Cake recipes. How to cook quickly a simple home cake? Napoleon cake, honey, chocolate, Prague

Cake recipes. How to cook quickly a simple home cake? Napoleon cake, honey, chocolate, Prague

Nowadays, the availability of any cake leaves no chance to surprise the guests. But if you take into account that for all organoleptic indicators a home cake is always better than from a store, then it is worth it to make a little effort and learn how to prepare such a chic dessert at home.

How to cook a simple biscuit cake at home?

cooking a biscuit cake at home

A biscuit cake is not an inaccessible dish as many housewives think. It is very easy to cook if you follow the right recipe and some tricks.
The first thing to think about is what will be the cream for the cake? It is important and worth taking into account the tastes and preferences of all who will try it.

All components for the cake should lie down in the room to become normal temperature. Therefore, take out eggs, butter or cream from the refrigerator in advance. Then the cake will turn out lush and very tender.

Biscuit cereal cake

A manna cake is the simplest and very fast and suitable for any celebration or just a family dinner. And if you make efforts and decorate it with decorative elements or mastic, then it will not give in to any cake from the store.

Semolina cake

Necessary components: - 160 gr. semolina - 4 eggs, - 200g. Sugar, - Vanilin, - 60 gr. butter - 350 ml of milk, soda.
Biscuit preparation:

  • With the help of a mixer or corolla, we thoroughly beat the eggs with sugar and gradually add a semolina to the mass, soda banged vinegar and vanilla
  • Let stand the dough for about 10 minutes and pour it into a baking dish greased with butter
  • We bake in the oven at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes
  • We take out after the oven has cooled, otherwise the biscuit will settle
  • We spread on a cutting board and carefully cut with a very sharp knife or thread

Components for cream: - butter 200 gr, - condensed milk 200 gr, - 4 squares of chocolate.

  • Beat the softened butter along with condensed milk until a homogeneous mass is obtained
  • After the biscuit has completely cooled, we lubricate each cut cake with cream and lay on each other, laying a layer of berries or jams between them
  • We also carefully lubricate with cream on top and sides and sprinkle with grated chocolate, crumbs from cakes or cherry berries
  • We send the cake to the refrigerator for 2 hours. So that he is soaked and become gentle and delicious

Video: Biscuit Cake Recipe

Simple homemade cake Napoleon

There are a great many recipes for making this cake on the Internet. But as you know, the most delicious Napoleon is obtained by a prescription that is tested by a grandmother or mother. This is the same recipe and verified by a whole generation.

preparing the Napoleon cake at home

Ingredients: -clitting oil 200g, -muk 3 tbsp, -moloko 200 g, -egg, -a pinch of salt, -Soda and vinegar.

For cream: - Sugar 500 gr, - milk 1 liter, - egg. - starch 1 tbsp.

Cooking the dough:

  • We chop the flour with the oil and thoroughly imagine with our hands. It is more convenient to do this on the table so that the flour does not fall out at the edges of the dishes
  • Когда мука смешалась и стала рассыпчатой \u200b\u200bделаем небольшое углубление и вбиваем яйцо
  • Sprinkle with flour on top and pour out the slanting soda
  • Next, we begin to slowly pour milk with a thin stream and immediately knead the dough so that it becomes elastic and stops sticking to the hands
  • Now divide the dough into 15-20 of the same balls and send it to the refrigerator for 1 hour

Preparation of cream:

  • To cook custard, you need to pour milk into a pan and pour sugar there
  • Put on fire and little add starch until it thins
  • The cream can be set to cool and start baking cakes

We bake cakes:

  • We roll the balls from the refrigerator to a very thin state similar to paper.
  • Using a rolling pin, you need to transfer it to a baking sheet and put it in the oven for 5 minutes at 200 degrees
  • So we do with all the cakes
  • When they cool down, we lubricate each cake with cream and fold on each other.
  • We shed abundantly on top with cream, sprinkle with crumbs from cake and leave in the cold

Video: Napoleon Cake - Emma's grandmother's recipe

How to cook home chocolate cake Prague?

The name of this cake is completely in no way connected with the capital of the Czech Republic, because this recipe was invented by the chef of the Prague restaurant, who rooted this name for years.

we make a prague cake at home

This is a very tasty and delicate cake, which at one time lined up. But the benefit now all components for its preparation are available and each housewife will be able to cook it at home.
We will need: - 2 eggs. - 300g. sour cream, - 1 tbsp. Sugar, -Soda, -200 gr. Flour, - condensed milk.
For cream: Condensed milk 100 g, - butter 200 gr.
For syrup: Sugar 25 g, - water 2 tbsp. - liquor or cognac 1 tbsp.
For glaze: Butter 60 gr.- Sugar 5 tbsp. - milk 50 gr.- cocoa 2 tbsp.

We prepare the basis:

  • Rub out sour cream, sugar and eggs until homogeneous consistency
  • Mix the condensed milk with flour and add chopped nuts
  • Add slant soda and mix
  • Divide into three cakes, roll out and bake at 180 degrees each for about 15 minutes
  • Take out and put the plate on top, cut off exactly the edges

Preparation of cream:

  • Beat the oil with sugar and add vanillin
  • Syrup make and impregnate every cake
  • Lubricate everything with cream and smear everything from above in two layers with icing
  • On the sides you can sprinkle with hammer nuts

Video: Cake "Prague" according to GOST

How to cook a honey home cake?

A honey carrier is a cake that adults and children adore. Despite the fact that it is very useful, it cannot be eaten by those who have an allergy to honey. To prepare it, you need to eat for several minutes, and to eat even less.

we make a honey house cake

We will need: - 4 tbsp. honey - 3 eggs, - 4 tbsp. flour, - 2 tbsp. sugar - 800 gr. sour cream. - Soda.
Preparation of the base:

  • Beat eggs with soda in a bowl, add honey and a glass of sugar and put everything on fire
  • We bring the mixture to a boil so that sugar dissolves.
  • Next, add a mixture of eggs and soda and foam will begin to form. We interfere with actively
  • Remove from heat and let cool a little
  • Next, in small portions we introduce flour and knead the elastic dough.
  • Divide it into 10 parts and rolling it out each to the oven for 5-8 minutes at a temperature of 160 degrees
  • Cut exactly the edges of the finished cakes. And from scraps we make small crumbs for powder

Production of cream:

  • Beat sour cream and sugar with a mixer at maximum speed until a homogeneous state. You can add vanillin
  • We smear each cake with cream and sprinkle with crumbs on top
  • We send to the cold for 2 hours for impregnation

Video: cake honey

How to make an icing for a cake at home?

There are many types of glaze for each of the cakes. But we will analyze only the most affordable and tasty.

we make icing for a house cake

Recipe 1

  • Chocolate - 100 g
  • Cream 20% - 2 tbsp.

Preparation: Parous and melt the chocolate in a water bath. Then mix with cream and while it is warm, grease the cake on top of which there is no cream cream. Otherwise, he will melt.

Recipe 2

  • Milk - 70 g
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp.
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Cocoa powder - 2 tbsp.

Preparation: Mix cocoa, sugar and milk and bring to a boil. Put the butter and stir until a homogeneous state. We use in a slightly warm form. Such a glaze looks very beautiful and gives the shine of the cake.

Recipe 3

  • Sour cream - 200 g
  • Sugar - 100g
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Vanillin

Preparation: Mix all the components and bring to a boil. Add butter to the warm mass and mix. You can use cakes from above or after impregnation with a jam. It is used in chilled form so that the cream does not melt.

How to make a mastic for a cake at home?

Mastic is an excellent decorative element for decorating a cake. Graceful figures and flowers are made from it, which allows you to give the cake of originality and timed to the corresponding event, whether it is a wedding or birthday.

We make mastic for a house cake

Recipe1 - mastic from powder

  • Powdered sugar
  • Dry milk
  • Condensed milk

Preparation: All products are mixed in a proportion of 1: 1 to the consistency of plasticine. This mastic has a shade of beige, so it is not used in the manufacture of pure figures.

Recipe 2 - mastic from gelatin

  • Gelatin - 2 tbsp.
  • Water - 1/2 cup
  • Sugar powder - 2 glasses

Preparation: Gelatin is soaked in water and then brought to a boil until completely dissolved. Then add sugar powder and thoroughly knead. To improve taste, you can add citric acid or juice. For sculpting flowers or jewelry, add the desired food dye and everything is ready.

Recipe 3 - Mastic Mastic

  • Marmellshou - 100g
  • Water 1 tbsp
  • Sugar powder - 1.5 cups

Preparation: Mix marmellshou with water and send to the microwave for 2 minutes to increase the volume. Next, mix everything with icing sugar until plastic mass is obtained. This mastic is great for modeling small details and will make your cake very original and tasty.

How to make a home cream for a cake?

Home cream will always be much tastier and useful than ready from a supermarket. Therefore, do not be lazy and use only with your own hands cream.
There are several types of cream, but for each type of cake you need to choose your own. Consider the most popular and do not require large costs.

we make a home cream for a cake

Recipe 1 - oil cream

We need: - butter 200 gr, - condensed milk 100 g, vanillin.

Beat all the components in a mixer until a homogeneous mass is obtained at a very high speed. And this cream is suitable for all types of cakes.

Recipe 2 - cream cream

Ingredients: - Fat cream 500 gr, - sugar powder - 100 g, - gelatin 10 g.

We fill the gelatin with water and let it swell. Beat chilled cream with a mixer to soft peaks. Then, gradually add powder and gelatin, mix until a homogeneous mass and everything is ready.

Recipe 3 - curd cream

Ingredients: - cottage cheese 500 gr,- sour cream 3 tbsp. - Sugar 1/3 of Art. - butter 30 gr.

Sofue the oil at room temperature and mix with all components. Beat at maximum speed in a mixer and add vanillin or syrup to taste. The cream is ready and suitable for sand or biscuit cake.

Home cake recipe - step -by -step photos

The home cake is not only a delicious dessert, it is filled with love, because it is made not in mass production, but at home by a native person. In addition, it does not contain any harmful stabilizers and preservatives who can adversely affect digestion and leaves only the aftertaste of the holiday.

cooking that brownie at home

One of the most important and unusual desserts is the Brownie cake. It seems to many that it is very complicated in cooking. But in fact, everything is very simple.

We will need: - Black chocolate 100g. - butter 150 gr, - sugar 150 gr, - cottage cheese 400 gr. - Cherry 300 gr, - flour 1 tbsp, - salt, soda, vanillin.

Preparation of the base:

  • Grind the chocolate and mix with pieces of butter, put everything in a pan and put in a water bath
preparing the brownie cake at home
  • Stir until the mass becomes homogeneous
preparing the brownie cake at home
  • Mix cottage cheese, eggs and 100g in a blender. Sahara
preparing the brownie cake at home
  • Beat to a homogeneous state
  • In a bowl, mix 2 eggs and 50 grams of sugar with vanilla and salt. Beat and then pour into a chocolate mass
preparing the brownie cake at home
  • We pour half the chocolate dough into a form with a diameter of about 25 cm.
    Put the curd cream on top
preparing the brownie cake at home


  • We scatter cherries without bones
preparing the brownie cake at home
  • Pour the rest of the chocolate dough on top and put in the oven for 45 minutes at 180 degrees
preparing the brownie cake at home
  • Fill the cooled cake with chocolate icing and let it freeze in the cold

The cake is ready!

To organize a festive mood, it is not at all necessary to wait for the holiday itself, it is enough to invite guests and cook them a delicious, home cake with a soul!

Video: Cake in 10 minutes home and very tasty

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