Delicious Milk girl cake: the best recipes at home with sealing, sour cream, with masquearpone, cheeses and fruits, strawberries, chocolate cake, from Olga Voyurina, Andy of the chef, grandmother Emma, \u200b\u200bfrom “I am Tortodel”, ideas, ideas design

Delicious Milk girl cake: the best recipes at home with sealing, sour cream, with masquearpone, cheeses and fruits, strawberries, chocolate cake, from Olga Voyurina, Andy of the chef, grandmother Emma, \u200b\u200bfrom “I am Tortodel”, ideas, ideas design

There are many recipes for preparing the Milk Girl cake. This article contains the best recipes and tips for preparing this dessert.


The Milk Girl cake is a delicious dessert that will appeal to both adults and children. Its taste is light, rich and balanced. The cakes are juicy and soft. Thanks to this, such a cake has gained immense popularity around the world.

  • For the first time, German housewives made the cake in order to diversify the menu for their household sweeters.
  • The dessert was based on condensed milk with the name Milch Madchen, which translates as a “milk girl”. Hence the name of the cake.
  • Of course, we will not find such a condensed milk, and we will use the usual Russian one, but this will not get worse for the taste of this dessert.
  • It is worth noting that a special confectionery chic gives this cake to this cake.
  • In this article you will find many recipes of various creams, any of which will make your cake very tasty and unique.

What kind of cream is best suited for the "Dairy Girl" cake?

The "Dairy Girl" cake consists of biscuit cakes that are prepared in condensed milk. Any cream cream is best suited to such cakes. You can use cream, sour cream, mascarpone, cottage cheese cream cheese as ingredients and so on. Below there are many recipes for making this cake with different types of creams, but all of them are made on a creamy basis.

Tasty Milk Girl cake at home - with a sealing cream: step -by -step recipe, photo, video


The "Dairy Girl" cake is unique to taste with the delicate cream "Pimbir". To make this dessert you need some products, free time and a very minimum of effort. The cake dough is made simply and quickly, and for the preparation of the filling you need only 5 minutes. In general, you can quickly bake this cake not only on the festive table, but, for example, for dinner as a dessert. So here is the recipe:

Milchmadchen preparation products
Milchmadchen preparation products

Cook the cake like this:

Parchment sheet
Parchment sheet
  1. Mix eggs with a whisk. Add condensed milk and stir everything again with a whisk.
  2. Through a strainer, sorry flour and baking powder together. Pour this dry mixture to the sweet milk-icon mixture and stir with a blender at minimum speed to dissolve all lumps. The resulting dough should resemble the consistency dough for pancakes.
  3. Turn on the oven to warm up to 180 degrees. On a tin sheet, bed parchment. Draw a circle with a diameter of 20 cm. You can circle any pan.
  4. Apply 2 tablespoons of dough to this circle and evenly distribute it.
  5. It is necessary to bake cakes in the oven for 8-10 minutes. When the layer is browned, it means that it is ready, take it out of the oven on the table. Bake the cakes from the rest of the dough. They should turn out from 6 to 8 pieces, depending on the number of dough.
  6. If necessary, cut the cake in a circle. You can attach a dish on which the finished cake will be laid and cut along the edge with a knife.
Ready -made Milchmadchen cakes
Ready -made Milchmadchen cakes

Now prepare a sealing cream mass:

Firefish cream mass
Firefish cream mass
  1. Pour half a glass of milk into a small saucepan, pour starch, flour and stir well.
  2. Then put sugar and pour the rest of the milk. Put a container with the ingredients on the minimum fire. Constantly interfere with a spoon until the first bubbles appear. Remove from heat, cool.
  3. Put butter in a cooled cream mass and beat well with a mixer.
  4. In another container, beat the chilled cream to a density.
  5. Transfer the resulting air mass from the cream to the cream and all together again stir with a mixer.

When the cream is ready, collect the cake:

Collect Milchmadchen
Collect Milchmadchen
  1. Lay on a dish or tray of cake, grinding a cream mass.
  2. Then coat the sides of the cake. Now you need to knead with a rolling pin the remnants of the cakes in the baby and sprinkle the sides of the cake.
  3. Decorate the top of the dessert with whipped cream or berries.
  4. Put the cake in a cold place for several hours and serve on the festive table. Everyone will like its juicy and delicate taste without exception.

Further, in the text you will find recipes for this dessert with other types of cream. For baking cakes, use the above recipe. With its help, cakes are amazing in taste, which are perfect for different creams.

Video: Cake "Dairy Girl" with cream "Pimbir"

Tasty Milk Girl cake at home - with sour cream: step -by -step recipe, photo, video


Creamy cream is one of the most common types of layers for such biscuit cakes. It can also be used to make Milch Madchen cake. To make the cream thick, it is necessary to use oily sour cream. If possible, it is better to find home sour cream, since it is always much more fatigue than store and thicker. So here is the recipe:

Components for cream:

  • Sour cream - 500 grams
  • Vanil - a little
  • Sugar - 300 grams

The preparation of the cake consists of such stages:

Preparation Milchmadchen
Preparation Milchmadchen
  1. Bake the cakes according to the recipe, which is published above in the text. Put them aside.
  2. Now proceed to cooking the cream: first you need to spread sour cream. To do this, lay a gauze in 3-4 layers to the bottom of the corses. Put sour cream on it. Put a colander on a pan or any other bowl and take it into the refrigerator for the night. Many housewives on top of sour cream still put a small cargo so that the serum will leave better, but this is not necessary.
  3. In the morning, put the answered sour cream in a dry bowl, pour sugar and add vanilla. Beat with a mixer to a dense consistency.
  4. Check whether the cream is ready or not, you can use a simple way: tilt a bowl with a mass. If it does not follow, then the cream layer is ready. If the mass is liquid, continue to beat.
  5. After the filling is ready, collect the cake: grease the cakes with plentifully sour cream and lay them on top of each other.

Melt any chocolate in a water bath and make smudges on the dessert on the sides. Sprinkle with crushed nuts on top.

Video: Milk girl cake with sour cream

Tasty Milk Girl cake at home - with cottage cheese cream: step -by -step recipe, photo, video


Cottage cheerful cream is obtained with a rich milk taste. It perfectly complements the taste of biscuit and other cakes. In combination with cakes in the "Dairy Girl" cake, such a filling will add an additional lightness and splendor dessert. Choose a medium -grained cottage cheese. Great for preparing such a cream homemade cottage cheese or from a store, but with fat content from 5% and higher. Here is a recipe for a cake with cottage cheese cream:

Ingredients for cream:

  • Cottage cheese with fat content of 9% - 300 grams
  • Sugar powder - 400 grams
  • Vanilla-a little (up to 2 grams)
  • Butter - 70 grams

Cook like this:

Preparation Milchmadchen
Preparation Milchmadchen
  1. First make cakes (recipe above) and put them on the cooling table.
  2. Then wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve to remove large lumps.
  3. Connect the melted butter with a dull cottage cheese and vanilla. Beat these ingredients to a magnificent state with a mixer.
  4. Then mixing the mass with a spoon, add a little sugar powder. Do not forget to pre -sift the powder through a sieve.
  5. After that, whisk the entire mass with a blender to a splendor.
  6. Lay the finished layers on the dish and grind the air mixture.

Sprinkle the cake on the sides with crushed remains of cakes, and make a net from melted chocolate with a confectionery syringe on top.

Video: Milk girl cake with fruits and cottage cheese cream

Delicious Milk Girl cake at home - with cream from Mascarpone: step -by -step recipe, photo, video


Soft and delicate cheese of Mascarpone is used by culinary specialists around the world to create sweet desserts with exquisite taste. Try to make a "Dairy Girl" cake with a cream of Mascarpone cheese with the addition of condensed milk. You will get a real culinary masterpiece, which will be enthusiastically appreciated by both your guests and households. The recipe for making a cake with such a cream:

Ingredients for cream:

  • Conventional condensed milk - 1 bank
  • Sugar powder - 100 grams
  • Mascarpone cheese - 500 grams

Cook the cake like this:

Preparation of cream mass
Preparation of cream mass
  1. Bake cakes for the cake (description of the recipe above in the text), pull it out of the oven and leave on the table to cool.
  2. To prepare the cream, take a deep bowl and put the cheese into it. Beat it to a splendor with a blender.
  3. Continuing to beat, add condensed milk in small portions.
  4. Then pour sugar and beat again until the mass is uniform. The cream is ready.

Smell the cooled cakes with cream, laying them on each other. When the entire cake is assembled, coat it completely with cream, make the “drops” cream and decorate it with confectionery sprinkling.

Video: Cake "Dairy Girl"

Delicious Milk Girl cake at home - with cheese cream: step -by -step recipe, photo, video


Cream cottage cheese is used by confectioners to create cream for cakes and cakes.

  • The cream with this ingredient is great for biscuit, sand and even fresh dough.
  • It is combined with meringue, berries and other sweet components.
  • Such a cream will not float, since it turns out dense, but at the same time delicate and airy.

Remember: The dessert will turn out delicious with cream made of cream cottage cheese. Do not try to replace it with an ordinary cottage cheese or a melted cheese - this can ruin the dish. The ingredients should be of high quality and fresh.

So here is the recipe:

Ingredients for cream:

  • Creamy cottage cheese - 400 grams
  • Fatty cream 33% - 100 ml
  • Sugar powder - 100 grams

Stages of cooking cake:

Preparation Milchmadchen
Preparation Milchmadchen
  1. Make cakes (recipe above in the text). Put them on the cooling table.
  2. Now start cooking cream. Cream and cheese should be chilled.
  3. Fold all the ingredients in the blender bowl and beat: first at a minimum speed, so that the cheese, cream and powder mix well.
  4. Then switch the blender at high speed and beat to the splendor of 3-5 minutes. Make sure that the cream does not turn into oil. As soon as the mass becomes airy, turn off the blender - the cream is ready.

In such a cream you can add berries - it is beautiful and tasty. Grind the cakes with cream, and also coat the finished cake on top, and decorate with berries. You can first cut the cake into portions, and then decorate each piece separately with berries.

Video: Cake "Dairy Girl". Cpring cake with whipped cream.

Tasty Milk Girl cake at home - with fruits, strawberries: step -by -step recipe, photo, video


The Milk Girl cake goes well with fruits, including strawberries. If the season is now, then use strawberries when preparing this dessert, if not, then any other fruits and citrus fruits. It was described above that berries can be put directly in the cream, or it can be done differently. Cake recipe with berries and sour cream:

Ingredients for cream and berry filling:

  • Fat sour cream (more than 30%) - 400 grams
  • Sugar - 100 grams
  • Strawberries or any other fruits

Stages of cooking:

Preparation of strawberries for Milchmadchen
Preparation of strawberries for Milchmadchen
  1. Corges prepare the recipe described above. After baking, put them on the cooling table.
  2. For the cream, mix sour cream and sugar at minimal speed in a blender, and then add speed and beat to a density, but do not cross it into the oil.
  3. Cut the berries or fruits into pieces, and leave a little for decoration.
  4. Now collect the cake: lubricate the cakes first with cream, then lay on top of a piece of fruit or berries. Cover the next cake and repeat the process. So do with all the cakes.

Lubricate the cake on top with cream and lay the berries. You can cook chocolate lipstick, pour it with it and lay the berries on top. Frint is made simply:

Chocolate Fronus
Chocolate Fronus
  1. Mix half a glass of sugar, 2 tablespoons of cocoa, 5 tablespoons of milk and 2 tablespoons of butter.
  2. Put all the ingredients on a slow fire and cook until thickened for 7-10 minutes.

Fill the cake with a hot lipstick, and when it cools down and “grabs” a little, lay out the fruits. Put the cake for 2 hours in the refrigerator and serve.

Video: Cake "Dairy Girl". Biscuit cake with strawberries

Delicious chocolate cake "Dairy Girl" at home: step -by -step recipe, photo, video


The Chocolate Cake "Dairy Girl" is an unforgettable treat for lovers of chocolate. This dessert is very tender, juicy, just melts in the mouth. You and your households will fall in love with this cake, as soon as you try at least one piece. Here is the prescription:

For cakes:

  • Condensed milk - 1 bank
  • Eggs - 2 pieces
  • Wheat flour 150 grams
  • Cocoa powder-30 grams
  • Baking powder for dough - 2 teaspoons
  • Salt is a pinch

Dli'm cream:

  • Cream 33-35%-500 ml
  • Chocolate in tiles or special confectionery blanks - 300 g
  • Berries - for decoration

Cook dessert like this:

Preparation Milchmadchen
Preparation Milchmadchen
  1. Beat eggs and condensed milk.
  2. Continue to whip, add sifted through a sieve, flour, cocoa and baking powder. Put salt at the end.
  3. Bech everything again.
  4. Turn on the oven 180 degrees. On parchment, draw a circle with a diameter of 20-21 cm. We will have 6-7 such circles. If you have two cakes on your sheet, then bake two, it will be faster.
  5. Light 2 tablespoons of dough on a parchment circle and evenly distribute the dough. Bake for 5-7 minutes. Bake all the cakes and put them to cool them on the table.

Now make the cream:

Preparation of creamy mass for Milchmadchen
Preparation of creamy mass for Milchmadchen
  1. Melt the chocolate in a water bath or on fire, but with the addition of 10 ml of water. Make sure that the mass does not burn.
  2. Cool the mixture a little and whisk it with cream until splendor.

Then collect the cake, laying the layers one on the other, generously smearing with a creamy mass. On top of the cake, also smear the filling and decorate with berries.

Video: "Dairy girl." Chocolate cake for the holiday!

Delicious cake "Dairy Girl" at home from Olga Voyurina: step -by -step recipe, photo, video


Olga Vashurina is the winner of the show "Confectioner", the mother of two children. She makes real culinary masterpieces. Olga offers to make a "Dairy Girl" cake with custard sour cream. If desired, nuts and berries can be added to the cake. Here is the prescription:


For cakes:

  • Egg - 2 pieces
  • Baking powder for dough - 10 grams
  • Condensed milk - 1 bank
  • Flour - 140 grams

For cream:

  • Butter - 200 grams
  • Fat sour cream from 30% - 300 grams
  • Sugar - 150 grams
  • Wheat flour - 2 tablespoons
  • Egg - 1 piece
  • Vanil - a little

Cook like this:

Preparation Milchmadchen
Preparation Milchmadchen
  1. Korzhi Olga makes a cake standard for this: first mixes eggs with a whisk. Then he adds condensed milk and mix everything again with a whisk.
  2. After that, sorry flour and baking powder together. Pour this dry mixture to the eggs and condensed milk and mix with a blender at minimum speed to dissolve all lumps. The resulting dough should resemble the consistency dough for pancakes.
  3. Turn on the oven to warm up to 180 degrees. Build parchment on a baking sheet. Draw a circle with a diameter of 20 cm. You can circle any pan.
  4. Put 2 tablespoons of dough into this circle and evenly distribute the dough.
  5. Bake in the oven for 8-10 minutes. When the cake is browned, it means that he is ready, take it out of the oven on the table. Bake the cakes from the rest of the dough. They should turn out from 6 to 8 pieces, depending on the number of dough.
  6. If necessary, cut the cake in a circle. You can attach a dish on which the cake will be laid and cut along the edge with a knife.

Now cook the cream:

Cream filling for Milchmadchen
Cream filling for Milchmadchen
  1. Pull the egg with sugar in a pan until a homogeneous mass.
  2. Pour flour, vanilla, again stir all the components.
  3. Pour in sour cream, mix and put the resulting mixture in a water bath.
  4. Keep on fire so that the mass thicken. Then put 50 grams of oil.
  5. Remove the future cream mass from the fire.
  6. Beat the remaining oil at high speed to splendor.
  7. Enter the oil into the cooled mass that was prepared in a water bath and beat all together once again to air peaks. The cream is ready.

Grind cakes with cream mass. When the cake is completely assembled, coat it with a cream mixture on top and decorate with berries. Olga offers to the cream add pieces of berries or crushed nuts - it will turn out very appetizing and interesting to taste.

Video: Milk girl cake - very simple and home

Delicious Cake "Dairy Girl" at home from Andy Chief: step -by -step recipe, photo, video


According to culinary videos from Andy, the chef is prepared by housewives of different countries. The dishes from this cook are appetizing and exquisite. Milk Girl Andy Masses Massa Cake with two different cream masses: one goes for a layer, and the second to align the cake from the outside. So, we are preparing dessert as a world -famous culinary culinary:

Products for Milchmadchen
Products for Milchmadchen

Full the following stages:

  1. Biscuit layers are made standardly, as described above: mix all the ingredients, draw circles on the parchment cut and smooth the dough over them. Bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for 5-10 minutes.
  2. For the filling, grind cottage cheese through a sieve, combine with softened butter, 100 grams of sugar and cream.
  3. Beat to the splendor. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and pour it into the cottage cheese and creamy mass, mix everything again.
  4. Now collect the cake, grinding the cake behind the cake and laying them on each other.
  5. Cover on top and sides with cream-plir: mix the egg, sugar, flour and sour cream and put in a water bath until sugar crystals dissolve. When the mass begins to become thick, remove the container from the stove. Let the cream mass cool to a warm state.
  6. Beat the butter and intervene with a silicone shoulder blade in the cream. Get well with a blender again.
  7. Cover the dessert with this filling and decorate with berries and fresh flowers.

Before putting the living color in the cake, isolate the stem with a cling film so that it does not contact with food.

Video: Cake "Dairy Girl" on condensed milk

Delicious Cake "Dairy Girl" at home from the grandmother of Emma: step -by -step recipe, photo, video


Grandmother Emma is a well -known culinary culinary for the entire Internet. She loves to create culinary masterpieces in her kitchen, and shares her experience with other people, publishing video receptives of different dishes on different sites. The “Dairy Girl” cake according to the recipe for the grandmother of Emma is very appetizing, delicate and festive. Here is a recipe for making a cake:


Components components for Milchmadchen
Components components for Milchmadchen

You need to cook the dessert like this:

  1. Break the eggs into a bowl and beat a little with a mixer.
  2. Add condensed milk and continue to stir.
  3. See the flour with baking powder and pour into liquid ingredients. Stir at low speed.
  4. Now spread a parchment sheet on a baking sheet and draw circles on it according to a template with a diameter of 20-21 cm. If your oven has a large baking sheet, then two circles will fit.
  5. Put 2 tablespoons of dough for each circle and level it well throughout the circle.
  6. Beat at a temperature of 180 degrees for 5-10 minutes, depending on the oven.

Prepare the cream mass:

  1. Beat the cream to a density at small revolutions of the mixer.
  2. Add a little condensed milk and continue to stir.
  3. Pour vanilla sugar at the end. Mix once again to the splendor.

Collect the cake, laying baked biscuit layers and grinding cream mass (there should be many creams on each layer). Cover the dessert from above and on the sides with the remnants of the creamy mixture, sprinkle with crumbs and decorate with mint leaves and raspberries or other berries.

Video: Cake "Dairy Girl" - the best recipe from the grandmother of Emma

Delicious Cake "Dairy Girl" at home from "I am a trowel": step -by -step recipe, photo, video


“I am a trowel” is a channel on YouTube. The main character of all videos on this channel is Victoria. She is an experience with experience, she likes to cook desserts. Victoria shares his experience with subscribers. She makes Milch Madchen cake with yogurt cream. You can add fruit to it if desired. Here is the recipe for making a cake:


For cakes:

  • Flour - 300 grams
  • Vanilin - 2 grams
  • Baking powder - 20 grams
  • Condensed milk - 2 banks
  • Egg - 2 pieces
  • Salt is a pinch
  • Soda - 1/4 tsp

For cream:

  • Fat cream 33% - 350 ml
  • Condensed milk boiled - 1 tablespoon
  • Fruit yogurt - 200 grams

Stages of cooking cake:

Preparation of Milchmadchen dessert
Preparation of Milchmadchen dessert
  1. Beat the eggs with salt.
  2. Then add condensed milk (both banks) and continue to whip.
  3. Flour, vanillin and baking powder and pour into liquid ingredients.
  4. Add soda and mix well again.
  5. Now on the parchment, draw a circle with a diameter of 20-21 cm. Turn the paper over and apply the dough (2 tablespoons) throughout the circle, smooth out. It should turn out 7-8 cakes.
  6. While one cake is baked, apply the dough to the second sheet of parchment and so on.

When all the cakes are ready, make the cream:

  1. Beat the cream at large speeds with condensed milk.
  2. Then add yogurt and mix again.

Collect the cake and decorate as you want. Read more the recipe for making a cake watch in the video below.

Video: Cake "Dairy Girl": Recipe from "I'm Tortodel"

How to decorate the Milk Girl cake: ideas, tips


The best decoration for such a cake is a cream-nickel and berries. The cream that you missed the cakes, coat the cake on top and on the sides, and lay beautiful any berries or cut fruits beautifully. You can supplement the "composition" with mint leaves. You can also use other decoration options:

  • Confectionery sprinkling
  • Chocolate icing - drops, smudges, mesh
  • Various sweets, nuts
  • Chocolate chips
  • Natural flowers
Milchmadchen with fresh flowers
Milchmadchen with fresh flowers

If you decorate the cake with fresh flowers, then isolate the stem with cling film so that it does not contact with the cake.

Milk girl
Decoration of the Cake "Dairy Girl"
Milk girl
Decoration of the Cake "Dairy Girl"
Milk girl
Decoration of the Cake "Dairy Girl"
Milk girl
Decoration of the Cake "Dairy Girl"
Milk girl's chocolate cake design
Design of chocolate cake "Dairy Girl"
Milk girl's chocolate cake design
Design of chocolate cake "Dairy Girl"
Milk girl's cake design
Design of the Cake "Dairy Girl"
Milk girl's cake design
Design of the Cake "Dairy Girl"
Milk girl Cake
Design of the Milk girl cake with fruits
Milk girl Cake
Design of the Milk girl cake with fruits
Milk girl's cake design with flowers
Design of the Milk girl cake with flowers
Milk girl's cake design with flowers
Design of the Milk girl cake with flowers
Milk girl's cake design
Design of the Cake "Dairy Girl"

Cake "Dairy Girl»: Reviews

Not everyone succeeds the first time to bake the sensational Milch Madchen on the entire Internet cake. If you decide to prepare this dessert for the first time, read the reviews of other housewives who have already prepared such a cake:

Irina, 28 years old

I have long wanted to bake the cake"Dairy girl" And now she decided. I made it my husband for my birthday. The guests were delighted, husband too. The taste turned out to be gentle, and the cakes are juicy and soaked, although in the refrigerator it stood only 1 hour. The only advice for beginner confectioners is to lubricate the parchment before pouring the dough, with soft butter so that the finished cake leaves the paper well and does not stick.

Maria, 32 years old

Milch Madchen cake is on my beloved list. It is loved by our whole family. I do it with a Foke cream. The cake has a delicate creamy taste. I really like to put the berry or fruits into the cake. They add piquancy and uniqueness to the taste.

Zhanna, 27 years old

I often bake Milch Madchen cake, but chocolate. In our family, everyone loves chocolate and such a cake goes “with a bang”. I make a double portion of the dough. So it turns out more cakes, and the cake is high and appetizing.

Video: Correct your mistakes when baking "Dairy Girl"

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