How to make cookies and cakes of macaroons at home chocolate, coconut, mint? Recipe for filling for makaruns caramel, pistachio lemon, made of currants, masquearpone

How to make cookies and cakes of macaroons at home chocolate, coconut, mint? Recipe for filling for makaruns caramel, pistachio lemon, made of currants, masquearpone

In this article, we will continue to reveal the secrets of manufacturing one of the most popular French desserts.

Do you know that on March 20, Makarun's Day is celebrated? He was suggested by Pierre Erme Picasso, a permanent experimenter in this confectionery skill industry. Well, we are far from Monsieur Pierre, but it is quite possible to test the preparation of various types of makarun on our own. So, we continue the theme of the previous article about Makaruns.

How to cook chocolate macaroons at home: recipe


  • Almond flour - Half of the cup
  • Powdered sugar - a cup
  • Sugar - 5 tbsp. l.
  • Protein - 2 pcs.
  • Cocoa - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Chocolate cream - taste. You can use some ready-made option-for example, beloved by many "Nutella"
For the manufacture of chocolate macarun, it is quite possible to use Nutella cream
For the manufacture of chocolate macarun, it is quite possible to use Nutella cream

Important: it is extremely important to insist proteins for 28 hours at room temperature.

We proceed:

  • Beat egg eggs with sugar Using a mixer to foam. Keep in mind that the foam should be dense.
Makarun's foam should be dense
Makarun's foam should be dense
  • Combine flour with powder and see you them.
Flour with powder for makarun is sifted
Flour with powder for makarun is sifted
  • Costs sift and cocoaOtherwise, lumps that are undesirable for makarun may form.
See you for chocolate makarun and cocoa
See you for chocolate makarun and cocoa
  • Now the turn has come to produce pasta - Combine flour and powder with whipped proteins.

Important: be sure to thoroughly mix everything!

  • All mass needs to be shifted in pastry bag. If you did not have it at hand, it is quite possible to use a plastic bag. Do not forget to cut off a corner from such a package.
Instead of a confectionery bag, you can use a plastic bag during the preparation of makarun
Instead of a confectionery bag, you can use a plastic bag during the preparation of makarun
  • Cover the baking sheet with parchment for baking. On him and squeeze the dough.Form circles. For fidelity, you can designate a place for them in advance.
This should look like future macaroons on a baking sheet
This should look like future macaroons on a baking sheet
  • Give a baking sheet with the contents drink 20 minutes - The dough should be covered with a crust at room temperature. Only after that it can be sent for 13-20 minutes in an average of 180 degrees, the oven.
Makarun dough should be infused
Makarun dough should be infused
  • After the cakes are baked, you need love them one part of them with chocolate cream, a the second is to cover.
This is how chocolate macaroons look like
This is how chocolate macaroons look like

How to bake macaruns mint?


  • Almond flour - Half of the cup. Or 125 g. Almond in the absence of flour at hand
  • Sugar - 60 g.
  • Powdered sugar - 225 g.
  • Green dye - Just a few drops
  • Egg proteins - 120 g, or, in other words, these are proteins from 3 eggs

Important: do not take the latest eggs for Makarun. Oddly enough, the products with the S-0 labeling are suitable.

  • White chocolate - 100 g.
  • Cream - 40 ml. It is a fat product that is needed - a minimum with 30% fat content
  • Mint syrup - 2 tsp.
Mint syrup in the manufacture of mint makarun cannot do
Mint syrup in the manufacture of mint makarun cannot do

Prepare Mint makaruns need this way:

  • Mix flour with powder.
  • Put squirrels In the bowl of the mixer. Beat them until soft peaks form. To do this, you need to configure high speed.
Mint syrup in the manufacture of mint makarun cannot do
Mint syrup in the manufacture of mint makarun cannot do
  • Continue This process, but this time a little Add sugar. A dosage in the form of a teaspoon will be enough. Beat the proteins until they form tough peaks.

Important: you can check the readiness of proteins as follows - pick them up in a teaspoon and turn them over. The proteins prepared to the required condition will not fall.

  • Now the turn has come pasta. Proteins are mixed with flour 30 seconds. In this case, turn the bowl counterclockwise, and make movements with a spatula from the bottom up.
  • Add dye And again carefully mix everything. Beware of the acquisition by a mixture of a liquid state. But proteins with flour must be connected well.

Important: to check the state of the test, take a small portion of it and put it separately. Look at the dough - ideally, traces of a spoon should quickly drag on.

  • Now fit the mixture to the confectionery bag and squeeze Its in the form of cakes on a baking sheet covered with parchment. Leave the cakes to infuse For the formation of crust.
  • During 11-12 minutes bake them at 150-155 degrees.
  • While the cookies are cooled take care of the filling. For her, finely chop the chocolate and pour it with cream, brought to a boil.
  • Mix cream and chocolate Until the dissolution of the latter.
  • Pour in mint syrup And again everything mix.
  • Put the capacity with the filling in the refrigerator.
  • Only left glue cookies using the filling and hide it at night in the refrigerator.

Important: before serving the table, let the macaroons lie down at room temperature for 10 minutes.

Mint makaruns
Mint makaruns

Coconut makaruns: recipe

For coconut makarun we need:

  • Squirrels, incorrect day - 100 g.
  • Sugar In the form of granules - 50 g.
  • Almond flour - 50 g.
  • Coconut flour - 50 g.
  • Salt - A pinch
  • Powdered sugar - 200 g.

Important: sugar powder must be of high quality. Otherwise, the high content of starch will ruin the entire idea.

Coconut flour is what you need for coconut makarun
Coconut flour is what you need for coconut makarun
  • As in the case of previous recipes, separated from yolks proteins should brew a day.
  • Warm up up to 300 degrees the oven.
  • During For 30 seconds, mix the almond and coconut flour, powdered sugar with a blender. Then you can add and bolshell in a loose form.
  • Mixer whip to soft peaks Squirrels sprinkled with salt.

Important: do not rely only on the size of the eggs. Different 3 eggs can give different amounts of protein in grams. Too large eggs will give a liquid mixture, too small - thick.

  • Now you can add and sugar. Pour it in small portions, continuing to whip the proteins to stable peaks.
  • Produce pasta-12-15 quick movements with a spoon in a circle. Then do more several slow movements.
  • Fill it with mass claus for confectionery pastries and squeeze the dough On the baking sheet covered with parchment paper. It is at this time that sprinkle products with coconut, if there is such a desire, she will perfectly stick to the not -free test.
  • Then give the workpiece drive and bake for 10-12 minutes.
Coconut flour is what you need for coconut makarun
Coconut flour is what you need for coconut makarun

Supply recipe for Makarun Malinova, Caramel, Pistachio, Lemon, Currant, Mascarpone

As you probably remember from the previous article, Makarun’s baking specialists prefer that the color of their products coincides with taste. Let's see what fillings you can easily cook at home.

So, raspberry pink filling Provides in its own composition:

  • Puffed puree from raspberries - 300 g.
  • Sugar - 100 g.
  • Gelatin - tea spoon
  • Starch - A tablespoon

Important: take starch for the best result "with a hill."

Cooking like this:

  • Pour gelatin with water. Take a little water. Leave it to swell
  • Puree mixed with sugar and starchtry to bring to such a state that it is Close to boiling, but did not boil.
  • Start stir the mashed potatoes until it becomes thick
  • In mashed potatoes add swollen jelly, cover the container with it with a film
  • Put the filling for Makarun in the refrigerator

Important: it should stand in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours.

Delicate pink macaroons with raspberry filling
Delicate pink macaroons with raspberry filling

For green pistachio filling, stock up:

  • Milk chocolate - 200 g.
  • Cream Squarer - 100 ml.
  • Pistachio paste - 15 g.

Cook The filling is like this:

  • Break the chocolate small pieces
  • Bring cream to a boiling state
  • Pour them For pieces of chocolate
  • Knead it's all

Important: the mass should turn out to be homogeneous and smooth.

  • Now you can include in the composition pistachio paste
  • Again mix all
  • Cover the food film and Put in the refrigerator at least for 10 hours
Bright green pistachio makaruns
Bright green pistachio makaruns

Lemon filling ingredients:

  • Lemon juice - 80 ml.
  • Zest - From one lemon
  • Egg mixture - 115
  • Sugar - 120 g.
  • Butter - 125 g.

We proceed:

  • Mix immediately juice, zest, sugar, eggs
  • Put this product in a water bath
  • Cook it until thicken will come

Important: on average, the cooking time is from 15 to 30 minutes.

  • Cool workpiece and add to it butter. Keep in mind that the oil should not be cold, but at room temperature.
  • Beat Harvesting
  • Cover it with a dietary film, then hold it In the refrigerator of 12 hours
Sunny lemon makaruns
Sunny lemon makaruns

For caramel filling you will need:

  • Cream - 130 g.
  • Butter - 200 g.
  • Sugar - 280


  • Sugar Divide on three The same parts
  • Put the container on medium firepour it into it the first part
  • After it melts, add second
  • Similarly with third
  • Carefully observe the mixture - it should buy amber shade
  • The turn has come cream
  • Make it the fire is smaller and drink Future caramel without a break
  • At the moment when the temperature reaches 180 degrees, turn off the fire
  • Now add oil And wait until it It melts

IMPORTANT: After that, it is necessary to cool the workpiece after the filling.

Seductive caramel makaruns
Seductive caramel makaruns

For a filler from Mascarpone, you need:

  • Actually, himself the cheese is masquearpone - 100 g.
  • Chocolate, pre -melted - 50 g.
  • Powdered sugar - 2 tbsp. l. You can "with a hill"

Preparing the filling is easier than a simple one - just mix all the components!

Delicious macaroons with masquearpone -based filling
Delicious macaroons with masquearpone -based filling

For currant filler we need:

  • Berries of black currant - 250 g.
  • Cream de Cassis - 40 ml. It is a tincture of these berries. It is infused with brandy, sugar syrup is also included in the composition.
  • Important: if you don’t know where to purchase such an ingredient - do not despair. Cream de Cassis can be found where all sorts of fillers for cocktails are sold.
  • Gelatin - 2 g.
  • Water - 35 ml.
  • Sugar - 15 g. It is advisable to choose smaller sugar
  • Lemon juice - 10 ml.
  • Butter - 100 g.
  • Dark chocolate - 125 g. And one that contains 70% cocoa
This is what Cream de Cassis looks like a currant filling for makarun
This is what Cream de Cassis looks like a currant filling for makarun


  • To get started, bring to a boiling state of water with added to it sugar
  • After the water is removed from the fire, it costs addin it berries
  • Cover them with a lid and leave to infuse all night

Important: after insisting the berries, throw it on a colander and wait until the liquid wucks. The berries can be placed with cream inside the makarun.

  • In the meantime, the currant reaches the desired state, it is worth working on cream. First of all Place gelatin in water Cold than. Leave it to swell.
  • Some of those berries, who are not insisted grind to the state of mashed potatoes. Add in water these berries in a crushed state, cream de Cassis, lemon juice, sugar
Grind the currant berries for makarun in a blender
Grind the currant berries for makarun in a blender
  • Wait until all this boil
  • Include in the composition gelatin. give him dissolve
  • Now it remains to process chocolate water bath
  • Add chocolate in the berry mixtureAnd all this start beat blender. Along the way, include in the composition oil
  • In a refrigerator the filling can be kept only an hour or two
Fragrant macaroons with currants
Fragrant macaroons with currants

Confectioners claim that you should only make Makarun with success once with your own hand - and you will no longer be able to forget about this delicacy! And many variations of fillings will allow you to delight yourself and loved ones with new delicious desserts for tea. Do not forget to just give makaruns beautifully - and your tea party will be looking forward to everyone.

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