SUPE DIT for quick weight loss: Rules, menu for 7 days, recipes of fat -burning soups, results, pros and cons, reviews of those who have lost weight

SUPE DIT for quick weight loss: Rules, menu for 7 days, recipes of fat -burning soups, results, pros and cons, reviews of those who have lost weight

This article has many recipes from different soup diets. Choose any of them and lose weight correctly, dropping up to 10 kilograms per week.

Today, many argue about whether there is a place in the everyday diet for soups or not. Young people prefer sandwiches, eat dry, at which the older generation looks very critical. And when it comes to soups, the youth usually reacts negatively, referring to the fact that they will cook them for a long time and they are completely tasteless. Although soups are able to saturate and warm, and there are very few calories in them.

Despite all these disputes, soup diets are very popular today. Due to the presence in these dishes of a large amount of nutrients and a minimum of calories, they are successfully used for weight loss. Read more about the advantages of such diets and recipes for day and week, read in this article.

Useful soup diet: What are the benefits, pros and cons?

Useful soup diet
Useful soup diet

The most important plus in a useful soup diet is that you cook a huge pan and you can not spin around the burner all day. And your "creation" can eat the whole family. This is the benefit of such a diet:

  • You can eat low -calorie soup as much as you want. Of course, you do not need to immediately eat the entire pan. If a in 2 hours After the next plate of useful soup, you wanted to eat again, you can eat another portion of this dish, but no more.
  • If during lunch or dinner you feel severe hunger, then instead of one ladle of a soup, as you usually eat, you can afford an additive in the form of the same portion. This is much better than if you eat a second dish consisting of a piece of fatty meat and mashed potatoes, or a piece of sweet cake or cake with a glass of sweet soda.
  • When consuming a soup, the stomach is filled with water, and accordingly you have no feeling of hunger. In this case, the body receives a minimum of calories.
  • Vegetable soups are remarkably activated by the processes of your intestines and contribute to cleaning.
  • Soups on chicken or beef broth have powerful nutritional properties necessary for restoration. Such soups contain a considerable part of the kilocalories that are perfectly absorbed by our body, and not deposited into fats on our body.
  • In addition, there are always products for the preparation of soups in the house, unlike products for other diets, when they need to be stored in advance.
  • Just buy vegetables and cereals, and you are provided with food for several weeks.

Since ancient times, nutritionists argue about the usefulness of soups. Some experts say that soups are useful for humans, others recommend abandoning them. True, all these battles occur at the level of the so -called “fat soups”. Here are the disadvantages of these “harmful” dishes for the body:

  • Such soups are prohibited not only by losing weight, but also to sick ailments of the digestive system, because they contain many active substances.
  • For their assimilation, food enzymes are needed, and in order to develop such substances, the body will have to use the liver and pancreas.
  • This is a very large load on the body.
  • The internal organs wear out, clog, cannot work normally and fats, toxins and toxins begin to be deposited.

With proper cooking, you will delight your body with minerals and vitamins, and the rich broth will not give your body to your body. How to cook soups, read below.

SUPOD DIT: Rules, how to cook soups correctly to lose weight?


Before starting a diet, you must realize that by dropping the desired kilograms, you should be prepared for the fact that you can get better again. So that this does not happen, here are some tips:

  • Change your attitude to the food that you use forever. This, of course, does not mean that you will suffer for years and constantly limit yourself in food. Love to eat vegetables, chicken, dried fruits, honey, not cakes, cakes, sugar with spoons and so on.
  • Lose weight - you will eat what you want. When you achieve the desired results, your metabolism will calm down, and over time you will be able to allow your favorite products.
  • Sometimes constant restrictions are needed. If throughout your life you suffer from overweight, you will have to constantly stop yourself in order to eat less and not eat sweet or fat.
  • Change habits. The main problem is precisely they. Bad habits can be, for example, in a snack between breakfast and lunch, or in the desire to eat half a cake or several cakes at a time.
  • Would you like to be in shape - Change your attitude to your daily diet forever. Remember that every day you will have to eat only healthy dishes, prohibiting all sweet, fat and so on.

A soup diet will help you calm your appetite and establish a metabolism. After all, the body will receive what it needs - beneficial substances and saturation after eating. So, here are the advice and rules, how to prepare a broth for a soup to lose weight:

  • Light soups are prepared exclusively on the water. This suggests that meat is completely excluded when cooking a dish. It needs to be prepared only on vegetables, herbs and seasonings.
  • Sour -milk products can be added to the water soup. Thanks to this technique, the soup will contain animal proteins and fats. Such dishes are considered easily digestible and rich in vitamins, and at the same time they contain a minimum of kilocalories.
  • If you want meat, then prepare a light broth for a soup. To obtain useful broth, it is not necessary to cook “young meat” for long. This soup will turn out to be nutritious and useful, and the vegetables added to it will contain the necessary vitamins.

In order for the soup not only to give the maximum usefulness and taste, but also enriched your body with vitamins, you need to learn how to correctly cook it. Here's what you need to know:

  • With long cooking, vitamins are destroyed, losing their beneficial properties.
  • Enzymes contained in vitamins have the ability to go into a different, “harmful” chemical substance.
  • Squirrels tend to collapse at 40-45 degrees.
  • B vitamins are the most resistant to heat.

Therefore, cooking should take no more than an hour in time. In boiling water, immediately throw the meat with vegetables or cereals - this is how your soup will be ready for half an hour, and all useful trace elements will remain in it. It is proved that when laying vegetables and fruits in boiling water, they are instantly poured with boiling water, and vitamins are preserved.

Finnish soup diet: recipes, menu

Finnish soup diet
Finnish soup diet

Such a soup diet was created by Finnish nutritions specifically for those people who have problems with excess weight. What innovations does the Finnish soup diet offer to introduce into the diet? That's what you need exclude from the diet:

  • High -calorie dishes
  • Salted salt
  • Fat
  • Bakery products
  • Flour products
  • Smoked meats
  • Canned food
  • Sugar and all sugar -containing products.

That's what need to eat during a diet:

  • Seafood
  • Vegetables
  • Groups
  • Low -fat meat
  • Dairy products
  • Fruit

And, of course, the basis of such a diet is the soup that you need to eat 3 times a day. To prepare this dish on the Finnish diet, the following ingredients will be needed:

  • Onions - half a kilogram
  • Celery - 300 g
  • Carrots - 250 g
  • Cabbage - 300 g
  • Onions-200 g
  • Color cabbage - 200 g
  • Garlic - several cloves
  • Tomato juice - 200 ml
  • Spices and spices to taste

Cook like this:

  • Vegetables need to be cut into a container.
  • Pour with boiling water with water.
  • Cook until cooked.
  • Then drain water, and make mashed potatoes from vegetables.
  • Add tomato juice, seasonings and cook more in mashed potatoes 10 minutes.

The diet of the Finnish diet can be diverse. In addition to three meals a day, you can add products from the useful list that is published above to the diet. Such a diet can be observed for a long period of time.

Fat -burning soup diet: recipes, menu

Fat -burning soup diet
Fat -burning soup diet

Burning fat is what a losing weight needs. After all, it is important that this layer, and not muscles or water, leave. Although excess water is also not needed. On a fat -burning soup diet, a fat layer will quickly leave and there will be no stagnation of water in the body.

If you follow each item of this diet, it is possible to drop 2-3 kg In one week without harm to health. Here is a recipe for vegetable soup for this therapy:

The following products will be needed:

  • Two green peppers
  • Cabbage - one small head
  • Six bulbs
  • One branch of celery
  • Tomatoes - several pieces (you can fresh or canned)

Cooking soup is performed at these stages:

  • Cut all the vegetables into small pieces.
  • Throw them into a pan with boiling water and cook 8-12 minutes On high heat until the vegetables are ready.
  • At the end of cooking, do not forget to add spices to taste and greens, if any. If there is no fresh dill or parsley, you can use such a seasoning in dry form.

Fat diet menu:

  • First day - Drink water, tea and juices, and also eat only this soup - 3 times a day.
  • Second day - If you like vegetables, then boil them during cooking, without adding any type of oil. You can eat 3 times a day Soup and boiled vegetables.
  • Third day - Use all products from the first and second days.
  • Fourth day - Only bananas (no more 3-4 pieces) and liquid. Drink water, and bananas will help to overcome the desire to eat something superfluous. Eat the soup is like on the first day.
  • Fifth day - you can eat fat -free meat (chicken fillet, turkey, veal) about 150-200 grams, for example, for lunch. The rest of the time, eat soup.
  • Sixth day - Start eating meat for each meal. Also eat a variety of salads from vegetables, but without potatoes, and do not forget about the soup.
  • Seventh day - This is an ordinary day in terms of food, but eat only meat and vegetables. Soup can no longer be eaten.

Then the diet is repeated everything 7 days. Then a break is taken 2 weeks And you can use a diet again. You can add other vegetables to the soup, such as green peas, patch beans or Brussels cabbage.

Important: Before using this food plan, consult a nutritionist.

Dr. Evdokimenko soup diet: recipes, menu

Dr. Evdokimenko's soup diet
Dr. Evdokimenko's soup diet
On this diet, it is allowed to eat enough so as not to feel hunger, but only “liquid” and hot dishes. The basis of Dr. Evdokimenko’s soup diet is the simplest soup of vegetables and chicken. To cook it, you will need the following products:
  • Water - about 1.5 liters
  • 150 grams of chicken breast without skin (this is important)
  • 500 grams of fresh white cabbage
  • 5-6 tomatoes
  • 2-3 sweet pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt
  • Onions - half 1 piece
  • Salt to taste

If desired, you can add greens to the dish:

  • Dill
  • Parsley
  • Green onions

These "green" products are not only useful, but also add the aroma of the soup. It is allowed to put all types of greens together, or separately, it all depends on your taste. It will not be difficult to cook this soup:

  • First, pour into a pan about 1.5 liters of water.
  • We put chicken breast in the water, and leave to cook until cooked (no more than half an hour). It turns out a fragrant broth.
  • We take out the cooked chicken breast from the pan and finely chop it, folding into a separate container.
  • Then we put the remaining finely chopped vegetables from the list in the broth, add salt.
  • Cook until fully cooked under a closed lid.
  • Now for 5-10 minutes Until cooked along with chopped herbs, put the chopped breast in a pan.
  • Salt, let me boil more 2-3 minutes And turn off the fire. The soup is ready.

Eat this soup for each main meal throughout the diet. It is the basis of the entire menu.

It is worth paying attention: No need to eat 1 time The whole pan at once. This can negatively affect not only your well -being, but also on the result of weight loss in general. You can eat exactly as much as you want to feel satiety.

Dr. Evdokimenko is not needed to starve on the soup diet. However, overeating will not benefit. It is better to cook the soup every day fresh. All seven days of diet you need to alternate soup and other useful products during the day:

  • Raw or boiled vegetables
  • Fruits - raw or baked
  • Cottage cheese seasoned with sour -milk products
  • Fish is better non -fat
  • Meat - dietary varieties: chicken, turkey, veal
  • Rice, boiled on the water

A few more tips:

  • Do not forget about the water balance and drink at least one and a half liters of water per day.
  • It is also necessary to completely exclude sugar, bakery products.
  • You can eat a piece of whole -grain or black bread per day in a day.

Observing this power circuit, you show excellent results in 7 days, after all, this is how much diet lasts. The bulk of people on this diet are thrown away in a week 5-6 kilograms, and some - up to 10 kilograms. It can be used once a year, and the rest of the time it is recommended to monitor the amount of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates used.

Carrow soup diet: recipes, diet menu on cabbage soup

Carrow soup diet
Carrow soup diet

Cabbage is a low -calorie vegetable, while it significantly slows down the speed of transforming carbohydrates into fats. For this reason, the diet of cabbage is ideal for people who follow their figure. Here are recipes for white cabbage soup:

Recipe No. 1 - Classic cabbage soup

The following products will be needed:

  • Potatoes, onions, carrots, sweet pepper, celery root - 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs
  • Water - 1.5 l
  • Cabbage - 200 g
  • Any greens - to taste

You need to cook soup like this:

  • Rinse and clean the vegetables.
  • Cut the onion, open the tomatoes in mashed potatoes, having previously shielded.
  • Cut pepper, celery and potatoes into strips, chop the cabbage, grate the carrots.
  • Pour everything with water, bring to a boil and languish under the lid over low heat 1,5 hour.

Before serving, sprinkle the dish with covered herbs.

Recipe No. 2 - cabbage soup with beans

The following products will be needed:

  • Carrots, beets, onions - 1 pcs
  • White cabbage - 200 grams
  • Peckal beans - 100 g
  • Tomato paste - 50 g
  • Garlic and greens

Cook this soup like this:

  • Separately cook chopped cabbage.
  • Grinded onions, beets and carrots put out with tomato paste, adding a little water.
  • Put vegetables attach to cabbage and boil more 5 minutes over high heat.
  • Add chopped patch beans.
  • Put garlic and greens in an already cooked dish.

Such a dish sets a metabolism. The intestines will work well, which means that you will lose weight and the result will not be long in coming and will be persistent.

Carrow soup diet
Carrow soup diet

Recipe No. 3 - cabbage soup with onions

The following products will be needed:

  • Onions - 5 pcs
  • White cabbage - 1 head
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs
  • Celery - 1 beam
  • Carrots - 2 pcs
  • Tomatoes - 4 pcs

Cook this dish like this:

  • Wash the vegetables and chop finely.
  • Pour boiling water and bring to a boil.
  • Cook until the vegetables become soft.
  • Add a little salt and sprinkle with herbs.

Serve the soup in warm form. Its aroma will not make you wait long and you will want to eat a plate of this dish right away. Here are the tips for the diet to bring the maximum benefit:

  • The diet of such a diet is designed for 7 days.
  • You need to drink up to 2 liters of water daily.
  • Exclude sweets, pickles, smoked, fried and fatty products.
  • Eat every day approximately 500-600 ml Soup per day, dividing twice.

Here is a cabbage soup diet:

  • Monday: SHI + fruit, excluding bananas.
  • Tuesday: cabbage soup + vegetables, baked potatoes with vegetable oil, exception - legumes and corn.
  • Wednesday: cabbage soup + vegetable and fruit salads.
  • Thursday: cabbage soup + 5-8 bananas, 500 ml of milk/kefir.
  • Friday: cabbage soup + 200 g of boiled beef/chicken/fish, 4-6 fresh tomatoes.
  • Saturday: cabbage soup + 2-3 beef steaks, vegetables.
  • Sunday: cabbage soup + 2 portions of brown rice, vegetables, fresh fruit juices.

Such a diet can be repeated after a break in a few days.

Celery soup diet: recipes of Selderic soup, menu

Celery soup diet
Celery soup diet

To correct the figure and getting rid of excess weight, the soup of the celery helps perfectly. After all, this vegetable is not only an excellent fat burner, but also has a negative calorie content. Thus, the body spends more calories on the digestion of the "smell parsley" than gives celery. Here are the correct recipes of celery soup:

Recipe No. 1 - Classic celery soup- products:

  • Celery stalks - 400 gr
  • White cabbage - 400 g
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs
  • Tomatoes - 5 pcs

Cook like this:

  • Wash and clean all the vegetables.
  • Bring two liters of water to a boil.
  • At this time, cut celery into pieces, pepper and tomatoes - into cubes, chopped cabbage thinly.
  • Lower all products into boiling water and cook 10 minutes.
  • After reducing the fire, cook more 15 minutes And take off.

Leave the pan on the stove without fire so that the soup is infused.

Recipe No. 2-Puree soup from celery roots- products:

  • Celery root - 1 pc
  • Carrot - 1 pc
  • Potato - 3 pcs
  • Cream - 150 ml
  • Infutal chicken broth - 1 liter

You need to cook this soup like this:

  • Rinse and clean the vegetables.
  • Cut into cubes.
  • Cook in the broth until potatoes and celery are ready.
  • Cool vegetables and grind in a blender or with a bush.
Celery soup diet
Celery soup diet

Recipe No. 3 - soup from celery stalks with onions - products:

  • White cabbage - 0.5 kg
  • Celery stalks - 0.250 kg
  • Onions - 5 pcs
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc
  • Tomato - 1 pc
  • Water - 2 l
  • Salt, greens, spices

Cook the dish like this:

  • Wash all the vegetables, cut, pour hot water and bring to a boil.
  • Continue to cook 15 minutes.
  • Put the tomato, salt, season with spices and herbs. Cook a couple more minutes and turn off.
  • You can make soup-puree from the prepared dish. To do this, boil vegetables 30 minutes And whisk in a blender.

The diet of such a diet is designed for a week. During this period, it is necessary to consume soup at least three times a day. It is possible more often if you feel a strong feeling of hunger. Avoid the use of sweet and salty foods, smoked meats, fatty and fried dishes. Do not forget about water - up to two liters per day.

This is what a diet should be:

  • Monday: soup + fruits, with the exception of grapes, unsweetened tea and coffee.
  • Tuesday: soup + green vegetables, baked potatoes, with the exception of legumes and corn.
  • Wednesday: soup + vegetables and fruits, with the exception of grapes.
  • Thursday: soup + low -fat milk, fruits and vegetables.
  • Friday: soup + tomatoes, boiled beef 0.5 kg.
  • Saturday: soup + beef, vegetables are green, with the exception of potatoes.
  • Sunday: soup + rice with vegetables, fresh fruit juice, with the exception of legumes and potatoes.

The diet can be extended to two weeks, the menu is repeated. Then take a break and you can repeat such dietary nutrition.



The soup diet is very simple and accessible to everyone. Oprah Winfrey actively uses such a diet in his life. Per 7 days She shows an excellent result - minus 5 kilograms Subject to the regime and active sports.

For the preparation of a soup, you will need:

  • Tomatoes - 1 piece
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pieces
  • Celery - 1 stalk
  • Carrot - 1 piece
  • Onions and a little green onion

You can add zucchini and asparagus beans. All vegetables are finely chopped, laid in a pan with water and boiled after boiling 1 hour. You can add rice or barley, as well as some favorite seasonings. This soup will make the entire diet for a day.

What is the essence of the OPRA soup diet?

  • The basis is a dietary soup, which uses low -calorie vegetables, without potatoes and fat.
  • By the end of the week, when leaving the diet, you can add a chicken broth or ear of low -fat fish to the diet.
  • During a weekly soup diet, you need to consume milk, low -fat yogurt and other sour -milk products.

You should adhere to such a diet for one week, after which you should return to a normal diet without harmful food. The soup diet allows you to improve the work of the stomach and intestines and restore the aquatic balance.

Supreme diet for weight loss with rice: recipes, menu

Supreme diet for weight loss with rice
Supreme diet for weight loss with rice

Rice soup is the most effective way to lose weight. Efficiency for a week - minus 5-7 kg,since this dish contains numerous vitamins. But do not eat it in large quantities.

Menu for a day with a soup diet with rice for weight loss:

  • Breakfast.Hercules porridge on the water, a glass of green tea (without sugar).
  • Lunch.1 banana.
  • Dinner.Rice soup with rice, 2 apples, a glass of low-fat yogurt .
  • Afternoon snack. A glass of low -fat kefir.
  • Dinner.Rice soup with chicken, 1 cup of orange juice.

Puree soup with rice-such a dish can be prepared for unloading the stomach for lunch. It will perfectly set up water-salt balance. Recommendations: Do not cook soup-puree in large quantities-only 1 time, since it is not worth heating it, eat hot and freshly prepared.

Here is the recipe No. 1 - rice soup with vegetables:


  • 2 cups of water
  • 50 gr. long -grain rice
  • 2 pcs. Carrots
  • 2 pcs. Luke is small
  • Pepper, salt to taste
  • Melted butter - 1 tablespoon


  • Pour water into the pan, bring to a boil.
  • Add the washed rice to boiling water.
  • Frut the rice. Per 7 minutes Until readiness, add chopped carrots and onions.
  • Salt and pepper. Ready.
Supreme diet for weight loss with rice
Supreme diet for weight loss with rice

Recipe No. 2 - Rice soup with chicken. Such soup does not take much time. Perfectly contributes to the metabolism.


  • 0.4 gr. Chicken
  • 3 pcs. potatoes
  • 1 PC. Luke
  • 2 pcs. Carrots
  • 100 gr. Long -grade rice
  • Salt, pepper to taste


  • Cut the chicken into small pieces and put it.
  • Remove the film from the broth and sunbathe.
  • Clean onions, carrots, potatoes. Chop and cut into cubes.
  • Pull the boiled chicken.
  • Add potatoes, onions, carrots to the broth.
  • Wash the rice with water and add it to the vegetables.
  • Salt, pepper to taste and through 6 minutes Remove from heat.
  • The chicken can be put back in the soup or serve separately.

Such soups are not only healthy, but also tasty. You will be happy to eat them and lose weight.

Can berries with a soup diet?

Berries with a soup diet can
Berries with a soup diet can

Berries with a soup diet are not contraindicated, but those that have increased calorie content should be avoided. You can pay attention to "sour" - for example, cranberry juice is recommended.

Recommended blueberry - She is low -calorie and healthy berry. But from sweet strawberries (especially in sugar or with cream), of course, you should refuse. What other berries can you eat with a soup diet:

  • Cherry
  • Sweet cherry
  • Raspberry
  • Gooseberry
  • Blackberry
  • Cowberry
  • Black and red currants
  • Sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn
  • Cherry
  • Rose hip
  • Barberry
  • Dogwood
  • Irga and others

When choosing store juices from fruits and berries, it is important to ensure that they are not too sweetened. Although, according to nutritionists, that all store juices contain a lot of sugar. Therefore, they are contraindicated to all losing weight.

Bonn soup: diet, recipe

Bonn soup
Bonn soup

It is believed that the recipe for Bonn soup was invented by the Americans, although many attribute it to the Germans - the inhabitants of the city of Bonn. The Bonnians themselves deny this. But this is not important, because on a diet with Bonn soup, you can really lose weight. Below you will find a recipe.

The list of products required for cooking is simple:

  • Onions - in the amount of 6 pieces
  • Six average tomatoes
  • One cabbage cabbage
  • 2 pepper (Bulgarian) is suitable)
  • One bunch of fresh celery
  • 1 bunch of parsley or other greens

Cook like this:

  1. All ingredients (vegetables) need to be cut as smaller as possible.
  2. Then they need to be placed in a container filled with water and put on gas. They should be completely covered with liquid, and not swim on the surface.
  3. Through 10 minutes Reduce the fire and continue cooking.
  4. You can transform Bonn soup in the puree soup with a blender when the vegetables are cooked and the soup cools down a little.

Important: Do not use cream, flour, starch and other products to improve the taste of soup. All this is contraindicated in this diet.

The proportions can be changed in accordance with preferences - for example, if the taste of celery is very unpleasant, you can put more parsley. As for the onion - with antipathy to it, the amount can also be significantly reduced.

Here is the menu of a weekly diet on the Bonn soup:

  • On Monday You can eat soup and fruits. And eat the soup how you start to feel hunger (for example, in 2 hours After the last meal). Do not get carried away with fruits, enough 2 times a day half a kilo.
  • On Tuesday - Only Bonn soup and green vegetables.
  • On Wednesday - Soup, vegetables and a little fruits
  • On Thursday You can even add bananas to the dish ( 1 piece) and milk ( 1 cup).
  • Fifth day - tomatoes are introduced to the soup 2 pieces for a day.
  • Sixth - you can eat the main dish with green vegetables
  • On the seventh day Rice is added (preferably brown). Green vegetables - without restrictions.

After a week of such a diet, you will be able to drop from 7 to 10 kg. Accordingly, the higher the weight, the more lose the kilogram.

Diet on onion soup for weight loss: recipes, menu

Diet on the onion soup for weight loss
Diet on the onion soup for weight loss

Onion soup is another type of such dish for weight loss. It helps to lose weight in a short period of time without experiencing severe hunger. A diet on Lukovy soup for weight loss is often used, especially, women after holidays or another rest with a Swedish table. It helps the metabolism to return to normal, leave excess water from the body, and also burns fats well. Here is the prescription:

What do you need to make a dish? List:

  • Cabbage - in the amount of 1 small head
  • About 3 liters. water
  • Middle bulbs - 7 pieces
  • 3 tomatoes, 3 pepper (Bulgarian)
  • Large bunch of celery (fresh)

Cook like this:

  • Cut the vegetables in the form of cubes.
  • Place them in water -filled dishes.
  • Let the vegetables boil and continue the cooking process yet 15 minutes.
  • Now try the ingredients "for softness".
  • If some components of the soup remained solid, cook them under the lid again 5-7 minutes.

Menu for a week:

  • First day. Onion soup, as well as any berries and fruits (except bananas).
  • Second day. To the soup - not more than 1 kg of vegetables (any) divide into several tricks. Bobs are also banned.
  • The third day of the diet. In addition to bananas and potatoes, everything is possible. It is advisable to eat separately, that is, not to eat everyone in a row, starting with vegetables, and ending with fruits, and vice versa.
  • Fourth day. You can introduce green bananas and low -fat milk into the diet. As for the soup, it, as before, can be consumed 3-5 times a day small portions.
  • The fifth day of the diet. You can add a little low -fat meat to the soup, and it is also allowed to eat a small cucumber or tomato.
  • The sixth day. Try adding pieces of meat to the soup, but as an option, you can use it separately. Give preference to chicken, turkey, low -fat beef.
  • Last day. Boiled chicken is added, brown rice - 200 grams. Fruits in the amount of up to a kilogram are not excluded. Soup is also the main dish that day.

You can add circles of zucchini for beauty to the soup. Agree, you will not have to starve with such a menu. At the same time, you will drop extra pounds, and enjoy life.

Diet on vegetable soup: recipes, menu

Vegetable diet
Vegetable diet

Subject to a diet on a vegetable soup, it is important that the dish is prepared on the water (and not on a fat meat broth). Vegetables are boiled for no more than 10 minutes. The fry is not added. Salt must also be avoided.

Recipe No. 1 - vegetable soup for weight loss. Ingredients:

  • Vegetable mixture - in the amount of three hundred grams (any vegetables: celery, zucchini, tomatoes, hands, bell pepper and so on)
  • Fragrant pepper - a little
  • Water - 1 liter

Preparation technology:

  1. Existing vegetables should be thoroughly washed and cleaned.
  2. After that, they are cut, poured with water and boiled.
  3. Add pepper for taste.
  4. As a decoration, you can use fresh greens.

Recipe No. 2 - dietary first dish of roots. The following products are required:

  • Vegetable roots - any that you like (celery, carrots, parsley, Jerusalem artichoke, you can even use some potatoes)
  • The minimum amount of salt
  • Juice of half lemon
  • Water

How to cook? Adhere to these stages:

  1. The pan is filled 4 glasses A little salted boiling water.
  2. Washed and cleaned roots are placed in it. The time of their cooking 15 minutes.
  3. Potatoes are added.
  4. It is necessary to hold the container on the fire for about twenty minutes.
  5. The decoction is filtered, sprinkled with parsley.
  6. Place the filled ingredients in the dishes, pour hot water, add lemon juice and break well with a blender.
  7. You can drink separately a decoction of roots, and eat the roots crushed in mashed potatoes as a second dish.

Recipe No. 3 - cucumber vegetable soup. This is what is needed:

  • One carrot, one onion
  • One fresh and juicy turnip
  • Two cucumbers
  • Four potatoes are medium
  • 1 glass of peas (fresh green or freshly frozen)
  • Spinach - 400 gr

Stages, how to cook:

  1. Cut the vegetables with slices, and cucumbers with circles.
  2. Potatoes are placed in the broth, it must boil.
  3. Next, the crushed turnip is added.
  4. "Green" vegetables and greens add in 5 minutes Until the end of the cooking process.
  5. You can decorate the dish immediately before serving.

Such soup can be added a little if you cannot eat it, and it seems tasteless.

Recipe No. 4 - sorrel soup. Here's what you need:

  • Spring in the amount of 250-300 gr.
  • Onions (green) - 100 gr., No more
  • Dill - a little
  • A little sour cream (low -fat)
  • Quite a little salt
  • Water - 1 liter

Stages, how to cook:

  • Rinse the leaves.
  • After that, they must be poured with water (hot).
  • Cooking time - 10 minutes.
  • Add chopped green onions and dill.

Power schedule on such a diet:

  • On the first day of a similar diet, you should use vegetable soup in combination with any fruits.
  • On the second day, green vegetables are added to the diet. Of course, regular use of soup continues.
  • When the third day is suitable, this means that it is time to add fruits and vegetables (except potatoes). Vegetable soup, as before, in the first place.
  • Fourth day. There is a chance to enjoy bananas (green) and low -fat milk.
  • After a day, tomatoes and boiled beef meat are added to the vegetable soup.

In the following days, you can eat any vegetables, continue to use a soup and combine a little boiled beef with it. As a result, after seven days, you will lose weight 5-7 kg.

Cod soup therapeutic: diet, recipe

Cod soup therapeutic
Cod soup therapeutic

Cod is a useful and low -fat fish. It is used by people on a diet to lose weight or improve their health. To prepare a soup, buy any cod fish:

  • Mintay
  • Navaga
  • Putassa
  • Mintay
  • Haddock
  • Sayda
  • Cod
  • Hake
  • Sardine
  • Smelt
  • ANCOUS and others

Here is a recipe for codrapeutic soup - ingredients:

  • Cod - 800 grams
  • Water - 2.5 l
  • Two pieces of onions
  • Carrot - 200 grams
  • Celery root - 200 grams
  • Dill - 10 grams

Stages, how to cook:

  1. Process the fish (meaning washing and cleaning).
  2. Lower it into the pan, send it to the fire.
  3. After boiling, remove the foam.
  4. Cook until the fish is ready.
  5. Take out the fish. Now put vegetables.
  6. New ingredients must also be carefully boiled within 10 minutes.
  7. Next, you can put fish and chopped greens in the soup.

The dish can be consumed. There was a final stroke - a decoration with a twig of dill. Below you will find another recipe for cod soup for those who are on a strict diet for weight loss. Here are the ingredients:

  • Water - 2 l
  • Cod - half a kilo
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs
  • White beans - 100 grams
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 piece
  • Tomatoes - 2 pieces
  • Onions, carrots - 1 piece
  • Greens, bay leaf

Stages, how to cook:

  1. The beans are washed, put on fire.
  2. After boiling, reduce the fire, cover with a lid for 1.5 hours.
  3. Remove the beans on the colander. Rinse it, add new water. Bring to a boil.
  4. Download potatoes cut into a pan cut into a pan.
  5. Wash and cut the pepper, and send it to the pan.
  6. Wash and clean the carcass of cod. It is better if it is fresh fish, not ice cream. Put in a pan.
  7. Through 15 minutes Cooking, pull it out.
  8. Clean the carrots, cut it into circles. Put her blanch.
  9. Do the same with onions, you can blanch with carrots.
  10. Remove the skin from the tomato, after pouring them with boiling water, and then with cold water. Now you need to cut the tomatoes with slices.
  11. Put in the soup blanched carrots and onions, as well as tomatoes, bay leaf.
  12. Chop the greens, lower the fish, but you can serve it separately. The soup is ready.

The menu of such a cod diet:

  • 1 day. Fish soup (can be consumed at each meal).
  • 2 day. You can add green vegetables to the cod soup.
  • 3 days. Cod soup, vegetables and fruits.
  • 4 days. Soup, vegetables, fruits.
  • 5 day. Tomatoes, soup.
  • 6 day. Any vegetables, salad leaves, cod soup.
  • Day 7. Rice with vegetables, fish soup.

If you do not like to eat fish soup every day, then you can alternate it with vegetable soup, the recipes of which you will find above in the text.

Diet on chicken soup: recipes, menu

Diet on chicken soup
Diet on chicken soup

Chicken is a dietary product. Soup from it will not only help to lose weight, but also improve and clean the gastrointestinal tract. Chicken broth has always been used to restore strength after illness, since it has many beneficial substances and trace elements. Most importantly, there is a lot of protein and little fat in the chicken. Therefore, feel free to cook and eat a “liquid” dish from it, dropping extra pounds. Here is the recipe - the ingredients:

  • 700-800 grams of chicken
  • Carrots, celery - 1 piece
  • Greens - a little
  • Salt is a little
  • 2 liters of water

Cooking method:

  1. Lower the chicken into cold water, put on the fire.
  2. Bring to a boil, remove the foam.
  3. Change fire to medium, cook 5 minutes.
  4. Turn the fire to weak.
  5. Usually a village chicken is cooked 2-3 hours. You can cook less store carcass - from  40 minutes up to 1 hour.
  6. Half an hour before the end of cooking, add parsley, carrots and celery.
  7. At the end of cooking, slightly sunbathe and turn off. Ready.

Kuritsa should not eat. It is better to give it to loved ones, especially in those days when you need to eat only broth with vegetables. It should turn out about 1.5 liters. It is necessary to salt the chicken broth a little - otherwise the soup will lose healing properties.

Diet menu for a week on chicken soup:

1 day:

  • Chicken broth with vegetables - 1 liter
  • 1 kg of any vegetables
  • Flaxseed oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • Bran - 1 tbsp. a spoon

2 day:

  • Chicken broth with vegetables - 1 liter
  • Ugular fruits - 1 kg
  • 100 g of meat (chicken)
  • Bran - 1 tbsp. a spoon

3 day:

  • Boiled chicken - 500 grams
  • Vegetable broth - 1 liter

4 day:

  • Vegetable broth - 1 liter
  • 500 grams of fruit
  • 500 grams of vegetables
  • Bran - 1 tbsp. a spoon

5 day:

  • Boiled chicken - half a kilo
  • Vegetable broth - 1 liter

6 day:

  • Chicken broth with vegetables - 1 liter
  • 1 kg of any vegetables
  • Flaxseed oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • Bran - 1 tbsp. a spoon

7 day:

  • Only 2 l. broth with vegetables

The result was a great fasting diet. But at the same time, your body will receive nutrients and protein, which is important when losing weight.

Potato soup-puree: diet, recipe

Potato-puree soup
Potato-puree soup

Despite the fact that nutritionists against potatoes during weight loss. In some cases, it can still be used, and even more so in the form of a soup. Here is a recipe for a potato soup for those who are not on a hard diet for weight loss:

For 5 servings you will need the following products:

  • Potatoes - 5 pieces
  • Celery - a couple of twigs
  • Low -fat milk - 1 cup
  • 100 grams of green onions
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 30 grams of dill
  • Spices - to taste

Stages, how to cook:

  • Clean potatoes and celery, cut it into cubes. It can also be cut into the bar.
  • Put potatoes and celery in boiling water, add green onions and vegetable oil.
  • Cook until soft.
  • Sile up a little.
  • Boil milk.
  • Remove boiled potatoes and celery out of the water.
  • Connect it with milk and beat well with a blender until smooth. If necessary, add the broth.
  • The prepared soup can be decorated with dill and served to the table.

Such soup can be alternated with broth, in which potatoes were cooked, since usually during cooking, all vitamins from vegetables are boiled into the water. Here is another recipe for dietary potato-puree-ingredients:

  • 2 liters of water
  • Potatoes-3-4 pieces
  • Middle head of cauliflower
  • 3 tomatoes
  • 1 carrots
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. sunflower oil;
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Salt, pepper, greens

Stages, how to cook:

  • Clean the potatoes, wash, cut it.
  • Put in boiling water, boil.
  • Pour the tomatoes with boiling water, remove the peel, grind on a grater.
  • Divide cabbage to inflorescences.
  • Clean the onion and cut it into cubes.
  • Grind the carrots.
  • Connect the carrots with the onion and amplify for about four minutes.
  • Add blanched onions and carrots to potatoes to potatoes, other prepared vegetables. Stew 10 minutes.
  • In the end, pour a little oil and sunbathe.
  • Grind the soup in a blender. Serve with fresh herbs.

Potato puree soup is very tasty, and with such a dish you will not starve.

SUPE DIT for weight loss for 7 days (week)-on soups-puree: menu


It is easy to observe a soup diet, since you do not starve during it, and at the same time you feel good - there is no bloating, pain in the epigastrics and other symptoms that accompany a person during many diets. Above in the text you will find recipes for making different soups-puree. They are all simple and quickly prepare.

Here is a diet menu for 7 days on soups-puree:

  • Monday: All fruits, except bananas, during the day - 2-3 portions. Puree soup-can be consumed for any meal, more than 1 time per day.
  • Tuesday: As before, we eat soup-puree in the right, but reasonable, for the body quantity. Add fresh vegetables and greens.
  • Wednesday: Vegetables (except for potatoes) and fruits (except bananas), soup-puree.
  • Thursday: We continue to eat vegetables and fruits, including bananas, water and milk + soup in the required quantities.
  • Friday: 300-600 g boiled beef, tomatoes, + soup - 3-5 times a day.
  • Saturday: Only baked potatoes, beef, + soup - 3-5 times a day.
  • Sunday: Brown rice boiled, fruit juice - freshly squeezed, vegetables, + soup - 3-5 times a day.

Do not forget to drink water 1.5-2 liters per day. It must be purified

SUPE DIT for quick weight loss for a month - minus 10 kg: menu

SUPOUR DIT for quick weight loss for a month - minus 10 kg
SUPOUR DIT for quick weight loss for a month - minus 10 kg

So that the result of losing weight does not force yourself to wait long, strictly adhere to the installed program. A soup diet for quick weight loss for a month is a sparing diet that gives an effective result. It necessarily provides for the presence of soups in the diet. You will find their recipes above in the text. Give preference to vegetable soups - they are the lowest -calorie and healthy. Encouraging of food and losing weight became a reality.

Advice: Before starting a diet, consult a nutritionist or therapist.

Here is the menu of the soup diet "Minus 10 kg":

  • First day - The use of soup for breakfast, lunch and dinner. If hunger occurs, eat fruits or low -fat cottage cheese. Do not eat sugar and prefer green tea that accelerates metabolism.
  • On the second day Exclude legumes and corn. The consumption of boiled or stewed vegetables is recommended. This will allow the stomach not to overload. Follow the consumption of a normal amount of water ( up to 2 liters per day).
  • Third day - Only soup 3 times a day. If you want to eat a lot, eat a small portion of this dish. Subject to the requirements through 3 days will leave 2-3 extra kilograms.
  • The fourth day of the soup diet - involves additional consumption of bananas ( 1-2 pieces) and skim kefir ( 200 ml) in the evening. In the morning, sour -milk dishes are better not to be used, since the effect of the acid of the stomach will remove all the beneficial properties of kefir. Strictly control the amount of water drunk.
  • Fifth day - you can allow 200 g boiled chicken or other low -fat meat. Be sure to eat the soup three times a day.
  • The sixth day provides only 2 meals. To control metabolism, choose celery, Bulgarian pepper, tomatoes, cabbage for preparing this dish.
  • On the seventh day, we cook brown rice with vegetables. You can drink a little fruit juices, but freshly squeezed, not store. Vegetables and fruits can be consumed in unlimited quantities. They supply the body with vitamins and fiber.

Subject to the requirements in a week, noticeable changes in the body and weight loss will be visible.

  • Then a week break from the soup diet, but eat only a little bit and dishes without sugar and excessive fat.
  • You can cook buckwheat and there is it in the morning with 50 grams of cottage cheese And at lunch with a piece of chicken fillet.
  • In the evening for food, seafood (shrimp, low -fat fish, squid) with vegetables are suitable.
  • Then again the soup week begins and again a break.

Thanks to this diet in a month you will skine from 10 to 12 kg, depending on the amount of excess weight, since water that your body is not needed will also leave. It is not recommended to lose weight sharply. To consolidate the result, it is allowed to perform physical activity.

What soups can you eat on a diet?

Useful soups can be eaten on a diet
Useful soups can be eaten on a diet

On a diet, you can eat both soups on vegetable broth and fish and meat. After all, the soup itself is low -calorie.

Important: When cooking meat broth, nutritionists are advised to drain the very first navar, and then - continue to cook the dish only on re -flooded water.

This will significantly reduce the calorie content of the resulting soup and remove all harmful fats and substances that are cooked from meat in the first 15 minutes. Nemalyy vegetable soups are very useful, but potato can also be consumed. It is desirable that the dishes have carrots, celery, and onions. By the way, nutritionists recommend leaving vegetables a little undercooked. Add to soups for taste:

  • Color cabbage
  • Beans
  • Asparagus
  • Zucchini
  • Zucchini
  • Greens and others.

Advice: It is not recommended to eat firingly hot soup - after all, in this case, it only causes harm to the body. It is much better if its temperature is similar to the temperature of the human body (a maximum of 4 degrees larger).

Eat thick soups. Why? Here's the answer:

  • The thing is that saturation from them is more significant than from "transparent."
  • Accordingly, using a plate of thick vegetable soup with the addition of a small amount of meat or chicken, a person can do without food and additional snacks much longer.
  • But thick fish soup with vegetables may well replace the second dish.

It is worth saying with confidence that losing weight on soups (and especially, soups-puree) can be called a sparing diet.

The last meal on the soup diet: what time?

Of course, with a soup diet (as with any other) it is undesirable to dinner after 18:00. It is then that the last meal should occur with any type of nutrition, as well as on a soup diet.

It was said above that soups, if prepared correctly, are low -calorie. Therefore, you can use them often, but during the day. If you eat soups often but little by little, then you will not experience hunger late in the evening and at night.

Exit from the soup diet: how right?

Exit from the soup diet with boiled vegetables
Exit from the soup diet with boiled vegetables

The correct exit from the diet is the key to the successful result of the weight loss process. If the diet was soup, then you need to carefully complete it, since often such a diet is associated not only with weight loss, but also with some kind of illness or treatment.

How to leave the soup diet? Here are some tips:

  • Little Liquid porridge, steam meatballs or cutlets from lean chicken, boiled fish and cottage cheese with fat content of not more than 1%. Such products will fill the body with valuable proteins and gradually lead its digestive tract into a normal rhythm.
  • Take the use of. It is better to buy bellies of bellies or there are crackers. The use of whole grain bread is also allowed.
  • If starvation was used in alternation with dietary soup, then do not even consume cereals and bread. The first meal should consist of a small portion of salad with fresh vegetables, seasoned with a drop of vegetable oil, or baked vegetables.
  • The next day, you can begin to consume low -fat boiled meat.

The gradual filling of the body with useful substances will allow you to correctly get out of the soup diet without any complications, as well as maintain an excellent result. After the diet, you need to monitor your diet and not eat everything in a row. Use only boiled and steamed dishes. Drink water and eat fruits and vegetables in sufficient quantities.

Cheese soup energy diets: recipe

Cheese soup energy diets
Cheese soup energy diets

If you do not have time to cook soups every day, then cheese soup will come to the rescue "Energy diets". You just need to mix the contents of a package of water and a hot and useful lunch is ready. Here is the recipe:

  • The contents of the bag are mixed with warm milk (the amount of about 200 ml).
  • The temperature of milk should be within 50-60 degrees. Of course, milk should be non -fat - otherwise the whole diet does not make sense.
  • After that, everything needs to be beaten using a closed container. The soup is ready.

For whipping, you can use a shaker - it is convenient and fast.

Supoe diet on buckwheat, pea soup: reviews, results, who lost weight on the pea and buckwheat soup diet?

Buckwheat soup
Buckwheat soup
Buckwheat and pea soup for many people are their favorite dishes for lunch. With their help, you can lose weight, if you cook correctly - with vegetables, from low -fat meat or just on water. The results of such a soup diet will be stunning. Read below the reviews of those who have lost weight on a pea and buckwheat soup diet:

Valentina Petrovna, 55 years old

For the first time I learned about a soup diet from a friend. At first, I did not even believe that this could give some positive results. However, the week flew quickly. Changes came in the same way. 9 kg in 7 days is a good result for me. And all thanks to a delicious vegetable soup, which I will now use in "ordinary life." By the way, even my "not losing weight" households are used to it. So now I will always cook it.

Olesya, 35 years old

Since childhood, I loved pea soup. However, she did not even suspect that she could lose weight. But the result exceeded all my expectations. Now my forms are returning to normal. And before, I was afraid to appear on the beach. Is there a joke - 90 kg with a height of 165. And this is still at a relatively young age. Thanks to the soup! With him, I again gained self -confidence.

Mikhail, 60 years old

I am a pensioner, so I am always used to eating economically. The only thing he could afford on holidays was buckwheat. Of course, I used it “thoughtlessly”: with fried eggs, cheap sausages. Over the past few years, I noticed that the weight has exceeded 100 kg, it became difficult to move, my heart began to hurt. And then I learned about the diet on the buckwheat. But this is affordable for me. For two weeks I asked my wife to cook him daily. He ate as indicated in the diet. Then he stood on the scales, and the result simply struck me - 88 kg. A little more and I can get into my ceremonial trousers, which I dressed for a wedding 30 years ago.

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