Delicious dietary dessert. Recipes of low -calorie, dietary desserts for weight loss

Delicious dietary dessert. Recipes of low -calorie, dietary desserts for weight loss

You can please yourself with sweetness and sitting on a diet. There are many interesting recipes that open a huge number of low -calorie dishes delicious and incredibly useful.

How to cook dietary desserts from cottage cheese for weight loss?

Dessert is not just a dish finishing a meal, it is an antidepressant and a way to cheer up, especially for women. How sad during a diet is to limit yourself in everything and try not to notice fat donuts, sweet chocolates and delicious sweets.

Fortunately, those who adhere to diets for more than one year have found a way out of the situation. They invented low -calorie desserts and even useful for a losing weight. The composition of such dishes does not include sugar at all, they contain only beneficial carbohydrates that turn into energy and are not deposited in the form of excess fat.

Dietary curd desserts are prepared from dairy products of low and medium fat content. Usually a cottage cheese dessert suggests:

  • cold processing
  • hot processing

Cold processing is the usual mixing of cottage cheese with different complementary products, and hot is a bake of cottage cheese casseroles with different fillers.

Curricular mass with fruits (berries)

  • prepare a dessert bowl for serving a dish
  • grind strawberries, raspberries and any other berries in a blender
  • pour the contents in the bowl
  • mix cottage cheese with sour cream and spoon of honey so that it will gain the consistency of the pasta
  • put the cottage cheese in the bowl over the berry mass
  • decorate the dessert with nuts, fruits, berries or granolas
Cottage cheese with berry mashed potatoes
cottage cheese with berry mashed potatoes

Cottage cheese casserole

  • crush a half -kilogram of cottage cheese or wipe through a sieve
  • add two chicken eggs to cottage cheese, mix
  • you can thicken the mass of oatmeal or oatmeal (they need to be soaked in advance with milk)
  • add dried fruits, nuts and fruits to the mass if desired
  • bake dessert for half an hour in a slow cooker or oven at 200 degrees
  • give the casserole to cool completely and only then remove it from the form
  • decorate the dish with fresh fruits and honey
Cottage cheese casserole with raisins
cottage cheese casserole with raisins

Dessert from cottage cheese with gelatin dietary

The gelatin cottage cheese dessert is a souffle that can be successfully supplemented with fruits, berries and cocoa. The dish is low -calorie, as it does not contain sugar.

  • pour a glass of non -fat milk in a saucepan and put on the stove
  • pour a spoon of gelatin with a slide into milk
  • heat milk, constantly mixing and not bring to a boil
  • wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve, add vanillin and liquid honey to it
  • mix cottage cheese and milk until homogeneous mass
  • you can add fruits or berries to the mass
  • remove the mass in the refrigerator until thickened
Curd souffle
curd souffle

Dietary cottage cheese casserole without flour and semolina, recipe

Particularly tasty will be a casserole with a banana and a dried cherry.

  • brick cottage cheese to knead with a fork
  • grind one sweet banana with a blender
  • mug the cottage cheese with a banana
  • add dried cherries to the mass
  • drive one egg and mix everything well
  • grind two tablespoons of oatmeal in a coffee grinder
  • add the resulting bran to the mass (oatmeal will fasten the mass)
  • lubricate the form with oil
  • bake half an hour at 200 degrees
  • take out of the form only with complete cooling
  • decorate with fresh fruits
Banana casserole
banana casserole

Useful desserts for weight loss with banana

Banana is a delicious fragrant fruit. If you choose the right, it will also be very sweet. Try to give preference to large fruits of saturated yellow in specking.

Banana smoothie with strawberries

  • put one large ripe banana in a blender
  • strawberries can be fresh, but in the no season you can use frozen, it is also placed in a blender
  • add one glass of orange juice
  • add a glass of natural yogurt
  • all components are thoroughly whipped until a homogeneous liquid mass
  • if the banana was not very sweet, add honey to the mass and beat again
  • decorate a glass with a smoothie berries and coconut chips
Banana smoothie with strawberries
banana smoothie with strawberries

Banana dietary ice cream

And ice cream is also not a problem for those who adhere to strict diets.

  • beat two sweet bananas in a blender
  • add to the mass a glass of home not sweet yogurt
  • add one spoon of liquid honey, cinnamon and vanillin
  • beat the mass thoroughly with a blender again
  • pour the mass in two glasses and insert wooden sticks (you can teaspoons)
  • freeze the mass of at least 6 hours in the freezer
Banana ice cream
banana ice cream

Fast desserts for weight loss with honey

Honey is a wonderful sugar substitute during a diet. Honey is useful carbohydrates that are not absorbed and are not deposited with fat in folds. Medicated is immediately processed into energy and diverges throughout the body.

Apple baked with honey

  • wash the apple of varieties
  • cut a tail from an apple and make a recess from which remove the seeds
  • pour cinnamon into the middle and pour honey
  • close the top with raisins and nuts
  • heat the oven to 200 degrees and bake an apple for 20 minutes
Baked apple with honey
baked apple with honey

Apple bag from the pancake

  • beat the egg in the bowl to the foam
  • add a little flour (ordinary can be replaced with oatmeal)
  • add a few tablespoons of milk
  • from the resulting mass, fry several pancakes
  • chop the apple shallow
  • send an apple to a pan, sprinkle it with cinnamon and pour it with honey
  • mixing the dish thoroughly for several minutes to wait until the apple becomes soft
  • put the apple mass inside the pancake
  • fold the edges of the pancake, forming a bag, fix with a skewer
Pancake bag
pancake bag

Recipes for desserts for weight loss from linen flour

This flour is obtained from linen seeds by grinding and degreasing. It is perfectly absorbed by the body, has no cholesterol and is considered a healthy food product. Flax flour normalizes digestion by restoring intestinal microflora.

Fruit salad with linen flour

  • mix two tablespoons of flour with a glass of natural yogurt
  • add a spoonful of honey to the mass, mix thoroughly
  • cut the banana into circles
  • peel the orange from the peel and film and cut into cubes
  • cut the kiwi cubes
  • pour fruits with yogurt mass, sprinkle flax seeds
Fruit salad with linen dressing
fruit salad with linen dressing

Flaut flour cookies

  • mix a glass of linen flour with a glass of kefir of medium fat content
  • add a little sugar to sweeten
  • if the mass is too liquid, it can be thickened with wheat or oatmeal flour
  • add cinnamon and vanillin as desired
  • balls roll from the dough, which will be cookies
  • bake on parchment paper for 20 minutes in the oven at 200 degrees
Flax cookies
flax cookies

Fitty desserts for weight loss from oatmeal flour

Oatmeal has a fiber incredibly useful for our body. Oatmeal desserts are delicious, satisfying and simple.

Oatmeal cookies with dried fruits

  • in a blender, kill one banana
  • pour the banana into a bowl and mix with a glass of oatmeal (oatmeal can be obtained from flakes, or you can simply use flakes)
  • soak dried fruits in boiling water, drain water, chop and add to the mass
  • you can sweeten the dough with a spoon of honey
  • if desired, you can add nuts
  • form balls from the dough and put on parchment paper
  • bake for 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees, remove from the oven and let it completely cool down with the liver
Oatmeal cookies
oatmeal cookies

Oatmeal diet pancakes

  • prepare the dough: mix one and a half glasses of oatmeal, two glasses of not fat yogurt (can be replaced with kefir), two eggs and a little sugar
  • add a little soda for splendor (extinguish with vinegar or lemon juice)
  • mix the dough well with a mixer
  • grease the pan with olive oil with a culinary brush
  • pancakes are fried quickly, in a minute from each side
Oatmeal pancakes
oatmeal pancakes

Interesting recipes for low -calorie sweets

A few more recipes for low -calorie sweets.

Fruit natural Shcherbet

  • beat fruits with a blender, you can use: banana, orange, kiwi, strawberries, raspberries, mangoes
  • add the minimum amount of sugar
  • pour the mass into glasses
  • leave in the freezer for 12 hours
Home strawberry Shcherbet
home strawberry Shcherbet

The most tender yogurt ice cream

  • at home, prepare yogurt from milk and sourdough
  • add a little honey to the finished yogurt, mix thoroughly
  • cut the fruits with slices or beat with a blender
  • disable yogurt and fruits in molds
  • leave yogurt in the freezer for 12 hours
Yogurt ice cream
yogurt ice cream

Fruit jelly

  • dry the gelatin with water and leave to swell
  • put gelatin into a bowl and stirring melt the steam bath
  • add liquid gelatin to compote or fruit juice
  • cut the fruits with cubes, put in molds
  • pour juice and leave in the refrigerator harden
Fruit jelly
fruit jelly

Home useful sweets

  • crush very small nuts (any)
  • cut finely dried fruits
  • mix nuts and dried fruits with honey
  • add coconut chips and cocoa (optional)
  • form balls and roll them in sesame seeds
  • leave in the refrigerator for an hour
Home sweets
home sweets

Fast low -calorie fruit salads

A fruit salad always gives a portion of vitamins and good mood. Try to combine such fruits:

  • Citrus salad.Peel and cut into cubes: tangerine, orange, grapefruit. Pour fruit with a spoon of yogurt and sprinkle with raisins
  • Green salad.Clean and cut with cubes of kiwi, cut into cubes a sweet green apple, add sweet green grapes. Season the salad with a spoon of sour cream, pour honey and sprinkle with crushed nuts
  • Strawberry paradise.Peel the berries of strawberries from tails and cut in half, chop the bananas in circles. Put the banana and strawberries in the PIAL, pour each layer with a spoon of yogurt and honey, sprinkle with coconut chips

How to prepare a dessert for weight loss: tips and reviews

Low -calorie dessert is the one that does not contain fat and has a minimum of carbohydrates. In the proposed recipes, the level of carbohydrates did not exceed permissible norms, which means they quickly digest and digest into useful energy, not deposited by excess fat. Prepare desserts from dairy products of low and medium fat content.

Prepare desserts on parchment paper, this will not use oil when baking or use it in a completely minimum amount. Choose sweet ripe fruits to give yourself a maximum pleasure.

Whatever the useful and not high -calorie desserts, but it should still be understood that they need to be used in the first half of the day: for breakfast or lunch. Limit yourself from a sweet evening. In most cases, the sweetener is honey, it can be safely eaten and not afraid to get better. However, this is a fairly allergic product and before consuming it, it is necessary to check your reaction to it.

Video: "Recipes of low -calorie desserts"

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Comments K. article

  1. Thanks for the good recipe.

  2. The recipes are good, but if you cook like this, without sugar, then they turn out a little tasteless. And if you add confiture - another thing - you can experiment with tastes, fruits, berries, their combinations. I only recently tried it, I specially picked up a confiture without sugar and with a minimum number of calories (I ordered Ivan-Pol on the website, there all products are intended for people who follow the figure) and now I think how I used to live without it? With the confiture, even the most “empty” dessert is made really tasty and at the same time does not spoil the figure.

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