Cake without baking: recipes from cookies and cottage cheese, from marshmallows, gingerbread, yogurt, oatmeal, jelly. Cake without baking: bird milk, chocolate, fruit

Cake without baking: recipes from cookies and cottage cheese, from marshmallows, gingerbread, yogurt, oatmeal, jelly. Cake without baking: bird milk, chocolate, fruit

Recipes in the article will help cook fast, beautiful and tasty cakes without baking with jelly, fruits, cottage cheese, cookies, yogurt.

Of course, it’s very cool to eat right. But who will deny himself to at least occasionally indulge in something sweet? Without a cake, a children's holiday or feast in the family circle is unlikely to do. Not every mistress can cook cream and filling. But in order to please yourself and relatives, you can do without baking. To help, one of the recipes below.

Recipe: Cake without baking of cookies and cottage cheese

A cookie cake with cottage cheese cream is prepared from the strength of half an hour, this is given the time of its stay in the refrigerator. It turns out very tasty. In addition, if you use children's cookies and cottage cheese, take a moderate amount of sugar, such a treat can be offered to the kids who are not 3 years old.

Here, in fact, is the recipe for cake. He needs:

  • 400 g of sugar cookies or "anniversary bouquet"
  • 400 g 9% cottage cheese
  • 200 ml 15 % sour cream
  • 150 g of oil (you can chocolate)
  • 4 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar
  • 200 m milk
  • 100 g of chocolate
  • raisins, dried fruits, candied fruits, chocolate drops at will
Curd cake without baking.
Curd cake without baking.
  1. All of the kitchen utensils that will need to make a cake is two bowls, a spoon, a fork and a dish
  2. First you need to make a cream. For this, they give the clock soften
  3. Add sugar to soft oil, rubbed with a fork
  4. Add cottage cheese and sour cream to the oil with sugar, interrupt the cream with a mixer
  5. Separate a quarter of the resulting cream and put aside. She will cover the cake from above
  6. Add dried fruits, centers, drops to the rest of the cream, knead well with a spoon
  7. Cook a dish for cakes
  8. Pour milk temperature into a bowl
  9. Dip in milk cookies, each for 2-3 seconds, no more
  10. Lay out cake from them
  11. Lubricate the cake with cream
  12. The second and third cakes do in the same way
  13. Lubricate the fourth cake with that part of the cream where there are no additives
  14. Grate chocolate. You can take confectionery or buy a milk tile in the store
  15. Sprinkle the cake with chocolate shavings
  16. Withstand the sweet product in the refrigerator for at least 10 minutes

Important: if you make a cake for children, it is better to do without chocolate. Instead, you can decorate the goodness of the rings of the banana, slices of peach or apple. Another simple option is to poke a couple of cookies used for cakes, to make an powder from it

Recipe: a cake from a marshmallow without baking

The cake of marshmallows is very unusual.

  1. It is low -calorie. Sephir is one of the few delicacies that are allowed even to those who are on a diet. It is only important to make a light and delicate cream for it
  2. A marshmallow cake can be eaten in the summer heat. A variety of seasonal berries go great in it
  3. If you take a special marshmallow and sucrotor, such a confectionery is suitable for diabetics
From a marshmallow, the cake is dietary.
From a marshmallow, the cake is dietary.

For the cake, they take:

  • 10 pieces. Sephira of white or pink
  • 100 g of sour cream
  • 100 g of cottage cheese 9%
  • berries are fresh or frozen
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar
  • vanillin
  • 30 g of chocolate
A marshmallow cake that does not need to be baked.
A marshmallow cake that does not need to be baked.
  1. Cottage cheese with sour cream, sugar and vanilla to the cream is beaten with a mixer
  2. Fresh berries are washed, cleaned of greenery
  3. Frozen berries are thawed to steam
  4. Sephir is divided into halves
  5. Halfs of marshmallows are laid out in one to one to the dish to make a cake cake
  6. Lubricate cake with cottage cheese cream, add berries
  7. Lay out the second layer of marshmallows, smear it
  8. The last cake is no longer smeared, simply decorated with berries and sprinkled with grated chocolate

Important: so that there is no grain in the curd cream, it is recommended to first wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve

VIDEO: Marshmallow cake without baking

Recipe: Cake without baking strawberries

Strawberry with sour cream jelly is a very tasty and insanely beautiful combination. This cake, which does not need to be baked, is prepared quickly, but eats even faster.

We need:

  • 1 pack of anniversary cookies
  • 100 g butter
  • 400 g of sour cream
  • 4 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar
  • gelatin
  • 500 g of strawberries
  • nuclei 10 walnuts
Strawberry cake Sufle.
Strawberry cake Sufle.
  1. First, they make the basis for the cake: the cookies are crumbling and mixed with melted butter and ground walnuts. The mass is laid out with an even layer at the bottom of the dish, covered with cling film and sent to the refrigerator
  2. Strawberries are cut into thin slices. Several most neat berries are left to decorate the cake
  3. Whiped sour cream with sugar (you can add vanillin on the tip of the knife)
  4. Depiginum is bred - 30 g of powder from a package per 100 ml of water. Let them swell, then melt in a water bath
  5. Pour gelatin into a mass of sour cream and sugar, beat it again with a mixer
    Get the main cake. Lay out a layer of strawberries on it, pour a thin layer of sour cream jelly
  6. Put the workpiece for the cake in the refrigerator for 10 minutes so that the jelly grabs
  7. Lay out a second layer of strawberries on the jelly, repeat the filling
  8. Again leave T cake in the refrigerator for 10 minutes
  9. Take out the cake and decorate it
  10. Keep a finished treat in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours

Important: in order not to waste time assembling the cake, you can kill strawberries with sour cream and sugar, then the jelly will turn out to be a pleasant pink color. Several berries are also used to create a presentation of the dish

Recipe: Cake without baking of cookies and condensed milk

A very tasty cake called “anthill” is prepared from cookies and condensed milk at home without baking. Its classic recipe here: link

And here is an interpretation. I need:

  • 400 g of boiled condensed milk (jar)
  • 100 g of sour cream
  • 100 g butter
  • 0.5 kg of cracker
  • 100 g of peanuts
Cake from cookies and condensed milk.
Cake from cookies and condensed milk.
  1. The cream of this cake is more tender than that of the “anthill”, since not only condensed milk and butter are beaten for it, but also sour cream
  2. Nuts are crumbling, half of them are added to the cream
  3. Mix the liver with cream. It is better to do it with your hands so that the cracker breaks in some places and is better saturated
  4. Lay out the mass on the dish with a slide, or give it the correct shape
  5. Sprinkled with walnut crumbs on top
  6. Send a cake for an hour to cool and soak

Recipe: Blueberry cake without baking

Blueberries are a very useful berry. As you know, thermal processing downs its properties. Therefore, for a variety, you can cook a tasty cake with a berry that does not need to be baked.

It is required to prepare such products:

  • 1.5 cups of blueberries
  • 200 g of sugar cookie
  • 400 g of cottage cheese 9% or 5%
  • 100 g butter
  • 600 g of sour cream
  • 1 glass of sugar and another 2 tbsp. tablespoons
  • gelatin
Cake without baking with blueberries in the section.
Cake without baking with blueberries in the section.
  1. The cake is three -layer. Its first layer will be made of cookies. It is pushed into the baby and mixed with flooded butter. You can add a little nutty crumb if desired
  2. On the dish on which the cake will be served, they form a thin even cake, cover it with polyethylene and sent to the refrigerator
  3. The second layer is prepared - cottage cheese cream. Classically interrupted the sour cream, 0.1 cups of sugar and rubbed through a sieve cottage cheese. Creams for cream take 300 g
  4. Lay out the second layer of the cake from above on the first, again sent to the refrigerator
  5. The third layer - sour cream - blueberry souffle. To do this, blueberries are allowed with sugar (2 tbsp. Spoons) over low heat, so that it gives the juice that will be needed for staining jelly
  6. Divini is bred when it swells, it is bred in 300 g of sour cream with the remaining sugar and blueberry juice
  7. The souffle is sent to the refrigerator for literally 10 minutes so that it thickens, and not freeze. After pour it with a third layer of cake. Decorated with berries, all the confectionery is already cooling for 2 hours
Appetizing blueberry cake.
Appetizing blueberry cake.

VIDEO: Blueberry yogurt cake without baking

Quick cake without baking in a haste: "Minute"

The “minute” cake is fried, and not baked, so it is cooked quickly. But, it cannot be said that you do not need to mess with him.


  • 400 g of a banking bank
  • 3 eggs
  • 3.5 cups of flour
  • 0.5 teaspoons of soda
  • 600 ml of milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 200 g of butter oil
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • vanillin
Cake minute.
Cake "Minute".
  1. Cakes for a cake are baked from such a test: 3 glasses of flour, 1 egg, soda and condensed milk
  2. Cakes are rolled out of it with a diameter with a frying pan, they are fried from 2 sides
  3. One of the cakes is crumbling to sprinkle the cake (can be replaced with grated chocolate)
    Cream is cooked from milk, 0.5 cup flour, 2 eggs, sugar and vanillin. He must thicken
  4. Add oil to the cream
  5. Corges are lubricated with warm, but not hot cream. The latter is decorated with sprinkling
  6. Withstand the cake for 3 hours in the refrigerator to soak and become tender

Recipe: Cake from fish cookies without baking with condensed milk and sour cream

The cracker "fish" children will be pulled and eaten in any case. Therefore, you need to manage to save it for a cake. Which is prepared as easy as simple. Take:

  • 400 g a pack of cracker or the same amount for weight
  • 200 g of sour cream
  • 300 g of condensed milk
Cake from the cracer of fish.
Cake from the cracker "fish".

For the cream, just combine condensed milk and sour cream. They simply repeat the layers of the “cookie-cream” how many ingredients are enough. An hour keep a treat in the refrigerator.

Video: t orth fish (lazy, without baking)

Recipe: Jelly Cake with fruits without baking with sour cream and gelatin

Jelly fruit - sour cream - find for those housewives who like to "play" in the kitchen. With him you can from the heart to experiment:

  • take various fruits and berries
  • make colored jelly, combine it with white sour cream
  • pour white jelly with beautifully chopped fruits and years
  • pour into various forms in jelly: make it similar to a cupcake, in the shape of a heart, round, square, so on
  • prepare portioned cakes in small molds
  • decorate the product at their discretion
Jelly with fruits 2
Cake Sufle with kiwi.
Jelly with fruits 3
Cake with berries in the shape of a cupcake.
Cake with fruit jelly "broken glass".

Such a recipe is proposed as the basis. Take:

  • any fruits and berries
  • 1 pack of gelatin
  • 400 g of sour cream 20%
  • 0.5 cups of sugar
  • vanilin's bag
  • 150 ml of water
Jelly cake with sour cream and fruits.
Jelly cake with sour cream and fruits.
  1. The combination of "kiwi - orange - strawberries" is great for the cake. It will turn out to be pleasant sweet and sweet
  2. Diluted according to the instructions, melted gelatin is connected to sour cream, sugar and vanilla, kneaded well
  3. Then you can do in two ways: just mix fruits and pour their jelly, or cook a cake in several stages, alternately laying out the fruits and filling them with sour cream jelly, letting each layer freeze

VIDEO: Cake fruity yelne

Recipe: cake from gingerbread without baking

A gingerbread cake without baking is a worthy alternative to any chocolate. For him you need:

  • 0.5 kg of gingerbread (chocolate, and better, chocolate with orange essence, such are now sold)
  • 0.5 kg of sour cream
  • 1 tbsp. sugar is incomplete
  • fruits (banana or canned ananances)
  • a handful of peanuts or walnuts
  • 50 g of chocolate
Gingerbread cake without baking.
Gingerbread cake without baking.
  1. Cream for gingerbread cake is very simple: sour cream whipped with sugar
  2. Fruits are prepared for the filling - cut into small pieces of pineapple or banana circles
  3. Gingerbreads are horizontally cut into flat lambers
  4. Collect cake: cake from gingerbread + cream + fruit
  5. They smear the cake with cream on top, sprinkled with chopped nuts and grated chocolate
  6. The cake will be incredibly tasty if the night stands in the refrigerator

Recipe: Fruit cake without baking. Banana cake without baking

This recipe is another variation on the theme of jelly cake with fruits.


  • 600 g of fat sour cream
  • 1.5 packs of gelatin
  • 150 g of any sweet cookies
  • 1.5 tbsp. Sahara
  • 2 bananas
  • 1 bank of canned pineapples
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons cocoa
  • 1 kiwi
Fruit souffline cake.
Fruit souffline cake.
  1. First diluted gelatin to swell in 1.5 glasses of water
  2. Whiped sour cream with sugar, divided into three parts
  3. Melt gelatin
  4. Cocoa is added to one part of the sour cocoa, a third of gelatin, beat with a mixer
  5. In the second part, a banana chopped by a blender, a third of gelatin, beat with a mixer are added
  6. A third part is added to the third part, a third of the gelatin, whipped with a mixer
  7. Cookies are put on the bottom of the form, pour it with chocolate jelly, put to cool
  8. After 15 minutes, take out the billet of the cake, pour jelly with banana, put it back again
  9. After another 15 minutes, pour the cake with pineapple jelly, leave to cool now at least 2 hours
  10. Decorate the cake beautifully chopped kiki, if desired, mint leaves

Recipe: yogurt cake without baking

Light yogurt cake will not spoil the figure. For him, you can take ready -made fruit yogurt. But he is healthier to make a treat from white yogurt with the addition of fresh fruits and berries.


  • 600 g of white yogurt
  • 6 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar
  • any fruits or berries (for example, strawberries)
  • 1.5 package of gelatin
A yogurt cake that does not require pastries.
A yogurt cake that does not require pastries.

A cake from two types of yogurt jelly is prepared: white and strawberry (in a ratio of 1 to 2 or 3). First, the first layer is poured into the shape, and when it freezes for 15 minutes, the second. Decorate the cake of berries, sleeping.

Recipe: cake from oatmeal cookies without baking. Chocolate cake without baking

Oat cookies seem simple, but it can become the basis of a delicious chocolate cake. This cake is not even necessary to bake. Prepare:

  • 0.5 kg oatmeal
  • 200 g of sour cream
  • 5 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar
  • vanillin
  • 0.5 cups of walnuts
  • 30 g butter
  • 0.5 cups of milk
  • 2 tbsp. cocoa boats in powder
Cake with oatmeal cookies.
Cake with oatmeal cookies.
  1. The cake is prepared for three stages. The first is the cream. It is made of sour cream with sugar and vanilla
  2. The second stage is a glaze from cocoa. First, milk is boiled with 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar and cocoa. At the end, oil is added to the thickening mass
  3. The third is the assembly of the cake. Cakes are laid out of oatmeal, smear them with cream of sweet sour cream. The cake is poured with chocolate icing and sprinkled with crushed nuts

Recipe: lemon cake without baking

Although it does not bake, the lemon cake is not easy to prepare. But the yummy is crazy, and her appearance is worthy of an expensive restaurant dessert.


  • 200 g of chocolate cookies
  • 150 g of butter
  • 4 lemon
  • 4 eggs
  • 200 g of sugar
  • 0.5 tbsp. tablespoons starch
Lemon cake.
Lemon cake.
  1. Corge is made from chocolate cookies. Crushing him with a blender. Pour it with melted oil (100 g), “test” is covered with a cake mold. She should stand in the refrigerator
  2. Add lemon zest to sugar and squeeze lemon juice
  3. Eggs are broken into a separate bowl and filtered through a sieve. Add eggs to sugar-lemon mass
  4. Heat the mixture over low heat, add the rest of the oil to it
  5. In only boiled mass (it bubbles), add starch diluted in 1 tbsp. spoon of water
  6. Simple lemon cream is poured onto a cookie cake
  7. 4 hours hold a lemon cake in the refrigerator

VIDEO: Lemon cake

Recipe: Cake poultry milk without baking

A cake made of sour cream and chocolate jelly imitates the Bird milk stores well. He literally melts in his mouth. Take:

  • 400 g of sour cream
  • 200 ml of milk
  • 100 ml of cream
  • 200 g of Mascarpone
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 4 tbsp. tablespoons cocoa
  • le gelatin package
Cake without baking poultry milk.
A cake without baking "bird milk".
  1. A third of gelatin is used for a chocolate layer, it is bred in water. Two thirds - for creamy, it is bred in milk
  2. Mix 3 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar and cocoa, add them to melted gelatin
  3. Pour chocolate layer into shape. It is better to take silicone so that the cake from it gets better
  4. The form should stand in the freezer for about 30 minutes
  5. Mix sour cream, cream, masquearpone and sugar, add gelatin in milk. Knead the mass with a mixer, then pour on the chocolate layer
  6. It is better to keep the cake in the cold for at least 4 hours. Then he will freeze well and come out of the form

VIDEO: Bird milk without baking

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