Useful properties of celery for weight loss. Recipes of dietary dishes for weight loss with celery - soups, salads, juice

Useful properties of celery for weight loss. Recipes of dietary dishes for weight loss with celery - soups, salads, juice

How to use celery in dishes to lose weight? The benefits and harm of celery.

Nutritionists recommend using celery in weight loss diets. Let's talk about the advantages and cons of this vegetable. What can be made from celery to be in shape?

The benefits of celery

The magical and healing properties of celery were used in ancient Greece. The plant was decorated with a dwelling from evil spirits. From the leaves of the celery, wreaths and praised the winners.

Despite the fact that the celery has long been known in culinary art, real glory to the vegetable has come recently. Today, scientists have studied all parts of the useful plant: petioles, leaves, root crops and seeds.

All parts of the plant are useful for celery
All parts of the plant are useful for celery

Celery is a very beautiful spicy plant. Green petioles of the vegetable are extremely crispy, juicy and filled with vital energy and strength.

What does celery contain?

  • Cellulose - The main component of the plant. We can say that by the number of fiber, the vegetable does not know his own kind. Regular use of celery leads to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract and prevents constipation
  • Apigenin - The main flavonoid celery. It has a spasmolytic and choleretic effect. Recently scientists have opened the anti -cancer property of Apigenin
  • Lutheololin - Derived in the flavin. The substance eliminates inflammatory processes in the brain, improves vascular microcirculation, prevents dementia
  • Vitamin C (3.1 mg) allows celery to occupy a worthy place among immunomodulator plants. Vitamin Crestores the elasticity of blood vessels and normalizes physiological processes in the skin
  • Pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6) stimulates the production of serotonin - “hormone of happiness”, accepts work in the synthesis of protein, hemoglobin, some enzymes
  • Retinol Acetate (vitamin A) affects the structure of the skin and vision
  • Potassium saturates and nourishes the heart muscle - myocardium
  • Sodiumprovides osmosis in cells and regulates the water balance
  • Calciumaffects the development of bone tissue, muscle contraction and transmission of nerve impulses
  • Magnesium Participates in the restoration of cells and enzymatic reactions. Removes nervous voltage, regulates mood
  • Iron - an important element in the process of hematopoiesis, provides tissue cells with oxygen
Celery - a source of vitamins and minerals
Celery - a source of vitamins and minerals

Important: celery does not contain cholesterol and saturated fats.

Video: Useful properties of celery

What is celery useful?

  • The use of celery increases the vital tone of the body, disappear drowsiness, lethargy and apathy
  • Celery has a beneficial effect on the work of the genitourinary system
  • Chernsome petioles and celery root crops are indispensable in recipes For weight loss
  • Celery is a famous aphrodisiac. Vegetable is useful for the male body
  • The plant increases Potency And prevents the occurrence prostatitis

Celery for weight loss

Important: celery is an ideal product for weight loss. All parts of the plant practically do not contain calorius (100 g/16kcal).

Nutritionists of the world recognized celery as vegetable No. 1 in diets For weight loss. Low -calorie Celery dishes are well absorbed, cleanse the body of toxins, enhance metabolism And they remove excess liquid.

Railing day on celery and kefir

We offer express method of losing weight on celery and kefir. Such weight loss should not be practiced more than once every 10 days.

It is best to arrange a fasting day on a weekend, avoiding a large physical and mental load.

Main products of express diets: 1.5 liters 1% kefir and 300 g of celery, which should be used during the day. It is allowed to eat fruits and vegetables in any amount to suppress hunger. This technique involves weight loss by 1-1.5 kg per day.

Important: more calories are required to digest celery than the plant itself contains.

Certain categories of people should be caused with caution in raw
Certain categories of people should be caused with caution in raw

Damage to celery, contraindications

Despite the beneficial properties of celery, there is a category of people who should be careful with this vegetable.

  • With abundant menstruation And uterine bleeding is not recommended to use all parts of the plant in raw form. Apiol contained in celery contributes to reduction of the uterus And it can cause abundant bleeding
  • For the same reason, pregnant women are not recommended to use celery in large quantities. This can provoke uterine reduction and create the threat of miscarriage
  • Care with caution use celery patients suffering from epilepsy. The vegetable is capable of causing epilepsy seizures
  • Celery in raw form can irritate the gastrointestinal tract. This fact must be taken into account patients with ailments from the digestive tract. In this case, it is recommended to use celery in the or boiled form

Recipes of dishes from celery stem for weight loss

Juicy celery petioles are used to prepare various dishes for weight loss: drinks, salatov, side dishes, the first dishes.

Soup recipe for weight loss
Soup recipe for weight loss

Salad with celery, apple and tofu for weight loss

Soy cheese tofu With celery - an ideal combination of products in a salad for weight loss. Extremely low calorie content of the dish Allows you to use this salad in various types of diets for weight loss.

Cheese Tofu (soy cottage cheese) - a source of full protein, tasty and useful. The product is very popular in China and Japan.


  • soy cheese tofu - 100 g
  • green apple - 2 pcs
  • celery petioles - 2 pcs
  • soy sauce
  • olive oil
  • slok juice lemon


  1. Cheese tofu cut with slices and fry slightly
  2. Cut the apples and petioles of celery cubes
  3. Put celery, apples on the dish and sprinkle with lemon juice
  4. Put the pieces of cheese on top
  5. Sprinkle with soy sauce and olive oil
  6. Decorate the salad with herbs
Celery salad, fresh cucumbers and boiled eggs
Celery salad, fresh cucumbers and boiled eggs

Celery salad with boiled eggs and cucumber


  • celery stalks - 2 pcs
  • cucumber - 2 pcs
  • boiled egg - 2 pcs
  • salt
  • pepper
  • low -fat sour cream or yogurt
  • dill


  1. Cut all the components of the salad with cubes
  2. Salt salad, pepper and season with sour cream or yogurt
  3. Sprinkle dill with greens
Celery puree soup with tomato juice
Celery puree soup with tomato juice

Clherian cherries

First meal Of the stalks of celery, they are easily absorbed, burned and help in the fight against excess weight.

Important: daily eating a plate of a soup-puree made of celery for two weeks, you can lose up to 7 kg of weight.


  • ceils of celery with leaves - 3 pcs
  • carrots - 1 pc
  • cabbage - 200 g
  • sweet pepper - 1 pc
  • onion - 1 pc
  • green patch beans - 100 g
  • tomato juice - 1.5 l
  • water - 200 ml
  • salt


  1. Wash and cut into pieces
  2. In the boiling mixture of tomato juice and water, lower the vegetables
  3. Bring to a boil, salt and cook until readiness for 20 minutes over low heat
  4. Place the soup in a blender and beat to a puree state

Recipes of dishes from celery root for weight loss

Celery root crops contain a lot of fiber, which makes them an indispensable product in diet for weight loss. All kinds of salads, soups, vegetable stews can be prepared from celery roots.

Celery root salad with walnuts
Celery root salad with walnuts

Celery root salad with walnuts


  • celery root crop - 100 g
  • apple - 1pc
  • raisins - 50 g
  • walnuts - 50 g
  • low -fat yogurt


  1. Wash the celery root, clean and grate on a coarse grater
  2. Peel the apple and grind on a grater with large holes
  3. Mix celery, apples, raisins and chopped walnuts
  4. Saulite to season with low -fat yogurt
Vegetable stew with celery
Vegetable stew with celery

Vegetable stew with celery root and chicken fillet

Celery root crop can be used not only in raw form. It can be stewed, cooked and baked with vegetables. If in raw celery is not suitable for nutrition of people with gastrointestinal diseases, then heat treatment of celery, allows you to use vegetables of this category of patients.


  • chicken fillet - 200 g
  • celery root crop - 1 pc
  • carrots - 1 pc
  • zucchini - 1 pc
  • pumpkin - 100 g
  • tomato - 2 pcs
  • beijing cabbage - 200 g
  • vegetable oil
  • black pepper
  • salt greens


  1. Cut the chicken fillet into cubes and slightly fry in vegetable oil
  2. Wash all the vegetables and cut into large cubes
  3. Assorted vegetables salt, pepper and pour vegetable oil
  4. Lubricate refractory dish with vegetable oil and lay out mixed vegetables
  5. Bake vegetable stew at 180 degrees 40 minutes until finished
  6. Sprinkle with greens
Celery cutlets
Celery cutlets

Celery cutlets


  • celery root crop - 1 pc
  • rice - half a glass
  • egg - 1 pc
  • onions - 1 pc
  • vegetable oil
  • salt
  • black pepper
  • breadcrumbs
  • dill


  1. Boil rice until cooked
  2. Cut the onions and fry in oil
  3. Grate celery on a coarse grater, add to the onion and continue to fry the mixture until soft
  4. Mix chilled rice with celery and onions, add an egg, pepper, salt, cut dill and knead the minced meat
  5. Form cutlets round in shape, roll in breading crackers
  6. Fry cutlets in sunflower oil until lightly incurred
Salad with celery, pumpkin, carrots and apple
Salad with celery, pumpkin, carrots and apple

Celery salad for weight loss

Celery salad with carrots, pumpkin And an apple is a combination of beneficial vitamins, pleasant taste, ease of cooking. This dish will appeal to those who follow their weight. With regular use of salad, you will get a pleasant bonus in the form of a weighty and slender figure.


  • celery root crop 100 g
  • green apple - 1 pc
  • pumpkin - 100 g
  • carrots - 1 pc (medium)
  • olive oil - 2 table. tablespoons
  • circle lemon
  • sesame seed - 1 tea. a spoon
  • turmeric - A pinch
  • ground black pepper
  • salt
  • parsley


  1. Celery root, pumpkin, apple and carrots rub on a coarse grater
  2. Salt vegetables, sprinkle with juice lemonah, add turmeric and pepper.
  3. Twist the salad olive oilsprinkle with sesame seeds and decorate parsley with greens
Celery soup from surgeons
Celery soup from surgeons

The famous recipe soup From American surgeons is very popular among losing weight and people who lead a healthy lifestyle. Celery soup with vegetables is recommended by doctors to reduce weight before surgery.

Lighting diet with help soupfrom celery is designed for one week. The main condition is the use of a portion of celery and food from fruits and vegetables without special restrictions. Potatoes, grapes and bananas - The only products that should not be consumed during the diet.

With this weight loss, it is recommended to drink purified water, green tea, mineral non -carbonated water, coffee sugarless.


  • celery - 400 g (petioles)
  • onions - 6 pcs
  • cabbage - 500 g
  • fresh tomatoes - 3 pcs (can be replaced with canned or tomato juice)
  • sweet pepper - 2 pcs (green)
  • salt
  • black pepper
  • water - 3 l


  1. Cut the vegetables and pour boiling water
  2. After boiling, cook 10 minutes
  3. Salt the soup, season with pepper and leave on low heat until cooked (vegetables should become soft)

Celery soup for weight loss

Celery drink helps to remove toxins and reduce weight
Celery drink helps to remove toxins and reduce weight

The benefits of celery juice for weight loss

Cloth juice and celery root crops are a life -giving drink that saturates the body with vitamins and other beneficial substances. Natural health elixir will help cleanse the body of toxins and significantly reduce weight. In addition, celery in the form of juice is more easily absorbed by the body than coarse fibrous petioles and root crops of the plant.

Important: freshly squeezed celery juice has a diuretic property and removes excess fluid from the body.

How to make celery juice correctly?

  1. For the preparation of celery juice, it is better to use the juicy petioles of the plant. Root crops are also suitable for the preparation of juice, but they contain many rough fibers and not so juicy. In addition, the green stems of celery contain chlorophyll, which improves blood formation, reduces the risk of neoplasms, and strengthens the immunity
  2. The easiest way to cook celery juice in a juicer. You can grind the stems of the plant with a blender and further spinning juice through gauze. Grinding petioles in the form smoothies It is good to use as full -fledged snacks between meals
  3. You can make celery juice using a conventional grater. To do this, celery petioles are rubbed on a fine grater and squeezed through gauze.

Important: to consume celery juice should freshly squeezed, since under the influence of air and light there is a quick inactivation of vitamins and other useful ingredients.

Combined freshly squeezed juices are very useful for the body
Combined freshly squeezed juices are very useful for the body

Useful combinations of celery juice when losing weight

To enhance the effect of losing weight, it is recommended to use celery juice with juices of other vegetables and fruits. When using combined vitamin cocktails, metabolism intensifies, the body is more effectively freed from toxins and is saturated with energy.

Celery and grapefruit

These two ingredients are a real “vitamin bomb” in the fight against excess weight! The green elixir removes excess fluid and reduces the appetite. You should mix the juice from the petiole of celery with grapefruit juice. To improve taste, you can add a little honey.

Celery and orange

Tasty and healthy sliming juice Coil of celery, a liter of purified water and juice of four oranges are prepared from a petiole. Regular use of the drink will help adjust the figure, improve the skin of the face and body, raise life tone. In addition, such a combination of juices will help normalize pressure.

Celery and watermelon

An excellent diuretic that improves the work of the kidneys and urinary system. Two celery petioles should be beaten in a blender with watermelon pulp. The resulting juice is consumed in small portions during the day.

Celery, cucumber, parsley and lemon - the perfect combination for the preparation of juice
Celery, cucumber, parsley and lemon - the perfect combination for the preparation of juice

Celery, parsley, cucumber and lemon

Freshly squeezed juice from these vegetables perfectly reduces weight, tones the body, enhances about bMM processesnormalizes the work of the kidneys. Two petioles of celery, cucumber and a small bunch of parsley to beat in a blender. Add lemon juice squeezed out of the mug lemon. You should use the drink immediately after cooking.

Celery, carrots and apple

Grate the petiole of celery on a fine grater. Also do with carrots and apple. Squeeze the juice through gauze. This cocktail is useful for vision, improving the structure and color of the skin. In addition, juice will help strengthen the immune system and memory. Regular use of juice will help reduce weight.

Celery and carrot
Celery and carrot

Celery and carrot

Celery root salad with carrots can be called a type of salad Brush. Vegetables contain a large amount of fiber, which cleanses the intestinal walls of toxins. Such a salad enhances peristalsis, metabolic processes and has a diuretic effect.

Those who want to drop a few extra pounds - such a salad is indispensable in the diet. You can arrange one fasting day a week, using a celery and carrot salad without salt.


  • middle root crime celery - 1 pc
  • carrots - 1 pc
  • lyme juice or lemon
  • olive oil


  1. Grate celery and carrots on a coarse grater or cut into cubes
  2. Sprinkle vegetables with lime juice or lemon
  3. Twist the salad olive oil
Small physical activity is more efficient to lose weight
Small physical activity will help to more effectively lose weight

Some tips for those who want to lose weight on a diet with celery

  • For weight loss on a diet with celery, use all parts of the plant: juicy petioles, root crops and leaves
  • Cook various celery dishes. This will diversify the daily diet, diet will take place easily and without stressful situations
  • Use the minimum amount of salt in dishes with celery, but better at all without it
  • During diets Drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water on celery
  • Small physical activity during the diet will help to quickly lose extra pounds

Video: The benefits of celery

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