Delicious Lavash Root recipes with different fillings

Delicious Lavash Root recipes with different fillings

If someone decides to say that you can put anything in the snack roll and it will still be tasty-do not believe it! “Anything” cannot be delicious! In the article: recipes for filling for snap diner rolls, tested by time and culinary traditions.

The snacks have become that kind of culinary art, which makes it possible to combine the mastery of the cook and the artist’s imagination. The main purpose of the snack table is to excite appetite, and prepare the body for the main meal. That is why certain requirements are imposed on the snacks:

  1. The snack table should be diverse and combine dishes
  • meat
  • fish
  • vegetables
  1. Preference is given to portioned
  2. Portations should be small, actually "for one bite"
  3. Some snacks should be quite satisfying because they can be served with alcoholic beverages
  4. Dishes should be bright, beautifully decorated and attract attention

Given all the requirements of modern cooking, a snack roulet of thin Armenian lavash is an ideal cold snack for both the festive and everyday table

#1 Lavash roulette with cucumber

Let's start with the classics. To the taste of a roulet of lavash with a cucumber is very reminiscent of an English sandwich with a cucumber. A great option for a summer holiday

Option for serving a roll from a lavash with a cucumber
Option for serving a roll from a lavash with a cucumber
  • thin Armenian Lavash - 1 sheet
  • cream cheese for sandwiches. The amount of cheese depends on the size of the lavash sheet
  • fresh cucumber

How to cook:

  1. Wash and dry the fresh cucumber. Cut it with very thin slices
  2. Lavash sheet expand and lubricate well with cream cheese, not forgetting to retreat from the edge of a few centimeters
Lavash roulette with cucumber: preparation of a lavash sheet
Lavash roulette with cucumber: preparation of a lavash sheet
  1. Put the cucumber sloses tightly on the cheese. Slightly salt the cucumber with small grinding salt
Lavash roulette with cucumber: laying cucumber slices
Lavash roulette with cucumber: laying cucumber slices
  1. Turn a dense roll. Be careful: the free edge of the lavash should be on the outside of the future roll
Lavash roll with cucumber: roulette molding
Lavash roll with cucumber: roulette molding
  1. Pack the lavash roll into the food film and mix in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes
  2. Cut the roll into the same portioned pieces. The minimum thickness of each - from 2 cm
  3. Before serving, fix each of the portioned rolls with a sandwich skewer

A few comments regarding how to cut a roll from a lavash

  • Initially, try to roll the roll quite tightly, avoiding air pockets
  • Do not remove the food film before cutting
  • Use a very sharp knife moistened with acidified water (per 100 ml of water 1 tbsp. Lemon juice). Wet the knife along the cutting edge
  • Remove the film after cutting portioned pieces

#2 Lavash roulette with cottage cheese

Option of serving a roll from a lavash with cottage cheese
Option of serving a roll from a lavash with cottage cheese
  • thin Armenian Lavash - 1 sheet
  • cottage cheese of any fat content-100-150 g
  • fresh greens (dill, basil, parsley, several feathers of green onions, etc.) - to taste
  • bulgarian pepper (green and red)-100-150 g
  • salt and spices - to taste
  • garlic - 1 clove

How to cook:

  1. Mix the cottage cheese and garlic thoroughly, previously passed through the press. If cottage cheese is dry, add 1 tablespoon of sour cream or natural yogurt without fillers
  2. Finely chopped and dried greens chop
Lavash roll: preparation of greenery
Lavash roll: preparation of greenery
  1. Add the greens to the curd mass and knead thoroughly
Lavash roulette: preparation of cottage cheese-shutters with greens
Lavash roulette: preparation of cottage cheese-shutters with greens
  1. Wash, dry pepper, free from stalks and seeds, cut into small cubes
Lavash roulette with cottage cheese: a method of cutting sweet pepper
Lavash roulette with cottage cheese: a method of cutting sweet pepper
  1. Lavash sheet expand and carefully smear the cottage cheese-based dressing with greens. Sprinkle with multi -colored pepper cubes on top
Lavash roll with cottage cheese: laying the filling
Lavash roll with cottage cheese: laying the filling
  1. Pack the lavash roll into the food film and mix in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes
Lavash roll with cottage cheese: ready -made rolls
Lavash roll with cottage cheese: ready -made rolls
  1. Cut the roll into the same portioned pieces. The minimum thickness of each - from 2 cm

#3 lavash with herbs

This appetizer is very reminiscent of Greek spanicopots-triangles with a variety of filling. In our case, brine cheese and spinach are used as a filling - a tasty and healthy combination

Lavash with greens or spanapotpi from lavash
Lavash with greens or spanapotpi from lavash
  • subtle Armenian Lavash - 4 sheets
  • fresh spinach - 500 g or ice cream spinach - 250 g
  • broused cheese - 150 g. In an authentic filling recipe, Fet is used, but it can be replaced with an eyebrow
  • onions - 100 g
  • fresh chicken egg - 2
  • salt and spices - to taste
  • wheat flour-3-4 tbsp. l.

How to cook:

  1. Cut onions with small cubes and saving in a small amount of vegetable oil until transparent
  2. If you use fresh spinach, wash thoroughly and dry it. Cut not very finely, add to the onion. The spinach under the influence of temperature should “sit down” and this will be enough. Frouched spinach must be thawed, squeezed excess moisture and just warm with the onion for 5 minutes
  3. Grind brine cheese in any convenient way: with a grater, fork, blender
  4. Add spinach, eggs to cheese and mix well
  5. To fasten the filling and removing excess moisture, carefully interfere in the mixture several tablespoons of flour. Introduce the flour gradually, the filling should not turn into the dough. In the classic recipe, spanicopiti moisture absorbs raw rice
  6. Cut the lavash sheets into several identical strips. If Lavash has lost elasticity, add it with water using a spray
  7. Put several tablespoons of the filling on the corner of the strip and wrap the free edge, forming a triangular pocket
Formation of triangular spanacopitis
Formation of triangular spanacopitis
  1. Form a triangular pie


Stages of molding spanacopitis
Stages of molding spanacopitis


  1. Fry the pies in a well -heated pan, adding a little vegetable oil. Lavash pies Blind very quickly!

#4 Lavash roll with Korean carrots and ham

Lavash roll with Korean carrots and ham
Lavash roll with Korean carrots and ham
  • thin Armenian Lavash - 1 sheet
  • soft cream cheese for sandwiches (the amount of cheese depends on the size of the lavash)
  • a little fresh greenery
  • thinly chopped ham - 200 g
  • carrot in Korean-200 g

How to cook:

  1. Expand the lavashi sheet and lubricate it with a cream cheese
  2. Sprinkle the cheese with finely chopped greens. The amount of greens depends on your taste preferences
  3. Put thinly chopped ham on the greens
  4. The last ball is a well-squeezed carrot in Korean
Lavash roll with Korean carrots and ham before rolling roll
Lavash roll with Korean carrots and ham before rolling roll
  1. Turn on a tight roll and pack it in a food film. Leave the roll for 30-40 minutes in the refrigerator
  2. Cut the roll into portioned pieces at least 2 cm thick

#5 Lavash roll with tomatoes

This option of snack or antipastic is hello from sunny Italy, because the filling fully repeats the famous Capureze salad. And, by the way, the Italians themselves are completely different against the culinary experiments with the Castra, since the main requirement for antipastic dishes is a large number of vegetables and a beautiful feed

Lavash roll with tomatoes: feed option
Lavash roll with tomatoes: feed option
  • thin Armenian Lavash - 1 sheet
  • mozarella - 150 Mozarella is better to take soft, that is, the one that is sold in brine. Unfortunately, it is not possible to replace Mozarella in salads. However, the cheeses of Adyghe and Suluguni are considered to be close to Mozarell in taste characteristics
  • soft cream cheese for sandwiches - 50 g
  • fresh tomatoes - 300 g. Tomatoes should be ripe, sweet and fleshy
  • rugula and basil-50-100 g
  • olive oil - 100 ml
  • dark balsamic vinegar-60-90 ml
  • salt and spices - to taste

How to cook:

  1. Grate mozzarella on a coarse grater, mix with cream cheese and put on a detailed lavash
  2. Torn the greens and evenly distribute the cheese pillow
  3. Cut the tomatoes into thin slices (thickness up to 5 mm). When cutting, remove the seeds. Put the tomato circles with a thin layer on greens
  4. In a separate container, carefully mix olive oil and balms, salt. Gently boil the filling with refueling. The amount of refueling used depends on the size of the lavash sheet! The refueling should be an accent, easy and elusive
  5. Turn the roll and pack in the food film. Place the roll in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes
  6. Cut into portioned pieces

#6 lavash with crab sticks

And again hello from the south, but not from Italy. Our diner journey leads us to Spain, where Tapas de Cangrejos is very popular. This is a crab salad that can be served in the form of rolls from Lavash

Lavash with crab sticks: feed option
Lavash with crab sticks: feed option
  • thin Armenian Lavash - 1 sheet
  • crab sticks - 200 g
  • chicken eggs cooked in steep-2-3 pcs.
  • capers - 30 g. In taste characteristics to capers, rods and olives are close
  • lemon juice - 20 ml
  • mayonnaise - 100 g
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper - to taste

How to cook:

  1. Grind eggs and crab sticks. The smaller the products are, the better. The ideal option is to grate on a fine grater
  2. Add finely chopped capers to chopped eggs and crab sticks (rods/olives). Mix thoroughly
  3. Salt, pepper. Season with mayonnaise and lemon juice
  4. The resulting mixture carefully lubricate the lavash sheet and turn the roll. Pull in food polyethylene, send it to the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes
  5. Cut into portioned pieces and serve to the table

#7 Lavash with chicken / roulet of lavash with ham, sausage       

Lavash roll with chicken, ham and cheese: feed option
Lavash roll with chicken, ham and cheese: feed option
  • thin Armenian Lavash - 1 sheet
  • chicken fillet - 1
  • ham or sausage-200-250 g
  • the melted cheese in the cutting-200-250 g. In this case, Chedder may be a good option in this case
  • cream cheese for sandwiches-100-150 g
  • vegetable oil-50-100 ml
  • salt and spices to taste

How to cook:

  1. Cut the chicken fillet with long cubes and quickly fry in a hot pan. If the coating of the pan allows, fry chicken meat without vegetable oil. Otherwise - add a little oil
  2. Lubricate the lavas sheet with cream cheese. Previously, a little finely chopped fresh greens can be added to the cheese
  3. Put the cheese cut and ham (sausage) on cream cheese in chess
  4. Put the chicken in a flat strip on the edge of the future roll. Salt, pepper. Keep in mind, in the photo below - small lavash leaves. If your lavashi sheet is larger, just lay chicken pieces exactly along the edge
Lavash roll molding
Lavash roll molding
  1. Turn the roll. Pull in food polyethylene, send it to the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes
  2. Cut into portioned pieces and serve to the table

#8 Lavash with red fish, with salmon

Cooking is also subject to fashion trends. And the tribute of today's culinary fashion is this: a modern person is simply obliged to love sushi! And what to do to those who are not enthusiastic about the boiled sticky rice (sorry, fans of land) and dry algae with a pronounced aroma? There is an exit! For example, prepare the rolls "a la Philadelphia" from Lavash

Lavash with red fish, with salmon
Lavash with red fish, with salmon
  • thin Armenian Lavash - 1 sheet
  • cream cheese "Philadelphia" - 150 g. You can replace your beloved cream cheese for sandwiches
  • fresh cucumber, cut into thin slices. In the sushi version, the cucumber, as a rule, is cut by cubes. In the lavashny roll, cucumber can be replaced with fresh salad leaves
  • thinly chopped fish fillet (slightly salted) - 200 g

How to cook:

  1. Lubric Lubric Lubric a soft cheese
  2. If you use salad leaves, put them on cheese. If not, miss this step
  3. Put in checkerboard patterns of thin fish fillet petals and thin cucumber sloses
  4. Turn the roll. Pull in food polyethylene, send it to the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes
  5. Cut into portioned pieces and serve to the table

#9 Lavash roulette with conservatives/ Lavash with fish and cheese

Lavash roulet with canned goods
Lavash roulet with canned goods
  • thin Armenian Lavash - 1 sheet
  • fish canned food in oil - 1 bank. The ideal option is canned tuna
  • mayonnaise - 100 g. If you are a supporter of a healthy diet, replace mayonnaise with thick yogurt without fillers and sugar. In this case, yogurt should be slightly salt
  • hard cheese - 50 g
  • fresh salad leaves

How to cook:

  1. Lubric lubricate the lavashi leaf with mayonnaise/yogurt
  2. Put a layer of canned fish, grated cheese, salad leaves
Roulets by turning
Rulet before folding
  1. Turn the roll. Pull in food polyethylene, send it to the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes
  2. Cut into portioned pieces and serve to the table

#10 Lavash with egg

Lavash with an egg: a feed option
Lavash with an egg: a feed option

The next recipe does not need a detailed recipe. The only clarification: for this roll it is better to take round lavash sheets and use a frying pan, the diameter of which is equal to the diameter of the lavash sheet (see the photo below)


The number of ingredients depends on your taste preferences

How to cook:

  1. Finely chop any greens and chop any brine cheese (for example, Brynza)
Lavash with an egg: preparation of the filling
Lavash with an egg: preparation of the filling
  1. Mix a few eggs thoroughly. Your goal: do not beat them, but turn into a homogeneous egg mixture. Salt, pepper. Instead of salt, you can use several tablespoons of soy sauce
  2. Pour the mixture into a well -heated pan and bring to cooked under a closed lid over low heat
Lavash with an egg: cooking egg pancake
Lavash with an egg: cooking egg pancake
  1. A few minutes before cooking, sprinkle the egg pancake with chopped cheese
Lavash with an egg: cooking egg pancake
Lavash with an egg: cooking egg pancake
  1. Lubric the lavas leaf with cream cheese, put the egg pancake on it
Lavash with an egg: roll before folding
Lavash with an egg: roll before folding
  1. Sprinkle with herbs and roll the roll. Pull in food polyethylene, send it to the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes
  2. Cut into portioned pieces and serve to the table

#11 Roulet from Lavash with minced meat

Lavash roll with minced meat: feed option
Lavash roll with minced meat: feed option
  • thin Armenian Lavash - 2 sheets
  • minced meat - 200 g
  • onions - 100 g
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml
  • tomato paste-30-50 g
  • hard cheese - 50 g
  • fresh tomatoes - 100 g
  • fresh Bulgarian pepper - 100 g
  • greens - to taste
  • mayonnaise - 100 g
  • salt and spices - to taste

How to cook:

  1. Mix minced meat, grated onions, salt and spices thoroughly
  2. Heat the pan, add vegetable oil and fry the minced meat for 5-7 minutes. Add tomato paste and cook for another 5-7 minutes. Do not forget to constantly stir the contents of the pan
The consistency of the finished minced meat
The consistency of the finished minced meat

Important: the minced meat should completely cool before you start rolling the roll

  1. Put the cooled minced meat on the lavash sheet and sprinkle with grated cheese
The sequence of balls of the filling
The sequence of balls of the filling
  1. Put another lavashi sheet previously lubricated with mayonnaise on top
  2. Put thinly chopped pieces of pepper and tomatoes on the lavash, sprinkle vegetables with finely chopped greens

photo29 Priority of the balls of the filling

The sequence of balls of the filling
The sequence of balls of the filling
  1. Turn the roll. Pull in food polyethylene, send it to the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes
  2. Cut into portioned pieces and serve to the table

#12 Lavash roll with mushrooms

Lavash roll with mushrooms: feed option
Lavash roll with mushrooms: feed option
  • thin Armenian Lavash - 1 sheet
  • onions - 100 g
  • champignons-150-200 g
  • cream cheese for sandwiches - to taste
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml
  • fresh dill

How to cook:

  1. Small the finely chopped onion to transparent color
  2. Cut the mushrooms with thin slides and add to the onion. Cook, constantly stirring for 10 minutes. Salt and pepper the mushrooms at the very beginning of frying. Ready mushrooms should cool well
  3. Grease the lavashny sheet with soft cheese, sprinkle with herbs, distribute the mushrooms on top
  4. Turn the roll. Pull in food polyethylene, send it to the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes
  5. Cut into portioned pieces and serve to the table

#13 Lavash roulette with liver (liver paste)

Lavash roulette with liver: feeding option
Lavash roulette with liver: feeding option
  • thin Armenian Lavash - 1 sheet
  • chicken liver - 500 g
  • onions - 300 g
  • butter - 100 g
  • vegetable oil - 100 g
  • salt and spices - to taste

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the liver, clean from fat, cut
  2. Cut the onion with cubes or half rings. To spare to a transparent state in a well -heated pan
  3. Add the liver to the bow, salt, simmer under a closed lid over low heat for 10 minutes
Preparation of the liver
Preparation of the liver
  1. Place the finished and cooled liver in a blender bowl. Add softened butter to the liver and thoroughly problem. Add salt and spices to the mass, whisk thoroughly again
  2. On the lavashny sheet, smear the liver paste
  3. Turn the roll. Pull in food polyethylene, send it to the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes
  4. Cut into portioned pieces and serve to the table

Video: a roulet from a cod liver

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