10 quick recipes for delicious in 5 minutes for every day at home: ingredients, description. How to cook quickly a delicious house at home in 5 minutes: recipes

10 quick recipes for delicious in 5 minutes for every day at home: ingredients, description. How to cook quickly a delicious house at home in 5 minutes: recipes

In the article you will find tips on making delicious dishes in 5 minutes.

Recipes of "five -minute" dishes are useful to those who want to please themselves with a quick "yummy" and at the same time do not spend much time on cooking. In this article you will find several suitable options for snacks, breakfast, lunch or dinners.

Eggs in bread in 5 minutes: recipe with photo

You can cook a hearty, healthy and delicious breakfast from simple products that are available in your refrigerator. You can always somehow diversify a certain dish by adding the ingredients to your liking.

What to prepare:

  • Bread -2 pieces of toast bread (any: white or gray).
  • Egg -1 PC. (for one portion)
  • Cheese -1 slice (any variety)
  • Greens, spices to taste

Interesting: if you wish, you can also add ham slys, salted cucumbers or 1-2 rings of fresh tomatoes.

How to cook:

  • Put a pan on the stove and make moderate fire (it is advisable to use a pan with Teflon and anti -stick coating).
  • Remove the pulp from the bread square piece, leaving only the crust.
  • Pierce the pulp into the bowl, put the egg there and mix everything thoroughly.
  • In the pan (already hot and without oil), put a square crust from bread.
  • Pour the bread-icon mass inside the crust and cover it with a sliced \u200b\u200bcheese, and on top of the bread.
  • Fry 2 minutes, then carefully turn over to the other side and fry for another 2 minutes, and then serve.

Important: in the process of whipping the egg, you can add any spices to taste, fresh greens or even pieces of vegetables. The egg can also not beat, but pour whole without bread crumb.

Egg in bread
Egg in bread

Fried squid in 5 minutes: recipe with photo

Squids are cooked very quickly and in order to gain the necessary taste, only a few minutes of cooking on moderate heat are enough. However, this applies only to fresh or thawed squids, already prepared and cleaned.

What to prepare:

  • Calmar -2 carcasses (you can take one portion and one carcass).
  • Leek -white part from one pen
  • Butter -a piece of 50 gr.
  • Garlic -2 slices
  • Greens for serving

Interesting: in the process of frying to squid, you can also add a little cream and wait until they boil.

How to cook:

  • Calmar carcass cleaned and washed with running water should be cut with rings.
  • Put the oil in the pan, as well as the white part of the onion chopped by rings.
  • Fry over high heat for 2 minutes, and then add squid rings, reduce the fire a little and simmer under the lid for 2 minutes (without opening).
  • 1 minute before the end of cooking, squeeze the garlic in the dish, add spices and salt, sprinkle with herbs.

Important: it is good to serve such a squid for potato puree or boiled rice, with a light vegetable salad or even an egg omelet.

Stewed squid
Stewed squid

Roulet in Lavasha in 5 minutes: recipe with photo

Lavash is a universal type of flour product that will be relevant with any meal: they can be bite to the first dishes, use the usual bread together, wrap the filling inside, both salty and sweet (for tea). You can cook with lavash: a snack, a dish, a roll, tartlets.

Important: with the help of lavash, you can cook a delicious and hearty dish, as for breakfast, for lunch and dinner in 5 minutes.

What to prepare:

  • Lavasha sheet -not long (traditionally Lavash is sold by a large sheet of 1 meter, if you do not need a lot of portions, you can cut it into several parts).
  • Cream cheese -1 PC. (classic, cream or with any other taste: mushroom, with ham, with herbs and so on).
  • A handful of nuts -any that you can find
  • Eggs -1-2 pcs. (boiled in advance)
  • Mayonnaise -pair of art.

Important: this is the simplest recipe for a snack of lavash. You can supplement it with any ingredients to taste, for example, putting a couple of thin pieces of salted red fish or even ham, salty or fresh cucumbers (sliced \u200b\u200bby slices), fresh vegetables, and salad leaves. The piquancy to the dish can be added by squeezing and smearing a slice of garlic on the sheet.

How to cook:

  • Grate the melted cheese on a fine grater in a bowl (a very soft cheese can be simply rolled with a fork).
  • Add a finely grated egg there, if you want, squeeze the garlic tooth and mix everything thoroughly by adding several tbsp. mayonnaise.
  • Thoroughly spread the cheese mass along the lavash lavache (cut a piece).
  • Spray pieces of walnut on top (suppress or chop with a knife)
  • Turn the lavash tube tightly, cut portioned into several pieces.
Lavash is the basis of the preparation of a delicious five -minute dish
Lavash is the basis of the preparation of a delicious "five -minute" dish

Fricas with champignons in 5 minutes: recipe with photo

Interesting: Fricas is a dish that is prepared from chicken. It differs in that the meat for cooking is cut into thin and long pieces, and then stewed.

What to prepare:

  • Chicken or turkey fillets -200 gr. (You can also take the "red" poultry meat).
  • Champignons -150-200 gr. (or oyster mushroom, also sliced \u200b\u200bby strips).
  • Sour cream -several tbsp.
  • Spices to taste(Well, if you use brown).
  • Greens for serving

Secret: mushrooms can be used not only fresh, but also canned, they will add an unusual and piquant acidic dish.

How to cook:

  • Send a chopped chicken to the pan to the oil
  • There on heavy heat, hold it for 2-3 minutes and add mushrooms
  • Canned mushrooms do not require a long frying, fresh should be brought a little to readiness (they can be immediately put in a pan with chicken).
  • Then pour in sour cream and stand out the dish for 3-4 minutes, it will become thicker, add spices.
  • Serve to the rice or potatoes, sprinkling abundantly with fresh herbs.
Fricice from chicken - fast and tasty
Fricice from chicken - fast and tasty

Pizza in a loaf in 5 minutes: a recipe with a photo

Classical and traditional pizza - a painstaking dish and it should be cooked for a very long time. But you can also get a gastronomic pleasure if you bake pizza in the battal. The dish is very large, hearty and it will be enough for several family members. As an option, you can bake mini pizza in an Altai bun.

What to prepare:

  • Baton- 1 PC. (ordinary)
  • Sausage or sausages- 300 gr.
  • Cheese- 200 gr. (any kind and variety)
  • Egg-3-4 pcs.
  • Pickle-1-2 pcs. (depends on the size)
  • Fresh greens -a couple of a pinch
  • Pepper - 1 PC. (sweet)
  • Mayonnaise - Several tbsp.
  • Ketchup - Several tbsp.

How to cook:

  • The loaf should be cut in half horizontally into two parts, therefore, you get two large portions of the dish.
  • Remove the crumb out of the loaf (out of two parts)
  • Put the crumb in a bowl, put the eggs there and mix everything thoroughly.
  • Lubricate the loaf of ketchup and mayonnaise
  • Put the crumb with the egg inside the crumb
  • Small vegetables and sausage finely, lay (this is the filling)
  • Grate the cheese on top and sprinkle with herbs
  • Send a strongly heated oven for 5 minutes (during this time the cheese will melt and the filling will melt).
Pizza in a loaf - a quick dish for the whole family
Pizza in a loaf - a quick dish for the whole family

Vitamin salad in 5 minutes: recipe with photo

This delicious, but simple beet salad (boiled or fresh) is suitable for not a very dense and useful dinner. Beetroot will positively affect the digestive system, nuts will give strength and energy, and prunes will eliminate problems with the chair. In addition, the combination of simple ingredients is so tasty that you will definitely enjoy it!

What do you need:

  • Beet-1-2 heads (depending on how large it is).
  • Walnuts -1-2 handfuls (not fried, peeled, can be replaced with any other nuts).
  • Prunes -little handful of fruits (5-6 pcs.)
  • Any vegetable oil -2-3 tbsp.
  • Cheese -2 tbsp. small shavings for decorating a dish

How to cook:

  • Boiled beets are much more for making salad, but you can also use fresh.
  • Grate it for Korean carrots (an ordinary coarse grater is also suitable).
  • Add salt to taste, you can squeeze the garlic teeth
  • Soak the prunes in advance in boiling water for several minutes, and then cut it with small and thin strips.
  • Nuts can be jailed or added as you cleaned them.
  • Mix the salad thoroughly and sprinkle with cheese before serving
Very tasty and quick beet salad in 5 minutes
Very tasty and quick beet salad in 5 minutes

Chicken nuggets in 5 minutes: recipe with photo

Chicken nuggets are very tasty. The advantage of the dish is that it can be prepared in a matter of minutes. To do this, you can use a deep -fryer or pour oil into a regular saucepan (the nuggets are fried in a large amount of oil).

What to prepare:

  • Chicken breast- 1 PC. (you can take a turkey fillet)
  • Egg -1-2 pcs. (for batter, plus 1 tbsp) flour)
  • Breadcrumbs- several tbsp.
  • Spices

Tip: Nuggets are ideal for potatoes, porridge, salty and fresh vegetables.

How to fry:

  • Cut chicken in small pieces (no more than a matchbox).
  • Roll the pieces of meat well in batter and flour
  • Then calm the pieces in panning and quickly send to boiling oil.
  • Freaks should be fried for no more than a minute (depending on how strong the fire will be).

Tip: After you fry the pieces, it is recommended to put them on a paper towel so that it absorbs excess fat.

Chicken nuggets
Chicken nuggets

Omlet in the tomato in 5 minutes: recipe with photo

You can prepare an ordinary omelet quite unusual, using the modern secrets of cooking. As a result, baking the omelet in a large tomato, you will get not only a tasty, but also a very useful dish. You can cook it in any kitchen technique: oven, multicooker, but it is best suited - the microwave.

What to prepare:

  • Tomato- 1 large and large fruit
  • Egg -1-2 pcs. (depends on the size of the eggs)
  • Spices to your liking
  • Cheese -1 small slice
  • Greens for serving

Important: if desired, you can also add finely chopped ham, sausage or even sausages, pre -fried mushrooms or pieces of vegetables to the omelet.

How to cook:

  • You should carefully cut off the top of the tomato and remove the contents, leaving the wall walls.
  • Beat the egg with spices, grate the cheese, mix, pour into the tomato.
  • Sprinkle this tomato on top with herbs, put in the microwave
  • Cover the tomato with a lid (specially so that the egg does not shoot during the preparation and the microwave does not stain inside).
  • Bake omelet for 2-3 minutes, serve hot
Omlet in the tomato
Omlet in the tomato

Sandwiches in 5 minutes: recipe with photo

Sandwiches are a unique dish not only for a snack. They can not only make fun of them, but also quench even the strongest feeling of hunger. The advantage of the sandwich is that they can be cooked quickly and simply, and you can always put only the filling that you really like inside. There are many options and recipes for making meat, cheese, vegetable, diet and even sweet sandwiches.

What is required:

  • Toast bread -2 large toastic slices of square shape.
  • Boiled or baked breasts -several pieces (chicken or turkey).
  • Salad sheet -2 pcs.
  • Tomato -2 ring
  • Cheese -50 gr. (You can purchase a sandwich cheese in advance in pre -sliced \u200b\u200bwith slides).
  • Sauce -1 tbsp. (You can use a mixture of any sauces: mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup, horseradish, vegetable oil and so on).

How to cook:

  • With the help of a toaster or pan, dry one side of the bread a little (on both pieces) so that it crunches very slightly.
  • A boiled breast should be cut along or horizontally thin slices, sunbathe it if it is fresh.
  • Put a salad sheet on a slice of bread, then chicken, then sauce, then the tomato ring and again the salad leaves, cover with bread.
  • Cut it with your hands gently and tightly with your hands diagonally so that two triangles are obtained.
Sandwiches with chicken - a delicious snack not only at home, they are easy to take with you on the road and to work!
Sandwiches with chicken - a delicious snack not only at home, they are easy to take with you on the road and to work!

Fried shrimp with garlic in 5 minutes: recipe with photo

Shrimp - delicious seafood that are considered a delicacy and exquisite food gourmets. You can buy shrimp in many grocery stores or supermarkets (fresh, pickled, frozen). The advantage of shrimp is that they are already sold in purified and semi -finished form (allowed in boiling water or boiled).

What is required:

  • Shrimps -1 packaging (500 gr)
  • Garlic -1-2 teeth (depending on your taste preferences).
  • Cream or sour cream -100 ml.
  • A piece of butter
  • Spices and salt

Important: purchased shrimp (it doesn’t matter which, whether royal or Black Sea) should be thawed in advance so that excess water and ice are left, and the shrimp itself becomes soft.

How to cook:

  • Put the oil in the pan and immediately pour all the shrimp.
  • On high heat, fry the shrimp for several minutes, and then add garlic, spices and cream.
  • Railed a few minutes of cream (or sour cream). If you want to make the dish thicker, pour 1 tbsp. flour.
  • Serve the dish should be abundantly sprinkled with herbs
Fried shrimp with garlic

Video: "Five delicious dishes in five minutes"

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