Salads with shrimp: the best selection of delicious recipes with cucumber, squid, mango and avocado, chicken and pineapples, rice noodles, dried tomatoes, Beijing cabbage and corn, mushrooms

Salads with shrimp: the best selection of delicious recipes with cucumber, squid, mango and avocado, chicken and pineapples, rice noodles, dried tomatoes, Beijing cabbage and corn, mushrooms

In this article, we will consider the most delicious and diverse recipes for shrimp -based salads.

Today we will talk about the marine product that has long been loved by our inhabitants. And not just like that, because this is a real storehouse of protein and iodine, which acts as a life circle for our thyroid gland.

And this is not all - in shrimp, they found all the amino acids necessary for our body, and this is not only healthy immunity, but also beautiful skin without wrinkles. Therefore, we want to share the best recipes for making salads with such an exquisite component as a shrimp.

Salad with shrimp and cucumbers: the easiest recipe

This recipe can still be called "Russian classics", where a simple combination of components gives salad tenderness and pleasant taste. Of course, the shrimp acts as a highlight that “dilutes” the composition of the salad. Thus, turning it into a brilliant dish.

Important: Be careful when choosing such a product. Carefully inspect packaging, especially frozen production. The head and shell of the shrimp should be without black dots and other interspersed. Otherwise, this speaks of poor freshness of the product. And the black color even indicates dangerous damage, so they are not suitable for food. Also look at their tail - it should not be straight. Otherwise, this confirms that the crustacean arthropod died before freezing.

Shrimp needs to be chosen correctly
Shrimp needs to be chosen correctly
  • The following components will be required:
    • shrimp itself - 1 pack in the amount of 500 g;
    • eggs-3-4 pcs.;
    • fresh cucumbers-2-3 pcs.;
    • lemon - 0, 5 pcs. for juice;
    • dill greens-50-100 g;
    • mayonnaise - in fact;
    • salt, pepper - to taste;
    • solid cheese-50-70 g for decoration.
  • Eggs and shrimp should be boiled. Moreover, both of the product must be prepared in salted water. The first ingredient will be better to clean, and the second - to have a more appetizing taste.
  • It is not necessary to defrost the shrimp, just throw it into boiling water. Small advice - add a couple of laurel leaves and several twigs of dill to the water. The aroma will be incredible, which the shrimp itself will be saturated.
  • Cooking time does not take more than 5 minutes. In principle, they become ready after lifting to the surface. Calculate before 120 and you can take them out. Put in a colander so that the water is good for glass.
  • Grate the eggs on a coarse grater, this will save your time. But for the festive table, use cutting an elongated square.
  • After cooling, proceed to an exciting occupation - cleansing the shrimp. Besides the tail, you do not need anything else. Tear off your head with all the paws without regret. Now, with one hand, hold the base of the tail, and pull the shell by the tip with the other hand. This is very easy to do, because it is not attached to the meat itself.
  • It is advisable to clean the cucumber from the peel, because it can give a certain bitterness. But from the aesthetic side it is better to tire with a green element, so choose young and small vegetables. It is better to cut a small straw, but the option with cubes is also suitable.
  • Squeeze the juice out of half the lemon and mix with spices. By the way, you can add any favorite ingredient. Now, season with this mixture, the mixed components of the salad.
  • You need to refuel with mayonnaise. But its number depends on your preferences. Small advice - do this immediately before serving. After all, then the salad will not allow unnecessary juice. And also do not forget that all salads with mayonnaise have a shelf life of no more than 12 hours.
  • Grate the cheese on a fine grater and mix with chopped greens. This mixture should sprinkle the salad in a prepared dish.
Before serving, you can decorate the salad at your discretion
Before serving, you can decorate the salad at your discretion

The best recipe for shrimp and squid salad

The combination of seafood with herbs is an ideal dish for those who care about their health. But the matter is not only the benefits of all the components, but also in their interesting combination. Moreover, the correct submission and layout will turn the salad into a festive treat.

  • You will be needed:
    • shrimp - 500 g;
    • squid - 500 g;
    • lemon - ¼ part;
    • quail eggs - 12 pcs. (you can replace 5-6 chicken);
    • salad-200-250 g (as a substitute you can use Beijing cabbage);
    • dill greens, onions - in fact;
    • bay leaf and pepper with peas - for cooking, if desired;
    • mayonnaise and spices to taste.
  • Boil the eggs in salted water and put it under a stream of cold water for 5-15 minutes. Good cooling will allow the eggs to be beautifully cleaned, and it is important for us that after cleaning the shape of the egg is even and smooth.
  • Bring the water in another saucepan to a boil, put the lavrushka, salt and pepper. After 1-2 minutes of seething, throw squids. Cook for 3 minutes after surfacing to the surface.
  • After cooling, peel the tails from the shell, tearing them away from the head. If you bought a cleaned product, then just wait for their cooling.
  • Now the time has come for squid. Their cook is a 50% final taste of the dish. Only 1-2 minutes are enough for their readiness. Evidence of their readiness will be a decrease in the amount. Remember - the digested squid turns into a rubber and tasteless mass. By the way, do not forget to first salt the water.
  • Cut the squids into two parts along and clean from films and chitin plates. You can cut into strips, half rings or even rings, if the carcasses are small.
  • Now the time has come for salad or Beijing cabbage, as well as for greenery. Grind everything finely. If you use salad leaves, then it will not hurt to leave a few leaves for decoration.
  • Regarding eggs - cutting completely depends on the chosen species. If you have chosen chicken eggs, then cut them with long strips and add to the rest of the ingredients. But quail eggs, with which a regular dinner will turn into a special evening, cut just in half.
  • Mix squid, shrimp and greens. You can leave a little dill separately. Important - the salad is not refuel! You mix mayonnaise with salt and your favorite spices, but add it to the salad directly to each portion. That is, just put a spoonful of refueling on top of the dish.
  • By the way, do not forget to lay out the mass on the salad sheet and sprinkle with chopped dill. Also decorate all the halves of quail eggs. Before serving, sprinkle each portion with a small amount of lemon juice.
The highlight of this recipe is small quail eggs
The highlight of this recipe is small quail eggs

Colombian salad with shrimp and mangoes and avocado: recipe

We offer you a recipe that will definitely fall in love with you to the kitchen of Colombia. Very exotic and tasty salad with shrimp, mangoes and mature avocados. He managed to become a favorite of a large number of demanding gourmets. Learn to cook it and feel for yourself why they love it so much!

  • For this you will need:
    • shrimp - 450 g;
    • avocados - 2 ripe fruits;
    • mango - 1 pc.;
    • juice 1 lime;
    • cocktail tomatoes - a large handful or 0.5 cups;
    • red onion - 0.5 pcs.;
    • olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • garlic - 2 cloves;
    • butter - 1 tsp;
    • mayonnaise - in fact;
    • salt, pepper and paprika to taste.
  • You can use tiger, royal or Atlantic shrimp. It is not particularly important in what condition they will be fresh or frozen, since this will not affect in any way. This salad allows any variations.
  • If you have chosen a frozen product, then at first the shrimp must first be defrosted. In no case do not water them with boiling water! You can place them in a container with cold water to accelerate the process.
  • There are also frozen boiled shrimp, but not cleaned. If you bought just such a “version” of shrimp, then start with their purification. Tear off the tail from the head with the legs, and carefully remove the shell.
Such a salad stands out with bright colors
Such a salad stands out with bright colors
  • Each shrimp must be carefully cut along the spine outside - along the entire length and carefully remove all the excess. That is, clean that thin, dark strip. This method needs to be cut all shrimp.
  • If you have fresh shrimp, then perform the same actions, but after cooking. If you bought shrimp without a shell, that is, peeled, then it is enough to defrost them and, therefore, cut them.
  • Heat the pan well. Add a teaspoon of butter or olive oil. Put slightly dried shrimp on a hot pan along with garlic peeled and sliced.
  • Shrimp you need to fry for only a few minutes. A sign of their readiness will be the compression of the tail into a cramped croissant. Put the contents of the pan in a cold place so that the mixture cools.
  • Place juice squeezed out of half lime in a bowl. Add olive oil and spices. Mix well.
  • Wash and cut into half tomatoes. Tomatoes of mixed colors, that is, yellow, orange and red colors, look very beautiful. Chop the peeled onions with thin feathers.
  • You can use Hass avocado, however, ordinary green avocados are also suitable. Cut them along in half, remove the bone and peel. Cut the oily middle into small pieces.
  • Cut the pulp of washed mangoes no more with cubes than pieces of avocado. Do not forget to remove the peel and bone. Mix all prepared ingredients in a deep bowl.
  • Run in the end with mayonnaise and juice of the second half of Lyme. The finished salad can be decorated with your favorite herbs. The leaves of the basil, the young greens of parsley and coriander are well suited.
  • The Colombian salad with shrimp after cooking is immediately ready for serving. But its preliminary cooling will not be superfluous.
Different cuts and feed will make a almost new recipe
Different cuts and feed will make a almost new recipe

Unusual salad with shrimp, pineapples and chicken: recipe

The number of ingredients is pleasantly surprising, but the final result of taste will help you support the image of a wonderful mistress. Who has tried an interesting combination of pineapple with meat and fish products, he is certainly in a hurry to cook such an exquisite dish.

  • You will need:
    • shrimp itself - at least 0.5 kg in frozen form, with a shell;
    • canned pineapples - 1 bank (preferably rings);
    • chicken fillet - 1 piece;
    • mayonnaise-2-3 tbsp. l. (if desired is possible);
    • salt and other spices - to taste;
    • cheese-40-70 g (for decoration).
  • As we have already described above, cook shrimp in salted water for 2-3 minutes. After cooling, cut off the tail with its subsequent cleansing.
  • You cut pineapples into small trapezoidal pieces of 1-1.5 cm. You can buy an already chopped product, but such a cut is not always even. Therefore, an aesthetic look of the dish will be lost.
  • Boil for 5-7 minutes in salted water, be sure to take off the noise at the beginning of boiling. If the carcass is large, then increase the time to 10 minutes. But the chicken should also not be digested, because its juiciness and taste are lost.
  • Also note that cut the chicken only across the fibers! This is the first rule if you want to avoid dry meat. And between themselves, it is better to tear the fibers with your hands. Believe me, such a presentation will even give a certain effectiveness and professionalism to the dish.
  • Mix all the components, salt and add your favorite other spices, season everything with mayonnaise. Mix gently and sprinkle everything with abundantly grated cheese. If desired and with large quantities, it can also be added as the main component. You can also lay out the flower petals from the lobules of the tomato as a decoration, and Parsley will act as leaves.
Insanely tasty and simple recipe for shrimp salad
Insanely tasty and simple recipe for shrimp salad

Sharp salad with shrimp in Asian rice noodles: Recipe

Another impeccable combination is a rice noodles with shrimp, seasoned with soy sauce, which is a magnificent and fast dish for the whole family. Moreover, one cannot lose sight of the indisputable fact that such a composition is also insanely useful.

  • For this you will need:
    • rice noodles - 1 package or 200 g;
    • shrimp - also 1 package, but 0.5 kg;
    • ginger is fresh, but chopped - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • garlic-4-6 cloves;
    • sesame or, as a substitute, butter - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • chili sauce or fresh sharp pepper - 0.5 tbsp. l.;
    • sesame-1-2 tbsp. l. optional;
    • soy sauce-2-3 tbsp. l. (take into account his salinity);
    • cilantro - several leaves;
    • lemon juice - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • curry - 0.5 tsp.

Important: Rice noodles are a product, which does not contain gluten. After all, it consists only of rice flour and water. Therefore, it is considered a safe product for those who sit on a glutenic diet or have wheat intolerance. It is also ideal for eastern dishes, where seafood is most often used.

  • It is enough to pour such noodles simply with boiling water, but we advise armed ourselves with another, more reliable method, which is strongly recommended by many experienced cooks. Especially if you cook such a product for the first time.
  • Boil water in a pan. As soon as the seething begins, salt the water to taste, and then only throw pasta. Let the pasta boil without covering from 3 to 5 minutes - so you will have one hundred percent guarantee that the pasta will not stick into one cake.
  • Turn off the fire and immediately pour all the contents of the pan into a colander. Pour cold water from the tap, thoroughly washing the noodles. Leave cooked pasta in it until it cools down and drain the liquid.
  • Regardless of the size and condition (that is, fresh or ice cream of your product), previously shrimp are subjected to cleansing. To do this, it is enough, holding them on a colander, pour them with warm water. Literally 2-3 minutes.
  • Then you should remove the shell, head and tail. Yes, even after such a time and just from contact with warm water, the meat will move well from the shell. Each shrimp must be cut along and remove waste. Put the shrimp prepared in this way in a bowl.
  • Add sesame seeds, grated ginger, carry, chili sauce or chopped sharp pepper and mix well.
  • Heat the frying pan to a certain temperature (as for cooking eggs). Add butter and garlic chopped by slices. After a minute, when the garlic already has time to give its aroma, add shrimp with spices. Leave the contents of the pan no longer than 5 minutes.
  • Then the shrimp should be moved into a bowl, connecting with pasta. Pour the soy sauce and mix everything thoroughly. If you or someone from your family on a gluten-free diet, use soy sauce without gluten. By the way, you will find it on the shelves of any store along with ordinary soy sauce.
  • Before serving, the salad must only be sprinkled with lemon juice and sprinkle with chopped or torn cilantro. It can also be served with parsley, which goes very well with other components.
Sharp salad with rice noodles and shrimp will certainly appreciate Asian lovers
Sharp salad with rice noodles and shrimp will certainly appreciate Asian lovers

Salad with shrimp and dried tomatoes: the most delicious recipe

A wonderful salad with shrimp and dried tomatoes. It combines fragile salad leaves, lemon freshness and the sweetness of fried cedar nuts. This is a wonderful salad that will delight you with a unique taste and help you surprise even fastidious guests.

  • You will need to create this masterpiece:
    • shrimp - 200 g;
    • delicate leaves of salad - 100 g;
    • red pepper - 0.5 pcs.;
    • onion-3 onions, you can replace 1 small with a regular onion;
    • dried tomato - 4 pieces;
    • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
    • cedar nuts - 50 g;
    • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • salt, spices and herbs are to taste.

Important: Thanks to chlorophyll, salad has a bactericidal effect, accelerates wound healing and protects against microbes. This product contains an antioxidant Luthein. Salad is a source of folic acid and vitamins B, E and C. It is rich in potassium, iron, organic acids, manganese and magnesium. There are only 12 kcal in 100 grams of salad.

  • Rinse the salad leaves under cold running water and gently dry with a paper towel or simply leave it until natural drying.
  • It is important to choose the right tomatoes themselves, because it is their quality that is the basis of the special and piquant taste of our salad. By the way, it is advisable to take them in oil, since it will provide the dish with a very soft taste and light mixing. Cut the pieces of dried tomatoes with slices or quarters and add to the salad.
  • Cut the pepper into thin strips. Chop the onion into strips or half rings. Mix everything together in a bowl and leave for 10 minutes.
  • Boil water, salt and throw the shrimp for 5 minutes. When the shrimp becomes bright pink, drain the contents onto a colander and open cold running water.
  • When they have already cooled, start the cleaning process. Clean the shrimp according to the traditional scheme: tear off your head, then the tail and then remove the shell. Repeat this procedure with all shrimp. Also, if necessary, remove the black strip in the center of the ridge.
  • Put the nuts on a dry pan. Dry them for several minutes so that they only darken slightly. However, do not keep them in a frying pan for too long, otherwise they can become bitter.
  • Mix all the components in one container and season with olive oil, mixing first with salt. At the end, pour the salad with lemon juice and sprinkle with previously cooked nuts. You can also add parsley and ground pepper.
Izdusk and unique taste are combined in one dish

Salad with shrimp, Beijing cabbage and corn: recipe

Such a salad has not only a wide variety of useful elements, but also has a relatively large volume, which is indispensable for a large company. By the way, some components can be added or replaced with similar products, creating new masterpieces.

  • Would need:
    • shrimp - 300 g in boiled form;
    • beijing cabbage-1 small head or 250-300 g;
    • onions - 0.5 pcs.;
    • eggs-3-4 pcs.;
    • canned corn - 1 bank;
    • parsley - for decoration;
    • salt and pepper - to taste;
    • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l;
    • olives - 70 g.
  • Shrimp is not particularly necessary to buy in the finished state. But, if you take a frozen product, then the dosage should be at least 0.5 kg. Boil in salted water for no more than 5 minutes. Cool and clean in any convenient way, keeping the tail of the tail as much as possible.
  • Boil the eggs and cut into a medium -sized rectangular pieces. Cut olives in half in any direction. They will look more interesting if they are divided along.
  • The cabbage is chink with medium blades, leaving thick stems. Chop the onion in half rings. But keep in mind that it will need to be soaked for 10-15 minutes in vinegar or at least pour boiling water.
  • After that, beat the lemon juice with your favorite spices and combine with oil. Mix all the components and season with the resulting sauce. Garnish with parsley twigs, creating flowers. By the way, do not forget to tear off all the stems.
Universal recipe, which allows you to add various components
Universal recipe, which allows you to add various components

The most delicious recipe for swings and mushrooms: recipe

This salad rightfully becomes a real independent dish, which can even win leadership places on the festive table. Moreover, it can even compete with meat preparations.

  • Prepare:
    • fresh -frozen shrimp - 500 g;
    • champignons or any other mushrooms - 600 g;
    • onions - 1 head;
    • sour cream - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • mayonnaise - in fact;
    • salt - in fact;
    • pepper - a small pinch;
    • solid cheese-50-100 g (optional, since it is used for decoration).
  • Boil the shrimp in salt water (1 tbsp. L. salt will require 1 liter) and peel the tails from the shell after cooling. Do not forget to remove the black strip in the center. And while you can leave them aside. Or cook mushrooms in parallel.
  • Cut the mushrooms with relatively large slices and fry in vegetable oil until all their juice is evaporated. Set aside a few slices for decoration. Next, add the onion by chopping in half rings. And bring to golden color with mushrooms. At the end, add 0.5 tsp. salt and sour cream.
  • Boil the eggs also boiled. By the way, so that they are easier to clean, add 1 tbsp to the water. l. Salt and withstand in cold water for 10 minutes. Rub on a coarse grater.
  • Lay all components in layers starting with mushrooms. Next, sprinkle with an egg, and then lay out the shrimp. On each layer you make a mayonnaise net. It also does not hurt to decorate with any twigs of greenery.
Such a salad will decorate any holiday table
Such a salad will decorate any holiday table

Video: The best recipe for shrimp salad, cheese and mushrooms

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