The best recipes for festive cocktails at home with champagne, wine, vodka, vermouth, rum, cognac, whiskey, liquor. How to make a delicious alcohol cocktail for a holiday, parties?

The best recipes for festive cocktails at home with champagne, wine, vodka, vermouth, rum, cognac, whiskey, liquor. How to make a delicious alcohol cocktail for a holiday, parties?

At home, you can prepare very tasty alcoholic cocktails that will brighten up any party and will be no worse than those in bars and clubs. Interesting recipes for delicious cocktails contain the simplest ingredients that can easily be found on the shelves of the store.


Cocktail - blue lagoon with vodka and liquor: classic recipe

"Blue Lagoon" must “We will like” those who love exotic and unusual aftertaste. Along with this, this cocktail is very simple and at home, any housewife will be able to cook it. The ingredients for the drink are not complex and it is easy to find them in a modern supermarket.

Interesting: the recipe for the Blue Lagoon was invented back in the distant 1960. Just at that time, the film of the same name was incredibly popular and one novice American bartender was not ashamed to give the turquoise drink the same name. On the other hand, there is an opinion that the cocktail earned his name thanks to the resort sources of Iceland, which was once Mcellon-the inventor of the cocktail.

You will need:

  • Vodka (any) -50-70 ml. (depending on the preferred fortress).
  • Blo-bro-bum -10-15 ml. (It is the liquor that gives the drink a characteristic blue color).
  • Sprite drink - 150 ml. (it is better not to replace a tonic or some other sweet drink).
  • Lemon slice to decorate the finished cocktail
  • A handful of ice cubes to the bottom of the glass

Important: for the preparation of the Blue Laguna, you should use a high glass for 220-250 ml of the drink. Such dishes are called Haibol.

ready cocktail


  • First put the ice on the bottom of the glass. Its number should reach approximately the middle of the glass.
  • In a shaker (preferably) you can carefully mix the exact amount of vodka and blue liquor.
  • Mixed ingredients are poured over ice in a glass and only then the required amount of sprite is poured.
  • The finished cocktail, as a rule, is decorated with a circle of lemon.
  • Drink a cocktail through a long tube.

A unique combination of ingredients:

  • Vodka gives bitterness and fortress to the whole cocktail
  • The taste of vodka practically neutralizes a sweet liquor, while giving an unusual blue color - the originality of the drink.
  • Reign, first of all, reduces the fortress of the cocktail and “gives” it a soft citrus taste.

Important: recently, more and more often modern bartenders have been trying to replace vodka with some unusual strong alcohol (for example, light rum or gin), but this rather spoils the drink, which makes it tastier. In addition, you should definitely know that a combination of vodka and soda sprite gives rapid intoxication. If you do not want this to happen, let the gases disappear, thoroughly mixing the cocktail with a tube.

Bloody Mary cocktail with vodka and tomato juice: Recipe

Drink popular for more than twenty years in a row, mostly in Russia. What is the secret of such a drink? In simple ingredients and quick preparation. Simply put, it is easy to cook at home and in just one minute.

Interesting: the drink is named after the English Queen Maria Tudor First (15th century). Such a cruel name completely characterized the cruel reprisals of Her Majesty.

You will need:

  • Vodka (any) -50-75 ml. (depending on the preferred fortress of the drink).
  • The juice is tomato - 150 ml. (purchased)
  • Lemon juice -10-15 ml. (freshly squeezed from half of the lemon).
  • Salt is a pinch
  • Pepper - a pinch
  • Tabasco and Woster sauce -2-3 drops (to taste, can be excluded).
  • A twig of celery To decorate the finished dish.
Ready cocktail


  • To prepare the drink, you should use a high glass for juice.
  • The required amount of vodka should be poured to the bottom of the glass.
  • Add the juice of the half of the lemon to the vodka, pour salt and pepper.
  • Immediately add ice to taste, but not too much (approximately 5-6 cubes).
  • After that, pour in tomato juice and add the sauce if you want.
  • Put a thin sprig of celery and a long tube in the finished cocktail.

Important: drinking cocktail should be in small sips, biting in small pieces of fresh celery.

Video: "Professional preparation of the bloody Mary"

Temage of cocktail: classic recipe with vodka and orange juice

The “screwdriver” is perhaps the most popular cocktail, both in expensive bars and at student parties. The advantage of the drink is not only that it is simply prepared, but also that it has a pleasant light and fruit taste.

One of the main ingredients is orange juice (purchased or freshly squeezed), but more and more often it is replaced by any other fruit juice: peach, grapefruit, multi -chip, apple and so on.

You will need:

  • Vodka -50-70 ml.
  • Orange juice - 150 ml.
  • Ice -100-200 g (to taste and the desired fortress)

Important: for the preparation of a cocktail, you should prepare a high glass of Haibol. In the classic version, the ratio of vodka and juice 3: 7 should be made.



  • Ice should be poured into the glass
  • Pour the required amount of vodka into vodka (preferably chilled).
  • Add orange juice to the glass and insert a long tube.
  • Mix the cocktail carefully
  • The finished drink can be decorated with a slice of lemon or orange.

Important: a pleasant sweetness and sourness of lemon neutralize the bitter taste of vodka and together gives pleasant taste sensations.

Video: "Secrets for cooking" screwdrivers "from professional bartender"

Cocktail Margarita: Classic recipe

The Margarita cocktail has been popular for more than 60 years in a row. Appeared from in Mexico, but now they love him and prepare in any corner of the world. The advantage of the cocktail in the simple selection of ingredients and easy preparation.

You will need:

  • Silver tequila -40-50 ml.
  • Orange liquor - 20 ml.
  • Lime juice (can be replaced with lemon) -30-40 ml.
  • Ice -100-150 g.
  • Salt for modern variation is needed only to decorate the glass rim.

Important: for the preparation of Margarita, it is necessary to use a wide glass glass on a thin high leg.



  • For preparation, use a shaker or blender with a large bowl.
  • Pour the ice into the bowl and grind it with tequila and orange liquor, add lime juice. Mix the ingredients very carefully.
  • Pour the contents into the glass
  • Decorate the glass of a slice of lemon and put a small cocktail in a drink.

Video: "Mixing ingredients for Margarita's drink"


Cosmopolitan cocktail: recipe with vodka and cranberry juice

The drink became popular in the United States around the 70s of the 19th century. Surprisingly, the cocktail was not every person’s privilege and gained its popularity only in small circles of American “parties”. Since then, Cosmopolitan has won the hearts of the female half of the population.

Interesting: few people know that the Cosmopolitan drink itself became an advertisement for new vodka that appeared at that time with a lemon taste “Absolut Citron”. After a while, when Cosmopolitan began to lose his position, the American Cyril Cook decided to “refresh” him a little, adding cranberry juice to him. Since then, he began to compete with the popular vermuth of Martini for first place. The peak of the popularity of the “Cosmopolitan” was the series “Sex and the City”, where the heroines of the film drank it almost every day.


Would need:

  • Normal or lemon vodka --45-50 ml.
  • Kuantro liquor Orange - 15 ml.
  • Lemon juice (but better than lime) -8-10 ml.
  • Cranberry juice (fruit drink without pulp) -25-30 ml.
  • Ice - Several cubes

Important: for the preparation of a cocktail, you can not use ice, but the rest of the ingredients should be cooled in advance. For a drink, use a martini glass.


  • The glass should be filled with crushed ice cubes
  • All ingredients should be poured into a shaker and mixed thoroughly.
  • Pour ice crumbs with the contents of the shaker
  • Decorate the finished drink with a slice of lemon
  • Put a short cocktail in a glass
  • Drink "Cosmopolitan" should be in small sips

Video: "Real cosmopolitan: how to cook?"

Cross mother - cocktail: a recipe with whiskey and liquor

The godfather (or more often the “godfather”) is a very simple alcoholic cocktail consisting of simple ingredients. The drink is characterized by a fortress and severe aftertaste. It is customary to drink it after dinner (or the main meal). Men prefer a cocktail for the fact that it contains whiskey. The older the whiskey, the tastier and more significant the cocktail turns out.

Important: the cocktail arose simultaneously with the release of the same name "Cross Father". There is a version that Marlon Brando (an actor who played Corleone) loved a mixture of whiskey and liquor “Amaretto”. There is also an unofficial version of the female and male cocktail. It is customary to add more ice and less whiskey to the "female".

You will need:

  • Whiskey (any) -35-40 ml. (can be replaced with Bourbon).
  • Amateto liquor -35-40 ml.
  • Ice cubes -100-150 g. (According to preference and the desired fortress).
Ready cocktail


  • It is customary to drink cocktail from the glass "Old Fesh"
  • Fill the glass with ice in preferred quantities.
  • Pour whiskey or bourbon over ice
  • Pour in the amaretto liquor
  • With a teaspoon, carefully mix the drink.

Video: "Cross mother: how to cook a drink?"

Daikiri cocktail: recipe with white rum

It is unlikely that any other cocktail will be able to compare with Daikiri in taste. This drink is known all over the world, but even if you are not a professional bartender, you can cook Daikiri at home.

Important: the drink first appeared in a cube. It has a pleasant lemon taste, sweetness of sugar syrup and rum strength.

You will need:

  • Rum (white) -45-50 ml.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp (white or brown)
  • Lemon or lime juice -20-25 ml.
  • Ice cubes -100-150 g.


  • Ice should be chopped in a blender, you will need an ice crumb or chopped ice.
  • The rest of the ingredients should be added to the ice.
  • All ingredients are thoroughly mixed with each other
  • Together with ice, they shimmer into a wide glass on a thin leg.
  • The finished cocktail is decorated with a slice of lemon or a berry of strawberries, a small cocktail tube is inserted.

Important: “Daikiri” is the cocktail that “loves” experimentation. In particular, it can be diversified using different fruit juice. The most popular type of Daikiri is a strawberry cocktail where lemon juice is replaced by strawberry.

Video: "Preparation of lemon daykiri"

Clover Clob Clover: Recipe with Gin and Egg Belon

Clover Club cocktail is a “complex” drink that requires its own preparation features. It has a pleasant and piquant taste, covered with lush egg foam.

Interesting: the cocktail is named after the elite club for men "Cluree Cluree."

You will need:

  • Gin - Rearing: 50 ml.
  • Egg white - 20 ml. (approximately)
  • Malina syrup (can be replaced with Grenadin: grenade syrup) –25 ml.
  • Lemon juice (lime) -20-25 ml.
  • Ice cubes - Until 200 g.
Ready cocktail


  • Pull ice should be added to the shaker
  • Jin, juice and syrup are added to the ice, the mass is thoroughly mixed.
  • The protein is separated from the yolk and is also sent to the shaker.
  • Beat the mass for a long time, at least 3-40 seconds, until the protein will turn into foam.
  • The cocktail is poured into a chilled glass (a wide glass for champagne).

Video: "Unusual cocktail Clab Club"

Sea cocktail: a recipe for cooking with vodka, cocktail "Sea foam"

Interesting: the cocktail is quite easy to prepare, but popular, both in a cafe and bars. It got its name for the fact that a magnificent foam is formed on the surface of the drink, thanks to the egg squirrel, compare the one that is the sea wave.

You will need:

  • Vodka (any) -50-60 ml.
  • Sugar syrup - 10 ml.
  • Lemon juice (you can lime) - 20 ml.
  • Protein eggs - 1 PC.
  • Ice in cubes - A few pcs.
Ready cocktail


  • Add stabbed ice to the shaker
  • Pour jin, juice and syrup
  • Separate the protein from the yolk and pour into the shaker
  • The drink is thoroughly beaten until the foam is formed.
  • The finished drink is poured into a martini glass

Crazy cocktail: recipe with vodka and grenadin

You will need:

  • Vodka (any) - 50 ml.
  • Sparkling water - 50 ml. (can be replaced with a tonic).
  • Grenadin (pomegranate syrup) - 20 ml.
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice -10-15 ml.
  • Cherry for decor cocktail drink
  • Stone ice
Ready cocktail


  • Leave the glass for cooking a cocktail in the freezer for 20-30 minutes.
  • Pour grenadines to the bottom of a glass for whiskey, dilute with lemon juice.
  • Pour vodka and only then dilute with carbonated water.
  • Fill the glass with ice and decorate the cocktail with a cherry.

White Russian cocktail: recipe with vodka, coffee and cream

Interesting: although the drink is called "Russian", it is far from invented in Russia. He got his name in honor of the White Guards who fled in the Civil War to the West.

You will need:

  • Vodka or cognac - 50 ml.
  • COLE COLECTE - 25 ml.
  • Cream (any fat content) - 25 ml.
  • Ice cubes -50-100 g. (According to preferences)
Variation of the finished cocktail


  • For a cocktail, prepare the glass "Old Fashioned"
  • Fill the glass with ice cubes
  • A coffee liquor should be added to the ice, then vodka and only then cream.
  • All ingredients are mixed with a cocktail spoon.
  • The drink is served with a low tube.

Video: "Original Drink White Russian"

Diablo cocktail: recipe with tequila and ginger elements

You will need:

  • Silver tequila -40-50 ml.
  • Ginger ale - 50 ml. (can be replaced with light beer).
  • Currant liquor -10-15 ml.
  • Lemon or lime - 1 PC.
  • Ice at will
Ready cocktail


  • For preparation, prepare a glass "highbol"
  • The glass should be filled with a third of ice
  • Pour beer on top of the ice and add tequila
  • Then add liquor and lemon juice
  • Gently mix the ingredients of the cocktail cocktail.

Faerbol cocktail: recipe with vodka, cognac and orange juice

Interesting: it is known that the cocktail was invented during the “dry law” in the United States. At that time, bartenders followed to invent all sorts of ways to veil the tart taste of alcohol with other ingredients.

Faerbol cocktail is quite strong and therefore it cannot be drunk on an empty stomach and only in small sips. One glass of drink is quite enough for one evening. In addition, the cocktail should be diluted with a large amount of ice.

You will need:

  • Cognac or brandy - 20 ml.
  • Champagne -50-60 ml. (dry)
  • Vodka -30-40 ml.
  • Orange liquor 15-20 ml.
  • Sugar or sugar syrup -20-25 ml.
  • Orange fresh -20-30 ml.
  • Ice - taste
Ready cocktail


  • Serve the drink is accepted in a glass for whiskey
  • Put ice on the bottom of the glass
  • Gradually add all the ingredients: cognac, vodka, champagne, liquor and juice.
  • Add the syrup, insert a tube and carefully mix it all the ingredients with it.

"Salted dog" cocktail: recipe with vodka and grapefruit juice

Interesting: the cocktail got its name, due to the fact that it has an unusual decoration of a glass with salt. Moisten the edges of the glass with water, dip in salt and shake off an excess amount.

You will need:

  • Vodka -50-60 ml.
  • Grapefruit juice -100-120 (purchased or freshly squeezed).
  • Lyme juice (can be replaced with lemon) - 1 tbsp.
  • Salt for decorating a glass
  • Several ice cubes


  • Prepare a low glass for a cocktail, decorate it with salt.
  • Put ice cubes on the bottom of a glass
  • Pour ice with vodka and lime juice, add grapefruit juice, gently mix with a tube or spoon.
Ready cocktail

Bellini cocktail: recipe with peaches and a clearing

Interesting: the cocktail first appeared in Venice. To prepare a drink, you should have white sweet peaches and a clearing - sparkling dry Italian wine.

You will need:

  • Peach - 250 g (approximately)
  • Zyokko -300-350 ml.
  • Ice taste

Important: Bellini is customary to drink from high champagne glasses. Persians will give a pleasant pinkish tint to the drink. To prepare a cocktail, you can not use an expensive pull, any dry champagne is suitable.


  • The pulp of peaches along with the skin should be killed with a blender.
  • The resulting mashed potatoes should be passed through the smallest sieve.
  • This juice with pulp should be diluted with champagne and poured into glasses, adding ice.
Ready cocktail

Negroni cocktail: recipe with gin and vermouth

This cocktail is very easy to prepare, but Veste with this has a pleasant taste and color shade, thanks to the red vermuth. The drink is quite strong (up to 30 degrees) and is considered more male than female.

Interesting: a cocktail arose in Italy, in a circle of Italian aristocrats.

You will need:

  • Gene (dry) -30-40 ml.
  • "Kamari" Beatter - 30 ml.
  • Vermouth Martin "Rosso" - 30 ml.
  • Ice cubes -100-120 g.
  • Sobrea orange For cocktail decor
Ready drink


  • To prepare a cocktail, you will need a glass of Rox.
  • It must be filled up to the top with ice cubes
  • Gradually pour in alcohol: first jin, then vermut and only then campaires.
  • You can mix the drink with a cocktail spoon
  • Decorate a glass of a slice of an orange

Video: "Classic Negroni"

Haibol cocktail: recipe with vodka and vermuth

Interesting: the cocktail got its name, thanks to the glass in which it is customary to serve. Translated from English Haibol is a high glass.

You will need:

  • Vodka - 50 ml.
  • Vermouth White - 70 ml.
  • Grapefruit juice - 50 ml.
  • Orange juice - 50 ml.
  • Ice - to taste


  • Put ice in a glass
  • Pour vodka, vermouth and two types of juice into the shaker
  • Carefully mix all the ingredients, pour into a glass
  • It is customary to drink a drink through a high tube
High glass cocktails

Manhattan cocktail: recipe with bourbon and vermuth

Interesting: the cocktail arose thanks to the daughter of a famous exchange worker who worked on Manhattan.

You will need:

  • Cognac or Bourbon -50-60 ml.
  • Martini Rosso - 30 ml. (vermouth)
  • Tincture "AngoSTUR" - A few drops
  • Ice and cherry for decor


  • Chopped ice is placed in a shaker
  • Pour all other ingredients, including tincture
  • Beat the drink thoroughly, pour into a martini glass and decorate with a cherry.
Ready drink

Mimosa: cocktail, recipe with champagne and orange juice

Interesting: this cocktail arose in France, at a time when the Italian cocktail Bellini was at the peak of popularity. But, in one of the bars there simply were no peaches and therefore the bartender had to show ingenuity to create an equally tasty drink from improvised ingredients.

You will need:

  • Champagne (preferably dry) -40-50 ml.
  • Orange Fresh without pulp - 50 ml.
  • Orange zest - 1 tsp
  • Ice taste


  • Cool the glass in advance in the freezer
  • Add 1-2 ice cubes and an orange cube to the bottom of the glass.
  • Pour in champagne and juice, mix with a spoon

Video: "A simple and tasty mimosa cocktail"

James Bond cocktail: Recipe with vodka and Martini

Interesting: the drink gained its popularity with the release of the film of the same name, where the main character loved to enjoy this cocktail.

You will need:

  • Vodka (any) -50-75 ml. (depending on the preferred fortress of the finished drink).
  • Martini is dry -15-50 ml. (a larger amount of martini is a smaller amount of vodka).
  • Lemon - 1 slice
  • Green olive - 1 PC.


  • Martini and vodka should be poured into the shaker, add several ice cubes.
  • Beat the drink for about half a minute with a shaker.
  • Pour a drink into a martini glass, add a slice of lemon and a green olive.
Ready cocktail

Coma cocktail: recipe with Gin and Blue Kurosau

You will need:

  • Gene is dry - 50 ml.
  • SHVEPS drink with lemon - 100 ml.
  • Liker Malibu - 15 ml.
  • Laker Blue Curosau - 15 ml.
  • Ice taste


  • The cocktail is served in a high glass on the leg
  • Put ice cubes on the bottom
  • Pour two types of liquor and gin into the shaker, mix thoroughly.
  • Pour the contents of the shaker into the ice, add the seamstress, insert a high tube.

Video: "TOP-5 of the simplest cocktails"

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