10 best quick baking recipes in 5 minutes: ingredients, description. How to cook a pie, cupcake, cheesecake, donuts, cookies, rolls, buns, khachapuri, tartlets: recipe: recipe

10 best quick baking recipes in 5 minutes: ingredients, description. How to cook a pie, cupcake, cheesecake, donuts, cookies, rolls, buns, khachapuri, tartlets: recipe: recipe

In the article you will find the most “fast” 10 recipes of baking in 5 minutes!

Recipes "in 5 minutes" are those dishes, on the preparation of which, or rather, on kneading the light dough, you will spend no more than 5 minutes. Such delicious recipes are also very quickly prepared, as a rule, they do not spend more than 20 minutes on them, which means that you will always be ready for an unexpected arrival of guests or spontaneous desire to eat something special.

Kefir pie in 5 minutes: recipe with photo

Important: kefir or sour milk is found in any refrigerator. This “stained” product will become a great basis for the dough that will make the pie lush and unusually tasty.

What to prepare:

  • Kefir (you can use any fat content) -1 tbsp. (Kefir 1% fat is best suited).
  • Egg -2 pcs. (not small, if any - home)
  • Flour -320-350 gr. (Be sure to sift is the secret of the puffy dough).
  • Sunflower oil -2/3 glasses (not homemade, refined).
  • Sugar -several tbsp. (We need to focus on your preferences).
  • Baking baking powder -1-1.5 small bag
  • Dry fruits to taste(You can take raisins or dried apricots, dates, tsukata).

How to do:

  • You need to beat the eggs, it is best to do this separately, starting with proteins (this will help the test to be lush and soft).
  • Then gradually intervene in the egg mass of sugar with baking powder, pour in oil and kefir.
  • You need to interfere very carefully, it is best to use a mixer or blender with a “whisk” nozzle.
  • In small portions, add flour until you intervene all. The whole process will take no more than 5 minutes.
  • If you want to add a “highlight” baking, pour finely chopped dried fruits or soaked raisins into it.
  • It is best to bake such a pie in a silicone form. On the baking process (make the temperature exactly 180 degrees) will take about 20-25 minutes.

Important: you can check the readiness of the pie with a match or fork. It will be much easier to remove the cooled cake from the mold than hot.

Kefir pie
Kefir pie

Chocolate cupcake in a cup in 5 minutes: a recipe with a photo

This is the easiest dessert recipe that can be prepared in a regular cup (glass or ceramic) using a microwave. In this furnace, the dough is baked very quickly. The advantage of the recipe is also that you will not need to dirty dishes to prepare the "yummy", because the dough is kneading directly in that cup or circle in which it is baked.

What needs to be prepared:

  • Flour -4 tbsp. (You don’t need to sneak, do not take too much a slide of flour).
  • Sugar -2-4 tbsp. (sweetness should be adjusted to your taste).
  • Milk (or sour milk, kefir) -3 tbsp. l.
  • Cocoa powder-1-2 tbsp. (Add should be as much as you like).
  • Sunflower oil -3 tbsp. (You can replace with a stomped cream, it will add taste to the dough and help the cake easily “lag” from the cup).
  • A pinch of cinnamon or vanillin(This ingredient is added to taste).

How to cook:

  • Pull the egg into the cup
  • Add sugar and milk
  • This mass should be well mixed with a fork
  • Add spices to taste (vanillin or cinnamon)
  • Pour the oil and 1 tbsp. Add flour, mixing it thoroughly (the mass should be without lumps).
  • After that, put the cup in the microwave
  • Turn on the usual warm -up mode for 1 minute
  • Your cupcake will be ready and will become much more magnificent, increasing in size.
  • The finished cupcake can be left in a cup or put on a plate, sprinkled with powder from sugar.
In a cup cupcake
In a cup cupcake

Curd cheesecake in 5 minutes: recipe with photo

This is a wonderful recipe for a hearty breakfast and a delicious dinner that can be prepared in a matter of minutes from the simplest ingredients. The advantage of the dessert is that it is prepared in a cup with a microwave.

What do you need to prepare:

  • Cottage cheese or cheese -100-120 gr. (You can also use finely dull cottage cheese).
  • Sour cream -100-120 gr. (any fat content, no matter what: home or store).
  • Egg -1 PC. (if everything, if you use homemade).
  • Sugar cookies -50-70 gr. (You will need his baby, so twist it in advance with a meat grinder or remember with your hands).
  • Butter (good quality) -2 tbsp. (not a spread, ghee).
  • Orange juice -2 tbsp. (You can use juice or nectar from the store).

How to cook:

  • The chips of cookies are well ceiling with butter right at the bottom of the cup - it will be the lower layer of cheesecake.
  • After that, mix cottage cheese or a mass with sour cream in a separate bowl, you can add sugar, cinnamon or vanillin to taste to it.
  • Pour orange juice there (you can not add it, if you do not like it).
  • Pour the creamy mass over the chips of cookies and send the cup to the microwave.
  • Keep such a cheesecake in the “warm-up” mode no longer than 1.5-2 minutes (depending on the power of the microwave).
  • As soon as you notice the foam in the center of the cup, you should turn off the furnace and get the dessert. Let him cool for a couple of minutes, sprinkle with cinnamon before serving or powdered sugar.
Recipe in the microwave, in the cup
Recipe in the microwave, in the cup

Kefir donuts in 5 minutes: recipe with photo

To knead the perfect donut test, you will need no more than 5 minutes.

What to prepare:

  • Kefir (any fat content) -1 stack. (Bold 25%fat kefir is best).
  • Egg -1 PC. (better to use a homemade egg)
  • Flour -400-500 gr. (It is not necessary to sift it, but you should look at the consistency of the dough and its elasticity).
  • Sunflower oil -3 tbsp. (not homemade, necessarily refined).
  • Sugar -several tbsp. According to their preferences
  • Soda -2/3 tsp (without a hill)

Important: you can sprinkle ready -made donuts with powder from sugar. This will add sweets and make them more beautiful.

How to do:

  • In a large and wide bowl, kefir with an egg should be thoroughly mixed.
  • Add sugar to taste and pour oil, add soda
  • Gradually add flour until the dough is soft.
  • The dough can be considered ready when it will be very well off from hands.
  • Then roll it (grease the working surface with oil) and cut the rings with a glass and oil.

Important: fry each ring in a large amount of oil (several fingers) until golden color and always on both sides.

Five -minute kefir donuts
"Five -minute" kefir donuts

Curd cookies in 5 minutes: recipe with photo

To knead the base-test and form converters, you will spend no more than 5 minutes. The cookies are baked quickly, but they are incredibly tasty and healthy (especially for children).

What should be prepared:

  • Cottage cheese (any fat content) -200-250 gr. (You can use home or store).
  • Flour -1 stack. (do not need to sift)
  • Sugar -a few spoons to taste
  • Butter (not a spread) -140-150 gr. (good quality).

How to do:

  • Cottage cheese should be chopped with a fork and mixed with stomped oil, sugar and flour.
  • If there is no cottage cheese, you can use cottage cheese or mass with any additives (pieces of berries, fruits and dried fruits).
  • Try to knead the most homogeneous mass
  • Then the dough layer is rolled out and circles are cut out from it, which are folded into triangles.
  • Clay one side of each triangle into sugar and send it to the oven bake.
  • It takes literally 20 minutes at 180-190 degrees so that the cookies are ready.

Tip: Hot cookies are best left to cool a little so that they are easier to remove from the sheet and they can be eaten. If desired, add crushed nuts to the dough or for sprinkling cookies.

Curd triangles
Curd triangles

Walnut roll in 5 minutes: recipe with photo

To knead and twist the roll, it will take very little time, and as a result you will get a delicious dessert with a simple and primitive baking process.

What should be prepared:

  • Flour -150-160 (preferably sift once or twice-this will make a biscuit incredibly lush).
  • Homemade egg -3 pcs. (You can use ordinary store eggs).
  • Sugar -several tbsp. to your liking
  • Soda with vinegar(Gashenaya 1 tsp)

How to do it (biscuit):

  • The secret of lush roll - separately whipped eggs
  • Cool the eggs (in the refrigerator) and first separate the protein
  • Beat it with salt (on fast mode of the mixer)
  • Only then pour the yolks into the lush foam
  • Then add sugar, soda and flour in small portions alternately.
  • Beat until you get a lush, liquid, homogeneous mass.
  • Pour the mass into a mold (flat) and bake for 20 minutes at temperatures 180-190 degrees.
  • Let the biscuit lie down for several minutes, and then remove from the sheet.
  • Lubricate it with a cream cheese or boiled condensed milk (choose the filling to taste) and sprinkle with a large amount of crushed nut from above.
  • Twist the roll into a tube
Simple walnut roll
Simple walnut roll

Cinnamon buns in 5 minutes: recipe with photo

Such baking is not rarely called “synabones” (translated: cinnamon and buns). You can use any dough as a basis, but best puff (finished store or made in advance with your own hands). The secret of delicious "five -minute" buns is a plentiful and sweet filling.

What to prepare:

  • Puff pastry packaging -1 PC. (You can use puff-throat dough).
  • Sugar -1 stack. (You can white, but brown).
  • Raisin -1 stack. (sweet and without a bone, soak in advance)
  • Cinnamon -1 large bag
  • Butter -80-100 gr.
  • Egg yolk -1 PC.

How to cook:

  • The dough is cut into strips with a length of approximately 20-25 cm.
  • It is not necessary to roll the dough, the strips should be of the middle width-approximately 7-8 cm.
  • In a separate bowl, mix ghee with sugar, raisins and cinnamon - it will be a filling.
  • Lightly smear each bun with filling (it should be put more in the center and less on the edge).
  • Put the buns on the oven (can also be on parchment) with a large distance between each other (puff pastry will increase in size).
  • Make the buns with yolk and bake for 15-20 minutes at 180-200 degrees.
  • During the time in the oven, you can, if desired, can prepare sugar icing for buns made of powdered powder and water (a small amount).
Five -minute Sinnabons with cinnamon
"Five -minute" Sinnabons with cinnamon

Apple pie in 5 minutes: recipe with photo

Even such a classic pastries as the apple pie “Charlotte” can be cooked in 5 minutes, and then a bake in the oven or slow cooker. You can always change the recipe to your liking by replacing apples with pear, plum or berries.

What needs to be prepared:

  • Egg (better home) -4 things.
  • Flour -1 stack. (You can not sift if you rush, but this is desirable).
  • Sugar -1 stack. (If you do not like sweets or control carbohydrates, the amount of sugar can be reduced).
  • Any baking powder -a bag of store or bastard soda.
  • Apples -3-4 pcs. (The amount depends on the size of the fruit).

How to do:

  • Divide the eggs and first beat the protein strongly (you can add a pinch of salt or citric acid - this will make the foam elastic), and then 1 pc. Pour the yolks.
  • After that, you can first add all sugar, and then flour and baking powder in small portions.
  • Cut the apples with slices or slices, lay it in shape (silicone or Teflon, necessarily lubricated).
  • Sprinkle the apples slightly with sugar and pour the dough on top. Bake 35-40 minutes at a temperature of not more than 190-200 degrees.
Knead the dough for a charlotte in 5 minutes
Knead the dough for Charlota in 5 minutes

Khachapuri in 5 minutes: recipe with photo

This is an unusual, modern and “fast” variation of a classic Georgian dish, which can be prepared at home in some 5 minutes. As a result, you get an incredibly tasty, juicy and hearty dish that can please all family members and feed guests. By adding “eastern” spices to the filling, you will receive khachapuri that will remind you of the original cheese Georgian breads.

What needs to be prepared:

  • Puff pastry-1 packaging (or puff-throat)
  • Cheese -400-500 gr. (any variety, but preferably fat and salty).
  • Egg -2-3 pcs. (In the filling and leave 1 yolk for lubrication).
  • Mayonnaise or sour cream -2-3 tbsp. l.
  • Spices to taste

How to cook:

  • First, you should defrost the dough to a soft state
  • From one package of dough of 4 layers you should get 16 khachapuri (which means that we divide each layer into 4 rectangles).
  • We roll each piece of dough into a square.
  • Rub the cheese coarsely, mix with a beaten egg, mayonnaise (or sour cream), add dry spices.
  • Filling in the amount of 1 tbsp. Add to the middle of each rolled square of dough.
  • Then turn the edges of the dough inward and melt, getting a rhombus.
  • Each rhombic 3-4 times pierce with a fork and put on the oven.
  • Khachapuri should be lubricated with an egg before baking
  • They bake quickly and 20 minutes will be enough for them to rise and bake inside.
Five -minute cheese khachapuri
"Five -minute" cheese khachapuri

Berry tartlets in 5 minutes: recipe with photo

You can make such a delicious and fragrant berry baking in a matter of minutes before the arrival of guests. The recipe does not require complex ingredients, fruit filling can be changed to taste, and use store puff pastry as a basis.

What is required:

  • Puff pastry packaging -1 PC. (you can puff-throat).
  • Cottage cheese - 300-400 gr. (home or store)
  • Berries - A handful (2-3 pcs. for each basket)
  • Sugar - Several tbsp. In the filling and if desired, they can sprinkle tartlets before baking (but it is better to use sugar powder of the already cooled baskets).
  • Vanilin - A few pinch

How to cook:

  • First prepare the filling: just grind or chop the cottage cheese with sugar and vanilla with a blender (a lot should turn out).
  • The dough (necessarily melted and soft) roll out. Cut the circles with a glass.
  • Put 1 tsp in each circle. Cottage cheese, and on top 2-3 berries (any, focus on their size).
  • Put the baskets on the sheet and bake for 15-20 minutes at medium temperatures.
  • When the dough rises and is browned, the baskets can be considered ready.
Fast berry baskets
"Fast" berry baskets

Video: "Cookies in the microwave in 5 minutes"

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