The sea cocktail is frozen - how to cook: the best recipes for dishes. How to deliberately prepare a sea cocktail frozen in creamy sauce, with rice, spaghetti, vegetables, fry in a pan, soup, pasta, salad, pilaf, pizza, risotto from a sea cocktail: recipe

The sea cocktail is frozen - how to cook: the best recipes for dishes. How to deliberately prepare a sea cocktail frozen in creamy sauce, with rice, spaghetti, vegetables, fry in a pan, soup, pasta, salad, pilaf, pizza, risotto from a sea cocktail: recipe

Cooking with frozen sea cocktail.

The guests unexpectedly came, but there is nothing in the refrigerator? In this case, the sea cocktail will easily help out - it is cooked quickly, it makes any dish not only incredibly tasty, but also insanely useful. Today's housewives very often have to prepare dinner in a hurry, because this requires a modern rhythm of life. And it is the sea cocktail that becomes like a saving boat.

How much to cook frozen sea cocktail in time?

If we talk about the composition, then from different manufacturers it may vary slightly. But, in general, components such as shrimp, tentacles of octopus and squid rings, as well as mussels, are considered the main ones. You can also find sea scallops or carakets, but extremely rarely.

As can be seen from the composition, in this composition the maximum content of various useful elements and minerals. But sea products are very demanding of cooking. More precisely, by time.

  1. Cook a frozen cocktail for 3-5 minutes, no more
  2. You do not need to defrost before cooking
  3. Should be thrown already in boiling and salted water

Why such a short time?

  • If you boil the sea cocktail for too long, then, for example, a squid can become rubber. Yes, it will really be hard to chew and it will taste absolutely no.
    • On a note! If you digested the squid is more than the due time, then you need to cook it for 15-20 minutes, so that it again becomes soft.
  • It should also be noted that the utility of products is lost under the influence of prolonged heat treatment.
  • The second reason is preliminary processing of products. They are not only cut and cleaned before freezing (shrimp and mussels), but also boiled.

Important: there are two types of cocktail: raw-browned and boiled-browned. In the first case, you need to cook products without fail, but in the second version it is enough to defrost and heat. But here there are pitfalls.

  • The fact is that when defrosting, a beautiful mixture can turn into porridge. Therefore, even with boiled products it is worth carrying out heat treatment. We indicated the time above, but for boiled products it will be enough just to boil.
  • Many are embarrassed by the fact that the products are different, which means that they need to cook them different times. Now the main secret will be revealed - the products are selected just in such a way that their cooking time is approximately the same. For example:
    • squid is prepared for 2-3 minutes.
    • mussels-3-5 minutes.
    • the octopus will also be ready in 3-4 minutes.
    • and even shrimp prepare no more than 5 minutes.

How to marinate a frozen sea cocktail: Marinade recipe

Such a dish will allow you to have its own sea reserve, which will always be at hand. And if necessary, it will help to quickly cook a salad or any other dish. Another advantage of the pickled sea cocktail is that you can be sure of its quality. After all, store manufacturers often resort to the use of harmful enhancers of taste and smell, which is not in the best way reflected in our health. Moreover, they cost three times more expensive than home cooking.

The main component is the packaging of a frozen sea cocktail. Previously, it must be boiled for 3 minutes. In salted water.

The first method:

  • salt - 1 tbsp.
  • sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.
  • vinegar - 1 tsp
  • black pepper - to taste
  • Combine all components and pour a cooked cocktail
  • Insist in the refrigerator for 12 hours (under the lid so that it does not absorb excess smell from the refrigerator)
  • Lay out in jars and clog
We pick up a cocktail
We pick up a cocktail

The second option:

  • soy sauce-depending on the number of jars, 1-2 tsp is poured into each.
  • lemon
  • parsley - at your discretion
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
  • salt - 1 tbsp.
  • sugar - floor spoon
  • vinegar - 2 tbsp.
  • black pepper or mixture - to taste
  • Connect the cooked cocktail with chopped parsley and chopped lemon
    • By the way, the lemon must first be packed with boiling water to remove bitterness from the skin
  • Put in jars and pour soy sauce into each
  • Next, we make a marinade. Dilute all components in 1.5 liters of water, boil. Vinegar is added at the end
  • Pour into jars and roll up
  • You need to store in the refrigerator for no more than 3 months

How to cook frozen sea cocktail in creamy sauce: Recipe

This recipe should have every housewife in a notebook. Better yet, in the head. And to remember it will not be difficult, as well as cook.

We need:

  • sea cocktail - half a kilo
  • cream - 100 ml
  • sour cream - 3 tbsp.
  • bulb
  • garlic - several cloves
  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp.
  • salt and pepper - to taste
  • you can also add a little lemon juice and your favorite greens (for example, parsley)
Cream sauce for cocktail
Cream sauce for cocktail
  • First of all, you need to fry the onion to transparency and add chopped garlic to it
  • Next, pour sour cream with cream and extinguish all 5 minutes.
  • We throw our cocktail into boiling sauce, put out for another 2 minutes.
  • Then add spices, greens, soy sauce and lemon juice (optional)
  • Put it without a lid for another 2-3 minutes. and a chic dish is ready for serving on the table

How to cook pilaf with rice from a frozen sea cocktail: recipe

In principle, this recipe is not particularly different from the usual pilaf. Unless the cooking time, which takes about 15 minutes (the meat does not always manage to boil during this time) and calorie content. This dish is considered dietary, so he can safely eat even those who follow their figure.


  • sea cocktail-450-500 g
  • bulb
  • carrot
  • bulgarian pepper
  • garlic - several cloves
  • turmeric - 0.5 tsp.
  • salt, pepper and paprika - to taste
  • nutmeg - on the tip of a knife
Rice with a cocktail
Rice with a cocktail
  • They fried onions with carrots and pepper. At the end added chopped garlic
  • Next, pour the frozen sea cocktail and simmer mines. 2-3
  • Then we pour the well-washed (to the purity of water) rice and fry the entire mixture for another 2-3 minutes. Pour water so that it is twice higher than rice with seafood
  • Add the above spices and cook mines. 15. Turn off, wrap in a warm blanket and insisting more mines. 20-30
  • Can be decorated with greens and slices of lemon

How to cook paste, spaghetti from a frozen sea cocktail: recipe

According to this recipe, you can conduct experiments, add or remove products. Therefore, such a dish has many methods of cooking - with sour cream, with cream, with tomato paste or fresh tomatoes. The principle of cooking any recipe with seafood and paste (spaghetti) is similar, so do not be afraid to make your contribution.


  • sea cocktail - 500 g
  • spaghetti (or any other pasta) - 400 g
  • sour cream (or cream) - 1 cup
  • cheese-100-150 g
  • garlic - several cloves
  • bulb
  • salt, pepper and greens - to taste
Paste and sea cocktail
Paste and sea cocktail
  • First, put the pasta or spaghetti
  • Next, fry the onion until golden, add the garlic, and then the sea cocktail
  • Fry for 2-3 minutes. Pour in sour cream and stew the same amount of time
  • Then introduce grated cheese and spices. Wait for its melting and, without removing from fire, add ready -made spaghetti (do not forget to drain the water from them)
  • Gently mix everything, put out for another 1-2 minutes. And you can start a meal

How to cook frozen sea cocktail with vegetables: Recipe

A dietary and very fast dish, which can be both an independent meal and an addition to any side dish. It is worth noting that vegetables can be taken completely, as they say, at your discretion. They can be fresh. And you can use the finished frozen mixture of vegetables, for example, Italian or Mexican.

Would need:

  • sea cocktail - 500 g
  • a mixture of vegetables - 450 g
  • garlic - several cloves
  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp.
  • Salt, pepper and greens - to taste
Vegetable and mass mixture
Vegetable and mass mixture
  • Such a dish is prepared very quickly - you will leave the maximum for 15 minutes.
  • First you need to fry cut garlic until golden color and then stretch
  • Fry the sea cocktail in the same oil, and after 2-3 minutes. Add vegetables
  • Stew on low heat min. 10 (until all the liquid evaporates)
  • Add seasonings at the end, and sprinkle with herbs before serving

How to delightly fry the frozen sea cocktail in a pan: recipe

It will be very tasty to make a sea cocktail, for example, in creamy or cheese sauce. Also, you can prepare a tomato gas station. But the sea cocktail also differs in that with the minimum number of additional ingredients, you can get an insanely tasty dish.

  • sea cocktail - 500 g
  • garlic - a pair of cloves
  • basil - one twig or spoon of dried
  • salt and other spices - at your discretion
  • hard cheese-50-100 g
Preparation of salad in a pan
Cooking a cocktail in a pan
  • Fry chopped garlic in butter or olive oil, then add a frozen cocktail
  • Salt, pepper and simmer for 3-5 minutes over medium heat
  • Remove from heat and sprinkle with grated cheese. Let stand for a few minutes under the lid so that the cheese melts

How to cook soup from a frozen sea cocktail: Recipe

Yes, from such a product you can cook not only the second dish, on and make, for example, soup. By the way, such a food will turn an ordinary everyday lunch into a special and unforgettable meal.


  • sea cocktail - 500 g
  • potatoes-3-4 tubers
  • bulb
  • carrot
  • bulgarian pepper
  • spices and greens - to taste
Sea cocktail soup
Sea cocktail soup
  • Of course, the first thing you need to put to cook potatoes
  • And at this time you need to do onions and carrots. Chop the onion, as usual, finely and even squares. And you can stand out and make it half rings
  • With carrots too - you can grate the usual way for you, or you can cut it with a thin strip. In the second case, the dish will have a more attractive appearance
  • Fry until golden in vegetable oil
  • By the way, it is recommended to take olive, but it can also replace the sunflower
  • Then add pepper chopped by strips and lay out the sea cocktail. Express min. 2-3 and throw it to potatoes
  • Wait for a second boiling and turn off. Sprinkle with chopped herbs and can be served on the table

Some recommendations:

  1. The roast can be done with tomato paste, add onions with carrots literally 1-2 tbsp during frying.
  2. If the season allows, you can safely add a couple of fresh tomatoes. Of course, they need to be cleaned from the peel and rubbed into a fine grater. That is, a freshly squeezed tomato paste will come out
  3. If you are not a supporter of tomato notes, then you can add several spoons of sour cream or cream. It will turn out a very delicate taste

How to cook pizza from a frozen sea cocktail: recipe

Usually everyone is used to seeing pizza with salami or chicken, but recipes will improve every day. And pizza with seafood will help surprise your households and diversify a family dinner.

The most difficult and long in this process will be the preparation of the dough. You can choose store frozen cakes, but with your own hands to prepare the base for pizza not only cheaper, but also much tastier.

For the test you need:

  • flour - 2 glasses
  • olive oil - 4 tbsp.
  • warm boiled water - 0.5 cups
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • soda is a pinch
  • Pour flour into a bowl, add salt and soda. Stir everything well
  • Then make a recess and pour warm water. Then add oil
  • Knead the dough. If the flour is not enough, then add. But make sure that the dough does not work out too tight. Otherwise, the finished pizza will turn out to be dry
Pizza with a sea cocktail
Pizza with a sea cocktail

Let's take up the filling:

  • sea cocktail - 500 g
  • cheese (any hard, you can several types)-70-150 g (the more cheese, the tastier)
  • mayonnaise or ketchup (you can completely connect them)-2-3 tbsp.
  • garlic - at will
  • olives or olives - also at your discretion
  • Boil cocktail for 2 minutes. In slightly salted water. Drop to a colander so that the water is completely gone
  • Make cakes. Depending on the form, of course, but approximately 2 medium -sized pizzas come out
    • By the way! According to this recipe, it is not necessary to lubricate the form. The necessary fat will give itself
  • Lubricate the cakes with mayonnaise, ketchup or their mixture. You can use any favorite sauce. Do not forget to pre -add chopped garlic, but you can do without it
  • We lay out our sea cocktail, and between it place a few olives (cut along)
  • Sprinkle abundantly with cheese on top. Bake for 15-20 minutes. at a temperature of 175 ° C

How to cook Risotto from a frozen sea cocktail: Recipe

The world -famous Italian dish - risotto requires special skills and special products. This dish rightfully refers to the highest cuisine, so it is better to practice your culinary abilities from such a recipe. By the way, usually Parmesan is included in risotto in most cases. With seafood, such a component is not used, which makes such a food easier.

What is needed:

  • sea cocktail - 500 g
  • rice (preferably Arborio) - 300 g
  • white dry wine - glass
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp.
  • onion and several cloves of garlic
  • basil or parsley
  • saffron
  • salt and pepper - to taste
  • fish broth (preferable) or vegetable - 1 liter
Risotto with a sea cocktail
Risotto with a sea cocktail
  • Finely chop the onion and fry along with chopped garlic in olive oil
  • No need to wait for golden color, enough and 2-3 minutes
  • Add rice and fry with the onion also for 2-3 minutes

Important: for risotto, rice is not washed! And even more so, does not soak.

  • Also, if you did not find special rice, then you can use a round ordinary rice, though conveying the true taste of the dish in this case will not work
  • Pour wine and simmer until it is evaporated. Then add a little saffron and mix well
  • Next, the line of the broth. But here you need to stock up on patience, because, it needs to be poured one along one ladle. And add the next portion only when the previous liquid evaporates

Important: this is precisely the main secret - the liquid is added gradually and in small portions.

  • To check the readiness of the dish, you should pay attention to its consistency. It should not be too liquid (this is not porridge) or thick (and not pilaf). Ideally - it should be creamy, like a thick sour cream
  • At the end, salt and pepper are added, mix and throw a thawed cocktail. Prepare another 2-3 minutes and can be removed from the stove.
  • Sprinkle with chopped basil or parsley before serving

Important: do not defrost the cocktail at room temperature, because it can turn into porridge. Better throw for a couple of minutes in boiling water.

How to make a salad with mayonnaise from a frozen sea cocktail: recipe

The fact is that the sea cocktail itself is very tasty and does not require additional amplifiers. Therefore, preparing a salad with such a component will not be difficult - it can be any recipe. And the ingredients can be used completely different - it can be a cucumber, tomato or avocados. It is advisable to season with olive oil with lemon juice.

But we want to offer a quick, simple and delicious recipe using mayonnaise. And most importantly - it does not require many components, only two are needed:

  • sea cocktail - 500 g
  • chicken eggs-4-5 pcs.
Sea salad
Sea salad

Also, at your discretion, you can add:

  • fresh cucumber - 2 units
  • canned corn - 1 bank
  • bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  • Boil a sea cocktail in salted water for about 4-5 minutes. Drain the liquid and cool
  • Boil the eggs hard and cut into cubes
  • Cucumber (if necessary) can be cut into small cubes
  • Chop the pepper
  • Connect all components and season with mayonnaise. If necessary, you can salt and pepper

How to make a salad from a frozen sea cocktail with avocado: Recipe

Such a dish will perfectly complement any holiday dinner and is perfect for any side dish. It can be prepared both in the summer and in winter evenings. Avocado is considered an exotic fruit and some can cause doubts, but it has a mild taste. By the way, we suggest supplementing the salad with a light acid apple. And if desired, you can add, for example, a cucumber.

Necessary ingredients:

  • sea cocktail-200-250 g
  • apple
  • avocado
  • salad leaves
  • greens (any) - to taste
  • onion - optional
  • green onions - necessarily

And also you need to prepare a gas station:

  • olive or vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
  • vinegar (preferably apple or wine) - 1 tbsp.
  • salt and pepper - to taste
Avocado supplement to salad
Avocado supplement to salad
  • Boil, as expected, a sea cocktail in slightly salted water (no more than 5 minutes)
  • Cut the apple into small pieces, first clean it from the skin
  • Avocado should also be cleaned and cut into small squares
  • Chop the onion, greens and salad or tear into pieces (as your soul wants)
  • Buy on the bulb, if you use it, chop in half rings and pour boiling water. This is necessary in order to remove bitterness
  • Connect all the components in the prepared container and season with the prepared marinade
  • If someone has a question how to prepare a gas station, then you just need to mix all the components

How to make a salad of a sea cocktail with shrimp and squid, crab sticks: recipe

Another salad that will be just a favorite dish in the family. By the way, it is significantly tastier than a tucking salad of crab sticks. And it is worth noting that each housewife can control the components. For example, a small apple will give a highlight to such a salad, and if you add corn, then additional satiety and wonderful taste will appear.

Would need:

  • sea cocktail - 500 g
  • cucumber
  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • crab sticks-200-240 g
  • onions - 1 small head
  • mayonnaise - at its discretion
Marine components
Marine components
  • It is worth noting right away that you can additionally add more shrimp and squid carcass. But, as a rule, everything is enough in a frozen cocktail.
  • Boil the cocktail itself until cooked.
  • Cut the crab sticks not too small cubes.
  • Chop the eggs too largely. The cucumber can be cut into slices, or you can in any usual way for you.
  • Chop the onion in half rings and, if desired, you can pour boiling water. Or use salad onions.
  • Mix all the components and season everything with mayonnaise. If necessary, salt and pepper.

How to decorate dishes from a sea cocktail on a festive table: ideas, photos

If we talk about decoration, then your fantasy will be very useful here. The salad itself is quite beautiful, because it includes, say, suitable components. Therefore, it will be enough just to put it in a beautiful form. Of course, portioned. If we talk about additional jewelry, you can resort to help:

  • onions or carrots
  • you can, for example, from radishes, purple cabbage and carrots to make pansies
  • feel free to decorate fried or pickled mushrooms. They will perfectly complement the sea cocktail and will achieve an amazing taste
  • for the New Year, you can lay out a snowman in the shape of a snowman. Create a white background with grated protein, and use maslins and carrots for other jewelry
  • such a salad in baskets from tomato will look very original
Festive decoration for salad
Festive decoration for salad


Festive decoration for salad
Festive decoration for salad


Festive decoration for salad
Festive decoration for salad

Festive decoration for salad

Festive decoration for salad

  • you can lay it out in the shape of a crab using a shrimp as paws
  • or make a fish. The scales can be made by silt of carrots, and the eye is made from eggs and olives. The tail and fins can be replaced, for example, with green onions
  • if there is a radish at hand, then beautiful and edible violets will come out of it

In general, turn on your imagination and consider the wishes of households and guests. After all, children more like a salad in the form of animals or cartoon heroes, women will like a flower glade, and men can make a salad in the shape of a machine or tank. By the way, you can use olives and olives as additional elements.

Video: Sea cocktail. Seafood dishes

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  1. Thank you very much for the article! It is written competently, sensible, in detail ... Now I know everything about the sea cocktail. I will definitely prepare with your recommendations!

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