Nisuaz festive salad: ingredients and a step -by -step classic recipe with canned tuna, fried in sesame seeds, anchovies, a Pashot egg. How to deliberately prepare Nisuaz salad with chicken, cod liver, salmon, sea scallop: recipes

Nisuaz festive salad: ingredients and a step -by -step classic recipe with canned tuna, fried in sesame seeds, anchovies, a Pashot egg. How to deliberately prepare Nisuaz salad with chicken, cod liver, salmon, sea scallop: recipes

Nisuaz salad is perfect for a table for any holiday. This article has many recipes for this dish.

Nisuaz salad, created by Nice cooks, is exquisite and worthy for any festive meal. In restaurants, it is served with expensive white wine with a dressing from balsamic vinegar. We will also make this salad in different variations. Choose what you like and delight your household and guests with the exquisite dish.

NISUAZ festive salad: ingredients and step -by -step classic recipe with canned tuna, fried in sesame seeds, anchovies, eggs Pashot

Nisuaz festive salad with a canned tuna fried in sesame seeds, anchovies, an egg Pashot
Nisuaz festive salad with a canned tuna fried in sesame seeds, anchovies, an egg Pashot

Many housewives do not make Nisuaz salad due to the fact that it has a plowing egg. It seems that it is right to cook an egg in this way; only a real professional cook will turn out. But this is not so, any, even the most beginner mistress, can make a PASHOT egg. There are three ways to make it:

Method number 1:

  • Boil water in a small saucepan - from 0.5 liters to 0.75 liters. Add 1 tablespoon of vinegar and a little salt.
  • Reduce the gas so that there are no large bubbles from boiling, and gently drive an egg into the water.
  • Wait for the protein to be cooked, the yolk should remain raw.
  • Now it remains only to carefully take the egg out of the water with a spoon and put in a salad.

Method number 2:

  • Boil water with vinegar and add a little salt.
  • Reduce the gas and tighten the funnel in the water with a spoon. You need to pour an egg into this funnel.
  • When the protein is cooked, take the egg out of the water.

Method number 3:

  • This method is suitable if you are worried that you will not succeed in a PACHOT egg. Break the egg into a plastic bag.
  • Put the stewpan with water on the gas and when the water boils, lower the bag with the egg into it.
  • After a couple of minutes, when the protein is boiled, take out the package of the water carefully and put it in the salad.

Now let's start preparing a festive nisuaz salad with a step -by -step classic recipe with a canned tuna fried in sesame seeds, anchovies and a Pashot egg.


  • Canned tuna - 1 bank
  • Green mix - 1 bunch
  • Olive oil - a little
  • Anchovies - a few pieces
  • Egg - 1 piece
  • Peckor beans - a few pieces
  • Carrots - 200 grams
  • Sesame - 30 grams
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • A little freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • Cherry tomatoes - 5 pieces
  • A mixture of peppers

Cook according to the following instructions:

  • Open a jar with tuna and put the fish on a plate. Pour sesame seeds into it, and roll fish well in these small seeds.
  • Then heat the pan, add olive oil and put fish in it in sesame seeds. Fry on both sides no more than 2 minutes over medium heat to make a light crust.
  • At this time, put the salad with your hands and put in a plate.
  • Put the fried fish in sesame seeds on the salad.
  • Wash the beans, boil for 3 minutes, cut in half.
  • Grate the carrots on the Korean grater.
  • Cut the anchovies into several parts.
  • Cut the garlic finely.
  • Now combine in a separate dish: beans, carrots, anchovies and garlic. Add a little olive oil and oil from anchovies. You also need to add a few drops of lemon juice and sprinkle with pepper. Mix everything again and put on a dish to fish and salad. At the edges, put cherry tomatoes cut in half.
  • Sprinkle the salad with balsamic vinegar, lay the slot egg on top and serve to the table.

You can also decorate this salad with chopped black olives and different greens.

Saul for Nisuaz salad with tuna: recipe

With refueling salad "Nisuaz" It turns out unique to taste with notes of mystery and sophistication. It is with such an addition that vegetables acquire a shade of amazing taste, which is familiar only to sophisticated ladies and gallant gentlemen from luxurious houses and fashionable hotels.

This dressing is easy to make, but you need to know the secret that Jamie Oliver invented. It helps to correctly mix all the ingredients to a homogeneous mass. The secret is to use a jar with a lid.

Saul for Nisuaz salad with tuna
Saul for Nisuaz salad with tuna

So, recipe for refueling for Nisuaz salad with tuna:

  • Fold in a jar 1 tablespoon of mustard, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, salt, pepper to taste and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.
  • You can drop a few drops of balsamic vinegar or add half a teaspoon of liquid May honey.
  • Now close the jar with a lid and shake the contents well-at least 2 minutes.

It will turn out a homogeneous mass that needs to be watered by salad.

How to deliberately prepare Nisuaz salad with chicken: Recipe

Nisuaz salad with chicken
Nisuaz salad with chicken

Provencal salad "Nisuaz" You will like the chicken from the first spoon. The ingredients are so combined and complement each other that it is impossible not to fall in love with this dish. There is a legend that such a salad was loved by the world -famous choreographer George Balanchin, as this dish does not add a figure of extra pounds and you can often pamper themselves. Below is a recipe that will help to deliberate the salad deliciously "Nisuaz" with chicken.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • Green beans in pods - 100 grams
  • Cherry tomatoes-5-6 pieces
  • Black olives without bones - several pieces
  • The file part of the chicken - 1 half
  • Egg - 1 piece
  • Refueling prepared according to the above recipe

Now prepare the salad at these stages:

  • Wash the file meat and put it on gas for 20 minutes. The water is slightly added. Cool the meat in the broth.
  • Then take out the fillet and cut into pieces of 1.5 cm.
  • In chicken broth, boil the beans for 5 minutes. Then cool it in the water and cut it in half.
  • Cut the tomatoes into halves, olives with thin circles.
  • Prepare the PASHOT egg.
  • In a bowl, you need to mix the washed and torn salad, tomatoes, beans and a finished dressing.
  • Add olives and mix once again.
  • Put the finished salad on a plate. Put pieces of chicken on top, egg egg. Pour the remaining refueling mixture. Salad ready!

This light and tasty salad is always popular on the festive table. It is preferred even more than different mayonnaise and other salads.

How to deliberately prepare Nisuaz salad with cod liver: recipe

Nisuaz salad with cod liver
Nisuaz salad with cod liver

The cod liver is delicate and tasty. It goes well with salad ingredients "Nisuaz". Make this dish for a festive dinner and surprise your loved ones and guests with a unique taste of such an exquisite salad. Here is a recipe to cook a salad delicious "Nisuaz" With a cod liver:

What do you need from the products:

  • Green salad leaves - several pieces
  • Medium -sized potatoes - 2 pieces
  • Cherry tomatoes - 3 pieces
  • Green beans in pods - 100 grams
  • Black olives (without bones) - several pieces
  • Anchovies - 3 pieces
  • Pashot egg - 1 piece
  • Cod liver - 2 pieces
  • Refueling - 1 tablespoon
  • Salt, ground black pepper - to taste

Now start cooking salad:

  1. Wash the potatoes well under the water tap, cleaning the dirt well. Boil it entirely and in the peel until cooked. Side the water. When he is ready, put on a napkin.
  2. Then cut the tubers into 4 parts and fry until golden brown in a pan.
  3. Wash the beans, put in a pan, pour water and cook for no more than 5 minutes so that it remains crispy. Then transfer the beans to cold water so that it does not lose color.
  4. Cut the olives in circles.
  5. Cut the anchovies into 2 parts.
  6. In a bowl, mix the fried potatoes, boiled beans and chopped olives. Add refueling and mix.
  7. Make an egg for a Pashot.
  8. Put the leaves of green salad on the bottom of the plate, then lay out mixed ingredients from a bowl. Salt and pepper the dish to your taste.
  9. Cut the tomatoes into halves and put them on the edges of the plate.
  10. Put the egg in the middle.
  11. Then open a can of canned food with a liver, put the contents on a plate without brine. Cut the liver into several pieces and put in a salad.
  12. Place the anchovies on top of other ingredients. Pour all the ingredients again with refueling and serve the dish on the table.

This salad is very satisfying and tasty. He replaces the side dish, meat dish and vegetable salad. Three in one in half an hour, and at the same time tasty and nutritious. Everyone dreams of this.

How to deliberately cook Nisuaz salad with red fish salmon: Recipe

Nisuaz salad with red fish salmon
Nisuaz salad with red fish salmon

Dishes with red fish are prepared for special holidays, when all relatives and other close people gather. Want to surprise your guests with an amazing taste of the prepared dish? If you cook this salad, then your guests will think that you ordered food in a restaurant. So this dish is original in taste and beautiful. Here is a recipe to cook a salad delicious "Nisuaz" With red fish salmon:

You need such ingredients:

  • 200 grams of green beans in pods
  • 3 tablespoons of black butter without bones
  • 4 cherry tomatoes
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 large clove of garlic
  • 3 pieces of potatoes
  • 300 grams of salmon fillet or other oily red fish
  • 1 glass of white wine
  • 1 pinch of salt and pepper
  • 1 red onion
  • 1 bunch of leaf salad

It is worth noting: This recipe is designed for three portions of salad. Therefore, 3 eggs of a Pashot will be needed. Cook each egg in a separate stewpan so that it turns out beautiful.

Cook the salad in stages:

  1. At the same time, put on the gas cook: potatoes in the peel, beans.
  2. Cook the beans for no more than 5 minutes, then remove and cut in half. Remove the finished potatoes out of the water, get wet with a napkin and cut into 4 parts.
  3. Fry the potatoes in a pan with butter until golden crust. Then wind the slices of garlic in the oil.
  4. Now the turn has come to cook fish. Pour a glass of wine into the stewpan, salt and pepper. Bring the wine to a boil and put the fish with pieces.
  5. Cut the onion in half rings, tomatoes in half and olives into thin circles.
  6. Make a refueling in advance.
  7. Boil the eggs of the Pashot.
  8. In a separate bowl, mix: beans, olives, tomatoes, garlic, potatoes and onions. Pour the gas station.
  9. Now collect the salad: put the torn salad leaves on the plate and lay out the contents of the bowl. Put fish and egg on top. Salad ready.

Tomatoes can not be added to a bowl with other ingredients, and at the end put on a plate at the edges so that they do not lose a beautiful appearance.

How to deliberately prepare Nisuaz salad with a sea scallop: Recipe

Nisuaz salad with a sea scallop
Nisuaz salad with a sea scallop

Salad "Nisuaz" With sea scallops, it turns out tasty and unusual. In combination with vegetables and a unique dressing, the taste of this mollusk will be completely revealed. Here is a recipe that allows you to make a tasty salad "Nisuaz" With a sea scallop:

You will need the following ingredients:

  • Green leaves salad - 1 beam
  • Olive oil - a little
  • Carrots - 2 pieces
  • Bulgarian pepper red - 1 piece
  • Sea scallops - 300 grams
  • Anchovies - a few pieces
  • Egg - 2 pieces
  • Peckor beans - a few pieces
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • A little freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • Cherry tomatoes - 5 pieces
  • Original refueling (see the recipe above in the text)
  • A mixture of peppers

Cook according to this recipe:

  1. Torn salad leaves.
  2. Grate the carrots straws on the Korean grater.
  3. Cut the bell pepper also strips.
  4. Sea scallops can be cooked on grill, or you can simply sprinkle with lemon juice and leave to marinate for 2 hours in a cold place. Before sending them to the salad, cutting them not too small.
  5. Remove the anchovies from the can and cut it in half.
  6. Prepare the egg, but in the last turn, so that the salad is ready, and it remains only to put an egg on it.
  7. Boil the beans and cut in half.
  8. Now put salad leaves on the dish.
  9. In a separate bowl, mix carrots, pepper, scallops, garlic, beans chopped into circles. Pour a little dressing and put on a dish with a salad.
  10. Put an egg, anchovies and sea scallops on top. Sprinkle with a mixture of peppers.
  11. Lay the halves of tomatoes around the edges. Once again, pour the salad with the remaining dressing and serve.

Such a salad is very useful for those people who are afraid to gain weight. In 100 grams of scallops no more than 90 kcal, and from the proposed products, you get 3 large portions for three people. In one portion of such a salad will be no more than 120 kcal.

How to deliberately prepare Nisuaz salad with arugula: Recipe

Nisuaz salad with arugula
Nisuaz salad with arugula

Arugula is at the same time greens, salad and peculiar cabbage. It is in the recipes of many dishes. Many cooks prepare salad with this plant "Nisuaz". Therugula complements the taste of other ingredients, and makes the dish tasty and original. Here is a recipe that will help cook a salad deliciously "Nisuaz" with arugula:

You will need the following ingredients:

  • Black olives - 100 grams
  • Rugula - 100 grams
  • Chicken egg 3 pieces
  • Canned tuna in oil - 100 grams
  • White onions-1 piece
  • Radishes - 100 grams
  • Original refueling (recipe above)
  • Cherry tomatoes - several pieces
  • Salt and pepper - to taste

Make a salad, observing such stages:

  1. Boil the eggs of the Pashot.
  2. Cut the tomatoes in half. If you have not found cherry, then you can use ordinary, but ripe tomatoes. Cut them into slices.
  3. Remove the tuna from the jar and cut into pieces.
  4. Cut the olives with rings.
  5. Grind therugula a little or torn with your hands.
  6. Cut the onion into thin rings.
  7. Bright the radish with thin circles.
  8. Mix all the ingredients and pour in the gas station.

If you do not want to make a refueling, then such a salad can be seasoned with olive oil and sprinkled with wine vinegar.

How can you replace the anchovies in the Nisuaz salad: tips

Anchovies are usually sold in salty in oil-spray. But in some cities they are not on sale. In appearance, they resemble our sprats, but they taste very different. So how can you replace the anchovies in the salad "Nisuaz". Here are the tips:

  • You can clean the salted sprats from the intestines, heads and a ridge bone, and put vegetable oil with the addition of wine vinegar for 30 minutes in brine. Then this sprat must be cut in half and put in a salad.
  • The same can be done with slightly salted hamsa. Only carefully clean the intestines from it, as they give bitterness and can ruin the taste of the dish.
  • Files of herring are also suitable. In general, anchovies are a fish from the family of herring fish. Separate the fillet from herring, remove the bones and cut into thin strips.

Experiment with tastes, try to make a salad with the addition of different fish. It is interesting, tasty and original.

How to beautifully decorate the festive salad "Nisuaz" New Year, for the birthday, March 8, February 14, 23, wedding, anniversary: \u200b\u200bideas, photos

Salad "Nisuaz" In itself, it is very beautiful and appetizing, and it does not need to be specially decorated with a festive table. Take just an original plate - a square shape or another, which is in your house, and just lay out the salad, as your imagination tells you. Here are a few options on how to decorate the dish beautifully and how to place the ingredients on the plate:

Festive salad "Nisuaz" New Year Put the plates across, decorate with herbs, and pour the gas stations slightly around the edges.

Decoration of the festive salad
Decoration of the festive salad "Nisuaz" for the New Year

For a birthday You need to do a lot of such a salad, since it will disperse from the table instantly. Put the meat in the center, and an egg and vegetables along the edges. By the way, many housewives do not make a Pashot, but simply boil the soft egg and cut into 4 parts.

Decoration of the festive salad
Decoration of the festive salad "Nisuaz" for the birthday

On March 8 Men want to surprise their women and many even prepare a festive table. Here is an option for a beautiful salad serving "Nisuaz".

Decoration of the festive salad
Decoration of the festive salad "Nisuaz" on March 8

This salad is great for the table for February 14. It is small -calorie and there are many vegetables in it and there is fish - a powerful aphrodisiac.

On February 23, your man will appreciate such a salad feed "Nisuaz" - All ingredients are located separately on the plate - beautifully and appetizing.

Decoration of the festive salad
Decoration of the festive salad "Nisuaz" on February 23

For a wedding You can put the salad on a long plate, highlighting the tuna fillet in it.

Decoration of the festive salad
Decoration of the festive salad "Nisuaz" for a wedding

For the anniversary Salad supply should also be interesting. Here is the idea in the photo.

Decoration of the festive salad
Decoration of the festive salad "Nisuaz" for the anniversary

Now you know how to cook a salad "Nisuaz" - A dish of French cuisine is tasty, delicious and healthy. Experiment with the taste and number of ingredients to create your own unique culinary masterpiece. Enjoy your meal!

Video: French Nisuaz salad

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