Simple recipes for delicious fast desserts. Preparing the best cold, hot, chocolate, children's, summer and Italian home desserts

Simple recipes for delicious fast desserts. Preparing the best cold, hot, chocolate, children's, summer and Italian home desserts

Not all delicious dishes are preparing for a long time. This is especially swinging desserts. After all, we are often preparing them for unexpectedly arrogant guests. In this article we will tell you how to cook desserts delicious and fast.

Quick preparations of delicious cold home desserts

Dessert is a sweet dish for tea or coffee. In our country, the most popular cold dessert is the bird's milk cake. But, for its preparation at home, you will have to spend a lot of time. But everyone can make simple desserts. A lot of time is not needed for this.

Simple tiramisu

In cremas
It will take only 10 minutes to prepare this dessert

If your guests did not warn you about your visit, and you learned about it when they were already on your doorstep, then try to cook tiramisu for them. The main thing is that you have all the necessary ingredients.

  1. We brew strong coffee (1/2 cup) and lay out the cheese "Mascarpone" (250 g) in a deep bowl
  2. Sift the sugar powder (4 tablespoons) through a sieve and add it to a bowl with cheese
  3. Separately, with a mixer or whisk, beat the cream (150 ml) to soft peaks
  4. Add whipped cream to a bowl with Mascarpone and powdered sugar
  5. Add wine (you can coffee liquor) (4 tablespoons) and vanilla extract (1 teaspoon) in a bowl with cream and cheese
  6. Gently mix the mass with a spatula from top to bottom
  7. We break the cookies into large parts and dip in coffee
  8. Make sure that parts of the cookies are not completely wetted
  9. We lay out cookies in glasses for martini or other dessert glasses
  10. Spread the creamy mass on top
  11. Sprinkle with grated chocolate (40 g) on \u200b\u200btop and serve to the table

ADVICE. For this recipe, ladies' fingers are best suited. As an alternative, you can use the remains of a biscuit. Diping the cookies in coffee, it is necessary to achieve that the drink will soak only the outer part of the cookies, and the internal should remain dry at this moment and only subsequently soak.

Mandarinov Chizkek

And this dessert is preparing for 15 minutes. In addition, he needs a little more time to cool. Chizkeics were very popular in Europe at the end of the last century, but even today there is not one cafe without them.

  • From canned tangerines (500 g) we drain the syrup and put them on a napkin

For this recipe, you can use fresh tangerines. The main thing is to remove white films from them, in which there is a delicious pulp of these citrus fruits.

We make cake:

  1. Lubricate the detachable form (20 cm) with butter
  2. Grind with a blender bellies (175 g)
  3. Mix butter (75 g) in the pan and remove it from the stove
  4. We fill chopped cookies into hot oil and mix until smooth
  5. Lay out the mixture in the shape and compact
  6. Put the cake in the refrigerator

Cooking the filling:

  1. Mix vanilla sugar (1 bag) with cream cheese (400 g)
  2. Thoroughly my orange and remove the zest with a grater
  3. Add zest to cream cheese
  4. Beat the cream with a mixer (300 g) to soft peaks
  5. Sift the sugar powder (100 g) and add it to a bowl with cheese mass
  6. Mix first cream cheese with icing sugar until smooth
  7. We connect the cheese mass with cream and mix so that the cream does not sit down

Cooking cheesecake:

  1. We take out the shape with the cake from the refrigerator and put the creamy mass in it
  2. We evenly level and trim
  3. Put the tangerines on top and place the cheesecake in the refrigerator
  4. This dessert is served to the table cut into portioned pieces

ADVICE. Vanilla gives this dessert a piquant taste. If you do not have vanilla sugar, you can add vanillin into ordinary sugar and mix. And you can use vanilla essence for this purpose.

Coffee parf

Coffee urem
This cold dessert came to us from French cuisine

It is prepared quickly, but in order for the parf to reach, it is necessary. Therefore, prepare it in the evening and in the morning it will reach the condition.

  1. Separate the yolks (8 pcs.) From proteins (eggs must be taken immediately from the refrigerator so that the yolks are chilled)
  2. Pour chilled white wine (200 ml) into the egg yolks and add sugar (175 g)
  3. We heat the water in a large pan and put our bowl in it
  4. While the mass heats up, you need to stir constantly (about 4-5 minutes)
  5. When the mixture increases by 25% -30% and it thickens it needs
  6. Put the bowl in the refrigerator and add red ground pepper (pinch) and the juice of the half of the lemon
  7. Beat the cream (200 ml) to soft peaks separately
  8. Add a chilled yellow mass to them and mix gently
  9. Add strong coffee (65 ml) to the creamy substance and mix until smooth
  10. Pour the parf in molds and leave to cool in the refrigerator
  11. From above, this dessert can be decorated with ground cookies, dry cocoa, caramel or even condensed milk

ADVICE. Instead of making coffee dessert, you can prepare honey or berry parf. To do this, at the stage of adding coffee, you can change the recipe. In addition to these ingredients, liquid chocolate, jam, orange or lemon zest are popular for parf.

Quick preparation of delicious hot homemade desserts

Initially, hot desserts were served to the table after the main dish. But today many of them themselves have become the main dishes. Below we will talk about the simplest hot desserts. Those that you can cook very quickly.

Frying bananas

You can cook fried bananas in a few minutes. Nothing to put on the table in front of suddenly incurring friends? Try this original dessert.

  1. Clean bananas (3 pcs.) From the peel and cut them along 2 halves
  2. Then we cut each half into two more parts
  3. Mix butter (1.5 tbsp. Tablespoons) in a pan and lay out bananas
  4. Fry them in boiling oil for about 2 minutes after which we turn over and fry on the second side
  5. We spread the bananas on plates t with fresh berries, grated chocolate or ice cream

ADVICE. For this dessert, it is best to take hard or even slightly green bananas. They must be fried in hot oil. Due to which sugar on the surface of bananas is caramelized, but the bananas themselves will not heat up much.

Caramel apples

We continue the theme of fried fruits, begun in the previous recipe

This time we will fry apples. This dessert is tasty not only in hot condition, but also with cold. And it is prepared only 15 minutes.

  1. Rinse apples (3 pcs.) Under running water and thoroughly wipe them with a towel
  2. Cut the core of apples with a knife
  3. You need to do this carefully, if possible without cutting apples through
  4. Mix sugar (1 tbsp. Spoon) and cinnamon
  5. Mix and fall asleep into each apple equally
  6. Warm up the oven to 220 degrees and put a baking sheet with apples into it
  7. Pour a little water into the baking sheet and bake apples for 5-7 minutes
  8. Mix the butter (2 tbsp. SPEC) and add sugar to it (2 tbsp.
  9. Cooking caramel over medium heat constantly stirring
  10. When the sugar becomes brown, remove the pan from the heat and pour apples with caramel
  11. Leave the apples to cool and sprinkle them on top with crushed nuts, Easter puffing or grated chocolate

ADVICE. To prepare this recipe, you can use a microwave oven. To do this, you need to enable the "grill" mode and bake apples for 5 minutes.

Tasty strawberry dessert: Fast recipe

Strawberries are the most summer berry in our country. There are thousands of recipes using this berry. But, you can cook from strawberries not only in summer, but also in winter. It is enough just to freeze this berry and use it as necessary even when the price for it in stores “bites”.

In this delicious dessert, all ingredients need to be taken by eye. Mix them to taste and prepare your strawberry dessert, which will delight not only your children, but also guests who have come to a cup of coffee.

  1. We crumpled cookies to the state of the middle crumb
  2. Add condensed milk to it and mix
  3. Beat sour cream and cream into a lush homogeneous mass
  4. Cut strawberry berries into several parts
  5. We lay the dessert in layers in wide glasses
  6. First a mixture of cookies and condensed milk, then sour cream and cream, and then strawberries
  7. Repeat layers of layers in this dessert need twice

ADVICE. This dessert is better to eat chilled. To do this, put it in the refrigerator after cooking. It is best to decorate this strawberry dessert with mint leaves and a small amount of syrup.

Simple cottage cheese dessert: recipe

Curd treat
Cottage cheese desserts are not only tasty, but also healthy goodies

Especially important cottage cheese in the diet of the child. If your child does not like this product, then more often prepare desserts with cottage cheese. He will definitely not refuse them.

Cottage cheese is also good because it goes very well with berries, fruits and other useful products. In this recipe, we will use boiled (1 tbsp. Spoon) and ordinary condensed milk (1 tbsp. Spoon), as well as chocolate. What your child will like even more.

Curses in chocolate

  • Mix cottage cheese in a bowl (250 g), sugar powder (2 tbsp. Spoons), vanilla (pinch) and melted oil (35 g)

You can mix with your hands, but in order to achieve greater uniformity and airiness of cottage cheese mass, it is best to use the blender

  1. Mix black chocolate (100 g) in a water bath
  2. We spread a small amount of cottage cheese on the silicone rug and form a cake out of it
  3. We make a partition from cottage cheese in it
  4. We lay out a conventional condensed milk on one side, and the second - the best
  5. We turn the edges of the cottage cheese tortilla so that the filler remains inside
  6. We form cheese in this way from the whole cottage cheese
  7. We pour the finished cheeses with melted chocolate and put it on bakery paper
  8. We place cheeses in the freezer for one hour

Light recipes for desserts without baking cookies

Cookies are the ingredient of most desserts. The crushed cookies and compressed in the cake is the basis of the cheesecake or other dishes made of cottage cheese-skin mass. But, in this article we will not talk about cheesecakes that can be ordered in each cafe, but about those desserts that can be prepared at home in a matter of minutes.

Cottage cheese dessert with nuts

  1. Mix soft cottage cheese in a blender (200 g), sugar (2 tbsp. Spoons) and sour cream (150 g) until smooth
  2. Grind walnuts (50 g) into small pieces
  3. Add chopped nuts (25 g) to the curd mass and mix
  4. The rest of the nuts sprinkle dessert from above
  5. Grind the cookies (50 g) and sprinkle on top

ADVICE. Best for this dessert is suitable for Jubilee cookies. But, if it is not, then you can use other similar cookies.

Trifle with raspberries

Raspberry dessert
Is it possible to prepare a dessert in 5-7 minutes?

You can, if it is a famous dessert with raspberries that came to our sweet tables from British cuisine.

  1. Rinse raisins (30 g) and fill it with warm water
  2. After 2-3 minutes we drain the water and put the raisins on a paper towel
  3. Grind the cookies (100 g) using a blender in small crumbs
  4. Cut the banana to arbitrary parts
  5. In an elongated transparent glass, lay out in layers of raisins, banana and cookies
  6. Pour sour cream (150 g) on \u200b\u200btop and pour raspberries (2 tsp)

ADVICE. In principle, this dessert can be made of everything that is in the refrigerator. No raspberries, take any fruit jam or jam. Bananas can be replaced with soft cottage cheese or sour cream.

Tea sausage

Another dessert that is unlikely to be suitable for sudden guests. But, why not prepare such a sweet sausage for their children.

  1. Grind the cookies (600 g) on \u200b\u200bsmall pieces
  2. Mix cocoa (2 tbsp. Tablespoons) with sugar (1 cup)
  3. Cut the oil (200 g) into small cubes and melt it in a saucepan
  4. Add milk to melted oil (1/2 stacked) and sugar with cocoa
  5. Heating the mass, stir it with a spoon
  6. We are waiting for the sugar to melt. You cannot bring to boiling
  7. Mix the mass with chopped cookies and wrap sausages into the food film
  8. Cool the dessert in the refrigerator and cut off before serving like an ordinary sausage

ADVICE. Instead of sugar, when preparing this dessert, you can use condensed milk. Cookies can be replaced with nuts.

Tasty fruit desserts: raspberry recipe

Raspberry dessert
Raspberry in our country is growing at every summer cottage

But, oddly enough, many prefer to use such a berry in pure raw. Yes, so you can get more useful substances. But, sometimes I want to pamper myself and something special.

Sweet soup with raspberries

  1. Cut white bread (3-4 slices) with cubes and dry it in the oven
  2. We lay the bread on plates, add raspberries (1 cup) and sprinkle it with sugar
  3. Pour chilled milk (2 cups) into the plates and mix

Raspberry pudding with fruit

  1. Cut peaches (3 pcs.) Into small pieces and put them in a bowl
  2. Pour the berry liquor to them (2 tbsp.
  3. We rub the yolks (4 pcs.) With sugar (50 g) and pour into the mass of the liquor (1 tbsp.
  4. Heat the mass in a water bath until it becomes warm
  5. We put in a baking dish the peaches chopped and mixed with a liquor and sprinkle them with raspberries
  6. Pour the shape of the yellow mass and bake for 2-3 minutes in the oven
  7. Serve such a dessert to the table you need to be hot

ADVICE. In this dessert, the berry liquor can be replaced with canned cherries with syrup. And peaches are nectarins.

Tasty fruit desserts: an apple recipe

Apples, as well as raspberries, a frequent guest of various desserts. At the beginning of this article, we already talked about caramelized apples. But, you can combine the taste of apples not only with sugar and caramel, but also with other ingredients. For example, chocolate.

An apple with a surprise

An apple in the glaze
Excellent and vivid dessert that your children will appreciate

Try it. You will not regret.

  1. We melt sugar (200 g) in a deep pan
  2. Add water (4 tbsps of tablespoons) and prepare something in the middle between sugar syrup and caramel
  3. Mix chopped black chocolate tiles in a water bath
  4. We clean the apples from the core and put on the fork and dip in caramel
  5. Когда карамель стечет устанавливаем яблоко на блюдце
  6. Water it with melted chocolate and sprinkle it with crushed almonds and Easter puffing
  7. When the dessert cools it can be given to the child

Apple-tiered blowing

This dessert will not only like the exquisite gourmets that are your children, but will also be very useful for their body.

  1. Cut the apples (4 pcs) into small slices and simmer them in butter for 5 minutes
  2. Add honey and cinnamon to apples
  3. Cut the pulp of pumpkin (400 g) into cubes and also add to apples
  4. Stew until the pumpkin is soft
  5. The resulting mixture is cooled and immersed in a blender
  6. Add natural yogurt (200 ml) there and whip
  7. Dissolve gelatin (10 g) in water (2 tbsp. Spoons) and add to the mass
  8. If desired, you can add a little more honey
  9. Beat the souffle and pour into cremes

ADVICE. You can decorate this dessert whipped sour cream, berries and pieces of fruit.

Tasty fruit desserts: Banana recipe

Banans are a frequent ingredient in various desserts. The natural softness of these fruits allows them to be used without heat treatment. Although they can be fry. What you could see if you read the corresponding recipe in the first part of this article.

Banana and gooseberry salad

Banans are often used to make fruit salads. But, below we will give a completely original combination of such a salad. Have you ever tried bananas with gooseberries?

  1. Peel the bananas from the skin and cut into strips
  2. Rinse the gooseberries and clean it from stalks and other garbage
  3. Mix bananas with gooseberries and sprinkle them with sugar
  4. Water the liquor and put in the refrigerator for 10 minutes
  5. Add yogurt before serving to the table and mix
  6. Decorate such a salad with fresh mint

ADVICE. Take all the ingredients to taste. Change their number and achieve the perfect combination.

Bananas in chocolate

Bananas in the glaze

  1. We clean the bananas (4 pcs) from the skin and bake for 6-8 minutes on a baking sheet in the oven at a temperature of 220 degrees
  2. Grind walnuts (1 tbsp. Spoon) and dry them in the oven
  3. In a water bath we melt the chocolate (1 tile)
  4. When the chocolate mass becomes liquid and homogeneous add milk to it (1/2 cup)
  5. We extract bananas from the oven and pour out with melted chocolate
  6. Pour nuts and confectionery powder on top of the chocolate
  7. We stick wooden skewers into the bananas and serve to the table

ADVICE. Try to prepare such a dessert for a children's matinee or another holiday. Your children will be very happy with this fornication.

Simple recipes of chocolate dessert

Chocolate is exactly the product that is able to cheer up. This property of chocolate can and should be used in the preparation of desserts. After all, desserts are very often used precisely during the holidays, meetings with friends and other gatherings that abound in positive emotions. We have already talked about several recipes in this article in which chocolate was one of the ingredients. But, we do not stop there.

Delicious liquid chocolate

  1. Pour milk (1/2 cup) into a pan and pour grated chocolate (2 tbsp. Tablespoons), nutmeg, clove, cinnamon and sugar
  2. Put a pan with milk and chocolate in the oven
  3. We bring the chocolate to complete melting and pour more milk into the pan (1 1/2stacan)
  4. For a few more minutes we leave the pan in the oven
  5. Pour hot chocolate into cups and serve to the table

Tip: instead of the oven, you can melt chocolate on the stove. The main thing is not to forget to constantly stir.


  1. We crumble chocolate (150 g) and put in a bowl
  2. We melt it in a water bath
  3. Когда шоколад станет жидким добавляем масло (200 г), нарезанное кубиками
  4. Oil should be added gradually, stirring continuously
  5. Beat egg yolks (5 pcs.) And add to the chocolate mass
  6. Mix until smooth and remove from a water bath
  7. Whipped proteins (5 pcs) separately in a strong foam and connect them to the chocolate mass
  8. Pour mousse in portioned cups and place in the refrigerator
  9. Before serving, chocolate mousse can be decorated with whipped cream and nuts

The almond brownie is festive

Brownie is a very tasty dessert that came to us from American cuisine

This dish of festive baking is best prepared from almond flour. Today it can be bought in any large supermarket. But, if you have difficulties with the acquisition of such flour, then you can cook it yourself by mixing ground almonds with ordinary flour.

  1. Warm the oven to 180 degrees and grease the shape (20 cm) with oil
  2. Put the oil (70 g) in the bowl and pour sugar (1 cup)
  3. Put the oil in the microwave and drown for 30 seconds
  4. Remove the oil from the microwave, mix and let cool
  5. Add vanillin (2/3 of the spoons), cocoa powder (¾ cup) and chicken eggs (3 pcs.) To the warm sugar-oil mixture.
  6. We mix everything and add almond flour (1 ½ cup) in the mixture, previously interrupted with baking powder (1 teaspoon)
  7. Knead the dough and put it in a baking dish
  8. Put in the oven for 35-40 minutes and bake

ADVICE. You can decorate such a dessert in a traditional style by drawing a "spider" with a glaze.

The best desserts of children

Children's diet should consist of balanced useful foods. Desserts are difficult to attribute to healthy food, however, children do not need to monitor calories and other characteristics of dietary nutrition. Of course, do not abuse sweet desserts. But, sometimes you can please your children.


Donats are bright American donuts that your children will love not only for the original appearance, but also a unique taste.

  1. Mix flour (250 g), sugar (125 g), vanillin (2 tsp) and salt (pinch)
  2. From the flour mass we make a slide and in the center of it - a deepening
  3. Pour milk (250 ml) into the recess, add oil and eggs
  4. Knead the dough with a spoon and knead it with a mixer until smooth
  5. Pour chocolate pieces (250 ml) into the dough and interfere with a spoon in the dough
  6. Donuts should be made in a special kitchen device
  7. Add the desired amount of dough to Donat-Maker with a spoon
  8. We bake until the sides of the donuts are golden (4-5 minutes)
  9. Mix chocolate and mix it with milk
  10. Dip cooled donuts in chocolate icing and placed in the refrigerator for 15 minutes

ADVICE. Mix the dough periodically, as pieces of chocolate settled. After the donuts dipped in the icing, they can be decorated with colored sprinkling.

Sweet carrot souffle

Carrots are extremely useful for children of the root crop.

And if your child does not love her, prepare for him this tender souffle

Your child will definitely like it.

  1. Warm up the oven and lubricate the deep shape with butter
  2. Clean carrots (1 kg) from the skin and cut into cubes
  3. We spread the carrot cubes in a stewpan, pour water, bring to a boil and cook for 30-35 minutes
  4. Когда морковь станет мягкой сливаем воду и пюрелизуем массу
  5. Add flour (1 ½ cup), brown sugar (1 cup), eggs (4 pcs.), Soft butter (250 g) to carrot puree (250 g), baking powder (2 tbsp. Tablespoons), salt (1/4 teaspoon) and soda (1/4 teaspoon)
  6. Beat the ingredients (it is best to do this in a blender)
  7. Lay out the resulting mass in the shape and bake for about an hour

Chocolate paste with walnuts

Probably, all children love the Nutella chocolate pasta. Constantly buying such sweetness is very obscenal. And buying such a paste in the store do not always know that its manufacturers put there.

  1. We rub eggs (2 pcs.) With sugar (3 glasses)
  2. Add to them flour (4 tbsp. Tablespoons), cocoa (2 tbsp. Tablespoons), grated walnuts (1 cup), vanillin (pinch) and butter (1 tsp)
  3. Knead the mass to a homogeneous state, and then pour milk
  4. Put on fire and cook stirring until thickened

ADVICE. Walnuts in this recipe can be replaced with almonds. To do this, it must first be chopped in a blender.

Quick delicious sour cream dessert

Sour cream is also a very popular ingredient in delicious desserts. It can be an excellent alternative to store yogurt. A sour cream dessert can be included in a children's diet or enjoy it yourself.

Blueberry dessert

Blueberries are not only tasty, but also a very useful berry. Everyone will be able to prepare a blueberry dessert of sour cream.

  1. Warm up the oven to 180 degrees
  2. Mix butter (160 g), chicken egg and powdered sugar (70 g) using a mixer
  3. Sift the flour (220 g) and add a baking powder to it (1 teaspoon)
  4. Mix the ingredients and knead the dough
  5. Lubricate the baking dish and spread the walls with the prepared test
  6. We bake the basis of dessert in the oven for 10 minutes
  7. Mix sour cream (260 g) and sugar powder (150 g) and whip
  8. Add the egg, vanillin (1 teaspoon) and beat the mass again
  9. Add blueberries (450 g) to sour cream and lay out the mass on the base
  10. We place the dessert in the oven and bake 30 minutes
  11. Turn off the oven and let the pies get

ADVICE. Instead of blueberries, other berries or fruits can be added to this dessert. For example, raspberries, peaches, pears, etc.

Summer refreshing desserts: recipes

Summer desserts
For many, summer is associated not only with the bright sun, but with ice cream and other cold sweets

Thanks to a large number of available fruits and berries in summer, you can significantly expand your diet. And due to a variety of desserts including.

Creamy Berries

This creamy and berry dessert can be prepared in June. A delicate cream base and strawberries will make this dessert a real pleasure for each gourmet.

  1. Rinse strawberries (2 cups) under running water and chop in mashed potatoes using a blender
  2. Beat 33%sliding (2.5 cups) to the state of foam
  3. We lay out whipped cream (2 tbsps of tablespoons) on the bottom of dessert shapes
  4. We crumble biscuit cookies (100 g) and sprinkle them with cream
  5. Pour strawberry puree on top
  6. We clean red and black currants (1 glass) from the stalks and pour over strawberry puree
  7. On top again we cover everything with a layer of cream
  8. Put the dessert in the refrigerator
  9. Before serving, we decorate strawberries with whole berries

Tartlets with plums

When plums rush and because of a large sentence they will become cheap, you can cook plum tartlets. You will have a matter of minutes to prepare this dessert.

  1. From the finished puff pastry (1/2 kg) we cut out circles and form plates from them (10 pcs.)
  2. Lubricate the inside of the plate with honey
  3. Cut ripe plums into 4 parts and remove the bone
  4. We lay down plums on tartlets
  5. Lubricate the plums with warmed oil, sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar
  6. Bake tartlets in the oven (15 minutes)
  7. We extract a dessert from the oven and cool

Italian desserts: recipe

Italian cuisine gave the world many dessert recipes, many of which are considered famous today. Italian desserts are fireworks of taste and pleasure holidays. Air tiramisu, a creamy pannah of a cat, sweet crackers of Biscotti, almond pantlefort rug and other desserts that Italy gave, today are the standards of taste.


Italian dessert
Translated from Italian pannah Kotta means "boiled cream"

As you can understand, the basis of this dessert is cream. But, in order for them to be able to add gelatin to them. All other ingredients make taste in this famous dessert.

  1. In cool water we soak gelatin (3 g)
  2. Pour milk (30 g) into the stewpan and add 33%sliding (175 g)
  3. Mixing to a boil
  4. Add vanilla (1 bag) and sugar (35 g) and mix
  5. Add swollen gelatin, mix and remove the stewpan from the stove
  6. When the mass cools, pour it into crem
  7. Only half of the containers need to be filled
  8. Pour gelatin (3 g) with water
  9. We rub the berries of currants, blueberries and raspberries (150 g) with sugar (35 g) and bring to a boil in a stewpan
  10. Mix the cream (175 g) and milk (30 g), season with gelatin and combine with the berry mixture
  11. In half -filled creamy we put several whole berries and pour the cooked mixture
  12. We send to the refrigerator until completely solidified

ADVICE. Cream can be replaced with sour cream or yogurt, and instead of vanilla in this recipe, you can use the mint or zest of lemon.

Orange-chocolate biscotti with ginger

This dessert in appearance resembles crackers and in translation means "baked twice." Biscotti is very often used as a snack for sweet wine and even coffee.

  1. Using a grater, remove the zest from the orange
  2. We chop into small pieces of ginger centers (70 g) and bitter chocolate (50 g)
  3. Oil (150 g) we rub with sugar (200 g), add orange zest and eggs to it (3 pcs.)
  4. Separately mix flour (400 g), bakery powder (12 g) and cocoa powder (25 g)
  5. Combine flour and egg mixtures and knead until smooth
  6. Add pieces of ginger and chocolate to the dough
  7. We form long "sausages" from the dough and lay them on a baking sheet
  8. Bake for 30 minutes at a temperature of 175 degrees
  9. When the baking will be ready to extract it from the oven and let it cool
  10. Cut the resulting bars into slices 10 mm thick
  11. We send them to the oven and brown them on both sides

Sabayon with champagne and "drunk" berries

Sabayon is a sweet egg cream that forms the basis of several popular Italian desserts. Delicious cream creams are made from it and even sometimes added to thyramisa. But, you can use Sabayon as a full and independent dessert.

  1. Berry mix (200 g) from raspberries, blueberries and strawberries are filled with sugar (1 teaspoon)
  2. Mix sweet champagne (75 ml) with half lemon juice
  3. Pour the berries with such syrup, mix and send them to the refrigerator
  4. Heat a bowl in a steam bath and pour sugar into it (85 g), yolks (4 pcs.) And the zest of half of the lemon
  5. Beat the mixture with a whisk and make sure that it does not boil
  6. When the mass begins to lightly add champagne (75 g) to it
  7. We pour warm sabayon into cremes and decorate with "drunk" berries
  8. Serve immediately to the table

ADVICE. A warm sabayon can be watered with sugared slices of oranges. If you mix this egg cream with a coffee liqueur, then they can improve the taste of chocolate or vanilla ice cream.

Milk dessert with ice cream

Any milk dessert is able to pleasantly refresh and tone the body

Milk and ice cream are excellent sources of calcium, potassium, B vitamins, essential amino acids and animal fats. Such a dessert is able to speed up the metabolism and has a positive effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Frapp with raspberries

Frapp is a type of dairy dessert with a thicker consistency than an ordinary milk cocktail.

  1. Mix chilled milk (200 ml) in a blender, vanilla ice cream (100 g) and raspberry syrup (30 ml)
  2. In high glasses we place raspberries (200 g) and crushed ice
  3. Pour them with the prepared mixture

ADVICE. Such a drink is best drunk through a cocktail straw in small portions, relishing every sip.

Desserts in the microwave

In the microwave, you can prepare delicious desserts in a matter of minutes. Although many housewives are skeptical of microwave ovens as a full-fledged kitchen for cooking, using it only to warm up ready-made dishes, this does not mean the microwave should be written off from accounts. Try to prepare desserts in microwave ovens whose recipes are written below.

Cupcake in the microwave

You really want sweet pastries, but you have no time and effort with the test? Try to prepare a cupcake in a mug in microwave ovens.

  1. Beat the egg with a fork in a deep bowl
  2. Add sugar (4 teaspoon), milk (4 teaspoon) and cocoa (1 teaspoon)
  3. Mix thoroughly
  4. Pour in vegetable oil (3 teaspoon) and add “Nutella” (2 teaspoon)
  5. Beat the mass until smooth
  6. Sift the flour (4 hours) and mix with baking powder (pinch)
  7. Add cinnamon, vanilla extract or a few drops of berry liquor for aroma
  8. Lubricate the cup with butter and sprinkle with flour
  9. We put the mass in a cup and send to the microwave for 2 minutes
  10. We extract the finished cupcake and let it cool
  11. We decorate with sugar powder, icing or whole berries before serving to the table

ADVICE. Instead of Paste, Nutella in this recipe, you can use vanilla, chocolate or other ingredients. Experiment.

Tiramisu in the microwave

You can prepare a famous Italian dessert in a microwave in a matter of minutes

And even if this consistency will not be tiramisu, the taste of the dish will resemble a popular dessert.

  1. We fall asleep into a bowl of the mushroom 92 tbsp. tablespoons), cinnamon (1 g), ground coffee (1 teaspoon), sugar (2 tbsp. tablespoons), baking powder (1/4 teaspoon) and chopped in the crumb “Savoyardi cookies” (2-3 pcs.)
  2. Mix and add the egg
  3. Mix again and introduce Mascarpone (70 g)
  4. We make a massive mass
  5. We bake in the microwave for 3-4 minutes before laying the mass through the mugs

Marmalade in the microwave

Delicious, melting in the mouth, marmalade can be prepared in a regular microwave oven. For this purpose, we will suit the skins of grapefruit.

  1. Cut the grapefruit (2 pcs) and remove the skin from it
  2. On a fine grater, remove the glossy part of the zest
  3. Pour the skins with water, put in the microwave and cook at maximum power for 25 minutes
  4. Drain the hot water and rinse the skins
  5. Pour them with water again, add salt (pinch) and cook again for 25 minutes
  6. We remove excess fluid and exfolved fibers
  7. Cut the skins with strips
  8. Pour apple juice into the container (1 cup), add sugar (2 cups) and strips of skins
  9. We boil the future marmalade in the microwave for 45 minutes
  10. Every 7-8 minutes, mix them
  11. With the second mixing, add cinnamon (pinch) and citric acid (pinch)
  12. We boil the skins to the state of honey
  13. Using a slotted spoon, we remove the slices of marmalade and lay out on parchment
  14. Syrup can be drained for further use

Tips and reviews

Katia. And I make a boiled condensed milk with a microwave. I lay out the condensed milk from the jar in the glass container and at the maximum power of the Vyu in the microwave for 2 minutes. Then I mix and put it for another 2 minutes. And so the four "gunsuits". Make sure that condensed milk does not run away.

Ksyusha. I like this dessert. I take a long glass and lay in layers of cottage cheese mixed with condensed milk, a banana chopped with cubes, again cottage cheese and a layer of chopped kiwi, cottage cheese and strawberries. It turns out very tasty, bright and beautiful.

Video. American parf. Delicious and delicate dessert

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