Dietary low -calorie salads for weight loss - recipes. Salads for cleansing and losing weight - a panicle, a brush. Low -calorie salad sauces

Dietary low -calorie salads for weight loss - recipes. Salads for cleansing and losing weight - a panicle, a brush. Low -calorie salad sauces

Every woman at least once in her life tried to change her traditional diet and sit on a diet. Unfortunately, not everyone was able to achieve the result - to lose extra pounds. The thing is that you need to sit on a diet correctly. Namely, not to refuse food, but to make it as useful as possible. That is, replace fried, sweet and flour dishes delicious salads made of natural vegetables and fruits.

Salad salad is different. This is true. It is unlikely that anyone considers Olivier or Mimosa a useful dish. This article will talk about low -calorie salads. They do not add mayonnaise. And the main task of such dishes (with a minimum of calories) to fill the body with all the useful substances for it.

Fiber is a unique connection of plant foods. it is not absorbed and removes various harmful substances from the body
Fiber is a unique connection of plant foods. It is not absorbed and removes various harmful substances from the body

But, salads have another function. The ingredients included in their composition can not only saturate the body with useful minerals and vitamins, but also clean it from toxins and toxins.

Salads for cleansing and losing weight Elena Malysheva Metelka

To eat this to lose weight? A familiar question? But, choosing dishes for your diet, it is important not only to take into account their dietary qualities, but the effect on health. Poor ecology, stress and snacks on the go caused the accumulation of toxins and toxins in the intestines. For their conclusion, a special salad recipe was developed. He sweeps away all harmful substances from the body like a brush.

Important: the composition of the salad for cleansing the body from Elena Malysheva includes three vegetables: carrots, white cabbage and beets. They have a lot of fiber, the main function of which is the removal of toxins from the intestines.

  • Fiber is dietary fiber that our stomach cannot digest. When it enters the intestines, the fiber increases in size (swells). At the same time, peristalsis pushes the dietary fiber into the colon and they, like a ruff for bottles, clean the plaque accumulating from the walls of the intestines for years
  • Fiber is compounds of dietary fibers that can remove harmful and unnecessary biologically active substances from the body
  • For a greater effect, this salad is best consumed on a fasting day with mineral water. Other products must be abandoned. Every 1.5 hours you need to eat about a glass of such a salad

Salad salad for weight loss

Beets, cabbage and pepper - the basis of the detox diet
Beets, cabbage and pepper - the basis of the detox diet
  1. To prepare the “brush” salad, you need to chop beets (500 g) and carrots (500 g) on \u200b\u200ba grater, which is designed to make carrots in Korean. At the same time, all vegetables should be used in natural form. That is, without preliminary heat treatment
  2. Cabbage (500 g) must be finely chopped and added to the rest of the vegetables
  3. As a refueling of such a salad, you can use freshly squeezed lemon juice

Important: it is impossible to use salt, pepper and other seasonings. They are able to delay water. Which will reduce the effectiveness of such a dish.

Dietary low -calorie cabbage salad for weight loss

Cabbage was not in vain chosen as one of the three ingredients of the previous salad. She has many useful qualities. Cabbage juice has a beneficial effect on the work of the stomach, and iron and potassium from the leaves of this vegetable are simply necessary for our body for normal work.

  1. With a sharp knife, chop the cabbage (a quarter of the middle head) and transfer to the salad bowl. Lay out the grenade grains (10 pcs.)
  2. Peel and grind the walnuts with a knife (5 pcs.). You should get small pieces
  3. Now you need to squeeze lemon juice (half) and pour olive oil (30 ml)

Beetroot salad for weight loss

Beetroot is able to prevent anemia
Beetroot is able to prevent anemia

Beetroot is appreciated not only with its low calorie content (about 40 kcal). It has a lot of fiber and vitamins. This vegetable is very useful for the prevention and treatment of anemia. In addition, beets go well with other ingredients. For example, apples.

  1. My apples (2-3 pcs) and cut out the middle from them. Rub them with a coarse grater
  2. Boil the beets (1 pc.), Chop and combine with apples
  3. Pour the resulting mixture with lemon juice. Add a pinch of sugar and a tablespoon of sour cream
  4. Mix and transfer to the salad bowl. We put another spoon of sour cream on top

Celery salad for weight loss

Celery - vegetable with
Celery - vegetable with "negative" calorie content

Celery is considered a vegetable with the smallest calorie content. At the same time, a large number of important vitamins of group B are concentrated in this plant. Celery is able to normalize the functioning of the nervous system, relieve fatigue and irritability.

  1. Peppers (2 pcs.) Cut into strips. It is best to take two peppers of different colors
  2. Clean sweet apples (3 pcs.) From the skin and insides. Cut into small pieces and salt
  3. We clean the celery root from the peel and finely chop. You can add chopped greens (bundle)
  4. Mix products and season the salad with low -fat yogurt (1 tbsp. Spoon)

Low -calorie salad of cucumbers

Probably everyone knows that cucumbers are 95% of the water
Probably everyone knows that cucumbers are 95% of the water

At the same time, in the remaining 5% there are a lot of healthy substances for health. Cucumbers have a lot of potassium and silicon, vitamins C and A, as well as fiber. Cucumbers salads are a great way to cleanse the intestines and fill the body with useful substances.

  1. Prunes (100 g) must first be soaked in warm water
  2. Cut (1 pc.) Cut into small cubes. Clean pepper (1 pc.) From the core
  3. Smarted prunes finely chop and mix with the rest of the ingredients
  4. Sprinkle the salad with greens (bundle) and season with olive oil (2-3 tbsp.

Low -calorie carrot

Carrots are a long -standing ally of all losing weight
Carrots are a long -standing ally of all losing weight

But, in order for this root crop to really benefit, it is better to consume it raw. Firstly, boiled carrots contains less vitamins. And secondly, carbohydrates from this vegetable during heat treatment lose their qualities and can transform into fat cells

  1. Grind carrots (200 g) on \u200b\u200ba coarse grater (200 g)
  2. Apples (200 g) are cleaned of peel and core. Cut them with slices and mix them with carrots
  3. Add the freshly squeezed juice of the half of the lemon and raisins (handful) to the salad
  4. As a refueling of such a salad, you can use olive oil (several spoons)
  5. Before serving the dish, you can decorate the salad leaves

Salad with low -calorie mushrooms

This is amazing, but mushrooms, as well as cucumbers, are mostly of the water
This is amazing, but mushrooms, as well as cucumbers, are mostly of the water

Thanks to this, they have low calorie content. As for the benefits of mushrooms, the compounds included in their composition positively affect the level of cholesterol in the blood. For dietary salads are best suited: champignons, chanterelles and greenhouse oyster mushrooms.

  1. We cut cherry tomatoes (200 g) into 4 parts. Leaves of salad (5 pcs.) We draw to arbitrary pieces. Champignons (5 pcs.) Cut into thin records
  2. Red onions (1 pc.) Cut into half rings and mix the ingredients
  3. We make a dressing from mustard (1/3 teaspoon), olive oil (2 tablespoons) and lime juice (1 pc.). Water it mushrooms and vegetables. Salt and pepper to taste
  4. Sprinkle with parmesan (2 tbsp. Spoons)

Low -calorie beans salad

Beans, like mushrooms, is a source of plant protein
Beans, like mushrooms, is a source of plant protein
  • The beans are rich in folic acid and zinc. Speaking of zinc. This macro element is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. This gland regulates the hormonal background in the body. And without its normal functionality it is impossible to keep your weight under control
  • A very simple salad can be made from red beans. It is interesting in that they can be surprised by guests who unexpectedly rushed, and there is no time to prepare more complex dishes.
  • For this recipe, you can use both boiled beans and canned. Add thinly chopped bell pepper to it and red onion chopped with half rings. Before serving, you can decorate the dish with a basil. And as a gas station you can use olive oil

The number of ingredients vary to taste.

Chicken salad diet recipe

Another product, without which it is impossible to imagine dietary salads, is a chicken. The meat of this poultry contains only 10% fat.

But such an important element as protein in chicken meat is greater than in the meat of other birds and animals. That is why chicken breasts are so fond of athletes and everyone who cares about their figure and health.

  1. We share boiled chicken (200 g) into fibers. We clean the pepper (1 pc.) From the core and cut into thin strips
  2. We clean the avocado (1 pc.) And cut its pulp into small squares. Finely chop parsley (bundle)
  3. Mix the ingredients and season with a sauce from low -fat natural yogurt (1 pc.) And freshly squeezed lemon juice

Tuna salad diet recipe

Tuna has high nutritional value
Tuna has high nutritional value

But at the same time, in the meat of this fish, there are not many calories. In 100 grams of tuna, half of the daily protein norm. At the same time, in his meat is 30% less cholesterol than in dietary chicken breasts. Tunets salads are the most popular fish salads on our table.

  1. Cut cherry tomatoes (250 g) and avocado (2 pcs.) In small pieces
  2. Grind red pepper (2 pcs.), Garlic (2 tooth.), Greens (1 bunch) and a small sharp pepper
  3. Put the prepared ingredients in a small salad bowl
  4. Squeeze the lemon juice, add olive oil (6 tbsp. Tablespoons) and salt (to taste). Put the salad bowl in the refrigerator
  5. We clean the potatoes (8 pcs.) And cook until half -cooked. We cut it into large cubes and fry it in vegetable oil
  6. In order to remove excess oil of fried potatoes, you need to put on a paper towel
  7. In a coffee grinder, chop the sesame seeds (3 tbsp. Spoons). Mix it with salt and use it as a breading
  8. Dip the tuna steaks (4 pcs.) In sesame flour and fry in a clean pan with a small amount of oil
  9. We lay the salad on plates. We put tuna and potatoes on top. We decorate the salad leaves

Low -calorie swimming salads

Another low -calorie seafood is shrimp
There are a lot of protein and various beneficial substances in their meat: vitamins A, B (B1, B2, B9, B12), D and E, as well as macro elements (zinc, magnesium, potassium, sodium, etc.). Shrimp are a very popular salad ingredient. In addition to their nutritional value, they bring their taste to it.

  1. Rinse grapes, plums and grape fruit. Clean and cut them
  2. We put in the bowls and put one large (royal) shrimp on top
  3. We season with balsamic vinegar and olive oil. We decorate the salad leaves

We choose the number of ingredients to taste.

Dietary salad with squid recipe

Squids are a great source of protein for our body
Squid is a great source of protein for our body

Conditional substances from these seafood can remove poor cholesterol from the blood, cleanse the body of salts and toxins. And also, improve the work of the endocrine system.

1. Boil the squid fillet (600 g) and cut it in small pieces. Oget the cucumber (1 pc.) And greens (1 bunch)
2. Put the ingredients in a salad bowl, salt, pepper and season with olive oil
3. Grind pistachios (100 g) in a blender and sprinkle them with a salad

Low -calorie salad with crab sticks

Crab sticks are a cheap delicacy
Crab sticks are a cheap delicacy

Crab sticks, although they have nothing to do with crabs, still, like any other seafood (and they are made from minced meat of various varieties of fish and starch) can be considered dietary.

They have a lot of zinc, iron and iodine. And most importantly, only 80-90 kilocalories account for 100 g of crab sticks.

  1. Grind crab sticks (200 g) and cucumbers (200 g). Using a special garlic press, we press a couple of cloves of this root crop
  2. Finely chop the greens (1 bundle). Add fat -free cottage cheese (200 g) to the salad bowl. Twine with sour cream (3 tbsp. Spoon) and mix thoroughly

Low -calorie salad with egg

Eggs are the most optimally balanced product for the human body
Eggs are the most optimally balanced product for the human body

Protein of boiled egg is almost 100% absorbed by the body. In the eggs, there are a lot of vitamin D that our body needs to combat osteoporosis. In addition, there is a lot of selenium in this product. This compound is an antioxidant and prevents previously aging.

  1. Rinse the salad leaves (1 bunch) and chop them with our hands. Boil the eggs (4 pcs.) Screwed, clean them of the shell and cut them into eight parts
  2. We cut the radishes (several pieces) and cucumber (1 pc.) Strips. We crumble green onions
  3. Salt, pepper and mix the ingredients. As a gas station we use olive oil

Low -calorie fruit salad

Many fruits can be used to make dietary salads
Many fruits can be used to make dietary salads

Yes, unlike vegetables, fruits are more high -calorie. But, many of them contain substances that activate fat burning processes in the body. For example, kiwi. This fruit is capable of not only splitting fat compounds, but also improves metabolic processes. Which also favorably affects the figure.

  1. Cook nuts (50 g) in a pan and chop them. Clean the avocado (2 pcs.) And kiwi (2 pcs.), And cut them with the same cubes
  2. From oil (50 g), salt, sugar, mustard (1 teaspoon) and wine vinegar (20 ml) we make a refueling
  3. Add chopped onions to fruits (1 pc.), Corn (40 g) and nuts. Pour in gas and mix

Low -calorie salad sauces

In order for the salad to be dietary, it cannot be seasoned with mayonnaise
In order for the salad to be dietary, it cannot be seasoned with mayonnaise

This traditional ingredient in festive salads in this case is not suitable. Mayonnaise is an extremely high -calorie product and it is impossible to refuel dietary salads with them.

You can add sour cream, yogurt or olive oil to weight loss salads.

  • An excellent dressing for seafood salads can be made from freshly squeezed lemon juice (35 ml) and honey (2 teaspoon). A pinch of salt can be added to such a sauce
  • Based on lemon juice, you can also make a mustard gas station. To do this, add olive oil (2 tbsp. Tablespoons), dry mustard powder (1/2 teaspoon) and apple cider vinegar (1 teaspoon.) In lemon juice (4 tbsp.
  • Good dressings for dietary salads can be made on the basis of yogurt. To do this, you can take low-fat yogurt (250 ml), add olive oil (1 tbsp. Spoon) and 2-3 crushed cloves of garlic

Dietary salads. Reviews and tips

Masha. I love such salads very much! I just had dinner with a boiled fish and a vitamin salad: sweet pepper, cabbage, greens and cucumber. Twisted it simply with lemon juice and vegetable oil.

Lisa. And I do such a salad. I cut young eggplant with rings. Garlic is fine on a grater. I cut greens and cut ripe tomatoes. I mix the work on top and mix.

Video: Proper nutrition for weight loss. Dietary salads

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