Caesar salad with shrimp and refueling to it: the best recipes. How to make a Caesar salad with fried, pickled, tiger, royal, simple classic, lean, restaurant, crackers, red fish with salmon, chicken: ingredients, step -by -step recipe, photo

Caesar salad with shrimp and refueling to it: the best recipes. How to make a Caesar salad with fried, pickled, tiger, royal, simple classic, lean, restaurant, crackers, red fish with salmon, chicken: ingredients, step -by -step recipe, photo

This article has many recipes for Caesar salad, with different taste, components and mix sauces.

Caesar salad is considered one of the most beloved dishes among gourmets of all countries of the world. This is a simple salad with crackers, shrimp and an unusual sauce. You can cook such a dish with chicken or red fish. In this article you will find many recipes, and each dish prepared one of them will turn out to be tasty and original.

How to cook shrimp for Caesar salad: Do I need to clean?

Mollusks in the dish should be fried or boiled
Mollusks in the dish should be fried or boiled

In the supermarket, you can find both cleaned shrimp and shrimp with a shell. If you bought already purified mollusks, then you can immediately start cooking them. Unpeeled shrimp must be cleaned. To prepare them, you need to do the following:

  • If you need to cook, then put the unpeeled mollusks in boiling water for 1-2 minutes. Then get out of the water.
  • If unpeeled shrimp must be fry, then first release them from the shell, and then lay them out in the pan with olive oil.

When boiling shrimp, do not forget to salt the water where they will cook.

How to make a cesar salad with shrimp: a simple classic recipe, photo

Original tasty shrimp dish
Original tasty shrimp dish

Many housewives make the Caesar salad not only for holidays, but also for a family dinner or simply when friends or relatives come unexpectedly. For such cases, a simple classic recipe is suitable. This salad is easy to cook, but it turns out very tasty and original.

Advice: In order not to waste time cooking crackers, you can dry them in advance in the oven until golden brown. If you are already ready for crackers, then you can do the salad in a couple of minutes. But remember that such crackers will taste slightly harsh than crackers-croatons, fired in a pan.

Simple classic Caesar salad recipe with shrimp:


Composition of salad
Composition of salad

This is how to cook this simple salad:

  1. If you do not have ready -made crackers, then cut white bread without a crust, and fry in olive oil with the addition of garlic pinouts in the form of chopped garlic slices. Then pull out crutons crackers From oil and dry on a paper towel or in an oven. Coolons differ from dried crackers in the oven in that they have a fried crust, and the crumb inside is soft and juicy with a shade of olive oil.
  2. Cook mollusks for 2-3 minutes. Pre -salt water. Then throw them onto the stewpan and cool a little. Clean them from the shell.
  3. Hold the eggs in boiling water-1-2 minutes. Remove the yellow mass and beat with a mustard mixture, with the addition of lemon juice and the usual 9%of the oxus. Also, in this mix with pinout, you need to put 4 tbsp. tablespoons of olives oil, a little sugar, salt to taste and pepper.
  4. Now take a plate. Pick up green leaves with your hands and put them on a plate. Then put crackers cut into two halves of black and shrimp.
  5. Rub the Parmesan cheese on a large tech section or cut into cubes. Put it to other components.
  6. Pour the finished salad with a mix sauce and serve.

From such a food, your households and guests will be delighted. Bon Appetit!

Caesar salad with shrimp and crackers: delicious recipe

Cools, shrimp and vegetables - Salad recipe
Cools, shrimp and vegetables - salad recipe

A delicious recipe - this means that everyone should like the dish without exception, and real gourmets will admire them. Below you will find a Caesar salad recipe with shrimp and crackers, which will surprise all your guests with its taste.

Prepare such products so that they are in stock:

Components for salad and reference sauce
Components for salad and reference sauce

Now start cooking:

  1. First, prepare Crutons crackers, as described above.
  2. At this time, soak the salad leaves in cold water, you can add ice. After 20-30 minutes, pull the leaves from the water and put on a napkin.
  3. Mollusks boil for 2 minutes in salted water. Remove with a slotted spoon on a stewpan, clean it from the shell skin.
  4. Now prepare a sauce. First beat all the components for sauce without oil and cheese. Then, add the oil at a minimum speed, stream and pour cheese chips at the end (grate the cheese in advance on the large -tiric section). It will turn out a thick sauce, with a pleasant and thin aroma. Such a gravy is suitable for any Caesar.
  5. Get salad greens with your hands and put on a plate.
  6. Cut the cheese with cubes.
  7. Shrimp, combine cheese.
  8. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half and send to shrimp and cheese. Add cracers.
  9. Put all the ingredients on a dish with a salad and pour the sauce. Serve immediately to the table.

The unique taste of this food is obtained thanks to a special mixer. Natural taste and delicate aroma give the dish of sophistication and originality.

Caesar salad with pickled shrimp: restaurant recipe

Pickled mollusks give special piquancy
Pickled mollusks give special piquancy

Any woman wants to cook dishes for the festive table as in a restaurant. Caesar salad can also be done as well -known chefs of expensive restaurants are prepared. To do this, you need to marinate the shrimp and make the original gravy. Here is a restaurant recipe of Caesar with pickled shrimp:

Advice: If you do not want to prepare a pitch for shrimp for a long time, then soy sauce can be used as a marinade.

For the marinade you will need the following products:

  • 0.5 teaspoon of mustard
  • a crushed clove of garlic
  • 2 teaspoons of lemon juice
  • 2 teaspoons of olive oil
  • a little salt and pepper

Mix all these components. Boil mollusks for 1 minute, take out a slotted spoon out of the water, cool and put in the marinage mixture for 2 hours. When the time passes, take out the shrimp from the marinade mass, and proceed to cook the salad.

The main components
The main components
  1. First, prepare Crutons crackers, as described above.
  2. At this time, soak the salad leaves in cold water, you can add ice. After 20-30 minutes, pull the leaves from the water and put on a napkin.

Now prepare the sauce:

Souses MIKS - ingredients
  • Beat all the components for sauce without oil and cheese.
  • Then, add the oil at a minimum speed, stream and pour cheese chips at the end (grate the cheese in advance on the large -tiric section).
  • Add Wostershire sauce. Mix all components.

Advice: If you do not like mayonnaise, then instead you can add yolk of eggs cooked softly.

Mix all the prepared ingredients (cut the tomatoes in half, cut the cheese with cubes) with pickled shrimp. Put the salad leaves on the plate, the rest of the mixed ingredients on top, and pour all the sauce. The exquisite food is ready!

Caesar salad with shrimp: lean recipe

Lean salad with different components
Lean salad with different components

Recipes of lean dishes are needed when a person monitors his weight and he is forbidden to eat fatty foods, as well as during church posts. Caesar salad with shrimp can also be made of lean - light and very tasty.

The following products will be needed:

Such products will be needed
Such products will be needed

Cook the salad like this:

  • Boil the shrimp, cool and clean from the shell skin.
  • Torn the salad into small pieces and put on a large plate.
  • From white bread, make crouts crackers, as described above.
  • Clean garlic slices, chop through the press. Mix them with olive oil, lemon juice, mustard, salt and pepper. It is better to mix with a blender. Thanks to this, the mass will turn out to be homogeneous.
  • Mix all the ingredients of this food and put them on a plate with a salad. Pour the sauce and serve to the table.

Instead of Romen leaves, you can use Beijing cabbage and arugula. You can add your ingredients to such a dish. In this case, the salad will turn out to be copyright, and maybe even someone will then cook precisely according to your recipe.

Caesar salad with fried shrimp: delicious recipe

Fry mollusks, and it will turn out tasty and original
Fry mollusks, and it will turn out tasty and original

Below is a Caesar salad recipe with fried shrimp. This is another delicious recipe for this dish. It is quickly prepared, but it turns out piquant and original.

The following products will be needed:

The main components
The main components
Field sauce - products
Field sauce-products

When all products are available and prepared for cooking, we begin to make a salad:

  • First fry the pieces of bread to make crackers. How to cook them look above in the text.
  • Hold a little salad leaves in cold water. Then pull out, dry and remove it into the refrigerator.
  • Boil quail eggs for 3 minutes. Cool, clean.
  • Then prepare the sauce: mix all the ingredients with a blender, add a little cheese and beat again.
  • Now fry the shrimp in a pan with finely chopped garlic. While the shrimp is cooling, start collecting a salad.
Shrimp are fried in oil with garlic
Shrimp are fried in oil with garlic

Remove the leaves of the salad from the refrigerator, pick them up with your hands and put them on a plate. Then mix all the ingredients with shrimp and put it on the salad. Pour the salad with sauce, decorate with half of quail eggs, cheese cubes and serve to the table. Bon Appetit!

How to fry shrimp for Caesar salad?

You need to cook shrimp immediately before serving the salad, since in cold form the meat of these mollusks becomes hard, like rubber. They are usually fried, but you can boil. It all depends on taste preferences. How to cook shrimp for Caesar salad - this is the recipe:

  • In a small amount of olive oil, fry finely chopped garlic. One or two cloves are enough.
  • When garlic slices are slightly browned, take them out of the oil and lay the shrimp.
  • Fry over medium heat. It is necessary that the meat becomes slightly transparent and acquire a pinkish tint. Do not fry strongly so as not to spoil the taste.
  • Then put the finished mollusks on a paper towel to remove excess oil.

Ready -made shrimp should be put in a salad, pour it with sauce and served to the table. You can fry mollusks with garlic. In this case, they will acquire an interesting garlic shade.

Caesar salad with shrimp and red fish salmon: delicious recipe

Maxi with mollusks and red fish
Maxi with mollusks and red fish

Over the years of its existence, the Caesar salad has acquired dozens of variations. All housewives and cooks prepare it in their own way, replacing some ingredients with others, or changing the components of the sauce. Caesar salad with shrimp and red fish with salmon - this is another successful variation of such a dish that turns out to be wonderful with a piquant note. Here is a delicious recipe:

The main ingredients and products for sauce
The main ingredients and products for sauce
  1. Wash the leaves of the salad, hold in cold water. Then pull out, dry with a paper towel, pickle the leaves with your hands and put in a large dish.
  2. Cut red fish with thin plates and put on the leaves of the salad.
  3. Boil the shrimp and also put on a dish with salad leaves.
  4. Cut the tomatoes into halves and add to the salad.
  5. From bread, make krutons as described above.

Now prepare the sauce table:

  • Put sour cream or yogurt into the blender, add garlic passed through the press, mustard, chopped cucumbers. Grind and mix everything.
  • Season the salad with sauce.
  • Put the crutons and cheese chopped into cubes on top.

The original and tasty salad is ready, you can serve it to the table.

Caesar salad with tiger royal shrimp: delicious recipe

Royal shrimp give a salad of uniqueness
Royal shrimp give a salad of uniqueness

Caesar salad with tiger royal shrimp is captivating with its unique aroma, delicious appearance and bright colors. Such a dish gives the festive table of solemnity and uniqueness. It causes admiration for guests and this salad is always eaten first.

Original and delicious recipe:

Products for salad and sauce-mix
Products for salad and sauce-mix

Cook like this:

  1. First, make crackers crackers: fry finely chopped white bread cubes in a pan with olive oil with garlic pieces.
  2. Then pull the crackers and garlic from the oil, and fry the shrimp in it for 3-4 minutes. Put them on a plate.
  3. Now prepare the sauce: pour water into a bowl (50 grams), add lemon juice, yolks with mustard, salt and pepper. Put a bowl on the gas and stirring, wait until the mixture will boil. After the first bubbles appear, turn off the fire. Cool the sauce for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Now it is necessary to beat the gas station in a blender. Before whipping, add anchovies and fried garlic. Grind everything to get a homogeneous thick mass.
  5. Put the torn salad leaves on the plate, cool, shrimp and chopped parmesan.
  6. Pour salad with sauce and decorate with tomatoes.

This is a new dish, from which everyone who will try it will be enjoyed.

Caesar salad with shrimp and chicken: delicious recipe

Shrimp and chicken fillet are the main components of this salad
Shrimp and chicken fillet are the main components of this salad

Another version of the Caesar salad with shrimp and chicken. Such a snack is more satisfying. This dish may even be a full dinner. Here is a delicious recipe for such a salad with chicken fillet and shrimp:

The following products will be needed:

The main components of salad
The main components of salad

Cook the salad like this:

  1. Cut chicken fillet into cubes. Then rub with salt, pepper, ginger and grease olive oil.
  2. Heat a little oil in a pan, put the fillet in it and fry it on both sides of 1 minute. Then put in the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. Remove the fillet from the oven, sprinkle with basil, oregano and thyme. Mix the meat with herbs and leave to soak with a spicy aroma.
  3. Prepare the crackers-craps, as described above.
  4. Cook chicken eggs for 1 minute, get it, lower it into cold water with ice.
  5. Peel the eggs, take out a liquid yolk and mix it with mustard, sugar, vinegar and olive oil.
  6. Torn green leaves and put on a dish. Treak the sauce.
  7. Put the chicken fillet on top, add boiled shrimp.
  8. Pour the products laid on the dish with sauce, put the lamps and grated parmesan on top.
  9. Mix everything and serve to the table.

Shrimp can not be put in a salad, but string on a skewer and decorate the dish. It immediately acquires a delicious appearance. Enjoy the unique taste and subtle aroma of this food.

Caesar salad with shrimp: calorie content per 100 grams

Calorie content of salad with chicken is higher than with sea mollusks
Calorie content of salad with chicken is higher than with sea mollusks

Caesar salad with shrimp is loved by absolutely all people. He likes him to those who follow the figure, since this dish has a small calorie content. But what is the actual value of this salad?

Food value and calorie content per 100 grams:

  • Calories:  78 kcal
  • Squirrels:  6.5 grams
  • Fat: 4 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 3.2 grams

The salad has a calorie content of no more 78 kcalif it contains shrimp, cheese and eggs. If you add chicken, then the nutritional value will improve, as the amount of protein will increase, but the calorie content will also increase, almost twice - 100 grams 136 kcal.

Salad salad Caesar with shrimp: Best recipe

Mayonnaise gas station in Caesar
Mayonnaise gas station in Caesar

Caesar salad differs not only in its delicious ingredients in the composition, but with original sauce. It is the mixing mix that gives this food to a unique note. Here is the best recipe for refueling to the Caesar salad with shrimp:


The components of the Mix sauce
The components of the Mix sauce

Instead of Woster sauce, you can use Tabasco, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar or you can add a little more anchovies. The main thing to prepare this dressing, it is good to mix all the ingredients until a homogeneous mass. The cheese gives the sauce of piquancy.

Advice: Mix the components at medium speed, adding one at one. Add Voster sauce and mayonnaise at the end of the mixing process.

When the sauce is ready, it can be immediately used to water the salad. Bon Appetit!

Video: Caesar salad- a delicious salad to any table

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  1. Thanks for the recipes, I will add to the collection.

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