11 most delicious recipes for salad with tuna. Preserved tuna for salad: how to choose the most delicious?

11 most delicious recipes for salad with tuna. Preserved tuna for salad: how to choose the most delicious?

Perhaps everyone knows that tuna is useful fish, which is rich in various vitamins and trace elements. However, not everyone knows that not only fresh tuna, but also canned.

Today we propose to talk about tuna, its properties, as well as the recipes in which he acts as the main ingredient. Before talking about delicious salads with tuna, let's figure out how it is so useful for our body and whether there can be any harm from it.

Canned tuna: benefits and harms

To begin with, consider what is the benefit of this fish:

  • This fish contains omega-3 fatty acids. Our body needs them for the normal functioning of the brain and eyes, as well as the heart. With regular use of omega-3, the risk of oncological ailments decreases.
  • The tuna contains a huge amount of vitamins, for example, A, E, B vitamins, as well as micro- and macroelements such as, iron, calcium, chlorine, iodine, phosphorus, nickel.
  • Fish is useful and protein contained in it. About 20 g of protein accounts for 100 g of the product.
  • At the same time, it is impossible not to note the low fat content of the tuna, only 1 g of fat per 100 g of the product.
  • The fish itself is very low -calorie, but as you already understood very nutritious - approximately 100 kcal per 100 g. Therefore, it is useful to eat it to people who adhere to proper nutrition and those who lose weight.

In addition to benefit, tuna can bring to our body and harm:

  • In this fish, as in other seafood, it may be contained A large amount of mercury, Which, as you know, adversely affects our health. At the same time, there will be much larger in a large -sized mercury in fish.
  • Bisfenol A. Once in the water, the substance accumulates in fish, and then it is in our body. Some scientists tend to believe that this substance is especially dangerous for our nervous system, and it can also provoke the development of cancer.
  • We also draw your attention to the fact that the benefits of tuna will directly depend on the method of preparation. The most useful will be canned tuna in its own juice. But the same tuna, but in oil, will be less useful, more fat and high -calorie.

How to choose the most delicious tuna for salad: tips

To make the dish tasty, aromatic and appetizing, you need to use only high -quality and, of course, delicious products for its preparation.

The most delicious will be such tuna:

  • In its own juice, without oil and impurities. However, it is not worth completely abandoning the canned tuna in oil-it is useful and tasty in its own way. For salads, it is better to use ordinary tuna in your own juice.
  • It is best to buy canned tuna with pieces or a large piece, but not “shavings”, since it is impossible to understand what this shavings from. Unscrupulous manufacturers often mask in this way a completely different fish that is issued as tuna. It is also worthwhile to understand that there can be no such pieces like, for example, in the bank of Sardina, the tuna can be in the bank, because the fish itself cannot talk about any small tail pieces.
  • Tuna meat in color is pinkish, but not gray, yellow, brown - This must be taken into account. There should be no bones in the canned tuna, the meat from the general piece should be easily separated.
Pinkish meat
Pinkish meat
  • The most delicious will be the tuna, the manufacturer of which is as close as possible to the ocean, because in this case the fish will be immediately processed, and will not succumb to additional harmful processing.
  • Well, and, of course, you need to watch at the expiration date. This is not only about the taste of fish, but also in its quality. Often, the taste and quality of the tuna is indicated by its price.

Tuna is expensive fish, so you should not buy the cheapest product in the hope of getting tasty and useful fish.

Salad with tuna and avocado: recipe

Juicy tuna and ripe avocados are a delicious combination. Of these products, it turns out incredibly tasty and, importantly, a healthy salad.

  • Canned tuna in its own juice (hereinafter referred to as tuna) - 270 g
  • Avocado - 220 g
  • Rugula - 60 g
  • Large olives - 25 g
  • Lemon juice, mustard oil, soy sauce - 10 ml
  • Tuna is best chosen in its own juice. Open the jar and send its contents to the salad bowl. If necessary, chop the fish. We do not drain the juice, but use the tuna.
  • My avocado, clean, cut into cubes. Keep in mind that the salad will be delicious only with ripe avocados. It is very simple to determine its ripeness: the ripe avocado is soft enough, if you shake it, you can hear a bone “rings” inside.
  • I can, dry therugula and, if necessary, cut it, however, if it is not large, it is not worth grinding it.
  • Maslin or cut in half, or leave it whole. For salad, of course, we need maslins without bones.
  • Now we send all the products to the tuna and mix. Add if necessary Salt and spices.

Canned tuna salad with an egg

Such a salad with tuna will be one of the most nutritious. It turns out very tender and useful.

  • Tuna - 230 g
  • Quail eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Brynza - 120 g
  • Onions-15 g
  • Lemon juice, olive oil - 20 ml
It is important to choose high -quality cheese
It is important to choose high -quality cheese
  • Grind the tuna if necessary.
  • Boil the eggs, clean and cut each in 4 parts. You can replace quail eggs with chicken. In this case, 2 pcs will be enough.
  • We cut the Brynza cubes. If you love the creamy taste more, use fetu.
  • Lock is finely crumble.
  • Send all the products to the tuna, mix. Add to taste salt and spices. Lemon juice can be placed less at will than indicated in the recipe.

Salad with tuna and cucumber

The salad with the tuna is very light and “fresh”, you can say the spring, if you add a cucumber.

  • Tuna - 270 g
  • Cucumber - 230 g
  • Egg - 4 pcs.
  • Dill - 20 g
  • Garlic
  • A mixture of olive and linseed oil - 40 ml
  • Oregano, basil
We start cooking
We start cooking
  • Grind the tuna, if necessary, and send it to the salad bowl without juice.
  • Wash the cucumbers, clean it at will from the peel (especially if you buy vegetables not in the season), cut half rings and soak in water. Thanks to this procedure, cucumbers will become crispy.
  • Clean and crumble cooked eggs with cubes.
  • Wash the dill and chop finely.
  • Garlic (quantity to taste) miss through the press.
  • Connect all the products in the salad bowl, add salt to taste, mix.

Salad with tuna and cheese: recipes

The tuna goes well with cheese, so the salad of such products is very tasty.

  • Tuna - 300 g
  • Hard cheese, carrots, onions - 130 g
  • Egg - 3 pcs.
  • A mixture of pumpkin and olive oil - 35 ml
  • Low -fat sour cream - 110 g
  • Greens - 25 g
  • Italian herbs
It remains only to decorate
It remains only to decorate
  • Three cheese is a grater. In this case, it doesn't matter how exactly - Small or large.
  • Grind the cooked and cleaned eggs with a grater.
  • Finely crumple peeled vegetables and let it go for a few minutes. In oil
  • Washed greens finely chop.
  • We combine sour cream with Italian spices. You can take other spices and spices if these do not taste.
  • Now we collect the salad. We lay out tuna without juice on a plate, it is not necessary to smear it with sour cream.
  • On top of it we put half the cheese and smear the layer of 1 tbsp. l. sour cream.
  • Next, put the eggs, smear again.
  • Then we send vegetables, smear.
  • We lay out the remaining cheese, smear.
  • We decorate the resulting salad parsley.
  • The amount of cheese can be changed, as it will not spoil the taste of salad with tuna.

We also recommend that you try a salad with tuna and feta:

  • Tuna - 270 g
  • Feta - 180 g
  • Salad mix, sweet pepper - 80 g
  • Dijon mustard, lemon juice - 10 g/ml
  • Olive oil - 35 ml
With a salad mix
With a salad mix
  • We will not use juice from the can, chop the fish itself if necessary.
  • Cut the feta into cubes.
  • My pepper, clean and cut into strips.
  • My salad mix, if necessary, chop, but not finely so that beautiful leaves remain.
  • We connect all the products in the salad bowl, add salt to taste and mix gently.

Salad with tuna and Beijing cabbage: simple recipe

Do you need a simple and tasty salad? Then this recipe is definitely for you. You can cook it in just 10 minutes.

  • Tuna, Beijing cabbage - 270 g
  • Egg - 4 pcs.
  • Prunes - 35 g
  • Sweet bow - 70 g
  • Olive oil - 45 ml
Ten -minute
Ten -minute
  • We send a chopped tuna to the salad bowl with juice.
  • My cabbage is cut and cut in medium pieces. It is advisable to use only its green part, since the white part is quite rigid, however, this is not important.
  • Eggs boil, clean and cut into cubes.
  • My prunes, pour boiling water and finely chop.
  • Cut the peeled onion in half rings.
  • We spread all the products in the salad bowl, salt, if necessary, mix.
  • Salad with tuna and Beijing cabbage Prepared a matter of minutes, but in the end you get a tasty, light, but nutritious dish.

Salad with tuna and corn

Another version of a light and tasty salad with a tuna, which can be eaten for breakfast, for lunch, and dinner.

  • Tuna, cheese - 165 g
  • Egg - 4 pcs.
  • Champignons - 270 g
  • Greens - 25 g
  • Olive oil - 45 ml
  • Low -fat sour cream - 120 g
To any admission
To any admission
  • We take out the tuna from the jar, grind it out of necessity. We do not need juice in this recipe.
  • Boil the eggs, clean, divide into proteins and yolks. Separately rub everything on a grater.
  • We fry champignons In oil, suck.
  • Three cheese is a grater.
  • My greens and finely chop.
  • Now we collect a salad, each layer of which we smear with sour cream.
  • The first layer We send tuna, then protein.
  • Next we put corn, after it, mushrooms.
  • Now lay out yolk and cheese.
  • And decorate with sour cream strips.

Beans and tuna salad

It may seem to many that such a combination of products is quite strange, but in fact they are very tasty and hearty salad with tuna.

  • Canned tuna in oil, canned beans - 180 g
  • Onions - 55 g
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Sunflower microwave - 20 g
  • Lemon juice - 12 ml
Basolevo-red salad
Basolevo-red salad
  • Fish as needed grind And together with the oil we send to the salad bowl. As you can see, tuna in oil can also be used to make salads. Only in this case, take into account its calorie content and whether you need any more additional Board in salad.
  • Send the beans without liquid to the tuna.
  • Cooked and cleaned eggs Bright in small cubes.
  • Cut the peeled onions in half rings.
  • Wash the microwave.
  • Add all ingredients in the salad bowl, if necessary, salt and mix.
  • You can diversify the salad bitter or sweet pepper.

Salad "Hat of Santa Claus" with tuna

Are you in search of a beautiful and tasty New Year's salad? Want to surprise and please your loved ones with something new and unusual? Then the Santa Claus' salad is just for you. Such a salad with tuna will become the king of the festive table and will certainly like all guests.

  • Tuna - 275 g
  • Potatoes, carrots, cucumbers - 180 g
  • Egg - 3 pcs.
  • Onions - 70 g
  • Cheese - 170 g
  • Low -fat sour cream - 120 g
Hat decoration - arbitrary
Hat decoration - arbitrary
  • Tuna as needed grind, juice in this recipe will not come in handy.
  • We boil potatoes along with carrots, clean and three on a grater. Grind the cheese in the same way.
  • A washed and peeled cucumbers, three on grater. We drain the formed juice.
  • Boiled eggs We divide into proteins and yolks and separately chop with a grater.
  • Finely cut the onion and pour hot water to remove the bitterness that is unnecessary in the salad. After water, drain.
  • Now we collect a salad, each layer of which we will smear with sour cream (mayonnaise). The basis will serve as potatoes, lay it out in the form of a hat of Santa Claus.
  • Next, send canned food.
  • Now lay out cheese, and on top of it cucumbers.
  • Then we put onions and yolks on the “hat”.
  • The basis of "hats" we lay out carrots.
  • And the pompom and the lower edge - protein.
  • Send a finished salad for several hours. in the cold and serve to the table.

Dietary salad with tuna

The salad, despite a small calorie content, is nutritious.

  • Tuna - 265 g
  • Salad mix ,rugol, olives - 50 g each
  • Cucumber, apple, pepper - 80 g
  • Lemon juice, soy sauce, olive oil - 25 ml
Dietary but hearty
Dietary but hearty
  • Grind the tuna, if necessary, and send to the salad bowl together with the juice.
  • Salad mix and myrugula, Grind if necessary.
  • Cucumber, pepper and apple, clean and cut pieces of any shape.
  • Add olives to a salad with a tuna either whole or cut in half.
  • We send all products to the salad bowl, mix.

Salad with tuna and rice

Calcular, tasty and nutritious - this is how a salad with tuna and rice is obtained. Such a salad can be replaced by a full meal.

  • Tuna - 220 g
  • Rice is half a glass
  • Corn, asparagus, ice cream peas - 50 g each
  • Butter - 70 g
  • Garlic
With rice and corn
With rice and corn
  • Grind the tuna, if necessary, and send to the salad bowl together with the juice.
  • We wash the rice, pour 1.5 cups of water, suck and boil until cooked. Take so much water to get loose rice, not porridge. Cook it over high heat until the water boils, and then make fire to a minimum and continue to cook with a closed cover for 10 minutes. Next, let the rice stand still min. 10-15.
  • Fox vegetables Defrost and pass in butter.
  • After 5 min. Add to vegetables grated garlic And cook a few more mines.
  • Connect all the products in the salad bowl, if you need to salt them.
  • Additionally, it is not necessary to refuel such a salad - Swarks of tuna and juice of vegetables with butter should be enough. But if you want to make the salad more soaked, add a little more melted butter to it.

Salad with tuna and tomatoes

Such a salad with tuna deserves to be even on the festive table. In preparation, it is very simple, and the taste - you will lick your fingers.

  • Tuna, cherry tomatoes - 220 g
  • Mozarella - 120 g
  • Sukhariki made of white bread, butter oil - 60 g
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Olive oil - 55 ml
  • Lemon juice - 10 ml
  • Provencal herbs
With crackers
With crackers
  • We drain the juice, fish as necessary grind.
  • My tomatoes and each cut into cubes.
  • Mozarella Cut into cubes.
  • Cooking can be used by purchased or made independently (cut white bread and dry in the oven).
  • Finely cut the garlic.
  • Heat butter in a panAdd garlic and crackers to it. Constantly mixing, fry them for 2 minutes.
  • Combine all products In the salad bowl, Add salt and spices to taste, mix.
  • Serve on a dish decorated with salad leaves.

What is the most delicious salad with canned tuna: reviews

  • Anastasia, 28 years old: “I love fish very much, so I immediately decided to try to cook a salad with tuna and Beijing cabbage. It turned out very tasty "
  • Irina, 33 years: “I prepared a salad with tuna and tomatoes, though Cherry replaced the usual ones, but this did not affect in any way. The salad turned out to be very tasty and fragrant - crackers fried in oil with garlic are suitable for dishes perfectly. "
  • Marina, 22 years old: “It was urgent to prepare something for the arrival of the guests, and at home there were only the simplest products and a jar of the tuna, however, in oil, and not in their own juice. I prepared a salad with tuna and cucumbers, the guests liked it, they even asked the recipe. "

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Video: Preparing a salad with tuna in a matter of minutes


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