How to cook a village of pork and beef head, slices, liver, chicken, beef, pork skins, ears, offal, chicken liver, fish at home in a plastic bottle, stomach, milk bag, juice: the best recipes

How to cook a village of pork and beef head, slices, liver, chicken, beef, pork skins, ears, offal, chicken liver, fish at home in a plastic bottle, stomach, milk bag, juice: the best recipes

In the article you will find several recipes for making a delicious homemade potion from different types of meat.

How to cook a village from a pork head in the stomach: composition, recipe

Traditional Zelts is prepared from the head in which there is a lot of meat. This meat is chosen after cooking and stuffed into a pork stomach (a very strong natural shell).

What to prepare for work:

  • Pork head -1 PC. (up to 5 kg)
  • Pork stomach -2-3 pcs. (depends on how large stomachs and how many potions you plan to do).
  • Onion -1 PC. (large)
  • Carrot -1 PC. (big)
  • Garlic -a handful (7-8 teeth)
  • Lavra leaf -5-8 pcs. (depends on how large they are).
  • Fragrant pepper and peas -1 tsp
  • Vinegar (ordinary or apple) -1.5-2 tbsp.
  • Salt(added to your liking)

How to cook:

  • The cooking process is quite long and will take you about 1.5 days.
  • First you should cut the head and leave it to be soaked, after that, the washed and prepared stomach also soak. Locking time is 1 night (about 12 hours).
  • After smearing, parts of the head are thoroughly washed in several waters (do not forget to cut out all the dirty parts).
  • The soaked stomach should be cleaned of a layer of mucus, and then leave to be soaked in water with vinegar and bay leaf.
  • While the stomach is soaked again, you should put your head for 6 hours, removing and throwing off the foam each time.
  • After 3 hours of cooking meat, vegetables, bay leaf and salt should be added to the broth.
  • After you cook the meat, you should leave your head cool and only then divide into meat and lard, they are cut into the same pieces and cubes.
  • Turn the stomach so that its mucous membrane is outside, and the fat inside.
  • A bag should be sewn from the stomach, which begins with chosen meat with a flavored garlic.
  • The resulting bag is completely sewn and sent to the oven.
  • There, Zelts should be baked at least 1.5 hours at temperatures of 180-190 degrees.
  • After that, you can notice how Zelz decreased in size. The warm potion is placed under oppression, for example, under a heavy bottle of water (necessarily in a container).
  • It is advisable to keep the oppression all night. After that, Zelts can be cut and eaten, scoring with mustard or horseradish.
Zelts from the head
Zelts from the head

How to cook potions of pork slyka: recipe

To cook a delicious potion from a pork head is far from every mistress, but from a pork slyka - quite. If desired, the meat from the shank can be diversified by beef or pork boiled tongue.

What to prepare:

  • Pork shank -1 PC.
  • Pork tongue (or beef) -1-2 pcs. (The tongue is smaller, which means it is required more).
  • Carrot -2-3 pcs. (depends on how large they are)
  • Bulbs -2-3 pcs. (white)
  • Spices and bay leaf(taste)
  • Garlic -1 head
  • Gelatin -1 bag

Important: of course, you can prepare Zelts from the mall in a classic way, sewing up the meat into the stomach, but you can also use a simple cellophane bag.

How to cook:

  • Languages \u200b\u200band shanks are necessarily soaked in water. If you have the opportunity, soak overnight, if not - for a couple of hours.
  • After soaking, be sure to rinse 1 or 2 times with running water, then pour clean, add spices and cook on moderate heat to 3 hours.
  • In the process of cooking, add onions and carrots that will give a special taste of meat.
  • Salt should be added 1 hour before the end of cooking
  • Put the meat cool after cooking, then disassemble when choosing pieces of meat.
  • From the broth you can make a gelatin -based fill (dilute in a warm liquid and dissolve, if it dissolves poorly, the broth can be heated a little).
  • Lay the selected meat in a mold, the bottom and walls of which you will turn a cellophane or cling film.
  • Then pour a broth with gelatin (boiled carrots and crushed garlic also add to the meat) and take it into the refrigerator for the night.

The peculiarity of such a potion is that it does not need to be kept under the press and the stomach is not required, but remember that it is not worth adding too much broth so that the dish is not like a jelly.

Zelts from the head
Zelts from the shank

How to cook chicken from chicken meat in a package of milk or juice: Recipe

Zelts is always associated with an unusual shape in the form of a large sausage or layer. It is not difficult to give such a form even to the potion that is cooked from chicken meat. You can thicken the dish with the help of gelatin, but you can pour a potion in a bag from milk or foil juice (it is not a pity to cut it and throw it out after use).

What needs to be prepared:

  • Chicken meat -1 kg. (any, white and red)
  • Garlic -1 head
  • Carrot -1 PC. (medium size)
  • Onion -1 PC. (average)
  • Gelatin -1 bag
  • Chicken skins -0.5 kg. (are needed for cooking)
  • Spices

How to cook:

  • Put the chicken meat with the skins and keep on moderate heat for at least an hour.
  • Then leave the broth with meat to cool, and soak the gelatin (so that it has the opportunity to swell).
  • You should cook meat by adding carrots and onions immediately (they will give their taste), and then pull it out.
  • Cut the boiled meat into the same pieces in the form of cubes.
  • Squeeze the garlic, add spices, lay the meat in the packaging from juice or milk in an oblong shape.
  • The gelatin should be dissolved in a small amount of broth, you can immediately discard the skins or add a small amount to Zelts, finely crushing.
  • Leave Zelz from the chicken to harden in the refrigerator at night, and the next morning, carefully remove the packaging from the dish and cut the potion for feed.
Chicken Zelts
Chicken Zelts

How to make a home potion sausage from pork skins, ears in a plastic bottle: Recipe

Another way to prepare Zelts is to use a small plastic bottle as a form, which you will prepare in advance by cutting your neck.

What to prepare:

  • Meat (any, but better than pork) -0.5 kg.
  • Pork skins -250 gr.
  • Pork ears -200-300 gr.
  • Carrot -1 PC. (large)
  • Onion -1 PC. (large)
  • A handful of garlic(taste)
  • Any spices

How to do:

  • Meat, skins and ears should be washed and left to be cooked with vegetables and bay leaf for 2-3 hours.
  • After that, the meat necessarily cools down, draining the broth.
  • The cooled meat is chopped (very finely chop the skins and ears, as they can be harsh), crushed boiled vegetables and crushed garlic with spices are added to it.
  • Put the mass in a plastic bottle and put it in the refrigerator vertically harden it.
  • Due to the oily skins, the mass of “grab” and add gelatin to it will not be required, so after solidification during the night you can carefully cut and remove the bottle.
Zelts in a bottle
Zelts in a bottle

How to cook homemade potion from beef head: recipe

What needs to be prepared:

  • Beef head -1 PC. (prepared for cooking)
  • Pork fat -2-3 tbsp.
  • A handful of garlic
  • Spices

Important: you can cook such a potion in a package of milk or a plastic bottle.

How to cook:

  • Before you cook Zelts, you should chop your head for several parts and soak it for several hours (and better at all at night).
  • After that, the head is again washed and put to cook for 6 hours in salted water with spices and vegetables (carrots and onions if desired).
  • After cooking, let the meat cool and chop it with a knife into pieces, add crushed garlic, stomped fat, spices to the mass.
  • Mix everything thoroughly and ram in a plastic bottle.
  • Add quite a bit of broth in which the meat was cooked and tamp carefully.
  • Keep in the refrigerator all night, in the morning it will be ready.
Zelz from beef
Zelz from beef

Zelz from pork liver and fat with mankua: recipe

In this recipe, the semolina serves as an alternative to the gelatin so that Zelts froze and become thicker.

What to prepare:

  • Pork liver -400-500 gr. (can be replaced with any other).
  • Salo Pig -a piece of 100 gr.
  • Carrot -1 PC. (large)
  • Onion -1 PC. (large)
  • Manki -1 cup
  • Egg -1-2 pcs. (depends on how large they are)
  • Spices to taste

How to cook:

  • The liver should be thoroughly chopped (can be made using a blender or a regular hand meat grinder).
  • Lard should be manually cut into small cubes
  • The carrot is grated, and the onion is chopped with a knife
  • A crush is made from onions and carrots
  • The roast is mixed with the liver, egg, mankuan, spices and lard.
  • This mass must be left overnight in the refrigerator so that it swells and condenses.
  • After that, transfer the mass into 2 layers of a cellophane bag and send it to cook in boiling water.
  • Cooking should last 2 hours over low heat. After that, the hepatic potion is cooled and portionedly cut.
Hepatic Zelts
Hepatic Zelts

Zelts from chicken liver: recipe

What to prepare:

  • Chicken liver -800-900 gr.
  • Salo Pig -a piece of 100 gr.
  • Carrot -1 PC. (large)
  • Onion -1 PC. (large)
  • Manki -0.5 cups
  • Any spices and salt

How to cook:

  • Make a carrots and onion foxes on pork sala
  • Add the cookie chopped into the mass
  • Pour salt and any spices by preference
  • Add semolina, mix everything and let stand for about an hour
  • After the mass, pour 2 layers of cellophane and put it on small fire for 1-1.5 hours.
  • Cool the liver potion and portionedly cut it

Zelts from offal and chicken: recipe

What is required:

  • Chicken hearts -500 gr.
  • Chicken liver -500 gr.
  • Lard -100 gr.
  • Carrot -1 PC.
  • Onion -1 PC.
  • A few cloves of garlic -taste
  • Spices and salt
  • Manki -0.5 cups

How to cook:

  • Make a carrots and onion foxes on pork sala
  • Add the liver and chopped hearts chopped into the mass.
  • Pour salt and any spices by preference
  • Add semolina, mix everything and let stand for about an hour
  • After the mass, pour 2 layers of cellophane and put it on small fire for 1.5-2 hours.
  • Cool the liver potion and portionedly cut it
Cooking potions
Cooking potions

Pisces Zelts: Recipe

You can cook such a dish as Zelts even from fish. Of course, this will be a kind of variation of the dish, but still it will delight you with taste and its originality.

What needs to be prepared:

  • Fish fillet -1 kg. (use any, without bone)
  • Carrot -1 PC. (large)
  • Onion -1 PC. (large)
  • Gelatin -1 bag
  • Garlic -several Zabkov

Tip: The most delicious fish Zelts is, of course, from the varieties of red fish, which should be boiled or steamed.

How to cook:

  • Clean and prepare fish
  • Boil fish with vegetables and spices
  • It’s not worth cooking for a long time, just bring to readiness
  • Cook the fish in a small amount of water so that it is not too much.
  • While the fish is cooked, soak gelatin and dissolve it in the broth after swelling (pour a small amount).
  • Sort out the fish by selecting the fillet, and put it in the solidification form.
  • Send the crushed garlic there, you can add finely chopped dill and onion.
  • Mix everything carefully and salt a little, pour spices
  • Pour the broth and mix the whole mass
  • Leave in the refrigerator until completely solidified

How much to cook a pork head for a potion, when to salt?


  • The time of cooking pork head for a potion is at least 5 hours
  • Beef -heading time for a potion - at least 6 hours
  • Chicken meat cooking time for a potion - at least 1 hour
  • The liver cooking time for a potion - at least 1 hour
  • Cooking time for a potion - at least 3 hours

Tip: Salt Zelts should only barely and 1 hour before the readiness of the dish so that it turns out to be tasty and rich.

Video: "How to cook Zelts?"

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