Royal salad with red caviar and squid, shrimp, salmon, crab sticks, chicken, meat, champignons, pineapples, prunes: the best recipes, photos

Royal salad with red caviar and squid, shrimp, salmon, crab sticks, chicken, meat, champignons, pineapples, prunes: the best recipes, photos

In this article we will talk about the legendary snack, which became the progenitor of modern salads.

Tsarian salad with shrimp, squid and red caviar: recipe, photo

Recipe 1
Recipe 1

This snack can be surprised by your guests. Although it collects expensive and not the most commonly used products, it is prepared very easily. This royal salad is ideal for a festive feast.

  1. Boil squid in boiling water for no more than 2 minutes
  2. Boil the shrimp in slightly salted water with the addition of bay leaf
  3. Cut the squid and crab sticks in stripes
  4. Divide shrimp into two parts
  5. Rub hard cheese on a coarse grater
  6. We let the clove of garlic through a special press
  7. Add red caviar and mayonnaise to prepared ingredients
  8. We spread the mass on the leaves of the salad and decorate the dill twigs

For the best taste of this salad, it is best to season with mayonnaise with the largest percentage of fat content. On holidays, you can afford to forget about the diet.

Tsarian salad with salmon and red caviar: recipe

Recipe 2
Recipe 2

Another version of the royal salad involves the use of salmon in it, as one of the most important ingredients. Such a salad was very popular in the late times of the reign of the Romanov dynasty. But, and today they can decorate the festive table.

  1. Put the butter in the freezer
  2. Boil the eggs for 10-12 minutes in slightly salted water (so it can be achieved that the shell will not crack)
  3. We pass the peeled cloves of garlic through a garlic -codel and mix with mayonnaise
  4. Gleat boiled eggs and lay out the first layer of snacks from the resulting mass
  5. Lubricate it with a thin layer of garlic sauce
  6. We also pass the cheese through the grater and form a second layer of salad from it
  7. Lubricate it with the sauce and cut the fillet of slightly salted salmon into small pieces
  8. Grate the butter from the freezer and mix with pieces of salmon
  9. We spread it on a layer of cheese and lubricate with garlic sauce
  10. Cut the olives in circles and spread on top of the salmon
  11. We again make a thin layer of sauce and decorate the snack on top with eggs and leaves of greens
  12. We put the salad in the refrigerator for a couple of hours so that it is saturated

Previously, such a salad was prepared with both red and black caviar. But, in view of the high cost of the latter today, they practically abandoned her. But, if your finances allow you to purchase black caviar, you can try to cook this salad with it.

Tsarist salad: Classic recipe

Recipe 3
Recipe 3

The recipe for the royal salad, which we call the classic today, is not such. You can just look at the composition of the ingredients and understand this. The potato, which today forms the basis of this salad, as you know, was brought to our country Peter I. While the Tsarskoy salad appeared during the feast at the court of Ivan the Terrible.

  1. Pour squids with water and cook for 2.5 minutes after the water boils
  2. The finished squid is cleaned from the film and cut into strips
  3. Boil potatoes in a uniform, cool it and clean it
  4. Boil the eggs screwed and chop in any way
  5. Grind the cheese as in the previous recipe
  6. Lubricate the bottom of the salad dish with mayonnaise and lay out the third part of the squid
  7. Then a layer of potatoes and then - cheese
  8. Repeat these layers and end with a layer of squid
  9. Sprinkle the salad with chopped eggs on top

An important feature of this recipe is that each layer of this salad needs to be lubricated with mayonnaise and sprinkled with caviar. She needs to decorate the salad on top.

Tsarist salad: recipe with chicken and champignons

Recipe 4
Recipe 4

The royal salad with chicken and champignons is very satisfying. These ingredients perfectly complement each other. Today, you can buy champignons in any time of the year. So this salad can be made for both the New Year's table and please them with their loved ones in the summer.

  1. Cut the chicken eggs and meat of chicken fillet into cubes
  2. Divide champignons into two halves
  3. Grind the onion with a knife, and pass the carrots, cheese and boiled potatoes through a coarse grater
  4. We heat the vegetable oil in a pan and pass the onion in it
  5. Add onions and mushrooms, and simmer until the moment until the liquid evaporates
  6. On the bottom of the salad bowl we put the potatoes and lubricate it with mayonnaise
  7. Then champignons, a thin layer of mayonnaise and carrots
  8. We lay a layer of chicken and mayonnaise on carrots
  9. Sprinkle with chopped eggs and grated cheese
  10. From above from mayonnaise we make a net in the cells of which we lay red caviar
  11. Leave in a cold place for two hours to soak

In this salad, caviar is used as a decoration. You can reduce the cost of this snack by removing caviar from the list of ingredients. Then you can decorate the salad on top with a small number of fried mushrooms.

Tsarist salad with pineapples and chicken

Recipe 5
Recipe 5

Another kind of royal salad, which was invented long after the sunset of the monarchy in our country. Today, pineapple is one of the popular ingredients of all kinds of salads. So why not use it for the preparation of the royal salad.

  1. Cut the ham with strips, and rub the cheese on a coarse grater
  2. Grind the onion in small pieces, boil the eggs and chop the same as cheese
  3. Cut the ham
  4. Fry the chicken fillet in olive oil (you can add pepper and salt to taste)
  5. We put a napkin on a plate and lay out the meat on it
  6. Put the chicken into a deep transparent salad bowl
  7. Then a layer of onion (lubricate it with mayonnaise) and ham
  8. Sprinkle with cheese, lubricate with mayonnaise and lay out pineapple sliced \u200b\u200bcubes
  9. Sprinkle with an egg and lubricate with mayonnaise
  10. Repeat the layers in the same order and sprinkle the remnants of the cheese

This salad must be served to the table in chilled form. It can be decorated with caviar, grenade grains or herbs.

Royal salad with smoked chicken

Recipe 6
Recipe 6

Delicate chicken is ideally combined with many ingredients. But, a smoked chicken has a special taste. It is especially harmoniously combined with mushrooms. This kind of royal salad can be prepared without a specific occasion.

  1. Champignons must be rubbed with a paper towel, cut into slices and fry in vegetable oil.
  2. Cut the chicken meat with cubes and mix with fried champignons.
  3. Add carrots in Korean and mayonnaise.
  4. Mix and send it into the refrigerator.

You can serve such a salad to the table with freshly chopped spicy greens.

Tsarist salad with chicken and prunes

Recipe 7
Recipe 7

There are many recipes for salads with chicken and prunes. But, truly Tsarskoye is this one.

  1. Boil chicken breast and potatoes
  2. We cut these ingredients with cubes and mix with prunes
  3. We form the first layer of our salad from them
  4. Lubricate with mayonnaise, salt and pepper (to taste)
  5. Grind greens and pour the first layer to it
  6. Then lay out green peas and lubricate it with mayonnaise
  7. Put the tomatoes chopped in fine strips on top
  8. Lubricate with mayonnaise and lay out another layer of potatoes
  9. Sprinkle it with greens and onions - grease with mayonnaise
  10. We spread the caviar with a thin layer of caviar on top, pour it with chopped herbs
  11. Lubricate with mayonnaise, salt and pepper (to taste)
  12. Cut into strips and form a layer of salad from it
  13. We rub cheese on a grater and fall asleep into the salad

Lubricate with mayonnaise and decorate with several eggs, twigs of greens and circles of tomatoes.

Royal salad with squid, red caviar and crab sticks

Recipe 8
Recipe 8

The royal salad can also be prepared from crab sticks. They will complement the taste of seafood such as squid and caviar. The piquancy of this snack will betray an apple.

  1. Carcasses of squid are prepared in the above way
  2. Clean them and cut the meat into strips
  3. We remove the film from crab sticks and also cut into strips
  4. Peel the apple, cut the core and cut into cubes
  5. The eggs can be finely chopped or passed through the grater
  6. We mix all the ingredients together and season the salad with mayonnaise

We decorate this salad before serving a red and cut and greens to the table.

Royal salad with tomatoes

Recipe 9
Recipe 9

This variation of the “Tsarskoye” salad is best served in tartlets. Thanks to which it can be used during a festive buffet.

  1. We defrost squid and clean them under a stream of running water
  2. Salt the water and boil the meat of squid in it for no longer than 3 minutes after boiling
  3. Let cool and cut squid with cubes
  4. Salmon fillet, trout or salmon we cut into small pieces
  5. We defrost the shrimp and pour them with lemon juice (if they are large, cut into two parts)
  6. Season with grated garlic and black pepper, and pick up for about 15 minutes
  7. Boil the eggs and finely chop
  8. We remove juices and seeds from tomatoes
  9. Cut tomatoes into small cubes
  10. Add mayonnaise and mix prepared ingredients
  11. We spread the mixture in tartlets and decorate with red caviar on top

The caviar is an unchanging attribute of royal salads. Is it possible to do without it? Of course. But, it will already be a completely different salad.

Royal salad with meat and mushrooms

Recipe 10
Recipe 10

Someone considers only caviar and red fish “royal” ingredients of such a salad. But, are delicacies such as beef heart and pork language cannot be considered a “royal” ingredient? This salad, thanks to a large amount of meat, is very satisfying. It can be better used even instead of lunch as a main dish.

  1. Boil the tongue, heart and chicken fillet
  2. Cut these ingredients with the same cubes
  3. We drain the liquid from pickled mushrooms and cut them into small slices
  4. Mix the ingredients together and season with mayonnaise
  5. We clean the pomegranate from the skin and disassemble the grains
  6. Sprinkle them with a salad and decorate it with herbs

This excellent and inexpensive salad can be used as an everyday dish.

Royal salad with red caviar and cucumber

Recipe 11
Recipe 11

For lovers of cucumbers, there is a kind of royal salad that includes these juicy vegetables.

  1. Boil shrimp in any way
  2. Cook the eggs screwed and separate the whips from the yolks
  3. Solid cheese and proteins pass through the grater
  4. We do the same with cucumber
  5. First we put the cheese in the salad bowl, then the shrimp
  6. The following layers: cucumber and proteins
  7. Salt, grease with salad and decorate with red caviar

If such a salad is planned to be served to the table some time after cooking, then add the caviar immediately before serving to the table. Otherwise, it can be blurred and her taste worsens.

Royal salad, recipe with photo

Recipe 12
Recipe 12

If you want to arrange the royal salad in an original way, give it the roll shape.

  1. Boil all the vegetables indicated in the ingredients
  2. Separately boil the eggs screwed and cut the fish in small stripes
  3. Grind eggs, potatoes and carrots on a coarse grater
  4. Finely chop the greens
  5. Put a piece of foil or lavash on the table and put it on it with a thin layer of carrots
  6. Lubricate it with mayonnaise (so as not to overdo it with this sauce you can just make a lattice)
  7. The next layer will be potatoes (we also make a grate of mayonnaise on top)
  8. Now you need to lay out chopped eggs and also grease them with mayonnaise
  9. We lay the fish and pour it with herbs
  10. We wrap the foil and form a roll
  11. Put it in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours

Such a salad must be served to the table cut into pieces. Outwardly, it resembles large rolls. An ideal solution to surprise your households and guests of your home.

Video. Salad with red caviar "Tsarskoye"

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