10 best recipes for puff slides with a photo. How to cook delicious slingshot from the finished puff pastry with filling?

10 best recipes for puff slides with a photo. How to cook delicious slingshot from the finished puff pastry with filling?

Rogaliki is a simple pastries that can be prepared from a ready -made store puff pastry. This article offers recipes and ideas of filling in brave pants.

How to cook puff dough with jam or jam?

Crylies are delicious pastries, which adults and children like to enjoy. Homemade cuckaps are very different from stores with a rich taste, crispy crust, delicious filling and incredible aroma.

IMPORTANT: you can make slingshots from purchased or home -made dough. Tasty delicate puff pastry is quite realistic to knead from simple ingredients in 10 minutes.

You will need it:

  • Square flour - 350 g (be sure to sift through a sieve).
  • Margarine (you can use the spread) - 200 g (be sure to leave at room temperature so that it becomes soft).
  • Egg - 1 PC. (only yolk is useful)
  • Sour cream - 100 ml. (If you have sour cream, it can be replaced with fat kefir or yogurt).
  • A pinch of salt

Preparation of pants:

  • The ingredients are mixed and knead in the dough
  • If the dough is not too elastic, add sour cream to it.
  • If the dough is too sticky, add flour to it
  • Roll the dough into a wide sheet
  • Fold the dough in several layers and leave it to "relax."
  • For the filling, you should prepare a jam or jam
  • The "rested" dough should be divided into several balls.
  • Each ball is thinly rolled up with a rolling pin
  • The rolled dough is cut into triangles (according to the principle of pizza) with an ordinary or curly knife.
  • In each triangle (in its wide part), a teaspoon of jam should be put.
  • It is necessary to twist the slingshots from the base to a sharp tip.
  • Twisted slings should be put on a baking sheet (it should first be lubricated with oil, or simply lay out a sheet of parchment).
  • Put the sling on a baking sheet with a “tail down”. So the product will not lose its shape and will not be able to “turn around”.
  • Before baking, each pungent should be lubricated with a whipped raw egg. This will help pastry to find a brown crust.
  • Bake sills for no more than 20 minutes at a temperature of 180-190 degrees.
  • As soon as you notice that the pants increased in size and browned - you can take it out.
Ready -made product: peach jams

Video: "The test recipe in 10 minutes: Puff pastry"

Puff slingers with cherries: recipe with photo

It turns out delicious baking with cherries. As a filling, you can use frouched cherry or cherries from jam. Frozen cherries should be left in advance at room temperature for a while. Cherry from jam should be squeezed or left to drain.

For the pants must be used cherry without a bone. The dough can be cooked with your own hands or bought in a store. It is important to know that cherry lets a lot of water, so rolling the pungent, it is necessary to fasten its edges tightly.

The pants are lubricated before baking with a raw egg and sent to the oven for 15 minutes. Their stove is necessary at a temperature of no more 200 degrees before the formation of brown crust. Ready baking should be sprinkled densely with powdered sugar.

Finished product: cuckolds with cherries

Video: "Cornflies with cherries"

How to cook puff slides with poppy filling?

In a modern store you can find ready -made poppy filling for baking. But, with its lack of it, the filling in the pants can be prepared independently:

  • About 250 g poppy (pre -washed with cold water) should be poured with boiling water and let it stand for several minutes.
  • Water merges from poppy
  • To the poppy is added 150 g of sugar
  • The resulting mass should be passed twice or three times through a meat grinder so that it looks like a gruel.
  • The resulting mass should be laid out on a hot dry pan to evaporate excess moisture. The mass should be stirred constantly so that it does not burn.

Puff pastry should be divided into several parts and cut into triangles. Poppy filling in the amount of 1 tsp Lies on each edge of the triangle from the dough and twist the pungent.

Credels are laid out on a baking sheet and baked 20 minutes before the formation of blurred. The temperature of the oven should be no more 190-200 degrees. Ready -made hornes are sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Pajed slingshot with poppy filling

Video: "Puff -up horneds with poppy seeds"

Puff slingers with cottage cheese filling: Recipe

You will need:

  • Puff pastry (purchased or homemade) - 350 g.
  • Bottom is fat - 200 g (at least 9%)
  • Egg - 1pc (whipped, to lubricate baking)
  • Sugar - 50 g (to the filling and for sprinkling)
  • Raisin - 40 g.


  • Prepare the filling: Wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve
  • Soak raisins in boiling water
  • Add the soft raisins to the cottage cheese
  • Add half of the whole part of the sugar to the cottage cheese
  • Roll out the dough, cut it into triangles
  • In each triangle, put a spoonful of cottage cheese with raisins.
  • Roll the pungent, wet it in sugar and put it on a baking sheet with the side that without sugar.
  • Lubricate the pungent with yolk
  • Bake slices no more than 20 minutes until blurred
  • The temperature of the oven should be no more than 190-200 degrees.
Puff slingers with cottage cheese filling

Video: "Puff -sized cuckolds with cottage cheese"

Puff slides with chocolate filling: Recipe

You will need:

  • Puff pastry packaging (yeast and nonsense)
  • Bank of chocolate pasta or nutella
  • Egg - 1 pc. (for lubrication of baking)
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. (for powdering pants)
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. (for powdering the table)


  • The table should be sprinkled with flour so that when dough is rolled, it does not stick to the surface.
  • The rolled dough is cut into triangles and on the edge of each you need to put tsp. chocolate pasta.
  • Gently twist the slingshots, wet them into sugar and coat them with a beaten egg.
  • Bake the bagels for 15 minutes, remove the sling from the oven with the oven when they have a ruddy crust.
  • The stove of the pants follows at a temperature not exceeding 190-200 degrees.
Puff slingers with chocolate

Video: “Rogaliki (croissants) with chocolate. Croissants from puff pastry "

Puff slingls with apples: recipe with photo

You will need:

  • Puff pastry packaging (any)
  • Apple - 2 pcs. (medium size)
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups (for filling, may need a little more for powder).
  • Cinnamon - 1 tsp (to the filling)
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp. (to the filling)


  • Sprinkle the table with flour and roll out puff pastry on it, cut it into triangles.
  • Prepare the filling: the apple is cleaned from the peel and the bones are removed, as well as the core. The apple is finely chopped into small cubes. The chopped apple is sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon, sprayed with lemon juice.
  • The filling is placed in each triangle. The crusts are twisted, popped into sugar and laid out on a baking sheet.
  • The baking sheet is sent to the oven, the temperature of which is not more than 190-200 degrees.
  • The stove such sills follows for about 20 minutes, until the crust darkens.
  • Ready -made hornes can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.
Pajed slingshot with apple

Puff slingers with marmalade, recipe

You can cook such marmalade hornies from purchased or homemade dough. Do -it -yourself dough is much tastier. You will need:

  • Flour - 2.5 cups (height flour, necessarily sifted).
  • Sour cream - 1 cup (choose fat sour cream)
  • Sugar - 5 tbsp.
  • A pinch of salt
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp. (can be replaced with a baking powder)
  • Margarine (spread or butter) - 200 g.
  • Marmalade for filling (any) - 200 g.


  • Knead and roll out the dough. Fold it in layers and leave it in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  • A rested dough should be cut into pieces and rolled each, cutting into triangles.
  • One or two pieces of marmalade are placed on each triangle.
  • Triangles slide into slings, ready -made slings can be waved into sugar and sent to bake.
  • For the pants in the oven (190-200 degrees), 15 minutes are enough.
  • Ready -made hornies, if desired, can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.
Pavelous pants with marmalade

Video: "Rogaliki with marmalade"

Puff -up horned crusts, recipe

Rogaliki from puff pastry with cheese is not a dessert, but rather a snack. For such baking, you can use any cheese: Russian, Dutch, Mozarella, hard cheese, even mold. You can use garlic, dill, spices as an additive.

You will need:

  • Packing puff pastry
  • Cheese - 200 g (any hard)
  • Egg - 1 pc. (to the filling and on the coating)
  • Sesame seeds - 20 g.
  • Mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. (for refueling the filling)


  • Prepare the filling: grate the cheese on a coarse grater, put in a bowl, season with mayonnaise and mix thoroughly.
  • Roll up puff pastry and cut into triangles
  • Beat and divide the egg into two parts: add half to grated cheese, leave the second to coat baking.
  • Put 1 tsp on the edge of the triangle. filling and twist the pungent.
  • Wrap the twisted sorgalik in sesame seeds in one side and put on a baking sheet.
  • Lubricate the sills with the remaining raw egg and bake them for 20 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 190 degrees.
Puff slingers with cheese

Video: "Croasans with cheese and ham"

How to cook puff slingshes with condensed milk?

To prepare such baking, you only need only packing puff pastry. You can use yeast and boundless, optional. As a filling, it is necessary to use boiled condensed milk or iris, which is easy to buy in any store.

The dough is rolled in the usual way and is cut into long triangles. Putting a lot of filling is not worth it, as it can easily begin to leak and spoil the pastries. Credphouses are quickly baked at an oven temperature of 200 degrees: 15-20 minutes It will be quite enough. Ready baking should be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Pajeened hornies with Iriska

Horneds with walnut filling from walnuts: Recipe

Walnut filling in the pants is very tasty and incredibly successfully combined with puff pastry. Preparing it is quite simple: 200 g of walnuts should be passed through a meat grinder with 100 g of sugar. If the filling seems too large, pass it through a meat grinder twice.

The filling is laid out on each triangle of the dough with a spoon. It does not spread much, so you can add a lot of fillings. Gently twist the pungent, lay it in sugar with one side, put it on a baking sheet and bend its ends inside. Bake no more than 20 minutes (The temperature of the oven is 190 degrees).

Video: "Puffers with oil-naughty filling"

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