Alcoholic mulled wine for the New Year and Christmas from fruit juice with cognac, rum, vodka: the best recipes for the drink. How to cook delicious hot alcoholic mulled wine for winter holidays?

Alcoholic mulled wine for the New Year and Christmas from fruit juice with cognac, rum, vodka: the best recipes for the drink. How to cook delicious hot alcoholic mulled wine for winter holidays?

In this article, we want to share recipes for alcoholic mulled wine with honey, fruits, juices. We will also talk about how to cook delicious New Year and Christmas drinks and even mulled wine based on other alcohol products besides wine!

Mullyneine is an unusually popular winter drink in Europe. And here it is in no less great demand, especially during the winter holidays. In the last article, we talked about how to prepare alcoholic mulled wine only based on wine. In the same, we consider other alcoholic beverages as the basis, and also tell you how mulled wine can be transformed thanks to fruits, honey and juices.

Mulled wine - alcoholic recipe with honey

Honey - a magnificent ingredient for a warming winter drink - it contains fructose, glucose, minerals, vitamins and enzymes. In combination with alcohol and spices, honey amazingly affects the body, and its tasteful qualities are enhanced. For one of these drinks to us you will need:

For alcoholic honey, 4-5 tbsp. l. honey
For alcoholic honey, 4-5 tbsp. l. honey

This number of products is designed for 750 ml. red dry wine.

We start cooking:

  • Clean Orange with an apple
  • Cut the fruits small pieces

Important: some prefer to throw citrus peel into the drink, rightly believing that in this way the aroma of mulled wine will increase. Nevertheless, it is still recommended to throw it away - in the store, oranges are sometimes covered with an invisible eye with a polymer film for their better preservation.

  • Now put it fruit pieces in a containerand Bloodem them alcohol
  • Start to heat it without forgetting about spices
  • When the foam begins to disappear from the surfaceTurn off the fire
  • At the end honey is added
It is desirable that the peel of citrus fruits does not swim in alcohol mulled wine.
It is desirable that the peel of citrus fruits does not swim in alcohol mulled wine

Christmas and New Year's alcoholic mulled wine: recipes

For new Year We need:

750 ml will come in handy for New Year's mulled wine. red wine
750 ml will come in handy for New Year's mulled wine. red wine
Gina for New Year's mulled wine will need 60-100 ml.
Gina for New Year's mulled wine will need 60-100 ml.
Cinnamon and nutmeg will decorate New Year's mulled wine
Cinnamon and nutmeg will decorate New Year's mulled wine
Be sure to include orange in the New Year's mulled wine
Be sure to include orange in the New Year's mulled wine

Important: a similar recipe is approved by those who will arrange a sharp bright taste - the effect that Gene gives.

We proceed:

  • Clean the orangeCut the pulp
  • Pour into the container wine
  • Place there slims of orange
  • Heat the wine slightlyAdding sugar along the way
  • Now you can Put a bay leaf
  • When mulled wine reaches the temperature norm - turn off the fire
  • The drink should brew about 5 minutes
  • But now you can add gin
  • Hot New Year's drink spills into cups and sprinkled with nutmeg on top
New Year's alcoholic mulled wine with Gin.
New Year's alcoholic mulled wine with Gin

Christmas mulled wine Must have saturated bright aroma and the same taste - No wonder this wonderful drink is very popular at Christmas fairs in Austria and Germany. For such a drink to us come in handy:

  • Dry red wine - About 800 liters.
  • Water - 3/4 l.
  • Honey - 200 g.
  • Hibiscus tea - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Black tea - 1 tbsp. l.

We also need:

Alcohol mulled wine with 2 oranges, 2 apples, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cardamom, a battery or anise
Alcohol mulled wine with 2 oranges, 2 apples, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cardamom, a battery or anise

Important: the number of spices is regulated by you depending on personal taste preferences.

  • First thing bring the water to a boil
  • Then in it add spices and teas. Keep in mind that spices in powder form are undesirable, otherwise the drink will turn out not as clean as we would like
  • Cut the fruits
  • Pour in the water wine
  • Add fruit pieces, honey
  • As soon as you see that the mulled wine will boil soon, remove the container from the fire

Important: such a Christmas mulled wine is perfectly combined with gingerbread.

Christmas alcoholic mulled wine goes well with gingerbread gingerbread
Christmas alcoholic mulled wine goes well with gingerbread gingerbread
It is recommended to serve alcoholic Christmas mulled wine in beautifully decorated glasses
It is recommended to serve alcoholic Christmas mulled wine in beautifully decorated glasses

Recipes of alcoholic mulled wine with wine from cherry, apple, grape, orange, pomegranate juice

For mulled wine With orange juice you will need:

Buy also:

  • Cinnamon
  • Cloves
  • Badyan or Cardamon
  • Nutmeg

Important: reed sugar gives rich color and aroma, unlike a white analogue. However, for lack of reed product, it is quite possible to use white.

  • First of all, pour into a container juice, Add there spices and sugar
  • Peel and cut apples on 4 or 6 parts. Do not forget to remove the core
  • When the juice begins boilkeep it in this state a minute
  • Remove the container from the heat, cover and give Drink about 15 minutes
  • The turn of the wine has come. Mix the mixture and heat
  • Remove from heatand Strain
Mulled wine with orange juice
Mulled wine with orange juice

For option with apple juice We need:

For apple alcoholic mulled wine, it is worth taking white wine, as well as cinnamon, brown sugar, cloves, orange
For apple alcoholic mulled wine, it is worth taking wine, as well as cinnamon, brown sugar, cloves, orange

Important: in this recipe it is desirable to use white dry wine.

  • In advance peel orange and cut them beautifully
  • Place in the dishes slices of orange, spices and juice
  • On low heat heat the mulled wine
  • Now you can Remove the drink from the fire, filter and pour it

For the option With grape juice come in handy:

In addition to grape juice and wine, kumkvat, prunes, raisins, ginger, cardamom, fragrant pepper and cloves, cinnamon will be needed
In addition to grape juice and wine, kumkvat, prunes, raisins, ginger, cardamom, fragrant pepper and cloves, cinnamon will be needed

Important: do not forget to pull the seeds from prunes and raisins.

  • Clean and cut it out On small pieces
  • Pour them with the rest of the ingredients wine
  • Now add juice
  • Over low heat cook the drink until you notice that he is about to boil
  • Remove from the stove, strain and let it brew

For mulled wine with pomegranate juice We need, in addition to wine and juice:

Mandarin, cinnamon and anise will be needed for the preparation of alcoholic mulled wine with pomegranate juice
Mandarin, cinnamon and anise will be needed for the preparation of alcoholic mulled wine with pomegranate juice
Orange can also be added to such mulled wine
Orange can also be added to such mulled wine
  • Pour half the indicated volume of juice In the container
  • Do not forget about Sugar and spices
  • Boil This is all, cover and wait 10 minutes
  • Rinse fruits

Important: it is recommended to pre -pour them with boiling water.

  • Remove the zest, and cut the fruits themselves in 2 parts
  • Squeeze the juice from half of the fruit into a container in which mulled wine began to cook
  • Some like to add zest, but it is not always worth doing it. But the second half of the juice And you need to add wine!
  • Now cook, filter and insist
This can turn out alcoholic mulled wine with pomegranate juice
This can turn out alcoholic mulled wine with pomegranate juice

Recipes of alcoholic mulled wine with fruits: apple, orange, tangerine, lemon

With orange you can cook magnificent mulled wine french. For him you will need:

Orange, cinnamon, Badyan for mulled wine in French
Orange, cinnamon, Badyan for mulled wine in French

Important: Add coffee already brewed. For 200 ml. Wine needs to take 50 ml. coffee.

So, we proceed:

  • Pour into the container wine and coffee
  • Lower cinnamon
  • Add also spices
  • Now wine heats up. At this time you can add to it Orange slices
  • As soon as the foam disappears set aside the dishes to the side
Alcoholic mulled wine with orange
Alcoholic mulled wine with orange

Wonderful New Year's mulled wine can be prepared on the basis of white dry wine "Voskevaz"By adding there lemon, mandarin And honey. Come in handy:

  • Wine - 750 ml.
  • Tangerines - 6 pcs. medium size
  • Cinnamon - 2 sticks
  • Honey
  • Lemon - Half
  • Allspice - 2 peas
  • Carnation - 5 buds
  • Ginger - A small piece

We proceed:

  • Process ginger with grater and pour it into a pan
  • Add mandarins, lemon
  • Now the turn wine and spices
  • Heat to 70 degreesand then do not forget to give drive and strain

Important: do not forget to beautifully decorate the drink with slices of mandarin or pieces of lemon zest.

Alcohol mulled wine with tangerines and lemon
Alcohol mulled wine with tangerines and lemon

For apple mulled wine with lemon We need:

  • Dry red wine - 750 ml.
  • Green apples - 3 pcs.
  • Apple juice with pulp - 1 l.
  • Cinnamon - 1 stick
  • Sugar - about 2/3 glasses
  • Badyan or anise - 2 pcs.
  • Cranberry - 100 g.

Important: cranberries must certainly be fresh.

  • Lemon
  • French liquor kuantrohaving pleasant flower and fruit notes of aroma-4 tbsp. l.

We proceed:

  • In capacity mix wine with juice
  • To them add sugar, spices. At the same time, the cinnamon stick is best divided into 3 parts
  • Clean apples and lemon, cut into strips and send to the rest of the ingredients
  • Not forgetting to stir, Bring the drink to 70 degrees

Important: to serve such mulled wine is recommended with berries and fruits.

Alcoholic mulled wine with an apple
Alcoholic mulled wine with an apple

Recipes of alcoholic mulled wine with cloves, cinnamon, ginger, pepper, nutmeg

Cloves and cinnamon Excellently fit into many recipes, including white wines. For one of these drinks we will need:

  • Dry white wine - 750 ml.
  • Carnation - 10 buds
  • Cinnamon - 1 stick
  • Lemon - half 1 pc.
  • Raisins are light - 7 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 7 tbsp. l.
  • Rum is white - 250 ml.

Important: do not worry that rum will somehow block the rest of the drink. The fact is that the white rum is sweet, but its taste is expressed non -core.

Cooking mulled wine like this:

  • Soak to start For half an hour raisins
  • Take the zest from Lemon. Divide it into several pieces of larger
  • Add to the container wine, zest, sugar, cinnamon. Let all this mixture prepare over low heat. Do not forget to stir the drink well during its preparation

Important: after the drink is prepared, pieces of cinnamon and zest from it must be removed.

  • Raisins and cloves added in the last turn
Alcoholic mulled wine made of white wine with cinnamon and cloves
Alcoholic mulled wine made of white wine with cinnamon and cloves

Pepper you can add to mulled wine in Bolgarian. They will come in handy for him:

  • Dry red wine - 750 ml.
  • Black pepper - 30 peas
  • Sugar - 200 g.
  • Apple
  • Lemon
  • Cinnamon - 1 stick
  • Carnation - 10 buds

Cooking mulled wine is simple:

  • Cut into cubes Apple and lemon
  • Mix wine, sugar, spices, pieces of apple
  • Heat them to the desired temperatureRemove from heat, give drink about 15 minutes
  • Now you can strain and serve

Important: in the process of serving, put pieces of fruit in mulled wine.

Alcoholic mulled wine in Bolgarian with pepper
Alcoholic mulled wine in Bolgarian with pepper

For the recipe with ginger and nutmeg We need:

  • Red wine - 1 l.
  • Nutmeg - pinch or 1 pc.
  • Ginger - from 2 to 5 lobules. It all depends on how much you are a fan of such a season
  • Carnation -3-5 buds
  • Honey - 2 or 3 tbsp. l.
  • Lemon - half 1 pc.

Such mulled wine is prepared simply and quickly:

  • Add to a saucepan wine and all ingredients except honey. At the same time, cover the lemon
  • As soon as the drink heat to the desired temperatureset aside the saucepan aside
  • Wait for him it cools slightly - And then you can add honey
Alcoholic mulled wine warming with ginger and nutmeg
Alcoholic mulled wine warming with ginger and nutmeg

Recipes of alcoholic mulled wine with cognac, rum, vodka

Mulled wine with cognac It is quite popular - the taste of the drink is advantageous, as well as the healing properties are multiplied. There is a classic recipe according to which cognac is simply added to the wine. And there are recipes in which the taste of cognac is specially substituted by other ingredients. For the latter, we will need:

  • Dry red wine - 500 ml.
  • Cognac - 60 ml.

Important: even if you are a fan of this drink, do not add it more than 50-100 ml. In mulled wine. Otherwise, you can get not a medicinal drink with a delicate taste, but a strong alcoholic product with a strange taste and lack of useful properties. With moderate dosage, cognac will even help the absorption of vitamins, improve vascular expansion, reduce toothache and signs of colds.

Konyak in alcoholic mulled wine should be added in a small amount
Konyak in alcoholic mulled wine should be added in a small amount
  • Apricot - 150 g. Both fresh and canned options are equally well suited
  • Apricot jam - 50 g.
  • Orange
  • Cinnamon - 2 or 3 sticks
  • Carnation - at your discretion

Cooking order:

  • Mix Cognac and wine
  • Add chopped fruits and spices, jam
  • Warm up All this is on fire strain
  • Do not forget before serving put a stick and pieces of fruit in a glass
Cognac alcoholic mulled wine will be incredibly tasty and healthy
Cognac alcoholic mulled wine will be incredibly tasty and healthy

Glogg - This is common scandinavian mulled wine with addition vodka. You will need:

  • Red wine - 750 ml.
  • Vodka - 60 ml.
  • Cinnamon - A wand
  • Sugar - 65 g.
  • Ginger - 1 piece
  • Carnation - 6 buds
  • Raisin - 100 g.
  • Almond nuts - 100 g.

Cooking process:

  • Vodka and wine Pour into the dishes
  • Same way everything else is added
  • You need to heat until sugar is dissolved

Important: insist this type of mulled wine for at least half an hour. Then you can again heat slightly before serving.

Glogg - alcoholic mulled wine with vodka
Glogg - alcoholic mulled wine with vodka

For the recipe with rum We need:

Rum is a mandatory component of this recipe
Rum is an obligatory component of this recipe
Cinnamon and honey are also needed for mulled wine with rum
Cinnamon and honey are also needed for mulled wine with rum
Cardamom, cloves and nutmeg are used not only for baking, but also for mulled wine
Cardamom, cloves and nutmeg are used not only for baking, but also for mulled wine

Cooking is very simple: everything mix and heatby adding at the end of the procedure of honey. And, of course, you need not to forget strain drink.

Roma mulled wine - a popular recipe for alcoholic mulled wine
Roma mulled wine - a popular recipe for alcoholic mulled wine

As you can see, the recipe of this drink is unusually diverse what we wrote about in the last article about alcohol mulled wine. There are also a lot of recipes for non -alcoholic mulled wine, so any gourmet will be satisfied.


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