Beautiful salads. Design of salads and snacks. How to beautifully decorate salads and snacks with vegetables, herbs, egg, mayonnaise, pineapple?

Beautiful salads. Design of salads and snacks. How to beautifully decorate salads and snacks with vegetables, herbs, egg, mayonnaise, pineapple?

Decoration for salad is an important part of the entire serving. You can decorate dishes not only by the usual herbs, but also with a variety of cutting, drawings made of mayonnaise, figures. The dishes that were paid to worthy attention during the presentation are always much tastier and more beautiful than the rest.

Tips on how to decorate a salad under a fur coat?

The fur coat salad is one of the favorite salads of our people because it consists of simple and affordable components, and their combination gives a unique and delicate taste. “A fur coat” is often prepared for New Year and Christmas holidays and it always causes a person to a person who has a sense of triumph and joy even on the most ordinary everyday day.

The herring under the fur coat got its name only due to the fact that the fish covers many “fluffy” vegetable and mayonnaise layers with which it is sheltered on a serving dish. But how boring the same salad bowl can look at every holiday with this dish. Nowadays, it is popular and relevant to create an unusual and original presentation for everything and the “fur coat” is no exception.

The most ordinary and "boring" feed of the Submets salad from the herring

Original supply of standard salad "Herring under the fur coat":

  • One way involves giving a salad of fish shape, it is not necessary to imitate herring itself, but the figure of a funny even a little children's fish can provoke the joy and smile of everyone
  • To do this, in advance, a salad on a plate should be laid out in a specific form: an oval with a tail
  • All the details that are characteristic of the fish can be created from improvised materials: scraps of vegetables, olives, herbs, onion rings, drawings with mayonnaise
original supply of salad "Herring under a fur coat" in the shape of a fish

An unusual supply of salad "Herring under a fur coat":

  • One of the most unusual variations of the “fur coat” salad on the table is a roll in the form of a roll
  • Such a salad contains a set of standard ingredients that differ only in that all layers are laid on the food film and in the reverse order: beets, carrots, egg, fish, onions, potatoes (focus on your recipe)
  • Then all the contents are carefully twisted with the help of a film and a roll is formed
  • The roll should be put in the refrigerator for hardening and only after a sufficient amount of time when mayonnaise fasten all layers - carefully put it on a plate
unusual supply of a fur coat in the shape of a roll

You can decorate the roulet from the “fur coat” salad with bright greenery and the mayonnaise “net”.

Beautiful feed of the salad "Herring under the fur coat":

  • Such a feed involves decorating a ring in the shape of a ring
  • To do this you need a special solid or silicone form for baking
  • In order for the salad to keep its shape all the layers, it is necessary to lay out a little tamping and pressing tightly to each other
  • Salad in the form put in the refrigerator for several hours to "grab"
  • After time, it is necessary to cover the shape of a serving plate, sharply turn the shape with a plate upside down and tap a little in shape so that the salad lags behind it
  • Garnish the finished salad with greens and cutting of vegetables
beautiful salad feed "Herring under a fur coat"

Olivier salad decoration, original ideas for serving a familiar dish

Olivier is the most popular and most frequent dish on festive tables. Like the “fur coat” is very fond of cooking for the New Year and Christmas and the taste of this salad will certainly cause pleasant associations. But no matter how delicious and loved this salad may be, its standard and ordinary feed in the form of a “handful” can be boring and uninteresting.

To fix the situation and decorate, as well as diversify the table will help the original and non -standard presentation of the familiar dish. There are several winning variations for this.

The usual and standard supply of Olivier salad on the table

Original supply of Olivier salad:

  • Olivier salad in the original should have a pickled chopped cucumber
  • Not everyone knows a delicious and very balanced combination of pickled salty and fresh cucumber
  • Try to decorate the salad precisely with slides of fresh cucumber, which will not only give the dish of the festivity, but also make it more “fresh” and juicy
  • In order to do this beautifully, you should use either a wide well -sharpened knife or a special vegetable cleaner (which is much more convenient, faster and easier)
  • Cucumber sloses should be cut along. You can spread them in the form of a fan, in the form of ruffles or curls
  • If you wish, you can decorate the salad with potato chips (this is relevant, since potatoes are also present in the recipe)
the original feed of the usual Olivier salad, decorated with fresh cucumber and potato chips

An unusual supply of standard olivier salad:

  • An unusual supply of the usual Olivier salad involves a small “game” with the ingredients of the dish
  • In order to give it a beautiful shape, you will need to use either a special mold in a salad or any round jar
  • Prepare the salad as you usually do, the only condition is not to add peas
  • Put the salad tightly in the mold so that it holds shape
  • Beat peas without liquid to the blender until the pasta is formed
  • Put the resulting paste in an even layer on top of the salad, align it with a knife
  • Remove the mold. On the top of the green hat should be laid out the decoration: boiled quail egg cut in half and spoon of red caviar
  • Be sure that such a dish will “play” in a new way and give you completely different taste sensations
unusual supply of Olivier salad on the table

Beautiful serving of Olivier salad for the festive table:

  • As mentioned earlier, Olivier is a real New Year's dish
  • A beautiful presentation involves arranging this salad in the form of a New Year tree and it is not at all difficult to do it
  • For this design, you will need a two -liter plastic bottle
  • Cut the bottle in half and into a narrow part of it (where the neck) lay the salad with dense layers
  • Let the salad stand for several hours in the refrigerator
  • After that, cover the salad with a plate and turn it over, pull the bottle up, the salad will remain on the plate
  • The resulting “slide” should be decorated with till twigs, grenade grains can be toys toys
beautiful serving of an ordinary Olivier salad for a festive table

Interesting tips on how to decorate a mimosa salad?

Mimosa salad is one of the simplest dishes for the festive and everyday table. It can always be prepared from inexpensive ingredients, because its highlight is canned sardines. The salad is always eaten with pleasure: both for lunch and on the holiday. Its unusual design can be highlighted among other dishes and make your “visiting card” on the table.

the usual presentation of the traditional lettuce "Mimosa" from Sardina

The original feed of the mimosa salad:

  • To surprise guests and please everyone at the festive table will help the original presentation of Mimosa in a humorous style
  • You can create scenery for a beautiful supply using the ingredients themselves: boiled eggs that will become "mice"
  • In principle, the creation of such a presentation is not at all laborious, but requires patience and accuracy
  • The salad should be prepared in a standard way - a “slide”, a little reminiscent of a bell of cheese
  • Decorate the salad with grated yolk, which will give color and brightness
  • Three boiled eggs should be decorated with cheese, olives and twigs of greens, forming ears, eyes, nose and antennae
  • Mice should be evenly distributed over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe “cheese head”
the original decoration of the mimosa salad for the festive became

An unusual feed of the "Mimosa" salad:

  • Such a presentation involves portioned salad serving
  • It looks like somewhat peculiar hills, each of which can be taken and transferred to your plate
  • We can say that these are several small letters "Mimosa" at once
  • Such a salad is prepared traditionally, each layer is laid out after another and at the end sprinkles with yellow or yellow cheese
  • You can place such mounds on the leaves of the salad that laid out the bottom of the serving dish
  • Such a “hilly” feed will distract from the standard and will excite an interest to try the dish
  • Decorate the mounds of parsley twigs and black olives
unusual feeding of the "Mimosa" salad on the festive table

Beautiful supply of lettuce "Mimosa":

  • One of the simplest, but nevertheless beautiful ways of serving salad is the image of the flower of Mimosa itself
  • The salad got its name due to the fact that its upper layer of yolk is very reminiscent of flowering flowering of mimosa
  • That is why you can decorate the salad with "drawing" twigs, the basis of which will be dill brushes
  • In this way, decorate the salad before serving because the greens during the time spent in the refrigerator can “bend” and lose a decent appearance
  • For the background, it is proposed to lay out a layer of grated egg protein, and make flowers and a frame from the yolk
beautiful feeding "Mimosa" salad with the image of a blooming mimosa

Decoration of salad with pepper? How to beautifully decorate the salad with bell pepper?

Bulgarian pepper is a fairly suitable material for decorating salads and other dishes. It has a good color palette: yellow, orange, red, light green, green. Its elasticity is not unimportant, thanks to which you can set the desired shape and outline of the drawing.

There are several most popular ways to decorate the salad with bell pepper:

One way offers you to create a certain figure, for example, a dragon. This is especially true in the year of the dragon on the eastern calendar or to a party in a certain medieval style. From the Bulgarian pepper, it is easy to cut the shape of the dragon muzzle, its spikes on the back, wings and legs. Eyes and some exact details can be cut out of olives.

decoration of salads by bell pepper, creating figures with bell pepper

In another case, Bulgarian pepper - A great shape for serving the salad itself. You can use absolutely any salad. Pepper is neatly cut in half, cleaned of the seeds. A salad of pepper and skewers is folded into the lower part. It should be remembered that the supply is needed perfectly even pepper without external damage.

original supply of salad and decoration of salads with pepper

A simpler way - to lamp the pepper with a certain salad. This is a neat and beautiful way of serving salad, which will refresh the beautiful and light taste of pepper.

pepper stuffed with a salad for serving

The color palette of pepper allows give your salad a certain color,therefore, this vegetable gives you huge scope for creativity and decorating salads by the type of fruit, flowers and other interesting objects. To do this, it is enough to chop the pepper very finely and put it with an even layer.

how to decorate the salad with bell pepper?

Smooth and beautiful rings of Bulgarian pepper can become a beautiful decoration for any salad, it does not matter how you place them, the main thing is to do it with taste and soul.

decoration of salad with pepper. How to decorate the salad with pepper?

How to decorate the salad with pineapples? Jewelry for pineapple salad

Pineapple is one of the most popular decorations for salads with modern salads. Sweet canned pineapple goes well with meat, chicken and mushrooms. Pineapple jewelry is always original and unusual.

Most often, you can find a decoration symbolizing the opened flower. As a rule, other elements complement it: currant berries or grenade, greens.

standard and traditional decoration of salad canned pineapple

You can also decorate the salad with simple cubes of canned pineapple interspersed with bell pepper and cranberry: a sweet, sour and fresh taste is mixed at the same time, which will give the dish a special impression and exclusivity.

salad decoration with cubes of canned pineapple

Pineapple can be easily transformed into flowering cloves, it is enough to attach zeal and accuracy.

salad decoration with rings of canned pineapple

Do not forget about the usual pineapple, the half of which can become not only a decoration, but also a shape for salad.

salad decoration with pineapple, beautiful feed in the half of fresh pineapple

Salad, decorated with tomatoes. How to decorate the salad with tomatoes?

Tomato is one of the best “materials” for decorating and decorating any salad. From the elastic vegetable, various figures of various shapes can be cut:

  • mugs
  • hearts
  • stripes and much more

Tomato can be blossomed (cleaned of the skin), or you can use it in the usual form. Decorating the salad with a tomato, remember that only a soft part will come in handy to you, the seeds should be completely removed.

The easiest way to give the salad an interesting look is to create a ladybug. To do this, you will also need black olives to create spots and muzzles.

decoration of any salad with a trigger form in the form of a ladybug

An unusual and rather complicated way to decorate the salad is to make tulips out of tomatoes. For this, some subtleties must be observed:

  • You should choose and buy only elastic elongated tomatoes
  • Each tomato is neatly cleaned of the seeds
  • To clean the tomato from seeds and the inside, you need to cut it into four petals, if it turned out unsuccessfully, do not worry. The “unsuccessful” side can always be hidden by putting on a plate, and opening a beautiful eye
  • Each tulip is stuffed with a salad, be careful: the salad should be fine enough or chopped to “keep shape” and not make a flower flower
  • The stalk of the flower can be made of greens or feathers of green onions
how to decorate the salad with a tomato? Unusual ways to decorate salad with a tomato

If the tomato skin is thin enough and carefully cut off with a sharp knife along, then from the resulting “ribbon” you can make a beautiful rose.

how to decorate the salad with a tomato unusual, original and beautiful?

In a peculiar way, you can decorate a salad of tomatoes-cherry. To do this, a little oblong tomatoes must be cut a little obliquely and combine two halves from two tomatoes in the form of a heart.

how beautiful and unusual to decorate the salad with tomatoes?

The standard and traditional way of decorating salad with tomatoes is to stuff them with a salad. Maslins and mayonnaise will help create a certain pattern.

decoration of salads with figures from tomatoes

Salad decorated with cucumber, how to beautifully decorate the salad with a cucumber?

Like a tomato, a cucumber is an excellent material for decorating absolutely any salads. Thinly chopped cucumbers can always become a flower where each piece imitates a separate petal. Moreover, you can use both fresh and pickled vegetable.

original and unusual decoration of salads with a cucumber

From the skin and middle of the cucumber, you can always cut out the leaves of any plant in a variety of shape. To decorate salads with such leaves is a pleasure.

decoration of salad with cucumber, creation of patterns and "leaves" from cucumber
salad decoration with pickled cucumber

In order to create figures and patterns from the cucumber, it must be very thinly cut with a wide sharp knife, vegetable vegetables or special cutting for a cucumber that makes a spring out of it.

How to decorate the salad with an egg? Egg jewelry

Eggs are not only beautiful, but also tasty decorations for salad. Eggs can be used the most ordinary chicken for salad, or quail, which are neat and aesthetic due to their miniature. The salad should be decorated with exclusively boiled eggs.

One of the most common ways involves cutting flowers from protein and creating the middle of grated yolks. Such flowers can be decorated with “mimosa” and any other salad, which contains eggs.

how beautiful and original to decorate the salad with an egg?

Even just chopped quail eggs can give any salad a festive and very “delicious” look. To do this, place the halves throughout the dish of the dish or put them along the edge, repeating a certain pattern. Quail eggs can be decorated with a “bead” of red caviar, if it is a fish salad and a ringle of black olive to any other salad.

Small halves of quail eggs also perfectly embody the flower petals, chamomile for example. Of the large halves, you can make boats, animal muzzles, the image of a snowman or Santa Claus for certain holidays.

salad decorated with quail eggs stuffed with mayonnaise
easter salad, decorated with halves of quail eggs painted with food dye
salad decorated with flowers made of egg protein
the salad can be decorated with eggs in the form of mushrooms, the second half of the fungus is painted with onion husk
you can decorate the salad with snakes made up of egg rings

How to decorate a salad with mayonnaise?

Mayonnaise is the easiest way to quickly and beautifully decorate any salad. Mayonnaise is part of almost every salad and therefore the jewelry and drawings from it are always relevant. Mayonnaise jewelry is drawings on the salad with a thin stream of sauce. You can apply them in three ways:

  • having made a small hole in the sauce package squeezing it to the surface of the dish gently
  • putting the sauce in a plastic bag (forming a bag like confectionery from it) and making a small hole in it
  • Having placed the sauce in a confectionery bag or syringe

You can decorate the salad with mayonnaise in several ways:

  • drawing a neat net on it
  • drawing lace or curls from mayonnaise stream on it
  • drawing certain details of figures on a salad and vegetable figures and figures

There are several rules for decorating salad with mayonnaise:

  • to decorate, purchase mayonnaise only the highest percentage of fat content so that it "holds the form"
  • apply a mayonnaise drawing right before serving the salad so that the sauce does not darken, does not become yellow, does not flow and does not deteriorate
  • do everything with particular accuracy and then your work will not remain unnecessary
simple traditional decoration of salad with mayonnaise
"Tsek" from mayonnaise is a simple and unusual decoration of salad with mayonnaise

How to beautifully decorate salads with greens?

Greens are good and practical material for decorating salads. As a rule, from greens you can always create patterns that repeat vegetation:

  • twigs
  • bushes
  • trees
  • grass
  • leaflets

For decoration, absolutely any greens can be suitable, which only needs to be used with creativity. Most often, a green background is created from chopped greens on which you can plant fungi from the egg, God's cows from the tomato or just make the green part of the watermelon crust in the watermelon salad.

Salad "violet" - an unusual decoration of a salad of thinly chopped slides of radishes and green basil leaves
christmas tree salad, where the shape and color of the tree can be made from chopped parsley
salad "Mushroom Polyana", where the chopped greens are laid out in the background - grass in the clearing, where mushrooms grow

How to decorate the salad with dill?

Dill, due to its small twigs, becomes an excellent decoration for salad. Especially if it is finely chopped. It can be conveniently distributed over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe layer, it will create a uniform and non -translucent background. Often it is used to “draw” spruce branches on their salad. This is relevant in the preparation of festive New Year and Christmas salads.

Before decorating the salad with dill, try to comply with several important rules:

  • choose only fresh dill of saturated green color for decoration
  • decorate the salad with dill right before serving, so that during a long -term storage it does not lose its appearance
  • by choosing fresh dill, you guarantee not only color, but also your taste for your dish
salad "Christmas Wreath" decorated with dill for the festive table

Ideas for the design and decoration of holiday salads for the holiday and every day

Decorating salads is a noble deed. So, you get an incredible aesthetic pleasure from the dish without tasting it. Decorations are required by ordinary everyday and especially festive salads about the New Year, birthday, and even March 8.

How much time and effort is spent on decoration of the salad affects the general perception from the dish and even how long the salad will linger on the table. Do not be afraid to experiment and try to decorate the salad with any improvised edible details:

  • vegetable cuts
  • slicing from different types of cheese
  • cutting of smoked and dried types of meat
  • black olives
  • green olives
  • pickled and boiled vegetables
  • boiled chicken and quail eggs
  • red caviar
  • ordinary and leaf
decoration of festive salad with grated boiled vegetables and boiled eggs
salad decoration with halves of boiled egg and carrot cut
salad decoration with greens and orange crusts

Unusual edible decoration of children's salads from figures

Children are real gourmets, they often eat only what suits them. And not much arranges them. It is for this reason that caring mothers are increasingly having to invent unusual jewelry from edible materials so that their children show interest in food. Boiled eggs and vegetables, greens, cheese and meat are used.

Creating a beautiful and even voluminous pattern on a salad or from a snack for your baby is not difficult. However, you should show not small perseverance, be patient and show accuracy.

children's salad "Bunny" made of boiled eggs
children's salad "Tigerok" made of boiled eggs, boiled carrots and sausages
children's salad "Strawberry" decorated with chopped tomato and cucumber

Original design and decoration of snacks on the festive table

The appetizer is the first thing the guests are trying at the festive table. It should always differ in special delicate taste and external aesthetic appearance in order to attract everyone. The appetizer, as a rule, consists of boiled eggs, vegetables, olives, sausages and cheese. It is not rare that delicious seafood is included in the snack.

You can beautifully decorate any appetizer - fish or meat can be with the help of halves of boiled quail eggs, filled with a variety of cover - red, black, caper.

decoration of snacks boiled quail eggs
salad decoration with shrimp and rugs of tomatoes in the form of swans
decoration of the snacks thinly chopped slides of vegetables

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