Bay from fish. How to cook and decorate a delicious flooding of red, river, salty, canned and stuffed fish?

Bay from fish. How to cook and decorate a delicious flooding of red, river, salty, canned and stuffed fish?

How delicious to cook flooding fish. What fish to use for it. Do you need gelatin. Recipes of fish pouring and options for its decoration.

Firefish is a classic snack on the New Year's table. Depending on the ability of the hostess in cooking, her fantasy, this dish may resemble a French restaurant or muck mentioned in the "irony".

There are several secrets of cooking really tasty and presentable flooding fish. It would not hurt to know if it is planned to serve this snack on the festive table.

What fish are bay from?

The likeness of the dish, which is now called flooded from fish, appeared on the tables of peasants for a very, very long time. Then, when for cheaply and almost nothing it was necessary to feed a large peasant family, they began to cook jelly from fish and meat.

  1. It turns out that if you cook these products (meat - with bones, fish - with fins and scales), the broth begins to thicken and, when cooling, turn into a jelly -like mass
  2. The broth was cooked not only from fish. Vegetables and herbs were also added there
  3. Boiled fish and vegetables were crushed, they received the so -called crumb. It was added to the jelly
    I must say that this dish did not look too beautiful-it was grayish-green, muddy. The taste of Studnya was also specific
  4. Everything changed dramatically in the 18th century, when French cuisine came into fashion. And the French already at that time knew how to cook beautiful, tasty and expensive overwhelming, allowing themselves to be enjoyed only by nobles and merchants.
    The muddy, rich broth, spoiling the presentability of the flood, was replaced by Lancer. Lanspik was prepared from fish and vegetables, then additionally thickened gelatin, lightened with special weavers, for example, egg protein, tinted with turmeric, so on. The bay turned out to be amber and transparent
  5. Fish and vegetables no longer crushed. They were carefully cut, the most beautiful and mouth -watering pieces laid out on display
  6. Bay in French cuisine was necessarily decorated before serving

Important: today the hostess has an alternative-to burgit worker-peasant jacket in haste, which, obviously, not everyone dare to try, or spend time and put a certain amount of effort to please loved ones with a real delicacy

Cooked fish jelly.
A jelly jacket made in a slow cooker.

The first and one of the most important issues in the preparation of fishing fish is what, in fact, it can be prepared from. Traditionally, valuable varieties of fish took in Russia for this dish. Studen was prepared from the river fish. Almost everything is poured today:

  1. River fish - trout, perch, carp, sterlet, pike, bream, pike perch, poda, sturgeon
  2. Sea fish - pink salmon, pollock, perch, salmon, mackerel, trout
  3. Seafood
Bay of seafood and fish.
Bay of seafood and fish.

Important: it is advisable to cook flooded from fresh fish or the one that has passed dry freezing. If there is a lot of water in it, with prolonged cooking the carcass will simply crumble

VIDEO: Baying fish

How to make broth for a fish flood?

Preparing the right broth for the pouring fish is not so simple. You need to know certain subtleties. For example:

  1. Fish for the broth can be boiled whole or cut
  2. In order not to use additional thickeners (gelatin), head, fish tail and its parts with fins, you need to cook for about 2 hours
  3. If you plan to use gelatin, cooking time is reduced to 1 hour
  4. Together with the fish, onions, carrots, peppers and bay leaf are boiled. It is better to put them in a bag of gauze
    Sometimes a broth for a pouring from fish and tail is boiled separately from fillet. Then it will be more beautiful
  5. The broth is cooked under the lid, but if it seems too weak, for some time it can be boiled without it
A set of products for fishing fish.
A set of products for fishing fish.

Important: the broth for the flood is always cooked from only one type of fish. If the dish is puff, for example, of several types of fish and seafood, a broth from one ingredient is used, the rest are boiled separately

After cooking the broth, it is sometimes necessary to lighten it. To do this, use:

  1. A raw egg. It is thoroughly washed and gently broken. We need a whipped protein and a crushed shell in a foam. They are mixed and poured into the boiling broth. After two to three minutes, the basis for the flood is filtered through the fabric or several layers of gauze. It turns out transparent
  2. Fish caviar. It is rubbed and added to the broth cooled to 50 degrees. Next, you should bring the broth to a boil and boil for about 10 minutes, then strain
Four the broth caviar.
Four the broth caviar.

Important: if the basis for the pouring fish seems too colorless or grayish, it can be tinted with spinach juice or turmeric juice

How to decorate flooding fish?

When we are talking about fishing, the taste and appearance of the dish are equally important. The options for its jewelry are endless. The main thing is to have imagination.

  1. Molds. You can serve the pouring in the dish or extract it. It can be a standard oval dish, round shapes for cupcakes, small molds for desserts, creamy, even eggshells
  2. Seafood. You can present with fish in the bay to be presented tentacles, shrimp, mussel meat, caviar
  3. Vegetables. These are green peas, carrots, capers and rods, bell pepper, tomatoes, olives and olives
  4. Berries and fruits. I give the original sourness to the flooding red currants, cranberries, lemon and grapefruit
  5. Any greens

Important: carrots for filling fish can simply be cut into circles. But it will turn out very beautiful if the cut is figured

Shrimp in the fishing fish.
Shrimp in the fishing fish.
Fisherous floodplain with seafood and vegetables.
Fisherous floodplain with seafood and vegetables.
Bay fish with lemon and olives.
Bay fish with lemon and olives.
Beautifully decorated flooding fish.
Beautifully decorated flooding fish.
Baying fish, decorated with caviar and crumbs of jelly.
Baying fish, decorated with caviar and crumbs of jelly.
Bay fish in the shape of ... fish.
Bay fish in the shape of ... fish.
Pole of fish in small forms.
Pole of fish in small forms.

Video: Options for decorating flood dishes

Recipe: Paul from the heads of fish

Of the minimum amount of inexpensive ingredients, you can create a real masterpiece! For such a flood, you can take a silver carp, as it is quite large. In this part of this part of the carcass, which many housewives consider sideways, a lot of edible and useful, for example, omega fatty acid.

Bay from the heads of fish.
Bay from the heads of fish.

It is necessary: \u200b\u200bthe head of the fish (silver carp), onions - 1 pc., Carrots - 1 pc., Bay leaf, pepper peppers, salt; Eggs green peas, greens for decoration.

  1. The head of a silver carp is washed. The gills are mandatory removed, as they give the broth bitterness. If the head is large, it can be divided into two halves
  2. The head is placed in cold water so that it is covered with 2-3 cm
  3. Wash and clean the onions and carrots. They, together with a bay leaf and several peas of pepper, are placed in a gauze bag on a thread (then it will be easier to extract from the broth)
  4. The bag is lowered into the water to the head and begin to cook over low heat
  5. When boiling broth, foam is removed from it
  6. When the foam stops forming, the pan is covered with a lid
  7. Boil head for an hour and a half
  8. It is recommended to add salt to the broth in 3-4 stages
  9. Когда основа под заливное слегка остынет, из нее извлекаю рыбу и мешочек с овощами, после ее процеживают, по необходимости осветляют и подкрашивают
  10. Meat without bones is chosen from the head, cut it with beautiful pieces and laid it into shapes (one large or several portioned)
  11. Pour fish with broth, decorated with pouring chopped carrots, peas, boiled with boiled chicken eggs, herbs
  12. The dish freezes in the refrigerator from 3 hours

Recipe: Fisher -linked fish without gelatin

Pour pike perch, prepared without adding gelatin, is so tender that it literally melts in the mouth.

Pour from fish without gelatin.
Pour from fish without gelatin.

It is necessary: \u200b\u200bpike perch-1 kg, onions and carrots-1 pc., Celery root-a piece of 6-8 cm, pepper pepper, bay leaf, cloves; For decoration - quail eggs - 6 pcs., Green onions, greens, olives, cranberries or red currants.

  1. The carcass of pike perch should be cleaned and divided - remove the insides, gills and eyes
  2. The head, tail and parts with fins are separated from the carcass. They are poured 1.5 liters of water, a classic set of vegetables is added
  3. Cooked a jelly of these parts for about 2 hours. The whole foam needs to be removed, and the prepared broth is salt to taste
  4. At this time, fillet is prepared. It can be boiled for 15 minutes or baked in foil. Cut pike perch fillet so that the pieces are even and neat
  5. The boiled broth is filtered through a haze folded four
  6. To make the dish beautiful, it can be presented in several stages. On the first, a small amount of broth is poured into a mold, it is sent to the refrigerator to harden. Pieces of pike perch are laid out on the frozen layer of jelly, quail eggs cut in half or slices, halves or slices of olives, red berries, herbs. After pour it all the remaining broth and send to cool

Important: so that the boiled fish does not fall apart, before cutting and sending it to the filling it, it should be held for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator

VIDEO: Carp flooding fish

Recipe step by step: bay from fish with gelatin

Baying fish, for example, bream, will be more elastic and dense if you add gelatin to it. In addition, then the broth cooking time is significantly reduced.

Bay from fish with gelatin.

Need: fish - 1 kg, gelatin - 2 tbsp. tablespoons, vegetables for filling; Vegetables, eggs and greens for decorating a dish.

  1. They wash, clean and cut fish according to the scheme
  2. Of the condensing properties of its parts and vegetables, the broth is boiled
  3. Gelatin is bred according to the instructions and left to swell
  4. Fish fillet is boiled separately for 20 minutes
  5. When the tail and head of the fish boil for 45-60 minutes, the broth is turned off. Cooled, it is filtered
  6. The broth is again placed on the stove. Add swollen gelatin to it. The broth is only brought to a boil, but do not boil
  7. Boiled pieces of fish and chosen foods chosen with a broth with gelatin, put the dish in the refrigerator for a couple of hours

Recipe: Pilled from river fish of a silver carp

A skewer is a low -fat river fish, in which there is a lot of protein and vitamins. The filling of it will turn out not only tasty, but also useful.

Pilled from river fish of a silver carp.

Need: carpeting carpet, vegetables for broth, gelatin; Greens and other products for decorating a dish.

  1. Solmolobika washes, clean and gutted
  2. For the broth, take the head, tail, parts with fins, for the most filled- fillet of about 300-400 g. The rest of the fillet can be used for frying, baking, fish cutlets
  3. The broth is boiled for 45 minutes, standardly cooled, filtered, light up
  4. Fillet is separately boiled for 30 minutes
  5. Divine gelatin. When it swells, dissolve it in a cooled and newly heated broth
  6. Pieces of fillets and decor products are poured with broth. Let the fish cold harden in the refrigerator

VIDEO: Bay from trout with shrimp

Recipe: Little Fish Pilled

Red fish is considered a useful delicacy. For the filling, any variety is suitable, for example, keta, trout or salmon.

Little red fish.
Little red fish.

Need: salmon - 1 kg, vegetables for broth; Calmara tentacles, shrimp, quail eggs, peas, red berries for decoration.

  1. The broth from the salmon is boiled for 20 minutes. It is necessary to extract and cut the fish, and the broth itself is thickened with gelatin
  2. In the form, the shrimp cooked separately, squib tentacles, vegetables, herbs and pieces of salmon are poured, pour them with broth. However, the decor of the flood red fish can be anything, more on that later

Recipe: Salted fish

Anyone who believes that salted herring is eaten only with potatoes, or they make a “fur coat” from it are very mistaken. For a variety, you can make pouring from this fish.

Flood herring.
Flood herring.

It is necessary: \u200b\u200bSalt herring - 1 pc., Fish broth (or meat) - 0.5 l, vegetables, herbs, eggs, berries, lemon for decor.

  1. Obviously, the broth for a filling herring is boiled separately from any other fish, chicken or tongue. As a thickener, gelatin is used. Since herring itself is very salty, the broth for its filling is not salted
  2. The herring is cleaned, bones are removed from it, and the fillet is cut with neat in small pieces (whoever does not know how can buy a already cut fish)
  3. Boil carrots for the decor for 5 minutes
  4. Eggs are also boiled separately
  5. Lemon is cut in quarters of rings
  6. Present a dish and cool it to a jelly -like consistency

Important: lemon is more necessary in a flood herring for beauty and giving a sour source to the dish. It can either be eaten or gently leave on a plate

Photo recipe:

Bay canned fish, for example, sardines, is considered an economy class dish. To prepare it, you do not need to spend much .. Unfortunately, it is impossible to call such a fish jelly beautiful or festive: a canned fish is very falling apart.

Bay from canned fish.
bay from canned fish.

Prepare a dish in about the same way as a bay from herring.

Pole of fish with mayonnaise. Bay from fish with sour cream. Fisher in tomato

It will turn out to be very interesting, tinted:

  • mayonnaise
  • sour cream
  • tomato
  • beetroot juice
Fish is flooded with mayonnaise.
Fish is flooded with mayonnaise.
Fish jelly with beetroot juice.
Fish jelly with beetroot juice.
Fisherous flood with a top of white jelly.
Fisherous flood with a top of white jelly.

You can completely fill the fish with a tinted broth, then the jelly will turn out to be white, pinkish or reddish, or make a puff dish.

Flooded fish

Stuffed flooded fish (pike or carp, for example) is a dish in a dish that you will have to tinker with. But the result will be worth it - it will simply be scheduled from the festive table. You can fill in the whole fish or its pieces.

Stuffed fish flooded with slices.
Stuffed fish flooded with slices.

It is necessary: \u200b\u200bKarp - 1 kg, onions - 2 pcs., Carrots - 1 pc., Pigil pepper, bay leaf, toasts - 2 pcs., Egg - 1 pc.

  1. The fish is cleaned and disassembled
  2. Broussch
  3. The rest of the carcass is cut into rings
  4. Carefully remove the pulp out of them
  5. The onions are cleaned, cut and pass
  6. Toasts soak in warm water
  7. In a blender, fish fillets, soaked toasts, onions and an egg are crushed and combined. The resulting mass is salted and gluttoned
  8. Plants fill pieces of fish, bake them in the oven for about an hour
  9. I put the finished and cooled pieces of fish in shape, add food for decor, fill the cooled broth mixed with gelatin with gelatin
  10. Such a bay stands in the refrigerator night
Flooded from stuffed fish.
Flooded from stuffed fish.

Polivnoye from fish in a slow cooker

Preparing the broth - the basis for flooding fish can be in a slow cooker. For this, the head, tail and parts of the carcass with fins:

  • the first 15 minutes are prepared in the "Soup" mode
  • the next 2 hours are prepared in the "Extinguishing" mode

VIDEO: Fisher-pounded in a pressure cooker.

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