How to cook crab sticks with cheese, in batter, in the oven? Root cooking recipes, balls, rolls from crab sticks

How to cook crab sticks with cheese, in batter, in the oven? Root cooking recipes, balls, rolls from crab sticks

How to cook delicious fried crab sticks? How can you cook unusual dishes from crab sticks?

Light home recipes of crab sticks

In order to get real pleasure from food, it is necessary that the dish corresponds to all requests, so that it is tender to bite, at the same time crunches, so that the dish has a kind and charming aroma and most importantly, that it is a light but tenacious taste.

Newly -cooked appetizer
newly -cooked appetizer

It is worth making all lovers of delicious simplicity, because such recipes in the abundance of cook books and one of these recipes will be discussed today. These dishes are quickly gaining popularity, they can often be found in catering establishments. These are dishes in which crab sticks are considered the main ingredient on which the recipe is based.

The main advantage of crab sticks is that you do not need to spend a lot of time on cooking, you will often not leave for more than half an hour, but in the end you will get not only a tasty, but also a hearty snack.

A variety of recipes of crab sticks
a variety of recipes of crab sticks

Crab sticks can be cooked in batter with flour and eggs or you can diversify the dish a little by preparing crab sticks in batter with sour cream.

To cook crab sticks in batter with flour and eggs will need:

  1. Crab sticks (300 gr)
  2. Chicken eggs (3 pcs)
  3. Wheat flour (120 gr)
  4. Salted cucumbers (120 gr)
  5. Milk (100 ml)
  6. Vegetable oils (1 teaspoon)
  7. Lemon juice (1 teaspoon)
  8. Everything else: spices, seasonings, greens (to taste)
  • First of all, you need to prepare crab sticks and cook the batter. Everything is simple with sticks - they need to be defrosted and cleaned, and in order to cook the batter, you need to mix flour with milk in the indicated size, then add chicken eggs and mix well
  • The point is for taste, in order to give special notes to the dish, it is necessary to add spices and seasonings to the batter, if desired, cook the sauce. A delicate tartar or carbonar sauce is suitable as a sauce
  • Already in a preheated frying pan with butter, crab sticks soaked in batter are laid out, if necessary, the sticks can be soaked several times and lay out again
  • At the end, sticks are laid out on the plate, and chopped salted cucumbers are added to them for taste and poured with lemon juice on top

In order to cook crab sticks in batter with sour cream, you need to use the same recipe, but instead of milk, add sour cream to the mass slightly struck by mayonnaise.

Crab sticks cooked in the egg-milk batter
crab sticks cooked in the egg-milk batter

Fried crab sticks, recipe with photo

This dish can rightfully be considered one of the simplest, since it does not need a strict recipe for its preparation and nothing except frying in a pan will not be required and despite such simplicity it can produce a splash on your table.

To your liking, such a snack resembles croutons and has a fish taste, it can be served on the table for all guests, and you can also use beer instead of crackers or nuts for beer.

Crab sticks chopped across
crab sticks chopped across

In order to cook fried crab sticks, you must have a package of crab sticks, vegetable oil and a pan at hand.

  • First of all, you need to defrost the crab sticks to room temperature, then peel them and cut across round pieces in size 0.5-1 centimeters
  • Prepare a pan for frying, pour vegetable oil and lay out crab sticks
  • Carefully fry until the crust appears, often stir and turn over with a spatula
  • After the crab sticks received the necessary color, it is necessary to put them on paper to get rid of excess fat
  • It remains only to wait for them to cool and your dish is ready, pleasant appetite
Cooked crab sticks
cooked crab sticks

Cheese-crab sticks, recipe

Curious cooks in pursuit of new delicacy are capable of any experiments, in all directions, creating very simple and ingenious dishes at one time. One of these dishes or snacks can be safely considered cheese-crab sticks.

Cracial sticks stuffed with cheese
crab sticks stuffed with cheese

Cracial sticks with cheese are prepared in several very fast steps:

  • creation of cheese filling, it is prepared from cottage cheese with a volume of 150 ml, several cloves of garlic and dill
  • the finished mass must be mixed well and prepare for cooking
  • in the next step, it is necessary to promote crab sticks without tearing the walls of the product
  • apply the filling along the inner layer of crab sticks
  • next, you need to carefully wrap the crab sticks back into the tube

In order to decorate the dish, you can carefully cut the sticks into symmetrical pieces and decorate with greens this will help add uniqueness to the dish and get rid of the usual presentation of the product.

Crab sticks in batter with cheese, recipe

In one row with appetizers recipes, crab sticks in batter very quickly entered. These recipes are famous for the fact that, despite the absurd amount of ingredients for preparing the dish, the cooking process takes some time, but this time will not be spent in vain, because the sticks come out and will appeal to the old family generation and the youngest.

Rocking crab sticks in batter with cheese
rocking crab sticks in batter with cheese

The recipe for this dish differs from others with its panic, where cheese is also used to create a bat, which subsequently crab sticks are covered.

For preparation, you will need to use varieties of solid cheese, eggs and wheat flour.

  • First of all, you need to prepare the cheese, namely, it will be convinced that it has room temperature - for this you can cut it first before cooking and leave it for a while on the kitchen board
  • Then, depending on the number of crab sticks, pour eggs into a bowl and mix well, turning into a homogeneous mass. So, for example, only two eggs are enough on crab sticks with a volume of 250 grams to create a pan
  • Flour in this matter plays an important role, it does not need to be used a lot, it strengthens the mass and adds a taste to panning
  • For cooking, it is recommended to use only 3-4 tablespoons of the product for 2 eggs
  • Following the recipe, along with flour, the mass is brought to the same homogeneous state without leaving lumps behind
  • After this process, a cheese can be added to a bowl, which also needs to be beaten with a whisk
  • Paning is ready, now you need to cover it with crab sticks and put it in a pan, fry and your dish is ready

When frying, it is important to carefully monitor the dish and periodically turn it to the sides so that the breading does not flow into the pan, but completely covers crab sticks from all sides.

Crab sticks in batter with cheese during cooking
crab sticks in batter with cheese during cooking

Video: "How to cook crab sticks in batter with cheese?"

CRABLE WARS in the oven, recipe

Looking in advance, we can safely say that the oven gives, a whole branch of new recipes for crab sticks. They can be cut, twisted, used, or even rubbed.

Roulet with crab sticks in the oven
roulet with crab sticks in the oven

Dishes cooked in the oven are famous for their aroma, and even more taste and all this thanks to the uniform distribution of heat for their preparation. Today we will talk about a very unusual dish that is definitely suitable for the festive table - these are rolls, made from crab sticks prepared in the oven.

  • To prepare the dish, finely chop crab sticks And grate boiled eggs at the rate of 1:1
  • Place the products in dishes and mix with three tablespoons mayonnaise
  • Then add the garlic in size missed through the press three cloves And mix again
  • The next business must be done dough. To do this, it is necessary to drive an egg into a separate bowl, add salt, butter and water and mix. After you need to add flour until the dough becomes soft
  • The resulting dough must be laid out on the table and make a large round sheet
  • After everything has been prepared, it is necessary to evenly apply the filling on the sheet
  • After that, the finished sheet must be twisted into a sausage and evenly cut into pieces
  • Follow the dough on the bottom of the piece so that the filling can not fall out and place the pieces on a greased baking sheet
  • In the oven, the dish should be no more than 20 minutes, after which it will be necessary to remove the dish and sprinkle with cheese on top and put in the oven for another 10 minutes
Root filling
root filling

Rafaelka from crab sticks, recipe

Over their history, Rafaelo sweets flew around the majority of the CIS countries and did not lose their popularity at all. They carry the endurance of charm and taste, as well as inspire people to create such sweets, shapes or even dishes.

Raphaelo dish of crab sticks
rafaeali from crab sticks

Having rooted in the hearts of millions of people, the sweets were able to leave a pleasant associations with coconut chips and a delicate taste, which made it possible, will hook the culinary for the idea and create a snack in the style of Raphaello.

In their appearance, Raphael from crab sticks resemble original sweets, they also take a rounded shape as a basis and is also used as a breading of coconut chips, but crab sticks still create a unique snack from this dish, which will definitely like your guests.

In order to cook this unique dish will need:

  • Packaging of crab sticks (250 gr)
  • Chicken eggs (2 pcs)
  • Cheese (100 gr)
  • Garlic (1-2 cloves)
  • Mayonnaise
  • Greens
Rafaello snack with melted cheese
rafaello snack with melted cheese

The dish is prepared in several stages, the first of which is the preparation of products.

  • First you need to boil the eggs screwed, and then grate into the container
  • In the same container must be gently grate cheese and half available crab sticks
  • All three ingredients must be mixed by adding mayonnaise in the amount of 3-4x tablespoons and missed through the press garlic
  • After all the ingredients were thoroughly mixed should be carefully twist them in balloons And do cooking paning
  • In order to prepare a breading, it will be necessary to mix the remaining dull crab sticks With coconut chipsand throughout the field, cover the balls
  • Ready Rafaelka must first be decorated with herbs, nuts, berries or olives and serve on the table
Rafaelka from crab sticks decorated with olives
rafaelka from crab sticks decorated with olives

Video: "How to cook crab raphelki?"

Rolls with crab sticks, recipe

Rolls or sushi is a dish that in a very short period has become one of the most popular world dishes, it can be found in any country and in any city. Following all the traditional species of Japanese fish, the line came to crab sticks, which received unprecedented interest among visitors to sushi bars.

Home rolls with cucumber and crab sticks.
home rolls with cucumber and crab sticks.

In order to cook rolls with crab sticks you need:

  • Nori
  • Crab sticks
  • Boiled crumbly rice
  • Rice vinegar
  • Philadelphia cheese

In order for sushi to be beautiful and tasty, you need to cook in series, as if following the specified recipe and proportions.

  • One of the main ingredients is boiled rice, so it is prepared in the first place. After the rice has prepared, it is worth immediately proceeding to apply it on nori.
  • Nori It is necessary to put only on a sterile coating, for this you can wrap the kitchen board with cling film. You need to lay the algae on the coating of the algae down, and then cover with rice on top. For one roll, 3 tablespoons of rice will be needed. Before applying, it is recommended to wet the rice in the water so that it is liquid in the process of cooking.
  • But do not forget that the rolls will still need to be twisted, and for this it will be necessary to leave a small edge in the size of the size of 11.5cm
  • In the center, it is necessary to gently place the cheese of Philadelphia and crab sticks cut in half along the center.
  • Turn into a sausage
  • Cut into symmetrical pieces with a sharp knife
A variety of rolls with crab sticks
a variety of rolls with crab sticks

Video: " DIY tasty rolls and crab sticks with your own hands«

Roulet from crab sticks with cheese, recipe

The appetizer is always appropriate for any time and the place of eating, be it a holiday or picnic outside the city. Recently, more and more often in the preparation of appetizers began to use lavash and indeed, because Lavash has a lot of ways to use gentle snacks to heavy fast food from lightweight.

To prepare a snack with lavash and crab sticks, you will need:

  • Lavash (3 sheets)
  • Kurin egg (3 pcs)
  • Garlic (3-4 cloves)
  • Packaging of crab sticks (200 gr)
  • Hard cheese (250 gr)
  • Mayonnaise (100 g)
  • Greens
Rolls with crab sticks
rolls with crab sticks

This snack is called - lavash roll with crab sticks And it is easily prepared.

  • First you need to grate it fine hard cheese, mixing it with missing through the press garlic
  • Cook hard boiled eggs and grate them into the dishes mixed with greenery
  • Slice crab sticks along the strips 1/4 of the wand size
  • It's time to start creating rolls, and for this you will need to carefully decompose pita and grease it with a thin layer mayonnaise
  • On top of this layer, it is necessary to apply chopped crab sticks And cover on top the second sheet of Lavash
  • In its turn the second sheet of Lavasha Cover the mixture cheeses and garlic and cover another lavasha leaf
  • The third sheet of Lavasha must be covered eggs With greenery and wrap

Place in the refrigerator for an hour so that the snack is well soaked in juice.

Roulet from crab sticks with cheese in Lavash in 15 minutes
roulet from crab sticks with cheese in Lavash in 15 minutes

Craft sticks, recipe

The kitchen is especially appreciated by the time for which you can cook dishes, because the situations are different and the guests can appear unexpectedly, and you still need to treat them with something. In such cases, a quick -cooking dish will become cRABLE BARSS WITH cheese.

  • In order to cook them, you will need to finely grate boiled eggs, crab sticks, cheese and garlic
  • Mix all this well with mayonnaise and roll into balls
  • Cover the balls with grated finely crab sticks and decorate it well

In order to decorate you can use greens and red caviar - it will become the center of attention in this dish.

Beautifully decorated balls of crab sticks
beautifully decorated balls of crab sticks

Video: "Cheese-crab balls"

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