The festive salad “Tenderness”: the ingredients and a step -by -step classic recipe with chicken, prunes and walnuts layers in order. How to deliberately prepare a “tenderness” salad with crab sticks, ham, mushrooms, squids, cheese, meat, egg, cod liver: recipes

The festive salad “Tenderness”: the ingredients and a step -by -step classic recipe with chicken, prunes and walnuts layers in order. How to deliberately prepare a “tenderness” salad with crab sticks, ham, mushrooms, squids, cheese, meat, egg, cod liver: recipes

From this article you will learn how to prepare “tenderness” salads.


To prepare a delicious “tenderness” salad will come in handy a few secrets of experienced housewives:

  • The onion will not be bitter, and the salad will last longer if the chopped onion is packed with boiling water and hold in it for about 10 minutes.
  • If there are bananas in the composition of the salad, and they are soft, mayonnaise should be added when serving.
  • In order for the prunes in the salad to be softer, it is necessary to pour boiling water for 20 minutes before cutting into the salad.
  • They squeeze water from chopped pickled cucumbers, and only then put in a salad.

The salad will be much tastier and more useful if you prepare home mayonnaise for refueling it.

Mayonnaise at home

For cooking you need:

  • 1 raw egg
  • 200 ml of oil, sunflower mixed with olive (150: 50)
  • Half of the seaginals. tablespoons of salt, sugar and ready mustard
  • 1 tbsp. l. fresh lemon juice

We start cooking:

  1. In order for mayonnaise to whip well and thicken, all products should be at room temperature.
  2. My raw egg in hot water, wipe dry.
  3. Carefully break the egg into a high dish so that the yolk remains whole (prerequisite).
  4. Add salt, sugar, butter to the egg.
  5. We cover the yolk with a submersible blender, and beat first at weak speed. Gradually, we increase the speed of the blender (we do not raise the blender from the bottom), and beat to the white foam at the bottom.
  6. Next, we continue to whip at the top and bottom of the vessel until a homogeneous state of mass.
  7. We add mustard and beat.
  8. At the end, add lemon juice, mix with a blender.
  9. We taste, add what is not enough (salt, sugar, lemon juice), if the mayonnaise is thick, dilute it with several tablespoons of boiled cold water, and mix.
  10. We put the mayonnaise in the refrigerator for cooling, and you can refuel dishes. You can store up to 1 week.

Salad "Tenderness": ingredients and step -by -step classic recipe with chicken, prunes and walnuts in order in order

Salad tenderness with chicken, prunes and nuts
Salad "Tenderness" of chicken, prunes with nuts

The salad is unusual in taste due to a combination of cucumbers with prunes. The number of salad is designed for 2 portions.

Salad "Tenderness" with chicken, prunes and nuts

For salad you need:

  • 200 g of boiled meat of chicken
  • 70 g of dried prunes
  • 1 small fresh cucumber
  • 2 eggs (boiled)
  • 50 g of ground nuts (walnuts)
  • 4-5 tbsp. l. mayonnaise
  • Salt and pepper to their liking

We start cooking:

  1. We cut the chicken chicken meat into small pieces, distribute it through a deep, preferably transparent salad bowl, and apply mayonnaise on top.
  2. We steam dry prunes in boiling water for 10 minutes, drain the water, and dry the prunes on a towel, distribute the meat, and apply mayonnaise.
  3. We dry the walnuts in a dry pan, grind it in a meat grinder or with a stream with a rolling pin, sprinkle the salad on top of the prunes.
  4. We cut the peeled boiled eggs, share the proteins from the yolks, finely cut the proteins into pieces, place the nuts on a layer of nuts, lubricate with mayonnaise.
  5. We cut the cucumber into small cubes, place it on a layer of proteins, and spread with mayonnaise.
  6. We sprinkle the salad with yolks on crumbs, put it in an hour in the refrigerator so that all the layers are saturated, and you can eat.

How to deliberately prepare a “tenderness” salad with crab sticks, squid and corn: recipe in layers

Salad tenderness decorated with herbs
Salad "Tenderness" decorated with spicy herbs

Salad "Tenderness" with squid, crab sticks and corn

Want to feel the taste of the sea while sitting at home? Cook such a salad.

In the salad you need:

  • 3-4 squids frozen or pickled
  • 3 eggs (cooked)
  • 1 fresh cucumber medium in size
  • 1 jar of corn (canned)
  • 6 crab sticks
  • Half of sweet pepper
  • 200 g of mayonnaise
  • 100 g of solid cheese
  • Salt and pepper tastes

We start cooking:

  1. Cook frozen squids for 3-5 minutes, drain hot water, and lower it into the cold for 10 minutes, then drain the water, dry it, cut into small cubes, knead with mayonnaise and pepper, and distribute in a deep salad bowl. If canned squids are used, we take them out of the brine and cut them.
  2. We cut the cucumber finely (cubes), mix with 1 tbsp. l. mayonnaise, lay out on a layer of squid, and level it.
  3. We clean the boiled eggs, finely cut into slices, distribute with a layer on a cucumber, and level it, apply a layer of mayonnaise, and pepper.
  4. From the open can of corn we drain the brine, lay out the layer on the eggs, lubricate with mayonnaise.
  5. We chop the crab sticks finely, knead with mayonnaise and pepper, distribute from above on a layer of corn, and level it.
  6. Finely chop the sweet pepper, add mayonnaise, and distribute from above on crab sticks an even layer.
  7. Grinded, on a grater with small holes, sprinkle the salad with cheese from above, let it brew in the cold an hour, and you can eat.

How to deliberately prepare a “tenderness” salad with chicken and pineapples: recipe in layers

Salad tenderness with chicken and pineapples

Salad "Tenderness" from chicken and pineapple

Such a salad will appeal to those people who love a sweet taste in a salad. The number of salad is designed for 4 portions.

Salad "Tenderness" with chicken and pineapple

In the salad you need:

  • 300 g of boiled meat (chicken)
  • 1 onion (average in size)
  • 3 eggs (cooked)
  • 1 bank (about 500 g) of canned pineapple
  • 200 g of cheese
  • 100 ml of sour cream
  • 150 ml of mayonnaise
  • 1 tsp. vinegar
  • 1-2 gear of garlic
  • Salt and pepper to taste

We start cooking:

  1. To prepare a salad, take a wide plate, and sides from a round detachable shape. We put the sides from the mold on the plate, wrap it with cling film so that it is easier to remove from the finished salad.
  2. Finely chop the chicken meat, lay out the bottom of the plate. Mix mayonnaise with sour cream, add chopped garlic with salt and ground pepper, and lubricate the meat with this sauce.
  3. We cut the onion in half rings, spray with vinegar and pickled for 10 minutes, and then spread it on meat.
  4. Grind the peeled eggs with a fork or on a grater, distribute on a layer of onions, grease with the sauce.
  5. We grate the cheese, sprinkle the salad with them, and grease the residue of the sauce.
  6. We spread pieces of pineapple on top, in the form of a drawing or in an arbitrary form.
  7. We put the salad to brew in the refrigerator, after 1-2 hours we remove the shape and film, serve on the table.

How to deliberately prepare a “tenderness” salad with ham, cucumbers and Beijing cabbage: recipe in layers

Salad tenderness with ham, cucumbers, Beijing cabbage
Salad "Tenderness" from ham, cucumbers, Beijing cabbage

Salad "Tenderness" from ham, cucumbers and Beijing cabbage

In the salad you need:

  • 350 g of Beijing cabbage
  • 200 g of ham
  • 1 average cucumber
  • Proteins from 2 eggs
  • A small red onion
  • 2 small tomatoes
  • 1 tbsp. l. interpreted walnuts

For refueling you need:

  • 1 tea. l. mustard
  • 1 tbsp. l. Apple vinegar
  • On the pinch of salt and pepper of ground
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 75 ml of vegetable oil (preferably olive)
  • 2 cooked yolks

We start cooking:

  1. Refueling. Mix yolks, mustard, salt, pepper, rub, pour vinegar, butter and shake with a whisk or blender.
  2. Salad needs solid tomatoes, you can take a variety of cream. My tomatoes, dry it, cut into circles, spread it to the bottom of the deep salad bowl, preferably transparent.
  3. We cut the Beijing cabbage with chips, divide in half and lay out one part with a layer into tomatoes, watering with a gas station.
  4. We cut the onion in half rings, water the dressing and distribute half the onion to the cabbage layer.
  5. We have a fresh cucumber on a coarse grater, drain the juice, if formed, lay out half on the onion.
  6. We cut the ham with thin strips, and put it on a layer of cucumber.
  7. We cut the eggs of the egg into strips, distribute on the ham and pour the gas station.
  8. Dry the walnuts in a dry pan, chop it, sprinkle with half the nuts salad.
  9. The eighth layer is a straw of cucumbers.
  10. The ninth layer - half of the bulb with refueling.
  11. The tenth layer is the remaining cabbage with the balance of the gas station.
  12. Sprinkle the top with nuts, let it brew for about 1 hour, and serve on the table.

How to deliberately prepare a “tenderness” salad with fried mushrooms and chicken: recipe in layers

Salad tenderness with mushrooms and chicken
Salad "Tenderness" of mushrooms with chicken

Salad "Tenderness" with fried mushrooms and chicken

In the salad you need:

  • 300 g of mushrooms (pickled), you can champignons
  • 200 g of solid cheese
  • 4 cooked eggs
  • 300 g of boiled meat of Kurin
  • 1 bulb average in size
  • 4-5 tbsp. l. mayonnaise
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. vegetable oils

We begin to cook:

  1. We cut boiled chicken meat into small cubes, mix with mayonnaise. On a wide plate, we distribute half the meat, level it.
  2. We drain the marinade from the mushrooms. In a pan, fry 1-2 minutes chopped finely onion, add pickled mushrooms and fry with onions for about 10 minutes. We add mayonnaise to the mushrooms, and lay out half of them on a chicken layer.
  3. Solid cheese is three on grater, knead with mayonnaise, and distribute half the cheese along a layer of mushrooms.
  4. From boiled eggs we clean the shell, separate the proteins from the yolks, and chop them separately. Saw a layer of cheese with half of the covered proteins.
  5. The next layer will be the remaining half of chicken meat, then mushrooms, and then cheese.
  6. First, sprinkle the top of the salad with proteins, and then with yolks, put the salad in a cold place, after 1 hour you can serve to the table.

How to deliberately prepare a “tenderness” salad with apple, cheese and egg: recipe in layers

Salad tenderness with apple, cheese and egg
Salad "Tenderness" with apples, cheese and eggs

The “tenderness” salad in this composition is healthy, refined to taste, and at the same time piquant. Cooking quickly.

Salad "Tenderness" with apples, cheese and eggs

In the salad you need:

  • 2 apples (green)
  • 1 onion
  • 100 g of solid cheese
  • 3 cooked eggs
  • 100 ml of mayonnaise
  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice
  • Several sprigs of parsley or dill
  • Salt and pepper to taste

We start cooking:

  1. We chop the onion with half rings, pour boiling water for a few minutes to remove sharpness, and linen the bottom of the deep salad bowl, salt, pepper.
  2. Grind the boiled eggs on cubes, put it on the onion, and make a mesh with mayonnaise on top.
  3. We clean the apples from the peel and seeds, cut into cubes finely, spray with lemon juice (from darkening), lay out on a layer of eggs.
  4. Three cheese is a grater with medium -sized holes, sprinkle with a thin layer on top of the apple layer, make a mesh with mayonnaise.
  5. The top of the salad is embellished with herbs, put in the refrigerator, after 1-2 hours you can eat.

How to deliberately prepare a “tenderness” salad with a cod liver and potatoes: a recipe in layers

Salad tenderness with cod and potatoes liver
Salad "Tenderness" with cod liver and potatoes

Salad "Tenderness" with the liver of cod and potatoes

In the salad you need:

  • 1 jar (120 g) of the liver liver
  • 80 g of solid cheese
  • 2 eggs, cooked cool
  • 2 boiled potatoes
  • Several stems of green onions
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oils
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Several twigs of dill or parsley

We start cooking:

  1. We clean the boiled “in uniforms” potatoes, rub on a coarse grater, distribute the bottom of the deep salad bowl, salt, pepper, spray with oil.
  2. Open the jacket of the liver of the serpent, we can do the contents of the fork, lay out on a layer of potatoes, spray with vegetable oil, pepper, sprinkle on onions.
  3. Of the boiled eggs, we clean the shell, three on a fine grater, lay out a green beam layer, salt, pepper, spray with oil.
  4. We sprinkle the top of the salad with cheese with cheese, embellish the greens of spicy herbs, put it in the refrigerator so that the salad is soaked, after a few hours you can serve to the table.

How to deliberately prepare a “tenderness” salad with shrimp and pineapples: recipe in layers

Salad tenderness with shrimp
Salad "Tenderness" with shrimp

Salad "Tenderness" with shrimp and pineapple

The salad can be eaten even by those people who lose weight, and at the same time it is quite satisfying.

In the salad you need:

  • 370 g of frozen shrimp
  • 1 jar (about 210 g) pickled pineapples
  • 1 avocado (about 190 g)
  • 130 g of green salad leaves
  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. vegetable oils (preferably olive)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • A handful of dried spicy herbs
  • 1-2 bay leaves

We start cooking:

  1. We prepare water for cooking shrimp: put on fire, throw bay leaf, dried spicy herbs (parsley, dill, basil, cilantro, thyme), salt, let it boil and throw frozen shrimp into it. After the ice melts in shrimp, we cook them for several minutes. We drain boiling water from cooked shrimp, free them from the shell, and the soft part cut or kissed, lay them out at the bottom of the wide salad bowl. We leave a few whole shrimp to beautifully decorate the dish. Mix oil with lemon juice, salt, pepper (sauce) and spray it with shrimp.
  2. We cut the avocado into 2 halves, take a seed from it, select the pulp from the peel and cut into small pieces from the peel, put it with a layer on the shrimp and pour the sauce.
  3. We rinse the green salad in cold water, dry it, tear our hands into small pieces, lay out the avocado layer on top, spray the sauce.
  4. Open the jar with pineapples, drain the syrup from it, and cut the pineapples with small cubes, and put it on top of a layer of green salad.
  5. We put the salad for 1-2 hours in a cold place, and you can eat.

Important. How do you know if ripe avocados or not? When pressed on the tropical fetus, a dent appears, which is then restored - this is ripe avocados, if there is no dent, green, and if the dent remains after the pressure - overripe. Only ripe avocados are useful.

How to deliberately prepare a “tenderness” salad with melted cheese and sausage: recipe in layers

Salad Tenderness with a melted cheese and sausage
Salad "Tenderness" with a melted cheese and sausage

Salad "Tenderness" with melted cheese and sausage

This salad can be called a quick salad. It can be prepared in half an hour. Despite the speed of preparation, it has its own sophistication and piquancy, which the flooded cheese gives salad.

In the salad you need:

  • 150 g of boiled sausage
  • 1 cheese melted (90-100 g)
  • 1 cucumber small in size
  • 2 cooked eggs
  • 3-4 tbsp. l. green peas (canned)
  • 4-5 tbsp. l. mayonnaise
  • Salt and pepper to taste

We start cooking:

  1. We cut the sausage finely into cubes, distribute exactly in a deep salad bowl, apply a net with mayonnaise on top.
  2. We chop the cucumber finely into cubes, lay it out on the sausage, plant a little, pepper, and apply a grid of mayonnaise on top.
  3. We put the melted cheese for 15 minutes in the freezer (it will harden, and will be well on a grater), take it out of the freezer and rub, distribute a cucumber above, apply a mesh of mayonnaise.
  4. We clean the boiled eggs from the shell, chop into small pieces, distribute it according to a layer of melted cheese, salt, pepper, draw a mesh with mayonnaise on top.
  5. On top of the salad we spread green peas, put in a cold place, after 1-2 hours you can eat.

How to deliberately prepare a “tenderness” salad with salmon and cheese: recipe in layers

Salad tenderness with salmon and cheese
Salad "Tenderness" with salmon and cheese

Salad "Tenderness" with salmon and cheese delicate and pleasant to taste due to a combination of salt red fish, boiled carrots and raw apple.

Salad "Tenderness" with salmon and cheese

For salad you need:

  • 240 g of salted salmon, you can a jar of canned salmon or other red fish
  • 100 g of solid cheese
  • 1 boiled carrot
  • 3 boiled eggs
  • 1 juicy apple
  • 100 ml of mayonnaise

We begin to cook:

  1. We cut the salted fish with small cubes or chop the canned fish with a fork, and spread the layer in a deep salad bowl, apply mayonnaise in the form of a mesh.
  2. We distribute chopped boiled eggs with a layer on the fish, and also apply a mesh of mayonnaise.
  3. We lay out a boiled carrot grated, we lay out the eggs on top of the eggs and apply mayonnaise.
  4. We strict the apple with small strips and distribute it along the carrot layer.
  5. Solid cheese is three on a grater, with a trim on top of the salad, grease with mayonnaise, lay out whole pieces of fish.

How to deliberately prepare a “tenderness” salad with salmon and avocado: recipe in layers

Salad tenderness with salmon and avocado
Salad "Tenderness" with salmon and avocado

Salad "Tenderness" with salmon and avocado

Many people either love dishes with avocados or do not recognize at all, but it is worth trying to cook from it once, and this fruit becomes a favorite product in the kitchen.

For salad you need:

  • 1 avocado
  • 100 g of smoked salmon or other red fish
  • 1 average cucumber
  • 1 lemon juice
  • 1 orange juice
  • 1 beam of the croach and arugula
  • 1 chiabata (Italian small bread)
  • 1 tbsp. l. shredded seeds of sunflower and sesame seeds
  • 5 tbsp. l. vegetable oil (preferably olive)
  • Several branches of greenery (parsley, dill) for decoration
  • Salt and pepper to your taste

We begin to cook:

  1. We cut the avocado in half, pull out the bone, remove the skin, cut the pulp into small pieces, water it with lemon juice, and spread the layer in a deep salad bowl.
  2. We cut the cucumber with thin strips, mix oil with orange juice, salt, pepper, and spray the layer of cucumbers with this sauce, and spread it on an avocado layer.
  3. We break the chiabat into pieces, water it a little by the sauce, put it in the oven to dry, you can fry in a dry pan on both sides, lay out in a salad bowl on the cucumbers.
  4. We cut red fish into small cubes, and distribute on the chiabat.
  5. I my Khors and therugula in the water at room temperature, dry the greens, tear our hands into small segments, distribute it on the fish, water it with the sauce.
  6. We dry the seeds and sesame seeds in a dry pan, sprinkle the salad on top, decorate with herbs, let it soak in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours, and serve to the table.

How to deliberately prepare a “tenderness” salad with smoked chicken and tomatoes: recipe in layers

Salad Tenderness with chicken and cherry tomatoes
Salad "Tenderness" with chicken and tomatoes of Cherry

Salad "Tenderness" with smoked chicken and tomatoes

For salad you need:

  • 500 g of smoked chicken
  • 4 eggs (boiled)
  • 150 g of solid cheese
  • 300 g of cherry tomatoes
  • 2 Garlic tooths
  • 4-5 tbsp. l. mayonnaise

We begin to cook:

  1. Cut smoked chicken with thin strips, distribute along the bottom of a deep salad bowl. Mix mayonnaise with chopped garlic, and grease the chicken layer.
  2. We clean the boiled eggs from the shell, chop, distribute it according to the chicken layer, and grease with mayonnaise.
  3. Solid cheese (Chedder, Parmesan) three on a grater, distribute on a layer of eggs, spread with mayonnaise.
  4. My cherry tomatoes, dry it, cut into 4 parts, and distribute exactly on top of the salad, let it soak in the refrigerator for about 1 hour, and you can serve on the table.

How to deliberately prepare a “tenderness” salad with meat and cheese: recipe in layers

Salad Tenderness with meat and cheese
Salad "Tenderness" with meat and cheese

Salad "Tenderness" with meat and cheese

Salad "Tenderness" can be prepared on weekdays and on holidays.

For salad you need:

  • 250 g of boiled non -fat pork
  • 180 g of solid cheese
  • 200 g of carrots in Korean
  • 2 boiled eggs
  • 2 potatoes (boiled)
  • 1 onion (average in size)
  • 4-5 tbsp. l. mayonnaise

We begin to cook:

  1. We clean the boiled potatoes in the skin of the potatoes, cut into cubes, distribute along the bottom of the deep salad bowl, lubricate with mayonnaise.
  2. Finely chopped boiled meat with cubes, distribute on a layer of potatoes and lubricate with mayonnaise.
  3. We cut the onion with half rings, pour boiling water, after a few minutes we drain the water, and distribute the onion through the meat.
  4. On a layer of onions, we distribute the carrots prepared in Korean.
  5. We clean the eggs cooked with the shells, separate the proteins from the yolks, chop the proteins and spread it on the carrots, lubricate with mayonnaise.
  6. The grated cheese is distributed on a layer of proteins and lubricate with mayonnaise.
  7. Sprinkle the salad on top with chopped yolks, let it brew in a cool place, and it is ready for a meal.

How to deliberately prepare a “tenderness” salad with canned fish by saira: recipe in layers

Salad Tenderness with canned saira
Salad "Tenderness" with canned saira

Salad "Tenderness" with canned fish saira

For salad you need:

  • 1 jar of canned food "Sayra in oil"
  • 4 eggs
  • 100 g of solid cheese
  • 3 boiled potatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 4-5 tbsp. l. mayonnaise

We begin to cook:

  1. We clean the potatoes boiled in the peel, rub on a grater, distribute evenly on a wide plate.
  2. Put the sir with butter on the potato with a gripped fork.
  3. Then lay out the onion chopped with half rings, water 1 tea. a spoon of vinegar, grease with mayonnaise.
  4. The next layer is chopped egg whites lubricated with mayonnaise.
  5. The fifth layer will be a grater with a grater, greased with mayonnaise.
  6. Sprinkle the top of the salad with chopped yolks, greens, put on the cold for 1 hour, and you can sit down to eat.

How to deliberately prepare a “tenderness” salad with a tongue: recipe in layers

Salad tenderness with the tongue
Salad "Tenderness" with the language

Salad "Tenderness" with the language

The combination of onions with the tongue makes the salad unusually tasty.

For salad you need:

  • 2 languages \u200b\u200bpork boiled
  • 1 onion (large)
  • 4 boiled eggs
  • 2 pickled cucumbers
  • 150 g of solid cheese
  • 1 boiled carrot
  • 250 ml of mayonnaise

For pickling onions you need:

  • Half a teaspoon of sugar and salt
  • 1 tea. l. vinegar
  • On the tip of a black ground pepper knife

We begin to cook:

  1. To start we will put on the onion: Cut it in half rings, sprinkle with sugar, salt, pepper, add vinegar, and leave it for half an hour.
  2. We cut the boiled tongue into small straws, distribute the layer into a deep salad bowl.
  3. We lay out a marinated onion on a layer from the tongue, and lubricate a little with mayonnaise.
  4. We clean the boiled eggs from the shell, chop them, distribute them with a layer on the onion, lubricate with mayonnaise.
  5. We clean the boiled carrots, three on a grater, lay out a layer on the eggs.
  6. We subtly cut the pickled cucumbers into strips, distribute it on a layer of carrots, and grease with mayonnaise.
  7. Sprinkle the top of the salad with cheese, grated on a fine grater, put on the cold, for an hour, and you can eat.

How to beautifully decorate the festive salad "Tenderness" New Year, for the birthday, March 8, February 14, 23, wedding, anniversary: \u200b\u200bideas, photos

New Year's festive salad "Tenderness"

New Year's salad "Tenderness" can be prepared in the form of hours reminiscent that the New Year will come soon.

You can also make a Christmas tree made of greenery on the salad.

Salad "Tenderness" for birthday

On the birthday of the "Tenderness" salad can be embellished with various cut figures from vegetables.

Festive salad "Tenderness" for March 8

On the holiday of March 8, you can prepare the “Tenderness” salad in the form of an eight.

Festive salad "Tenderness" on the day of lovers February 14

On the day of lovers, you can prepare a festive salad "Tenderness" in the form of a heart.

Festive salad "Tenderness" on the day of the defender of the Fatherland

On February 23, a beloved woman can prepare a festive salad “Tenderness” in the form of a tank, a bottle of cognac or wishes, to become a colonel.

Festive salad "Tenderness" for a wedding

The festive salad “Tenderness” for the wedding can be prepared in the form of rings, heart, two swans, a beautifully packed cake.

Festive salad "Tenderness" for the anniversary

The festive salad “Tenderness” for the anniversary can be decorated with flowers and figures of vegetables with inscriptions and without inscriptions on a salad.

So, we learned to cook “tenderness” salads.

Video: Author's salad "Tenderness". Delicious salad recipe for a festive table

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