Curricular cookies delicate, sweet, low -calorie: a classic recipe for children, with jam, cranberries and nuts, honey. Curricular rolls with cocoa and cinnamon: recipe and photo

Curricular cookies delicate, sweet, low -calorie: a classic recipe for children, with jam, cranberries and nuts, honey. Curricular rolls with cocoa and cinnamon: recipe and photo

In this article, we will consider how to cook tasty and delicate cottage cheese cookies at home. We will also offer interesting fillings and components for combining with cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese is a very useful product that is a source of full -fledged protein. But the kids, with one form alone, begins to wrinkle the nose and turn away, and this is at best. Therefore, mothers had to go on a trick and learn how to cook cottage cheese cookies, which is also rich in useful substances, but also incredibly tasty.

It is often called “goose paws” or “kisses”, as well as “triangles”, but this does not change the essence of cookies. We want to offer you not only a classic recipe, but also several improved versions.

Let's not forget that cottage cheese is a storehouse of calcium reserves. And these are already healthy teeth, strong nails and shiny hair.

  • Calcium and cottage cheese, in particular, and hence cottage cheese cookies, provide indispensable support to our bones. Therefore, children just need to eat such a product.
  • Cottage cheese is introduced into the baby’s diet at an early age. For diseases of the stomach, cottage cheese and products from it are also recommended by diet.
  • It sounds paradoxical, but such cookies can improve fat metabolism, since cottage cheese saturates it with lipotropic properties.

Classic recipe for cottage cheese cookies for children

All recipes are supplemented in its own way to different components or their other proportion is taken. After all, every housewife in reserve always has his own highlight. We want to bring to your attention a recipe that comes from childhood.


  • cottage cheese-300-360 g
  • sugar - 0.5 cups
  • butter-180-200 g
  • baking powder or bastard soda - 0.5 tsp.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • flour - 2 cups or how much the dough will take
Curd cookies
Curd cookies

Cooking cooking scheme:

  • Crushing the oil with a fork is extremely uncomfortable and long. Therefore, life hack - you interfere with the oil for 1 hour in the freezer. Then it can easily be grated.
  • Add cottage cheese to it and thoroughly wipe everything with a fork. Try to choose fine -grained cottage cheese. Simplifying your own work. Pour sugar and grind everything to its melting.
  • Add eggs by giving them uniformly with sweet cottage cheese-oily mass. Enter the baking powder and carefully mix. At the end, pour the sifted flour. The dough should not spread, but it should not work too tight. Put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  • The softened oil will freeze, and the dough will acquire an elastic shape. If the dough after the refrigerator is tightly fed by kneading, then remember it a little. The oil could harden too much, and under the warm hands it will take the desired flexibility.
  • Roll out the layer with a thickness with a little finger. Squeeze circles with a cup or glass. Their approximate size should be with your palm. But if various molds were at hand, feel free to cut them out.
  • This item is not mandatory, since there is enough sugar for cookies. But, if desired, you can sprinkle with sugar and the top of the cookie.
  • Bake for 15-20 minutes. at a temperature of 190 ° C. Consider the features of your oven, since time directly depends on its power.

Tender cottage cheese cookies: recipe

If you are afraid that the first time you will have a “pancake lump”, then you can think about it with such a recipe. If you do not forget to turn off the oven in time, then you will please your households not only tasty, but also with healthy sweetness.

What is the composition of this baking:

  • cottage cheese - 400 g (no less)
  • butter 72-73%-200 g
  • flour - 300 g
  • the baking powder - 1 bag or replace with 1 tsp. soda
  • sugar-6-9 tbsp. with a hill (depending on your taste preferences).
Cooking delicious cookies
Cooking delicious cookies

Cooking cooking process:

  • You need to melt the oil. Make sure that it does not boil. Options to do this - a lot. It is possible in the microwave of the furnace, which is very convenient and fast. You can put 10-20 in a preheated oven with a temperature below 50 ° C. Or use the old and kind method - in the water bath. That is, in a saucepan, heat the water, and put a container with butter on top. Do not put directly on the fire!
  • Previously, the oil must be cut into pieces. This will accelerate the process of melting, and the mass will turn out to be homogeneous.
  • Cottage cheese should not be taken fat -free, since the taste of cookies will turn out to be fresh. But the highest percentage of fat content is also optional.

Important: cottage cheese must be chopped as much as possible. If you skip this step, then the grains of cottage cheese will fall directly into the cookies. Also, in the process of baking, they will dry and harden, especially the upper pieces. This will extremely worsen the taste of cookies.

  • You can take cottage cheese, but without any fillers. Or beat cottage cheese with a blender. It is very soft, so the process does not take much time.
  • Add to the melted fuss of cottage cheese, which can be done, also whipping with a blender. Enter the baking powder to them. If you decide to use soda, then be sure to extinguish it with vinegar. Then add a sifted (!) Flour.
  • Flour may require more or, on the contrary, less. Look at the state of the dough - it should be supple and soft, but not to stick to your hands. In general, like soft plasticine. Send it for an hour to the refrigerator.
  • The dough after cooling will become elastic. If you add too much flour, then it will be difficult to work with the test. Even after cooling, it should be supple, but not melt in the hands, as in the preliminary version.
  • Divide it into two parts and roll out the layer. The thickness allows 5-8 mm. You should not do thinner or more, it will affect the taste of the cookies, and the speed of pastries. And do not forget, cookies will fold in 4 tiers.
  • Squeeze the arbitrary diameter circles. You can do this with a glass or a small cup. A glass of too small diameter. Again, consider that you will fold it twice in half.
  • Pour sugar into the plate - you can white, can be brown. The second option will be original and interesting. You lay one side of the circle into sugar and fold the sugar in half.
  • Now dip the half of the circle. And again put in sugar inside. Press it a little with your finger so that the opened shells do not turn out during the baking.
  • Be sure to cover the parchment! You can also sprinkle the upper quarter with sugar if you like sweet foods. Sugar under the influence of high temperature can melt, and it will be very problematic to wash it from a baking sheet.
Delicate pastries
Delicate pastries

Important: the upper layer of sugar must be sprinkled immediately before planting in the oven. If you have two baking sheets, then do not rush to lay it out. Sugar can melt, and in the oven from high temperature it will turn into caramel. Thus, taste will worsen.

  • Bake cookies do not long, but at high temperature - 210 ° C. Then the moisture from it will have time to evaporate, the salt will be evenly distributed, and the cookies will rise equally. At temperatures, which is below this, that layered layer may not be obtained and a crispy crust will be absent.
  • The time for one baking sheet covers only 10-12 minutes. It may take about 15 minutes in your oven. Therefore, look - they should be golden in color.
  • And another important point - in the process of baking, cookies will rise. If you followed the exact dosage, then it will rise almost twice. But then he will “sit”. Do not be alarmed, this is also normal. As a result, the cookies will only be slightly magnificent than the original state.

Sweet curd cookies: recipe with honey

If you want to exclude sugar from your menu - add honey instead. This product overtook even the main component in its composition. It has a lot of useful vitamins, including vitamin A. And its composition is replenished with B vitamins, C and folic acid. And, of course, the main share is given to useful glucose and fructose, which is completely absorbed by the body and are not deposited in the form of extra pounds.

Important: such a recipe is contraindicated in allergies! First, check if you and your child are allergic to this product. Unfortunately, such a useful natural carbohydrate (after all, they are about 80%) are included in the list of the most allergenic products.

Make a stock of the following products:

  • cottage cheese - about 200 g
  • honey-2-4 tsp depending on your preference
  • flour - 200 g
  • soda, barking vinegar - 1 tsp
  • butter - 120 g
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • vanilla - if desired, on the tip of a knife
  • slump sugar-2-3 tbsp. (not particularly mandatory component)
Curd and honey cookies
Curd and honey cookies

Your actions:

  • We also heat the oil. Do not replace margarine! The taste of cookies will turn out to be completely different and that necessary tenderness will be lost. It is not necessary to turn it into a liquid, it is enough to achieve a soft texture.

On a note! A small piece of oil can be flooded with an ordinary glass. Pour boiling water into it and drain immediately. Still with an unheated glass, cover the oil, and wait for cooling. This will not allow the oil to be difficult, but it will also make it soft enough.

  • Also with a blender, whip the cottage cheese-oil mixture until a homogeneous, pasty state. We introduce the baking powder and sift the flour. So that it does not take lumps, add its small portions.
  • At the end, add vanilla. You can use vanilla sugar. But keep in mind that then you will need a whole bag or even more. Depending on the desired saturation of the aroma.
  • Squeeze the circles with a glass, dip in one side into sugar and fold in half. Sugar inside. Repeat the procedure again. But this step can be skipped if you want to completely exclude sugar. Honey will give a sufficient share of sweets. The dose is slightly increased and rolled up balls with a diameter of 3-4 cm.
  • Lubricate the baking sheet thoroughly with oil or other type of fat. Put the balls and press them for very little. The oven by this time should be heated to 190-200 ° C.
  • Cookies are baked for 15-20 minutes. The color will turn out a little saturated-dark beige. But it should not become brown, otherwise the cookies will be rewritten. And this threatens that he will have to bite him. Sprinkle sugar on top of decoration!

Curricular rolls with cocoa and cinnamon: recipe

This cookies with its delicate texture and incredible taste can not get tired of anyone. But sometimes fantasy asks for free rein. Moreover, the children's cocoa also loves.

Note - on top you can even sprinkle with grated chocolate.

List of ingredients:

  • cottage cheese-200-250 g
  • sugar-0.5-1 cup (depending on your taste preferences)
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • butter-180-200 g
  • flour-200-250 g (see on the tightness of the dough)
  • cocoa - 2 tbsp. (regulate at your discretion)
  • cinnamon - 0.5 tsp.

Just a few steps to an incredible treat:

  • Melt the oil in a convenient way to a liquid state, but make sure that it does not boil.
  • Break the cottage cheese well with butter or break the mixture with a blender until a homogeneous consistency.
  • Drive the egg and also mix well. Then sift the flour. The dough eventually comes out elastic and soft, but not sticking to the hands. Then there is enough flour. Divide it into two parts. This is purely for the convenience of work. The number of parts can be divided into more.
  • Try to roll out a rectangle. Sprinkle with sugar, cinnamon and cocoa on top. Roll up. You can do otherwise - one of the layers sprinkle cocoa, and the second - cinnamon. Send the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes. So that the dough is slightly frozen and cut evenly into pieces of 1-2 cm.
  • Be sure to cover the baking sheet with parchment. The filling can flow hard. And since the pieces are quite large, so you need to bake them for 25-30 minutes. During this time, at a temperature of 180 ° C, sugar may grab.

Low -calorie recipe for cottage cheese cookies

This recipe will be appreciated not only by children, but by their mothers and dads. By the way, the benefits of it are much more like such baking. This cookies are also called a straw on the Dukan. The main thing that requires this recipe is a cottage cheese with a fat content of 0%. Or its lower limit.

Would need:

  • cottage cheese-150-200 g
    • wheat bran-1-2 tbsp.
    • oatmeal bran-2-3 tbsp. (you can choose one view)
    • egg -1 pcs.
    • baking powder or bastard soda - 1/3 tsp.
    • salt - 1/3 tsp
    • flax seeds-1-2 tbsp. (replaced by sesame seeds, other seeds or raisins)
Low -calorie dish
Low -calorie dish

Your actions:

  • Mix cottage cheese with salt and egg. You can beat with a blender, but this amount is easily choked with a fork. Moreover, the low -calorie cottage is finely grained, and there are practically no grains.
  • Pour cut off and mix well. Low fatty cottage cheese is dry, so less dosage of bran will be enough. But it happens that the dough comes out with a liquid, then it is worth adding them again. Therefore, such a range is indicated.
  • Add the baking powder and mix again. The dough should not spread, but it should not work too thick. To simplify laying out straws, place the dough in a bag and cut the corner. Squeeze the strips of arbitrary size. Sprinkle flax seeds.
  • Bake for 15-20 minutes. at a temperature of 180 ° C. Make sure that the cookies do not burn.

Curd cookies with cranberries and nuts: recipe

This recipe returns to the New Year's fairy tale. No, it can be prepared on any other day, decorating an ordinary dinner with sweets. According to this recipe, you can take absolutely any nuts or make a composition out of them. But the aroma of such cookies will not leave anyone indifferent, especially since it easily competes even with a festive cake.

Would need:

  • cottage cheese-100-130 g
  • sugar-2-3 tbsp.
  • butter - 100 g
  • eggs - 1 pc.
  • flour - slightly less than 1 cup
  • baking powder - ¼ tsp
  • vanil - if desired

The filling consists of the following products:

  • cranberries - 200 g (fresh or dried in equal proportions)
  • walnuts-50-70 g
  • finely cut fresh ginger - 2 tbsp. (you can add less)
  • sugar is preferably brown - 1 tbsp. For decoration
  • white sugar - 150 g
  • cinnamon - 0.5 tsp.
Cooking the dough
Cooking the dough


  • You need to do the preparation of the dough. The first thing you need is to sift flour. You already add a baking powder, vanilla and salt to it. Mix in a separate bowl.
  • In another bowl, grind cottage cheese with sugar, adding an egg to them. This is easily done with a fork, but you can beat with a blender for greater splendor. Just do not get carried away much, just make a homogeneous mass.
  • The oil needs to be softened a little, but not melt. Add to flour and crush a fork or beat again with a blender. Add the curd mass and knead the dough. It is better to introduce in small portions so that lumps do not form. Send the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes.
  • While the dough is cooled, prepare the filling. Peat the nuts if you have not done it yet.
  • Beat fresh cranberries with ginger blender. Add white sugar and put on low heat. Cook mines 15. Remove from heat, cool a little.
  • Beat dried cranberries with nuts and cinnamon. This filling will turn out to be thick, unlike the first option.
  • Divide the dough into two parts. To put one back in the refrigerator so that it does not have time to warm up. And roll the second with a rectangle. Love completely fresh cranberries, and evenly distribute dried cranberries on top. Keep in mind that it will not be so easy to smear, it will be possible to simply lay out the same layer.
  • Turn the roll. Wrap it with cling film in several layers and put in the freezer for 30 minutes.

Important: such cookies can be stored in the freezer for about 4-6 months. Therefore, you can make some stocks and get it if necessary. For example, when the guests suddenly came.

  • Get a roll, remove the film and grease with protein or milk. Sprinkle with brown sugar on top. If the surface is not greased with anything, it does not so tightly packets to the roll. And then cut it into rings 2-4 cm. Depending on the desired thickness.
  • Put on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. Bake at a temperature of 180 ° C. Time depends on your oven, but on average, such cookies go no more than 10-15 minutes. It should turn out to be golden color.

Curd cookies: recipe with jam filling

He must not be overcome. Since with this recipe you can come up with new treats every day. After all, you can choose apple, quince, pear or apricot jam as a basis. Yes, do at least with boiled condensed milk! You want to replace with chopped sweet nuts with butter.

Would need:

  • cottage cheese-200-250 g
  • butter-100-120 g
  • baking powder - 0.5 tsp.
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • vanilla - on the tip of a knife
  • flour - how much will take, an average of 200 g
  • jam, cream or jam
  • sugar - for powder (optional)
Cookies with jam
Cookies with jam

Preparation instructions:

  • The oil must be melt into a liquid state in the usual way and pour eggs into it. Beat a good whisk. Add vanilla sugar and enter cottage cheese. Wipe everything well so that there are no lumps, and it turned out to be a homogeneous mass.
  • Flour needs to be mixed with baking powder. If you use slaughter soda, then mix it with the cottage cheese, and then enter the sifted flour. Knead the dough thoroughly. If the flour is not enough, then add more. As a result, the dough should not stick to your hands, but be very soft.
  • Roll the ball from the dough, wrap it in a film and send it for cooling for 30-45 minutes. In the refrigerator.
  • Roll out the layer 1 cm thick, and squeeze the circles with any convenient shape. Inward, put 0.5 tsp. Povidla. Keep in mind that in the process of baking it can flow! And the jam from high temperature quickly burns. Therefore, do not put too much, otherwise half will flow out. And on the baking sheet, be sure to cover the parchment paper.
  • Turn the circles in half, then wrap it again. Sprinkle the upper triangle with sugar. Bake for 15-20 minutes. at a temperature of 200 ° C.

Video: cottage cheese cookies, as in childhood

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