How to fry delicious cutlets made of beef and pork minced meat in a pan and in the oven: the best recipes. How to cook classic homemade cutlets made of minced beef and pork, with gravy, with the addition of minced chicken, chicken breast, turkey, moose, without bread: recipe

How to fry delicious cutlets made of beef and pork minced meat in a pan and in the oven: the best recipes. How to cook classic homemade cutlets made of minced beef and pork, with gravy, with the addition of minced chicken, chicken breast, turkey, moose, without bread: recipe

The article will tell you how to make cutlets juicy, lush and soft.

How to cook classic home -made boots made of minced beef and pork: recipe

Cutlets - This is probably the most favorite meat dish since the time of the USSR. In each family, they were necessarily able to cook cutlets that were fed to porridge, pasta or mashed potatoes. Cutlets are still popular and still: in home cuisine, restaurant, domestic, foreign, even fast food.

Cutlets - It is tasty, satisfying and affordable. It is not difficult to cook them from any minced meat (chicken, turkey, pork, beef, rabbit, leggings). Depending on which cutlets you like, you can fry them in a pan, in a slow cooker, in a baking sheet in the oven, add bread, onions, spicy spices.

Secret: many prefer to mix two types of different meat, such as beef (meat has a rich taste) and pork (it will allow patterns to be juicy).

What is required for the "classic" cutlets:

  • Ground beef -500 gr. (not oily, you can also use a piece of beef pulp and grind it at home through a meat grinder).
  • Pork minced meat -500 gr. (from any part, you can also use a piece of beef pulp and grind it at home through a meat grinder).
  • Onion -1-2 pcs. (depends on whether large bulbs or not).
  • Clove of garlic -1-2 teeth will add piquant taste and aroma to cutlets.
  • Egg -1-2 pcs. (You need to look at the consistency of minced meat so that you do not add too many eggs and the mass does not become liquid).
  • Baton (pulp) -several slices (approximately a third of the loaf).
  • Milk -2/3-1 cup to smear the loaf (if you add a lot of milk, just squeeze the bread a little before adding it to the minced meat).
  • Any spices and salt -you can add them in those quantities that you consider necessary. It is important to try the mass “for salt”, for this, touch the mass on the spoon with the tip of the tongue and feel the taste.
  • Flour, crackers or panning -you can also use a piece of beef pulp and grind it at home through a meat grinder1 packaging

How to do:

  • The minced meat should be just chopped silt already ready, but chilled. Frozen minced meat should be brought in advance and completely brought to the level of room temperature.
  • Fold two types of minced meat in a tall bowl and mix them thoroughly.
  • At this time, it is recommended to cut the loaf and, cutting its crusts (in principle, you can leave them if you will grind bread after that after that).
  • Add softened bread to the minced meat, chop the onion there (there are three main methods: twist a meat grinder, beat with a blender or chop finely with a knife). Onions will give not only the aroma, but also the taste. Grind the garlic in a place with onions.
  • Light the egg, it will fasten the minced meat and will not let the cutlets “creep” in the process of frying in a pan.
  • Pour spices, try it and check the consistency. If it is liquid, you can add a couple of spoons of semolina to the mass. It will swell and fasten tightly, as well as “take” the excess liquid.
  • You should not fry cutlets right away, give the meat to “absorb” spices and onion juice, brew.
  • During this time, you should prepare a breading in which you can roll for frying the cutlet (it is required, because it is the breading that does not allow the meat to mole up to the pan).

How to fry:

  • Cross the pan if you do not want cutlets to pester the bottom of the pan.
  • With your hands moistened in water (so the minced meat will not stick to your hands) form a ball of balls from the mass.
  • After that, they should be neatly weaved in panic and sent to the oil.
  • Be careful, the fire under the pan should be moderate or medium so that the cutlets do not burn, but do not remain raw.

Important: the size of the cutlet should be proportional to the palm collected in the fist. If you do not have completely panic, you can twist the old stolen crackers of stale bread or use a mixture of flour with semolina. The time of frying cutlets on one side is approximately 5 minutes.

Classic meat cutlets
Classic meat cutlets

How to make minced meat for pork cutlets, beef?

The most delicious home meat cutlets are obtained, of course, from fresh minced meat. Any cook will tell you that the minced meat should be cooked independently, and not bought ready -made (it can include not only meat, but also veins, skins, fat and lard). For cutlets, purchase “clean” meat without veins (pulp, clipping, fillet).


  • The meat should be chopped with electric or manual meat grinders.
  • The manual meat grinder does not grind the meat so well and therefore can be twisted in it twice.
  • In the process of grinding meat, add a bulb with garlic so that it is not felt in finished cutlets (pieces).
  • After that, you can add soaked bread to the mass, it is best to use a loaf or a city roll. If there is no such bread, an ordinary loaf is suitable. Carried crust should be trimmed.
  • Before hot, the minced meat must be infused.

Tip: if you can choose any part of beef meat for cutlets, then you can choose pork fatter, in the process of frying pork, the juice will let the juice and the cutlets will be “juicier”.

Delicious and juicy cutlets
Delicious and juicy cutlets

How to fry delicious pork stuffing cutlets in a pan: recipe

Pork cutlets are always delicious, since the meat itself is juicy, saturated and oily, juicy. The main thing is to make the correct balance of spices that emphasize the taste of meat and make cutlets with a great addition to different side dishes.


  • The pulp or clipping is ideally suited for cutlets, the hip part can be dry, oeshek fat and sinewy.
  • Grind the meat efficiently, do not be lazy to pass twice through a meat grinder.
  • For 1 kg. Ranger will require 2 large bulbs, they can be sinter or passed with meat through a meat grinder.
  • In order not to overclock, constantly try minced meat
  • As spices, a mixture of not sharp peppers, paprika, nutmeg, coriander, dried herbs are ideal.
  • Soaked bread pulp will allow patties to become lush, juicy and soft. Depending on the preferences, you can use any amount of bread, the optimal amount per 1 kg is 0.5 loaves.
  • Pork cutlets are preferably frying with crackers with crackers without any additives.
  • To make the cutlets rosy, put them in hot oil and keep them for a minute, and then reduce the fire and fry under a closed lid.
  • Cooking time of each cutlet is 5-7 minutes on one side. Pork cutlets must be carefully fried so that they are in no case with raw inside.
Pork cutlets
Pork cutlets

How to fry delicious beef stuffing cutlets in a pan: recipe

For diversity, greater benefits or a delicious lunch, you can try to surprise your loved ones with beef cutlets. Beef is much more valuable than pork, which means that such a dish will be very helpful. Keep in mind that beef is also oily meat, especially if you buy ready -made minced meat (in which fat is easily mixed).

The best way to cook beef cutlets is to buy a piece of meat pulp, remove all the veins and fats yourself, twist the meat grinder into the necessary consistency. You can also use beef clipping for delicious and juicy cutlets. They should be frying in a “good” pan (Teflon, ceramic, cast -iron) so that even with a minimum amount of oil, cutlets can not stick to the bottom and remain juicy, soft (there is enough fat in the beef, which will drown in the process of frying).


  • Fold the meat twisted into the minced meat in a large bowl
  • There it should be checked well with spices
  • Add the bulb chopped by a blender or a meat grinder there.
  • A squeezed garlic tent
  • Give the meat to absorb spices and do not “disturb” it for about 15 minutes.
  • Drive an egg (not one may require, but a couple of pcs.)
  • Soak a loaf in milk (if there is no milk, water is also suitable). To the loaf is good for the soften, use heated milk or water.
  • Mix the crumb with minced meat, if the mass turned out to be liquid, it can be thickened by several tbsp. flour or semolina.
  • Formed cutlets should be fried by wearing them well in crackers and moderate fire.
  • If the oil is absorbed into the cutlets, do not rush to add more, you can simply add water and cover the pan with a lid so that they will extinguish a little more.
Beef cutlets
Beef cutlets

How to cook minced meat cutlets with a gravy in the oven: Recipe

Cutlets with gravy are characterized by juiciness and softness, which is not in fried cutlets. In addition, the gravy in which they extinguish can be used as an additional sauce for potatoes, porridge or stewed vegetables.

Important: such cutlets can be prepared from minced meat of any meat. This dish is very similar to meatballs, but it does not use rice.

What is required:

  • Minced meat (pig-gum)-500-600 gr. (either only pork, or beef).
  • Onion -2 pcs. (medium, large), you can add a couple of cloves of garlic.
  • Baton -several slices (soak in milk or boiling water).
  • Tomato paste -1 mini-packet or several tbsp.
  • Spices -(any that you like)

How to do:

  • Put the minced meat in a bowl, season it with spices and a chopped onion with garlic.
  • Soften the loaf and add to the minced meat, mix everything thoroughly and leave to infuse.
  • If the mass is liquid, add flour or semolina so that the minced meat becomes more dense.
  • Cheat the pan and fry the cutlets, it is not necessary to bring them to complete readiness, you just need to ensure that a crust appears.
  • After that, put the cutlets in the baking dish
  • You can make a fry with tomato sauces from onions and carrots and add broth (water) into it.
  • You can just mix tomato sauce with water and pour it into deck (cover cutlets).
  • In the assortment of the store, you can also find ready -made tomato sauces for paste or meat dishes, they can also be used.
  • Stew cutlets in the oven for about 40 minutes of small temperatures (no more than 180 degrees).

Interesting: to make the dish especially fragrant, add a pair of laurel leaves or dried herbs while baking in the sauce.

Packing brass cutlets with herbs
Packing brass cutlets with herbs

Belted and chicken stuffing cutlets: how to cook?

Beeing minced meat in combination with Kurin will allow you to cook incredibly tasty, delicate and juicy cutlets, which will be useful even to children. They can even be prepared for those who adhere to proper nutrition. Frying in a Teflon pan with the addition of water.

What do you need:

  • Beef is not fat -300 gr. (clipping or pulp)
  • Chicken meat (white or red) -300 gr.
  • Egg -1 PC. ("Flotter" minced meat)
  • Spices -any you like
  • Onion -1 PC. (large), you can add several cloves of garlic.
  • Pulp of bread or loaf -soak in boiling water or milk (drain excess liquid so that the minced meat is thick and dense).
  • Paning (crackers)

How to do:

  • The minced meat is evenly mixed, season it with a chopped (preferably on a blender) onion and spices (sharp or not - decide for yourself).
  • Pour the egg, mix the mass. If it is liquid, thicken with flour or a mankuan.
  • Add the crumb by previously squeezing the excess liquid (so that the cutlets are easily formed and not “spread” in a pan).
  • Before hot, the minced meat must be “standing” for about 15 minutes.
  • Run the blind balls from the minced meat in panning and fry in oil (you can pour it just a little, adding a little oil during frying and covering it with a lid).
  • On each side should be fried (or extinguished) for about 5-7 minutes. If you want the cutlets to have a crust after extinguishing in water, wait for the fluid to completely evaporate.
Beef cutlets-courins
Beef cutlets-courins

Pig mining boards and minced meat of chicken breast: recipe

Chicken breast is a fairly lean meat and therefore you can improve the taste of minced meat with pork.

What is required:

  • Chicken breast -2 pcs. (or chicken minced fillet)
  • Beef clipping -1 PC. (about 400 gr).
  • Egg -1 PC. (for "fastening" mass)
  • Spices -any you like
  • Onion -1 PC. (medium or small), for the aroma it will not be superfluous to 1-2 garlic teeth.
  • Crumb of bread, loaf -several slices soaked in milk or boiling water.
  • Crackers for breading

How to do:

  • Mix the crushed fillet with a grinding beef cut in the minced meat.
  • Season the mass spices, add a crushed onion and garlic, drive an egg.
  • Add bread pulp without excess fluid
  • Knead the minced meat evenly if you want it to become thicker and denser, add a few tbsp. flour or semolina.
  • The “rested” minced meat (15-20 minutes) dump in balls and sprinkle with a breading.
  • Cook in a pan in oil with the addition of water or broth (until completely evaporated).
Ranger cutlets
Ranger cutlets with the addition of greens

Pork and turkey pork cutlets in a slow cooker: Recipe

You can cook delicious cutlets as well with the help of such a modern kitchen device as a slow cooker. Moreover, in it you have the opportunity to fry, hit, or even cook trunk cutlets.

How to make minced meat:

  • Indian fillet -500-600 gr. (or other part of the turkey meat).
  • Pork (clipping) -1 large (approximately 400-500 gr).
  • Onion -1 PC. (large, any variety)
  • Fresh greens -bundle (finely chop)
  • Egg -1 PC. (It is possible without it, but it will “fasten” the minced meat).
  • Spicesfor every taste and choice

How to make and cook:

  • The meat twisted through a meat grinder should be evenly mixed in a bowl.
  • During chopping meat, add onion and garlic (if you want).
  • Pull the egg and add spices, soaked crumbs of bread can be added at will.
  • Add finely chopped greens directly to the minced meat, thicken it with flour or a mankin, wheat bran.
  • Heat the slow cooker (“Frying” or “baking” mode). Lubricate the bottom with oil and put the formed cutlets in the bowl.
  • Close the lid and languish the dish for about 30 minutes. You can not turn over.
From multicooker
From multicooker

Pork and Loveytin meatballs: unusual recipe

Losyatin - meat, which is rarely found on sale. However, recently, it has gained more and more popularity. In addition, moose is frequent hunters' production. The meat is very appreciated by its nutrient and useful substances, it can be used in the preparation of different dishes.

What is required:

  • Losyatina -300 gr. meat (approximately)
  • Pork -400-500 gr. (meat from any part)
  • Onion -1-2 pcs. (large)
  • Egg -1-2 pcs. But only Zheltkov (look at the density of the mass)
  • Several slices of loafsoak in milk in milk
  • Fat mayonnaise -2-3 tbsp. (you can not add)
  • Spices for your discretion
  • Paning from crackers

How to make and cook:

  • Two types of meat should be thoroughly chopped along with the bulb, mix thoroughly, adding softened bread and yolks.
  • Pour fragrant spices (any mixtures of peppers and dried herbs), salt.
  • Add mayonnaise, you can also soil sauce (then reduce the amount of salt).
  • The minced meat should be infused for 10-15 minutes, and then proceed to frying the cutlets, rolling it in panning.
  • The frying time on each side is about 7 minutes at moderate (medium) temperature.
Loosyatina and pork cutlets Wild couple
Losyatin and pork cutlets "Wild couple"

Ranger cutlets without bread: recipe


  • Bread is added to the cutlets so that they are more magnificent, softer and juicier.
  • In addition, bread can absorb excess fluid from minced meat, which means it is denser to make it (balls will be easier to form.
  • Bread can be softened in boiling water or warm milk. With milk, the crumb will give the minced meat a more delicate taste.
  • Without bread, you can also fry delicious cutlets, just add a lot of onions and let the minced meat brew, thickening it a little flour.

How to make pork and beef minced meat with lush, juicy, gentle: tips


  • Several slices of a loaf of a loaf of boiling water or hot milk will help your cutlets become soft and juicy.
  • A chopped bulb will add not only a pleasant and piquant aroma, but also juiciness to cutlets.
  • You can make cutlets juicy and delicate inside by adding several tbsp to minced meat. fat mayonnaise.
  • The most delicious and juicy cutlets are obtained only from fresh meat, so think about the dish at the stage of purchasing ingredients for cutlets.
  • The breading that you use for cutlets absorbs oil from the pan and does not allow cutlets to dry.

How to correctly and how much frying cutlets from minced pork and beef in a pan: tips


  • The first 1-1.5 minutes, fry cutlets over high heat (to achieve a rosy crust), and then reduce it to the middle level.
  • During frying, add a little water to the pan and cover with a lid, keep it so until the fluid is evaporated - this is the secret of soft cutlets.
  • The time of frying beef cutlets is about 5 minutes on each side.
  • The frying time of pork cutlets is about 7 minutes on each side.
  • The time of frying beef cutlets is about 5-6 minutes on each side.

Video: "How to make cutlets juicy?"

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