How to beautifully decorate the cake at home? How to decorate a children's cake? Recipes for decorating a cake

How to beautifully decorate the cake at home? How to decorate a children's cake? Recipes for decorating a cake

Cake is an obligatory element of any holiday. Nowadays, serving a regular dessert is not relevant. Modern cake is necessarily decorated in the latest fashion.

How and how can you decorate the cake at home?

  • Modern cake is not just cakes, smeared and soaked in cream. This is culinary art! Recently, the fashion for beautiful and tasty cakes has gained more and more revolutions and now, in order to surprise someone, you need to work hard on decorating homemade baking
  • It’s good that with a measure of the growth of the popularity of beautiful cakes, manufacturers began to produce more decorations of this dessert
  • In large stores and supermarkets, we have the opportunity to observe a great many edible figures, beads, mastic, lace, jelly molds, sweets, addictions, waffles and so on
Modern decorated cake
modern decorated cake

Nowadays, cakes are abundantly decorated with fresh fruits and berries. These are not only bright elements, but also a way to add freshness and juiciness dessert.

It is not uncommon to decorate and give originality to the cake at home is decorated with all kinds of bright candy tablets, chocolate and jelly sweets.

In more complex versions, confectionery mastic is used from which you can blind any figure.

How to decorate the cake of marshmallow?

  • Marshmallow -this is a type of sweets. With their taste and texture, they are more like marshmallows or even pastille
  • But unlike marshmallows, their composition does not have egg proteins and gelatin is present, which gives the candy to elasticity and density
  • Marshmallow is often fried at the stake in tourist travels or added to cocoa for sweet foam and vanilla sweet taste.
  • Inventive housewives came up with a way of decorating a cake at home with this candy
  • It turns out that from marshmallow it can be pretty good mastic, from which it is easy to blind a flower, a number and any other flat figure
Candy Marshmellow
candy Marshmellow

You can purchase marshmallow sweets in almost any store. And in order to cook mastic, you need:

  • packed the packaging of candies of marshmallo (in a pack of about 200 grams) pour into a glass dish
  • add a tablespoon of milk and butter to sweets
  • melt sweets in a steam bath or in a microwave for several minutes
  • cool the mass and pour a glass of sugar and a glass of sifted starch into it, mix until homogeneous mass
  • complete the finished mass in the "plasticine" ball
  • such material can be rolled with a rolling pin, cut out patterns from it with figures or scissors and decorate the cake with them
Cake decorated with mastic from marshmallo
cake decorated with mastic from marshmallo

Of course, you can not bother and come up with a simpler use of marshmallow, for example, create animal figures from it or simply put it beautifully on the top of the cake.

Figures for cake from marshmallo
figures for cake from marshmallo

Try and experiment with the most original jewelry. Marshmallow is very budget, and most importantly - a spectacular way to decorate a festive cake.

How to decorate the MMDDES cake? The ideas of decoration

Probably there is no such person who does not know and does not like M&M chocolate pills. It seems that they always existed, and even in childhood, such sweetness pleased us incredibly. There are two types of m & m’s:

  • with chocolate lipstick
  • with peanuts inside

These are bright and colorful elements that can make any dessert festive and interesting. You can purchase sweets in any store, and the decoration itself at home will not take much time.

Short decoration Chocolate M&M's
cake decoration with chocolate m & m’s

This version of the cake is, of course complicated. He depicts the package of crumbling candies M&M’s. The sweets themselves appear in their own role and decorate one edge of pastries.

Chocolate cake with m & m's
chocolate cake with m & m’s

This method of decoration is simpler, but it is supplemented by chocolate bars that surround the side side of the cake in a circle. M&M’s are located on the surface of the dessert and create a rainbow mood with their bright colors.

How to decorate the cake - only you decide. But using m& m’s sweets, you need to know about their colorful features. Therefore, it is recommended to put sweets on thick oil chocolate creams, where the likelihood that the candy melts and the color icing is minimal is minimal.

How to decorate the cake with mastic at home?

  • Do not believe that mastic is such a complex confectionery decoration, which is hardly possible for everyone
  • Such decorative sweet material has become possible to purchase in any confectionery store and even on the market. Fashion for decoration of cakes does not leave aside householders, offering them the opportunity to know the art of mastering "culinary plasticine"
  • Both adults and children's cakes are decorated with mastic. It is easy to sculpt funny animated figures and colorful beautiful flowers from it

Before you start the decoration, you must clearly fulfill all the conditions for baking cake:

  • bake the cakes the same in size, try to make even cuts on them
  • impregnating the cake with cream, distribute it evenly so that there are no slopes and humps
  • left the cake from all sides with a spatula and only then proceed to mastic
Confectionery mastic
confectionery mastic

The mastic is rather flexible and viscous material. But if you roll it too subtly, he can break.

After you rolled out the mastic (its size should be twice the size of the cake), cover it with your dessert. Gently season the material under each barrel of the cake and only then cut the extra pieces with a knife in a circle.

Covering with mastic
covering with mastic

From the remains of the material you can blind any decoration: flowers, figures, ribbons and bows. If you want to make a pattern, use a special confectionery stamp, which will leave an indented pattern around the entire perimeter of the cake.

Cake decorated with confectionery mastic
cake decorated with confectionery mastic

Try such a jewelry every time and in the end your work will gain high professionalism.

How to decorate a cake without mastic at home?

  • Decoration of the cake at home without the use of confectionery mastic is quite possible with the help of fresh fruits and berries
  • Moreover, this method has already begun to displace the boring sweet traction shell, opening the path of naturalness and usefulness
  • Cakes with fruits and berries become popular at celebrations: at weddings, anniversaries and birthdays

It is believed that such a decor is very useful and not so calorie, but observing a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet - the trend of our time.

Berry cake
berry cake
  • With such natural jewelry on the cake, light protein and yogurt creams are perfectly combined
  • Be sure that such a dessert will not stand on the table for a long time and your loved ones will demand additives
  • In order to make the decoration with spectacular use large fruits and berries (for example, strawberries) in the context
  • This is allowed to reveal the structure of the fetus and open its colorful colors. To give light glaze and sweets, sprinkle fruits with powdered sugar and chopped nuts if desired
Festive cakes decorated with fruits and berries at home
festive cakes decorated with fruits and berries at home

How to decorate the cake with whipped cream?

Whipped cream is the easiest, fastest and budget way to decorate the cake at home. You can purchase such cream in any store in the dairy department.

Of course, you can beat the cream at home, but a high -quality cream will turn out only with a special technique or blender.

cream cake

There is one important condition for decorating the cake cream. The fact is that such a cream has the ability to “swim”, which means that the finished dessert should be decorated right before serving and stored in a cool place. Whipped cream is perfectly combined with fresh fruits, berries, nuts and chocolate crumbs.

How to decorate the cake of chocolate icing at home?

Chocolate icing Il chocolate Gommage (as it is called in cooking) is a very popular decoration of the cake at home. It is not difficult to cook it at home from store chocolate, butter and cocoa.

Chocolate glaze
chocolate glaze

In order to prepare high -quality dense icing, you need to melt the chocolate in a steam bath with the addition of butter.

You can choose both bitter and milk chocolate. In any case, the color will turn out to be dark. Oil is necessary so that the chocolate acquires a pleasant fat texture.

If you do not add oil to the chocolate, it hardens until the state in which you purchased it.

Chocolate cake
chocolate cake

You can prepare icing at all and without a store's store. To do this, you need to add cocoa to the taste - the more, the more, the bitterness will be stronger, and the color will be darker.

How to decorate a two -tier cake?

  • Double -tier cake - decorating any event. Firstly, he is large and he will be enough for a huge number of people, and secondly, he is beautiful and similar to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe perfect cake that has haunted us since childhood
  • A two -tier cake can have one taste, for example, vanilla and two: vanilla and chocolate
  • A two -tier cake is a huge platform for the work of every mistress. With the help of mastic, fruits and creams, you can create incredible jewelry and patterns that will delight everyone

Incredibly spectacular on such cakes look flowers from mastic in combination with lace, mother -of -pearl beads and chocolate figures.

Festive bunk cakes
festive bunk cakes

Adhering to the ideas of a healthy diet, it is not a sin to decorate such a dessert with fresh berries and natural cream.

Decoration of the cake with fruit
decoration of the cake with fruit

How to decorate the cake beautifully: tips and reviews

  • Decorating your home cake yourself, adhere to a certain style and harmoniously combine the colors
  • Try to make elementary chocolate figures for decoration. To do this, you will need to melt natural chocolate without oil and other impurities in the microwave or in a steam bath
  • Using a spoon with a thin stream, pour chocolate onto parchment paper. You can draw both separate figures and a simple abstraction
  • Put the finished pattern in the refrigerator for half an hour. Separate the finished product from paper and decorate the cake for them
Chocolate figures
chocolate figures

In the struggle for a beautiful decoration of the cake, all ways are good. Experiment with all the materials, start mint leaves, grill, nut and chocolate crumbs, a variety of powder and confectionery beads.

Video: "Decoration of the cake with chocolate ornament"

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