Bowed out of beef in the oven and in a pan: the best recipes for the festive table. How to cook delicious juicy chop from beef in batter, with cheese and tomatoes, breading crackers, in egg and flour, with mushrooms, onions, pineapple, potatoes: recipes

Bowed out of beef in the oven and in a pan: the best recipes for the festive table. How to cook delicious juicy chop from beef in batter, with cheese and tomatoes, breading crackers, in egg and flour, with mushrooms, onions, pineapple, potatoes: recipes

A selection of delicious recipes of beef beaten.

The most popular and tasty dish of meat is chopping. There are a great many recipes for their preparation. We will consider the most delicious and tested of them, as well as some culinary secrets regarding this dish in this article.

From which part of the beef is it better to make chop?

Beef neck
Beef neck

A great option for chips:

  1. Fillet
  2. Hip
  3. Roast beef

The most valuable is the clipping from the rear -clad part of the carcass. In this place is muscle tissue, which is very soft. The most juicy and soft chops are obtained from it.

How to cook marinade for beef chop: recipe

Pickling meat
  • The easiest way to pickle is soaking:
  1. In crushed garlic or onion
  2. In wine or lemon juice
  • For a more complex cooking option, you will need:
  1. Dijon mustard - 2 tbsp.
  2. Sour cream - 3 tbsp.
  3. Juice from ½ lemon
  4. Ground white pepper - 1/3 of Article
  5. Coriander - 0.5 tsp.

Work description:

  • We connect all the ingredients in one deep bowl and mix thoroughly
  • First, lubricate each piece of semi -finished product with marinade, then put in the bowl
  • Cover with a napkin
  • We withstand 2-3 hours

How to cook delicious juicy beef chopping in batter in a pan: Recipe

Product set:

  1. Rostbif beef - 500 g
  2. Onions - 1 head
  3. Lemon-3-4 slices
  4. Flour - 75 g
  5. Dietary egg - 2 pcs.
  6. A little of any culinary fat for frying
  7. Salt, black pepper - to taste


  • Rinse the meat with cold water, slightly dried with a paper towel
  • We cut into portioned pieces not thicker than 1, maximum 1.5 cm
  • We cover with a film
  • We beat off with a special hammer on both sides
  • Remove the husk from the bow
  • Squeeze the juice of lemon into it, pepper
  • We lower the meat semi -finished products there
  • We maintain for 30 minutes
  • Beat the eggs with a fork, combine with flour, a little suck
  • Stir well. The batter should turn out to be such a pancake test. The amount of flour is adjusted at our discretion
  • Dip every piece in batter
  • Fry on two sides over medium heat for 2-3 minutes
  • Turning over the second side, finally salt the meat to our liking
  • Thanks to this method, the meat is especially juicy and tender

Delicious captory for beef chops: Recipe


  1. Egg - 1 pc.
  2. Flour - 1 tbsp. l.
  3. Milk - 3 tbsp.

Stages of cooking:

  • To get an amazingly lush batter, we beat the proteins into foam separately, and the yolks with flour
  • Then we connect the yolks with milk, salt and pepper
  • Enter the protein mass carefully, mixing all the dough well
  • Immediately proceed to dipping meat until the squirrels sink

Bowl frenzied in panning crackers: Recipe

Paning from crackers for chop

Necessary components:

  1. Beef pulp-700-900 g
  2. Fresh eggs - 2 pcs.
  3. Sunflower oil - 4 tbsp. l.
  4. Black pepper, salt to taste
  5. Paning crackers - 150 g
  6. Flour - 5 tbsp.

Technological process:

  • If necessary, we defrost the meat, rinse under a stream of water
  • Cut into thin steaks, desired size
  • Cover with cling film, beat off
  • Break well with salt and pepper on both sides
  • Beat a pinch of salt with an egg with a fork
  • We pour crackers and flour in separate heaps on a cutting board
  • Dip each piece on both sides first in flour, then in an egg batter, then in panic
  • Then fry in a hot pan no more than a minute on each side
  • We transfer golden chops into a thick -walled pan
  • Pour a little water, simmer over low heat for 20-30 minutes
  • Then we take it out and put it on a plate so that the chopped ties dry before serving
  • For those who love meat with a damp, you can serve beaten without extinguishing

Beef chopping in the egg and flour: recipe

You will need 4 portions:

  1. Beef - 800 g
  2. Eggs - 2 pcs.
  3. Flour - ½ tbsp.
  4. Salt, pepper - according to preference
  5. Any frying oil

Phased process:

  • Slightly frozen meat we cut into portions of pieces, 0.7-1 cm thick
  • Well beat off on both sides
  • Flotting with salt and pepper
  • We distribute the flour with an even layer on a cutting board
  • We’ll dip the steaks from one or the other side alternately there
  • We lower it into a plate with whipped eggs
  • Then we roll back in flour
  • We brown in a pan on both sides until cooked

Bitter beef with mushrooms, tomatoes, cheese: recipe

Chop steak

One portion of fresh meat weighing 180 g will be needed:

  1. 1/2 ripe tomato
  2. 30 g of solid grades
  3. 1/2 head onion heads
  4. 100 g of fresh or frozen honey mushrooms (can be replaced with champignons)
  5. 1 fresh egg (you can do without it)
  6. Salt, spices, greens - at its discretion
  7. 1 tbsp. sour cream

Culinary process:

  • If we use frozen mushrooms, we defrost them
  • Grind large forest gifts
  • Put on a hot pan, evaporate the water
  • Then fry with the addition of a small amount of oil
  • The portioned piece of meat is well beaten off on both sides, avoiding gusts of pulp
  • Cheese is fine three, mix with egg and sour cream
  • Cut the onion in half rings, tomato circles
  • On the baking sheet, we put the meat semi -finished product with oil
  • Sprinkle with salt with seasonings, put in layers on top: onions, tomatoes, mushrooms
  • Water the prepared sour cream sauce
  • We bake in an oven for 30 minutes, at a temperature of 180-190 degrees

Beef beaten with onions and carrots: recipe

  1. Pork clipping - 900 g
  2. Onions - 2 heads
  3. Carrots - 1 pc
  4. Cheese - 90 g
  5. Garlic - 3 slices
  6. Mayonnaise - 4 tbsp. l.
  7. Salt and pepper by preference
  8. Vegetable or olive oil - 3 tbsp.


  • Grind the washed and peeled vegetables in any convenient way to your taste
  • Fry in oil: first to the golden onion, then add the carrots for 2-3 minutes, remove for cooling
  • We cut the meat clipping into portioned medallions
  • We beat off in the usual way
  • Quickly fry in a hot pan from 2 sides
  • Then put on a greased baking sheet
  • Salt, pepper
  • Sprinkle with onions with carrots
  • Mix mayonnaise with squeezed garlic and grated cheese
  • Water the semi -finished product with the resulting sauce
  • We bake for 25 minutes. We can withstand the temperature at least 180 degrees

Bowls from beef with pineapples and cheese in the oven: Recipe

Pineapple layer on baked chips
Pineapple layer on baked chips

Product set:

  1. Cutting renal beef - 1.2 kg
  2. Pineapples canned circles - 10 pcs.
  3. Salt, pepper - at its discretion
  4. Mayonnaise - ½ tbsp.
  5. Hard cheese - 150 g
  6. Butter - 10 g

Process technology:

  • Cut the meat into 10 portioned steaks no thicker than 1 cm
  • We rub the baking sheet with oil
  • We lay the chop
  • Water slightly mayonnaise
  • Cover with pineapple circles
  • Sprinkle with grated cheese
  • We put mayonnaise on top
  • We bake a little more than 30 minutes, in the most heated furnace

Beef choppers with potatoes: Recipe

We prepare:

  1. 0.6 kg of beef clipping
  2. 150 g of solid grades
  3. Salt, spices based on their preferences
  4. 1 large onion
  5. 1 egg
  6. 5 tubers of potatoes
  7. 150 g of sour cream and mayonnaise taken equally

Consistent actions:

  • Cut a piece of meat into equal portions
  • Sprinkle with salt, spices and sliced \u200b\u200bhalf rings onions
  • Rub the peeled potato tubers on a coarse grater
  • Salt to taste
  • Distributed on the onion layer
  • Beat the egg, mix together with a sour cream-sung sauce
  • Water meat blanks
  • We cook in the oven for 40 minutes, warming it up to 190 °

Brash beef recipe

Fresh marble beef

Components of dishes:

  1. Beef neck - 700 g
  2. Onions - 3 pcs.
  3. Sugar is a pinch
  4. Salt, fragrant ground pepper - for each separate portion by a pinch
  5. Sunflower oil - 3 tbsp.
  6. White dry wine - 1 tbsp.


  • Cut the neck into the same thin layers
  • Tap it on both sides with a kitchen hammer
  • Fry on both sides in boiling oil
  • Add salt and pepper when frying the second side at the very end
  • Wrap the onion head on the half -rings
  • Fry slightly, sprinkled with sugar and watering with wine
  • Put the finished oil on the portioned plate, sprinkle on the onions

How to make beef chopped from beef, soft, gentle: tips

Not every housewife gets to achieve the taste of juicy and delicate chops from beef.

Having studied several useful tips, you can easily correct these errors the next preparation.


  • The most important stage is the choice of meat. Fresh is not frozen - this is the first condition. The neck or clipping from the rear -clad part is ideal. The color of the meat is pale pink
  • The quality of the final product also depends on the correct cut. Chopped pieces across the fibers are much softer and more tender than stripped along
    Correct beating is another rash for perfect preparation. Excessively processed meat has ugly holes, acquires not a beautiful “tortured” look, is dehydrated and it tastes dry. 2-3 light shock per 1 piece is enough
  • Proper heat treatment is another important factor. Do not fry the semi -finished product for a long time. Cover with a lid. When they are browned on one side, instantly turn it on to the other.
  • Salt before the very readiness. Otherwise, the meat emits juice, and is not fried. The processing process is delayed. The chips are obtained overhead and dry.

How much frying from beef in a pan, in the oven?

  • A special taste acquires broken meat when frying in an oven
  • For lovers of juicy meat delicacies, keep them in a stove for no more than 8 minutes at a maximum temperature of 200 degrees
  • To get a fried chop, increase the time to 20-30 minutes
  • If you cook meat with filling, it takes up to 40 minutes
  • When frying in a pan, we pre -heat it and we already put the steaks on the hot
  • We keep in a pan each side of the laid product for 2-3 minutes

Which side dish is suitable for beef chops: List

  • From cereals:
  1. Rice
  2. Buckwheat
  3. Perlova
  4. Oat
  5. Wheat
  6. Hercules
  • From pasta
  • From potatoes:
  1. Mashed potatoes
  2. Fri
  3. Fried
  4. Tiles
  5. Boiled entirely
  • Vegetable side dishes:
  1. Beetroot
  2. Cabbage
  3. Remar
  4. Carrot
  5. Other vegetable diverse combinations from combined vegetables. For example, cabbage with mashed potatoes or onions, carrots, eggplant and green peas

The list of delicious recipes does not end there. Adding your ideas to this dish, you can receive new taste every time.

Video: The secret of soft beef chop


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