. The next layer is carrots fried with onions, and mushroom legs with onions.
  10. Next, lay out potatoes, mayonnaise and put the dish on the cold. After a while, turn the dish on a plate, decorate, as fantasy will tell you, and serve for dinner.

Salad "Mushroom Polyana" cannot but like the guests, even though he is preparing with mayonnaise. After all, it tastes beautiful and looks solemn on the dining table. In addition, if you do not like mayonnaise, then it can be replaced with a sauce prepared according to the prescription of Dukan.

Video: how to beautifully decorate the festive salad "Mushroom Polyana" New Year, for the birthday, March 8, February 14, 23, wedding, anniversary: \u200b\u200bideas, photos

Video: Salad Mushroom Polyana for any celebration

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