Blind mulled wine for Christmas and the New Year are the best recipes for cooking at home from juice and cranberry fruit drinks. How to make a delicious hot, non -alcoholic drink mulled wine for the holiday?

Blind mulled wine for Christmas and the New Year are the best recipes for cooking at home from juice and cranberry fruit drinks. How to make a delicious hot, non -alcoholic drink mulled wine for the holiday?

In this article, we will talk about how to please yourself and loved ones for Christmas holidays with delicious and healthy non -alcoholic mulled wine.

Earlier we wrote about delicious mulled wine for winter holidays based on alcohol, as well as alcohol interspersed with juice and fruits. But not everyone knows that you can please yourself with beautiful and useful drinks without adding alcoholic ingredients. This article will be about them.

Bezalcoal mulled wine: recipe for children

Children are the category of consumers to which alcohol -containing drinks are contraindicated. But this does not mean that you cannot please the kids with elegant and useful mulled wine! For one such recipe - "Vitaminka" - Take:

  • Currant - 250 g. You can both red and black

Important: Frozen is quite suitable. Like grated with sugar.

  • Honey - Several tablespoons
  • Water - 750 ml.
  • One by one Apple and orange
  • Half lemon
  • Diverse spices Depending on personal preferences - cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, ginger
Currants will become an unusually useful component for children's mulled wine
Currants will become an unusually useful component for children's mulled wine

Preparing mulled wine like this:

  • First of all, with the help of a sieve juice is squeezed out of the berries. It is put in the refrigerator
  • Everything that remains after squeezing - cake - poured with hot water and cooked. This will not take much time - about 5 minutes
  • Strain the decoction From the zhmykh
  • And again Put it on the stovebut this time add more spices, honey and previously mined juice
  • Cut the fruits and also Add them to the mixture

Important: cut fruits for children is better than small pieces.

  • Strain mulled wine It will be needed again, but after it heats up to 70 degrees
Blind mulled wine for children vitaminka
Blind mulled wine for children vitaminka

Blind mulled wine in a slow cooker: recipe

Stock up:

  • A glass water
  • Three glasses grape juice
  • Half average apple
  • Lemon - More precisely, his zest. 2 tbsp. l. grated zest will be quite enough
  • Cinnamon
  • Cloves - 6 buds
  • Fragrant pepper - 4 peas
  • Ginger and cardamom - By a pinch
  • Raisins - Enough 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - About 3 tbsp. l.

Important: as for sugar, then you should focus on grape juice - if it is sweet, then put not 3 tbsp. l., and less. Or even refuse.

In a slow cooker, cooking non -alcoholic mulled wine is very convenient
In a slow cooker, cooking non -alcoholic mulled wine is very convenient

You need to cook like this:

  • Water and juice Sent to the multicooker bowl. Set the temperature approximately within 80 degrees. Then install a program called “Manual” minutes for 30 minutes.
  • After the slow cooker is configured in the necessary way, start adding lemon and orange zest, pre -chopped Apple, raisins, pepper, cinnamon stick, cloves, ginger and cardamom.

Important: note that all these components should be added in a strictly established sequence described above.

  • Now you can close the lid and wait for the signal that the fragrant drink is ready!
This is how non -alcoholic mulled wine from a multicooker
This is how non -alcoholic mulled wine from a multicooker

Classical recipe for non -alcoholic mulled wine step by step

This recipe is used quite often, because the result is obtained by a festive look and a pleasant taste, and very useful. Prepare the following in advance:

  • Grape juice - liter
  • Apple
  • A few lobules lemon
  • Raisin
  • Badyan - A couple of stars
  • A little cinnamon and cloves
  • Ginger - Several records are thinner
  • Nutmeg - the volume that is placed on the tip of the knife is enough
  • Honey - depending on the preferences. A tablespoon may be enough
Ginger for non -alcoholic classic mulled wine should be cut subtly
Ginger for non -alcoholic classic mulled wine should be cut subtly
  • GingerAs mentioned, it is necessary cut thinly. However, like Slices of apples
  • Pour the juice into the containerand then add there fruits, sugar and raisins
  • Heat the mixture
  • Then remove it from the fire and include in the composition of the future mulled wine spices

Important: a classic drink should be allowed to brew for about 10 minutes.

Classic recipe for non -alcoholic mulled wine
Classic recipe for non -alcoholic mulled wine

Blind mulled wine: a sugar recipe

This drink will delight you with excellent festive citrus aroma and the taste that refreshes. Moreover, sugar in it will not be a gram! Stell the following components:

  • A liter of apple juice
  • Water - About 80 ml.
  • Orange
  • Small quantities lemon zest
  • Spices - nutmeg, cinnamon with cloves, cardamom


  • Orange carefully cut on slices
  • Then he sinks into the juice. There are added and water with the rest of the ingredients
  • The mixture heats up to a standard temperature, and then insisted for about 15 minutes and filter
Mulled wine without sugar and alcohol
Mulled wine without sugar and alcohol

Coffee mulled wine non -alcoholic: recipe

Buy the following:

  • Natural coffe - About 750 ml.

IMPORTANT: Add to mulled wine should already be boiled. It must be certainly strong, made in a coffee maker or at least in a Turk.

  • Pair orange
  • Pair cinnamon sticks
  • Cream - approximately 125 ml. Be sure to high fat content - 33%
  • Chocolate - either milk or dark
  • Sugar - In general, 2 tbsp. l., but everything will depend on what cream you will give preference. If ordinary, then the second spoon of sugar is needed. Well, if beaten, then we will cost 1 tbsp. l. Sugar - it will add to the drink itself.

We proceed:

  • Oranges should wash, carefully subtly slice, put in a container and pour coffee drink
  • After adding cinnamon slowly Cook Future mulled wine. Before he begins to boil, Throw sugar
  • Strain that's all, pour it on glasses
  • Now you can decorate Christmas drink with whipped cream and chopped chocolate
Coffee non -alcoholic mulled wine
Coffee non -alcoholic mulled wine

Grape non -alcoholic mulled wine

He will need:

  • Juice - approximately a liter. Be sure to be of high quality
  • Half orange
  • A little lemon
  • Cinnamon
  • Sugar - A tablespoon
  • Cardamom
  • Carnation -Budonov 5-6 will be quite enough
  • Raisins, anise, ginger - optional

Important: it is extremely desirable to use not ground cardamom, but whole, which looks like seeds.

  • Cut the orange And artistically show the clove buds in it. Try to act carefully, because cloves may be sharp.
  • Lay Orange with other components in a saucepan
  • Pour it all with juice and set to cook up to 70 degrees
  • Do not forget to give drive, filter
Christmas non -alcoholic mulled wine made of grape juice
Christmas non -alcoholic mulled wine made of grape juice

Apple mulled wine is non -alcoholic

He needs:

  • Myself apple juice - About 300 ml.
  • Grape juice - 500 or 700 ml.

Important: it is advisable to add red grape juice.

  • Several orange and apples
  • Honey
  • Cinnamon and cloves - 2 pcs.
  • Nutmeg

Preparation instructions:

  • Mix juices
  • Add them slavics pre -chopped fruits
  • After the juice with fruits is on fire, you can add and seasonings
  • Mulled wine Heating to the standard indicator
  • At the very end is added honey
  • Christmas the glass is decorated cinnamon sticks, fruits
Christmas apple non -alcoholic mulled wine
Christmas apple non -alcoholic mulled wine

Cherry mulled wine non -alcoholic on orange juice

The benefits of both orange and cherry juice can be combined in one mulled wine. Cherry It will take a lot - liter, a orange - near 200 ml. In addition to them, they need:

  • 2 sticks cinnamon and cloves
  • A small amount of rubbed ginger
  • Sugar - 50 g.

Important: for this drink, brown sugar is best suited.

Cooking this beautiful and healthy drink is incredibly simple - you just need everything mix and cook To classic 70 degrees.

Cherry-apelsin non-alcoholic mulled wine
Cherry-apelsin non-alcoholic mulled wine

Pomegranate non -alcoholic mulled wine

These ingredients are needed for pomegranate non -alcoholic mulled wine
These ingredients are needed for pomegranate non -alcoholic mulled wine
  • Mix juices

Important: if you do not have grenade juice at hand, but a whole grenade, do the following: clean it, boil it in a liter of water for 10 minutes of crust. Squeeze the juice from the pulp and pour it into the peel of the peel.

  • Zest, spices, sugar - All this should go there. You can cut orange slices if it is at hand
  • Heat everythingand at the end of heating dissolve honey
Pomegranate non -alcoholic mulled wine
Pomegranate non -alcoholic mulled wine

Blind mulled wine: a recipe with grapefruit

For such a drink, you need:

  • Liter juice
  • Apple
  • A few lobules lemon
  • Cinnamon and Badyan - A couple of pieces
  • Honey - About 2 tbsp. l.
  • Nutmeg, cloves and other spices for your individual taste

Production process:

  • An apple with lemon cut

Important: the apple should not be cleaned from the peel.

  • All components In addition to honey, they are placed in a saucepan, flooded with juice and prepared to the desired state
  • Honeyas in other recipes, added to the drink last
Grapefruit soft -alcoholic mulled wine
Grapefruit soft -alcoholic mulled wine

Blood mulled wine can not only be a pleasant warming drink, but also therapeutic. It is difficult to stay during the winter holidays from trying this wonderful delicious drink.

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