Nuts with condensed milk, on sour cream: classic recipe. How to cook dough and filling for baking nuts with condensed milk, on sour cream?

Nuts with condensed milk, on sour cream: classic recipe. How to cook dough and filling for baking nuts with condensed milk, on sour cream?

The article describes how to step by step to bake the favorite treat of many adults and children - nuts with condensed milk and sour cream. Find out the intricacies of preparing this dessert.

Previously, delicious home pastries were almost always present on the table in case uninvited guests came to the house. In times of the so -called stagnation were popular - nuts with different fillings. Women baked them in special waffles or in oven in aluminum molds. Children were happy to drink tea and ate homemade cookies. Still, because this sweetness had an amazing aroma and taste.

Such cookies cannot be bought in a store, because it is very different from home dessert. Therefore, if you want to pamper your relatives with delicious pastries, then study how to bake it.

How to cook dough for baking nuts with condensed milk?

Who loves sweet nuts very much, as a rule, over time buys an electric or simple hazel, in which they bake them. Also, they can be baked simply in an oven on a pallet in formacs made of aluminum.

Or, when you have nothing of the above in stock, prepare the cookies directly on the sheet. To do this, just roll the finished dough in the form of nuts, send them to the oven and leave them there to bake until cooked. After cut into two halves and stretch the middle with a spoon. Then they put the filling there.

But how, in any process of cooking sweet cookies, first you need to cook the dough.


  • Butter - 225 g
  • Wheat flour - 725 g
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Soda - 3 g
  • Citric acid - 3 g
  • Salt - 4 g


  1. Melt the oil in a container over low heat. Or you can soften it manually on a grater after it flies a little on a plate in a warm place (not in the refrigerator).
  2. Beat sugar, eggs or mixer in a separate saucepan. Pour sugar into eggs gradually. Further to the mass add baking powder (lemon + soda).
  3. It remains to mix melted oil with eggs, sugar, etc. Add salt a little to the composition. Still, mix everything thoroughly so that everything turns out the same consistency.
  4. And in the end - gradually add sifted flour. Stir the dough well well. As a result, an elastic, oily and soft dough should be obtained.
Dough for nuts with condensed milk
Dough for nuts with condensed milk

How to cook a filling for classic nuts of nuts?

The filling for this cookies is most often prepared from condensed milk. To get a delicious dessert, you will need to prepare the following products:

  • Condensed milk - 1 pc.
  • Walnuts - 175 g
  • Butter - 75 g

Cooking process:

  1. Remove the sticker from the jars of condensed milk. If you do not immediately lag right away, then hold over the steam.
  2. Place the jar in a container of water and let it cook. Cursing should be completely covered with water.
  3. After boiling water, cook cream for nuts on the lowest heat so that boiling water does not boil.
  4. The cooking time is about two hours. Thanks to the process of condensed milk, it will become thick and will acquire a chocolate color.
  5. After melted oil, add to boiled condensed milk. And also add finely ground walnuts to the mass.
  6. Mix the mass thoroughly and you can “fill” the cookies.
Pilling for cookies "nuts"

IMPORTANT: For a pleasant aroma, a little vanilla sugar is added to the filling.

Classic nuts with condensed milk - preparation, recommendations

When the dough and filling are ready, you can begin to prepare the nuts themselves. They will consist of two halves.


  1. The hazel is lubricated with oil. The dough rolled into a small ball is laid out in each mold.
  2. When the hazel is closed, the balls spread along the "nuts" and take the necessary shape.
  3. The device is included in the network, if it is not electric, then the shape is placed directly on the gas stove with turned on.
  4. Nuts are baked due to the effects of high temperatures.
  5. The process proceeds quickly when the form is already well heated.
  6. After the first seconds of baking cookies, release, accumulated air in uniform, slightly opening it.
  7. Without fail, the hazel must be turned on the second side. Then the cookies will be baked the same on both sides.

At the end, after the process is completed, gently with a fork or knife pull out parts of the nuts. And fill the molds with new dough balls. This portion of the dough, like all subsequent, bake in the same way as described above.

Nuts with condensed milk
Nuts with condensed milk

IMPORTANT: After all the dough is laid out in the forms and swayed, let the few nuts cool. Lay the finished filling with a teaspoon on the nuts. Manually glue the halves of cookies. To stuck well, grease the rims of nuts prepared by cream from condensed milk.

Nuts with sour cream

Sometimes there are situations when there is no way to go to the grocery store and buy cookies. And the guests are already on the threshold, what to do? But it's okay. Well, if you have different products in the refrigerator. They will make a very good pastries for tea. The only thing you need to be able to be is to prepare a base, a filling for cookies and patience.

Cookies - nuts
Cookies - nuts

For more elasticity, sour cream is added to the dough nuts. With such a test, the cookies are even tastier and softer. Yes, and the stove from him nuts is a pleasure.


  • Ground -grade flour (wheat) - 675 g
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 125 g
  • Fatute sour cream - 125 g
  • Butter - 125 g
  • Soda, citric acid - 5 g
  • Sugar powder - 18 g
  • Condensed milk - 1 pc.
Fixed cream nuts
Cookies "nuts" with sour cream

Cooking process:

  1. Melt the oil in the microwave. Beat eggs, sugar in a separate container.
  2. Combine oil with eggs, sugar. In the end, pour in sour cream.
  3. Separately, mix the baking powder with the highest grade flour.
  4. Gradually stirring, add flour to the mass (oil, eggs, sugar).
  5. Leave in a warm place the base for 20-25 minutes.
  6. Next, proceed to the formation of small balls of the same size (about 2 centimeters in diameter).
  7. In a hazel lubricated with oil and heated, bake nuts.
  8. When everyone is ready, start with a condensed milk, pre -cooked to a thick state.
  9. In the end, frave the nuts with a sweet cream and glue them with condensed milk.

As you can see, that for the cooking process no special skills are needed. It’s enough to act according to the instructions and not to leave the pastries without attention for a second, because the nuts are prepared very quickly. Do not worry even in an inexperienced housewife you will be very tasty.

Video: cookies "nuts" - recipe for cooking

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