Mimosa salad: ingredients and a step -by -step classic recipe with canned layers in order. How to make a delicious mimosa salad with pink salmon, sardine, saira, tuna, sprats, weakly salted salmon, mackerel, chicken, cod liver, crab sticks: recipes

Mimosa salad: ingredients and a step -by -step classic recipe with canned layers in order. How to make a delicious mimosa salad with pink salmon, sardine, saira, tuna, sprats, weakly salted salmon, mackerel, chicken, cod liver, crab sticks: recipes

This article has a variety of recipes for the Mimosa salad.

“Mimosa” is a delicious salad for the festive table. His recipe has been known to the housewives for many years, but despite this, he still remains popular for any holiday or on a simple day, when you want to diversify the daily menu.

In this article, we will recall the recipes “mimosa” and try to make them original, adding different layers. You will get a new and unusual taste. Do and try with us.

What canry are suitable for the Mimosa salad?

Mimosa salad
Mimosa salad"

The taste of salad depends on canned food. Each fish gives its own unique shade. What canry are suitable for the Mimosa salad? Choose such canned food:

  • Pink salmon
  • Sardine
  • Saira
  • Tuna
  • Mackerel

The layers of “mimosa” are perfectly combined even with sprats, although many gourmets do not advise making this salad with such canned foods of smoked fish. But we will make it especially tasty. A unique taste is a dish with weakly salted salmon or crab sticks. If you do not like seafood, then for you there will be a recipe for this salad with chicken, and you can also try to make a mimosa with a cod liver. So, we are starting.

Mimosa salad: ingredients and step -by -step classic recipe with canned goods and potatoes, carrots in layers in order

Mimosa salad with canned goods and potatoes, carrots in layers in order
Mimosa salad with canned goods and potatoes, carrots in layers in order

Important: If you like the salty taste of dishes, then in this salad all layers except canned food and onions can be salted. But you can do without salt, since mayonnaise, which grind the layers, is already salty.

Advice: Be sure to pull the ridge bones out of the fish so that their solid structure does not spoil the pleasant and delicate taste of salad.

Before you start cooking this salad, freeze the oil. Thanks to this, it can easily be grated. A step -by -step classic recipe for a mimosa salad with canned goods and potatoes, carrots in layers in order:


  • Canned fish - 1 bank
  • Potatoes - 3 medium -sized pieces
  • Carrots - 2 medium -sized pieces
  • Onions-1 head
  • Eggs - 5 pieces
  • Butter - 100 grams
  • Solid cheese - 100 grams
  • Mayonnaise - how much will be needed, but not less than 200 grams

Now prepare salad products:

  1. Warm eggs, clean and cool.
  2. Cook potatoes and carrots, cool and clean. You can first clean it, and then cook - as you like. Grate these vegetables, each in a separate plate, on a fine grater.
  3. Brike with butter freeze in the freezer.
  4. Unknow the tin can, pull out the ridge bones from the fish, and open the fillet with a fork.
  5. Grind the onion and pour boiling water.
  6. Grate “small chips” on a grater: egg protein, cheese and yolk. On a large section of the tech board, sparkle the oil, but before laying it in a salad.
  7. Lay the layers without pressing. Drive with light movements, since it is in the light structure and airiness that all the piquancy of this salad.

Then lay out the layers:

  1. Canned fish - half a half
  2. Half of the chopped onion
  3. Half of the grated potatoes
  4. Layer of mayonnaise
  5. Half of the grated carrots
  6. Half of the grated oil
  7. Protein
  8. Mayonnaise

After that, lay out the products that remain:

  1. Fish
  2. Onion
  3. Potato
  4. Mayonnaise
  5. Carrot
  6. Oil
  7. Cheese
  8. Mayonnaise
  9. Pun the yolk on top

At the end, decorate the dish with green twigs and put in a cold place for impregnation.

How to deliberately prepare a mimosa salad with pink salmon: recipe in layers

Mimosa salad with pink salmon layers
Mimosa salad with pink salmon layers

With pink salmon, the salad turns out the most delicate taste - special and original. How to make a delicious preparation "Mimosa" with pink salmon? You can not put potatoes and carrots, make a salad in a new way: a minimum of vegetables, more piquant taste. Here is the recipe in layers:


  • Cosquitable pink salmon - 1 bank
  • Onions-1 head
  • Eggs - 5 pieces
  • Butter - 100 grams
  • Garlic - a couple of cloves
  • Solid cheese - 100 grams
  • Mayonnaise - how much will be needed (200 grams or slightly less)

Prepare products, as described in the recipe above. Then begin to lay out the layers:

  1. Canned fish - half a half
  2. Half of the chopped onion
  3. Protein
  4. Mayonnaise
  5. Half of the oil
  6. A clove of grated garlic

Now repeat the layers again:

  1. Fish
  2. Onion
  3. Mayonnaise
  4. Oil and clove of garlic
  5. Cheese
  6. Mayonnaise
  7. Yolk

Decorate the salad with greens and refrigerate for at least 2 hours. It is better if the dish stands in a cool place night, the layers are well soaked and merge into a single unique note. Gorbusha and garlic give the dish of sophisticated severity and delicate taste.

How to make a delicious preparation "Mimosa" with Sardina and melted cheese: recipe in layers

Mimosa salad with Sardina and melted cheese layers
Mimosa salad with Sardina and melted cheese layers

In a salad with a melt cheese, a more creamy taste is obtained - soft and delicate. Sardine fish goes well with soft cheese. In this recipe, the onion is cooked a little with a tip. So, how to make a delicious preparation “Mimosa” with Sardina and melted cheese? Here is the recipe in layers:


  • Boiled potatoes - 3 pieces
  • Cooked carrots - 1 large piece
  • Canned food - 1 bank
  • Onions -hunger -1 piece
  • Eggs - 4 pieces
  • Placed or other soft cheese - 100 grams
  • Mayonnaise - how much is required (200 grams or slightly less)

For a marinade for onions, you will need:

  1. Vinegar - half a teaspoon
  2. Sugar - half a teaspoon
  3. A pinch of black ground pepper

We start cooking:

  • Clean the welded potatoes and carrots on a fine grater.
  • The cooked eggs are also cleaned and grate separately protein and yolk on a fine grater.
  • Cut the onion and pour on the prepared marinade. Knock it with your hands so that it gives juice and becomes soft.
  • Remember the sardine with a fork, and rub the oil on a coarse grater.

The line of laying out layers came. Take a large salad bowl and begin to lay the prepared products in layers:

  • Put a layer of potatoes at the bottom.
  • Lubricate with mayonnaise.
  • Then the line of canned fish.
  • Onion chips and mayonnaise.
  • Egg proteins.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Carrots and mayonnaise again.
  • Soft cheese and mayonnaise.
  • The last layer is the yolks.

Salad ready. Thanks to laying out layers in this order and in such quantities, a special taste of salad is obtained - more saturated and interesting.

How to make a delicious preparation "Mimosa" with saira and rice, cheese, butter, without potatoes and carrots: recipe in layers

Mimosa salad with saira and rice, cheese, butter, without potatoes and carrots in layers
Mimosa salad with saira and rice, cheese, butter, without potatoes and carrots in layers

Initially, rice, as well as potatoes and carrots, was used to make a mimosa salad. Then they began to improve it and do it only with rice, without vegetables. In this recipe, we will deliberately prepare a “mimosa” salad with saira and rice, cheese, butter, without potatoes and carrots. It is guaranteed to be a delicate and special taste of the dish. Here is the recipe in layers:

The following products will be needed:

  • Canned food - 1 bank
  • Rice - 100 grams
  • Solid cheese - 100 grams
  • Egg - 3 pieces
  • Butter - 100 grams
  • Onions-1 piece
  • Mayonnaise - how much will be needed, but not less than one 200 gram pack

Prepare products:

  1. Sort rice, rinse and boil in water for 15 minutes. Add a little lemon juice to the water so that the rice turns out to be snow -white and beautiful. When he boils, throw it on a colander, rinse and let the water drain.
  2. Remove the fish from the jar, open with a fork.
  3. Grate the cheese with fine shavings.
  4. Cut the onion and pour boiling water for 5-7 minutes. Then throw it on a colander so that excess water will go away.
  5. Boil the eggs screwed, clean the shells and separately grate the protein and yolk on the small section of the tera boards.
  6. Grind the butter in frozen oil in the chips using a large section of the teero board.

Lay the layers in this order:

  1. Saira
  2. Onion
  3. Mayonnaise
  4. Rice
  5. Butter
  6. Protein
  7. Mayonnaise
  8. Cheese
  9. Mayonnaise
  10. Yolk

Such a salad can not be decorated with anything. The yolk itself on mayonnaise with cheese already looks appetizing. But you can decorate with herbs.

How to deliberately prepare a mimosa salad with tuna and apple: recipe in layers

Mimosa salad with tuna and apple layers
Mimosa salad with tuna and apple layers

Another type of recipe for the mimosa salad is with tuna and apple. Do not forget that all the ingredients, except butter, should be rolled on a fine grater. This trick gives a salad of tenderness and distinguishes from other similar dishes. But we will not put butter in a salad with tuna and apple. It will be special in taste without this ingredient. So, how to delibe to cook a mimosa salad with a tuna and an apple? Here is the recipe in layers:

You will need such ingredients:

  • Canned tuna - 1 bank
  • Potatoes - 3 pieces
  • Carrots - 2 pieces
  • Onions - 1 piece
  • Sweet apples - 2 pieces
  • Eggs - 4 pieces
  • Mayonnaise - by need, but not less than 200 grams

Prepare products:

  1. Fold the potatoes and carrots in the cooking container and weld. Then cool under the tap, peel and grate on a small section of the tera boards.
  2. Warm the eggs for 4 minutes, cool and clean. Grate also on a fine grater.
  3. Peel the onion, chop into small chips and pour hot water for 7 minutes. Drain the liquid and throw a soft onion on a colander.
  4. Open canned goods, drain excess liquid, remove the ridge bones from the fish and open the fillet with a fork.
  5. Clean the apple and grate, but before the bookmark itself, so as not to darken.

Next came the turn of the salad.

  1. Put the potatoes on the bottom of the plate. Lubricate with mayonnaise.
  2. Then the queue of canned food.
  3. Onion. It can be mixed with fish and put on potatoes.
  4. Carrot.
  5. Mayonnaise.
  6. Apple.
  7. Mayonnaise.
  8. Squirrels.
  9. Mayonnaise.
  10. Speak on top the last layer of yolks.

Such a salad will surprise with its taste and decorate any festive table.

How to deliberately prepare a mimosa salad with sprats: recipe in layers

Mimosa salad with sprats layers
Mimosa salad with sprats layers

Previously, a mimosa was not prepared with sprats, since it was believed that such canned foods are combined only with tomatoes. But then the cooks adapted this salad under sprats, and it turns out a very unusual and new taste. The recipe with layers of mimosa salad with sprats - cook quickly and tasty.

The following products will be needed:

  • Sprats - 1 bank
  • Potatoes and carrots - 1 piece
  • Eggs - 3 pieces
  • Onions are onion sweet salad varieties - 1 piece
  • Sweet apple - 1 piece
  • Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon
  • Mayonnaise - how much will need
  • Black pepper, salt - to taste
  • Marinade sugar - a little

Cooking products:

  1. Safe potatoes and carrots, cool, clean and grate on a fine grater.
  2. Cook, cool, clean, clean and grate the eggs on a fine grater.
  3. Clean the onion and finely cut. Spray lemon juice, sprinkle with pepper and sugar. Let it brew under the marinade for 15 minutes.
  4. Sprats can be cut, or you can mole a fork.
  5. Grate the apple on a fine grater.

We proceed to the layout of the layers:

  1. Put the grated potatoes on the bottom of the plate. Lubricate with mayonnaise.
  2. Then sprats.
  3. Onion.
  4. Carrots and mayonnaise.
  5. Protein and mayonnaise.
  6. Apple and mayonnaise.
  7. Let the yolk.

You can lubricate each layer with mayonnaise, or you can through one. Do not forget to suck the potatoes and carrots if you like salty dishes. The piquant taste of smoked meats in this salad will make all your guests ask for an additive.

How to deliberately prepare a mimosa salad with slightly salted salmon: recipe in layers

Mimosa salad with slightly salted salmon layers
Mimosa salad with slightly salted salmon layers

The recipe for the Mimosa salad with salmon can be found in all culinary books and magazines. Each cook makes it according to its recipe, and everyone gets different taste. Today we will make a dish with this fish, which can take a worthy place on any table by the right to take a worthy place and will like absolutely all people sitting at this table. So, we cook deliciously a lettuce with a slightly salted salmon. Here is the recipe in layers:

Products necessary for dishes:

  • Potatoes - 3 pieces
  • Carrot - 2 pieces
  • Green onions - 1 bundle
  • Dill - several twigs
  • Eggs - 4 pieces
  • Simga - 100 grams
  • Solid cheese - 100 grams
  • Salt - to taste
  • Mayonnaise - 200 grams

We start laying out the salad:

  1. Safe potatoes and carrots, cool, clean and grate on a fine grater.
  2. Cook, cool, clean, clean and grate the eggs on a fine grater.
  3. Finely chop green onions and dill, but separately.
  4. Cut Semogu in small stripes.
  5. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.

Start laying out the salad:

  1. First, put half the potatoes on the dish, add and grease with mayonnaise.
  2. Now a layer of green onions.
  3. Simga - half.
  4. Mayonnaise.
  5. Egg yolks - half.
  6. Proteins from all eggs and mayonnaise.
  7. Carrots (half) and mayonnaise.
  8. Potato.
  9. Dill.
  10. Salmon.
  11. Carrots (rest).
  12. Cheese and mayonnaise.
  13. Pour the remaining yolk.

Outside and in the section, the salad looks very appetizing. Such an unusual layout of layers with herbs makes the dish nutritious and attractive for the festive table or for every day.

How to deliberately prepare a mimosa salad with mackerel: recipe in layers

Mimosa salad with mackerel layers
Mimosa salad with mackerel layers

The recipe for “Mimosa” salad with conservatory from mackerel is a classic of the genre. This fish is great for soup, salting, smoking and for the preparation of different dishes. Her meat is very tender and soft, therefore it goes perfectly with other products not only in the second, but also the first dishes and salads. In “Mimosa” you can put both boiled mackerel, and salted, and even smoked. Today we will make a dish of canned food, as it will be faster and will not need to mess with the removal of the seeds. Here is the recipe in layers of "mimosa" with mackerel:


  • Potatoes - 3 pieces
  • Carrots - 2 pieces
  • Eggs - 4 pieces
  • Cheese - 100 grams
  • Salad leaves - bundle
  • Greens - several twigs
  • Canned mackerel - 1 bank
  • Onion turnips - 1 piece
  • Mayonnaise - 200 grams

How to cook:

  1. Fold the potatoes and carrots in the cooking container and weld. Then cool, clean and grate on a fine grater.
  2. Warm the eggs for 4 minutes, cool and clean. Grate also on a fine grater.
  3. Peel the onion, cut it finely and pour hot water for 7 minutes. Drain the water and throw a soft onion on a colander.
  4. Open canned food, drain excess fluid, remove the ridge bones from the fish and open the fillet with a fork.
  5. Wash the salad leaves, wash the greens and cut.
  6. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.

The assembly of the salad consists of such stages:

  1. Put the salad leaves on the bottom of the plate.
  2. Place the protein on top.
  3. Mayonnaise.
  4. Then onions.
  5. Potato.
  6. Canned goods without bones and buried with a fork.
  7. Carrot.
  8. Mayonnaise.
  9. Cheese.
  10. Mayonnaise.
  11. On top, the salad is sprinkled with chopped herbs and yolks.

It seems that the ingredients are the same, and the salad is laid out in layers, but the taste is new and piquant.

How to deliberately prepare a mimosa salad with chicken: recipe in layers

Mimosa salad with chicken layers
Mimosa salad with chicken layers

If you do not like fish, or you want to surprise the guests with an unusual taste of the dish, then the Mimosa salad with the chicken is a great solution. The guests will think that the usual fish in this dish, but their unusual taste will delight them. Try preparing a delicious mimosa salad with chicken according to this recipe in layers:

The following products will be needed:

  • Chicken fillet - 1 half (about 200 grams)
  • Potatoes - 2 pieces
  • Carrots - 1 piece
  • Onion turnips - 1 piece
  • Eggs - 4 pieces
  • Cheese - 100 grams
  • Butter - 100 grams
  • Mayonnaise - 200 grams
  • Salt - to taste
  • Greens for decoration

Full the following stages:

  1. Fold the potatoes and carrots in the cooking container and weld. Then cool, clean and grate on a fine grater.
  2. Cook eggs, cool and clean. Grate also on a fine grater.
  3. Peel the onion, cut it finely and pour hot water for 7 minutes. Drain the water and throw a soft onion on a colander.
  4. Freeze the oil and then rub on a coarse grater.
  5. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.
  6. Boil the chicken fillet for no more than 20 minutes, otherwise it will be stiff. Leave in the broth to cool. This will help make fillet juicy and soft. Then cut the meat in small cubes.

Now lay out the layers:

  1. Chicken fillet.
  2. Mayonnaise.
  3. Onion.
  4. Carrots and mayonnaise.
  5. Squirrels.
  6. Butter.
  7. Potato.
  8. Mayonnaise.
  9. Cheese and mayonnaise.
  10. Yellow and greens.

This salad is special tenderness. It will perfectly decorate your table and complement other dishes with its unique taste.

How to deliberately prepare a mimosa salad with a cod liver: recipes

Mimosa salad with cod liver
Mimosa salad with cod liver

The cod liver is a part of the fish delicate in texture. It is used to prepare Mimosa and other salads. But many housewives do not know about this. In addition, such a salad is perfect for those people who are afraid to eat fish dishes from behind bones. Here is a recipe, how to delibe to cook a mimosa salad with a cod liver:

What you need to buy:

  • Potatoes - 2 pieces
  • Carrot - 2 pieces
  • Cod liver - 1 bank
  • A little green onion and dill
  • Coarse cheese or other soft cheese - 100 grams
  • Eggs - 3 pieces
  • Green apple, but not too sour - 1 piece
  • Salt to taste
  • Mayonnaise - 200 grams

Start preparing a salad with preparation of products:

  1. Fold the potatoes and carrots in the cooking container and weld. Then cool, clean and grate on a fine grater.
  2. Cook eggs, cool and clean. Grate also on a fine grater.
  3. Cover with a cod liver open and open the contents with a fork.
  4. Cut the greens.
  5. Grate the cheeses on a coarse grater.
  6. Clean the apple and grate on a fine grater.

Now proceed to lay the salad:

  1. Put the potatoes all over the dish with the first layer.
  2. Then mayonnaise.
  3. Cod liver.
  4. Greens and mayonnaise.
  5. Proteins and then mayonnaise.
  6. Apple.
  7. Carrot.
  8. Mayonnaise.
  9. Cashed cheese.
  10. Mayonnaise.
  11. Yolk.

Guests will ask for an additive of this salad, as it gets an excellent taste. The cod liver goes well with greens, apple and soft cheese, and potatoes and carrots make it more satisfying.

Replace the green apple with a couple of salty cucumbers, and you will get another recipe for salad - with a new and original taste. Replace the potatoes with boiled rice, and melted cheese with parmesan, and you will make a new dish - tender and airy.

How to deliberately prepare a mimosa salad with crab sticks and corn without fish: recipe in layers

Mimosa salad with crab sticks and corn without fish in layers
Mimosa salad with crab sticks and corn without fish in layers

“Mimosa” with crab sticks and corn will love children. Instead of the usual salad, Mimosa with these ingredients will immediately gain popularity not only in children, but also in adults. How to delibe to cook a mimosa salad with crab sticks and corn without fish? Here is the recipe in layers:

Buy such products:

  • Eggs - 4 pieces
  • Crab sticks - 200 grams
  • Solid cheese - 100 grams
  • Butter - 100 grams
  • Onion turnips - 1 head
  • Corn - 1 bank
  • Mayonnaise

Prepare products first:

  1. Coil, clean and grate the eggs on a fine grater - separately yolk and protein.
  2. Right a little frozen stick on a coarse grater.
  3. Cheese rubs on a small section of the grater.
  4. The butter in frozen form also needs to be rubbed through large gratings of the grater.
  5. Peel the onion, chop and pour boiling water in a colander.
  6. Open the corn and drain the liquid.

Now you can start laying the salad:

  1. Lay the egg proteins with the first layer.
  2. Mayonnaise.
  3. Onion.
  4. Crab sticks
  5. Butter.
  6. Corn and mayonnaise.
  7. Cheese.
  8. Yolks.

If children do not like onions, then it can be replaced with greens or even without these ingredients. Such a salad is quickly impregnated, since it does not have potatoes and carrots, but is eaten instantly.

How to decorate the festive puff salad "Mimosa" for the holiday, New Year, Birthday, March 8, February 14, 23, wedding, anniversary?

It is known that the appetizing appearance of the dish is half the success. When a person sees an interestingly decorated salad on the festive table, he immediately wants to try it. Therefore, no one notices the first portion of the dish, and a pleasant aftertaste makes not one spoonful of salad yet. How to decorate the festive layered salad of mimosa for the holiday, New Year, Birthday, March 8, February 14, 23, Wedding, anniversary? Here are the options:

For any holiday. Mimosa itself is very beautiful thanks to the yolks on the surface of the dish. Therefore, it can not be decorated, but simply put the salad on a plate in a special round shape with latches. Then remove this form and put a leaf of parsley on top - simple, but appetizing.

Puff salad
Puff salad "Mimosa" for the holiday

For the New Year There should be a Christmas tree on the salad - real, green. For example, here is a spruce of green onions - simple and original.

Puffer salad
Puffer salad "Mimosa" for the New Year's holiday

Here is another New Year's decoration made of red caviar.

Puff -up salad
Puff -up salad "Mimosa" for the holiday of the New Year

For a birthday. A great option for feeding salad. You will need small round shapes. Put the layers with a slide to make these “cakes” on the snack.

Festive layered salad
Festive layered salad "Mimosa" for a birthday

This jewelry can be called unique, but it can be made simply and quickly. The mice from quail eggs and one chicken with cheese ears and eyes made of black pepper or cloves, and ask for a plate along with a piece of mimosa.

Festive layered salad
Festive layered salad "Mimosa" for a children's birthday birthday

On March 8. Such a decoration from crab sticks and red caviar is suitable for March 8. Naturally, the salad itself should also be made of crab sticks (look for the recipe above in the text). If a man makes such a dish for his woman, then she will be shocked by a unique beauty, exquisite taste of dishes and a man’s ability to surprise.

Festive layered salad
Festive layered salad "Mimosa" for the holiday of March 8

On the day of lovers - February 14. If you want to arrange a romantic dinner, then make a salad in glasses. In one glass - one portion.

Festive layered salad
Festive layered salad "Mimosa" for the holiday of February 14
Festive layered salad
Festive layered salad "Mimosa" for a holiday for the day of all lovers on February 14

On February 23 You can decorate the salad in the form of a soccer ball. But then the upper layer will not be yolks, but proteins.

Festive layered salad
Festive layered salad "Mimosa" for the holiday of February 23

Another option for simple decoration: two spears from green onions on red tomato.

Decoration for the festive puff salad
Decoration for the festive puff salad "Mimosa" for February 23

A bottle of champagne is also suitable for a men's holiday.

Original decoration of the festive salad
Original decoration of the festive salad "Mimosa" for the holiday of February 23

For a wedding You can make both a gorgeous decoration of this salad and simple. He will still be a crown dish on the table.

Decoration of the festive puff salad
Decoration of the festive puff salad "Mimosa" for the wedding
Tender decoration of the festive salad
Tender decoration of the festive salad "Mimosa" for the wedding

For the anniversary.If you can make such thin “ribbons” of carrots, then decorate the salad just like that - unusual and beautiful.

Decoration of the festive puff salad
Decoration of the festive puff salad "Mimosa" for the anniversary

This salad is laid out with a large round shape. Cucumbers perfectly decorate and complement the taste of Mimosa.

Decoration of the festive puff salad
Decoration of the festive puff salad "Mimosa" to celebrate the anniversary

Select any one from the above recipes and make on the table for your household. They will be pleasantly surprised. Experiment with taste, change the ingredients and create your unique layers. Enjoy your meal!

Video: Mimosa salad is very juicy and delicious recipe | Mimosa Salad, English Subtitles

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