The best smoothies for weight loss and purification. Diet on the smoothie. How to make a smoothie?

The best smoothies for weight loss and purification. Diet on the smoothie. How to make a smoothie?

In the 70s of the last century, a drink appeared, which literally blew up the world of everyone who follows their health, youth and figure. It was a smoothie. A cocktail of fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs and berries, which possessed not only huge benefits, but was also very tasty.

Smoothies: benefits for the body

Initially, the smoothie appeared among vegetarians. But, very quickly began to gain popularity among everyone who monitors their health. After all, such cocktails are prepared from products without heat treatment. And this means that all vitamins and other useful substances in such drinks are preserved in almost their original quantities.

In addition to vitamins and minerals, vegetable fiber contains a smoothie. It improves the functioning of the stomach and cleanses the intestines of harmful deposits.

Detox Smuzi

Avocado spinachThe term "detox" is called the excretion of toxins and toxins from the body. Even observing an active lifestyle, and eating healthy food, we are not safe from the accumulation of various harmful compounds. They can settle in the body due to poor ecology, metabolism and other causes. In order to extend your life, it is necessary to periodically cleanse the body of such harmful compounds. This can be done in various ways. For example, eating detox Smuzi.

The best cocktails with this effect are almost all the "green" smoothies. For example, a mixture of avocado pulp, spinach and cabbage. Avocado and spinach will fill the drink with useful substances, and fiber from cabbage will clean the intestines of toxins and other harmful deposits.

Dietary smoothies

Almost all smoothies have a dietary effect. If you want to enjoy it, then replace one of the meals with such a cocktail.

We put the peeled tangerines (3 pcs.), Blueberries (1 cup) and yogurt (200 ml) in the blender bowl. Such a drink will not only help to lose a few kilograms, but will also become an excellent source of vitamin C for the body.

Unloading day for a smoothie

DietIn order for fruit cocktails to not harm the body, fasting days with their use should not take longer than 1-3 days and no more than once a week.

During the unloading day, it is necessary to replace one meal with this cocktail. It is advisable to prepare a smoothie somewhat thicker than the usual consistency of such a dish. And use them with a small spoon.

Approximate menu of an unloading day for smoothie

  • Breakfast: Mix in a blender apple (1 pc.), Orange pulp (1 pc.) And low -fat yogurt (200 g) or kefir
  • Lunch: Mix the pineapple flesh in a blender (1 pc.), Banana (1 pc.), Avocado pulp (1/2 fruit), grated ginger (1 tsp), parsley (10 branches) and lemon juice (1 tbsp. Spoon)
  • Dinner: Mix carrots (1 pc.), Banana (1 pc.), Carrot juice (150 ml) and low -fat yogurt (100 g) or kefir
  • Lunch: Mix the pear (2 pcs.), Spinach (2 cups of crushed leaves) and water
  • Dinner: Mix broccoli (0.5 pcs.), Apple (1 pc.), Lemon juice (1 tbsp. Spoon) and water

Cocktails of Smallness for weight loss

Losing weightCranberries have a strong fat burning effect. In addition, phyto compounds of this berry eliminate free radicals and cancer cells in the body. Based on cranberries, you can prepare a delicious cocktail that can be used for weight loss.
To prepare such a cocktail, you need to mix the half of the cranberries, celery (1 pc.), A pear (1 pc.), An apple (1 pc.), Cucumber (1 pc.) And a handful of spinach.

Vegetable smoothie for weight loss

Boil broccoli and finely chop the dill. We lay the vegetables in a blender, add several boiled cabbage leaves and a pinch of spices. Pour kefir and mix until smooth.

Cleansing smoothies

Almost all smoothies have a cleansing effect to a greater or lesser extent. To remove slag from the body, you can use this recipe. We clean the carrots (3 pcs.) And beets (1 pc.) From the skin and cut into cubes. Finely chop the garlic (2 cloves) and parsley (bundle) with a knife. We put chopped ingredients into the blender bowl, add radishes and whip.

Small weight loss for breakfast

  • Green dietSmuses for breakfast should include a mixture of fast and slow carbohydrates. Do not be afraid of quick carbohydrates. After awakening the body, they should help fill it with energy. The ideal version of the source of such carbohydrates is bananas
  • In order for the smoothie for breakfast to be satisfying in it to place an oatmeal. Such flakes will not only make the cocktail hearty, but also help to remove harmful deposits from the intestines
  • You can prepare such a cocktail by mixing bananas (2 pcs.), Oatmeal (1/2 cup) in a blender) and low -fat yogurt. You can add dried fruits, chocolate (only dark), orange juice, raisins and other products to taste

Smallness for weight loss for dinner

Is it possible to fully replace dinner with a smoothie? Yes, this is quite possible. Of course, all the time only cocktails are not recommended as the last meal before going to bed. But, periodically unloading the stomach can be used with the help of berry-apelsin smoothie.

To prepare it, you need to mix black currants (3 handfuls) in a blender, orange juice (1 cup) and low -fat yogurt or cottage cheese (250 g). It is undesirable to use honey for dinner, but if such a cocktail is very sour, then this rule can be omitted.

Smoothies for losing weight at night

At nightIn order to get rid of extra pounds, you need to eat smoothies in which there are few quick carbohydrates before going to bed. That is, bananas cannot be used as ingredients of such cocktails.

The best smoothies that activate the fat burning process are those in which kefir and cinnamon are present. Instead of cinnamon, you can use turmeric or other spice with this property. You can add berries or not very sweet fruits to such a drink. But you need to refuse honey and sugar before bedtime.

Fat -burning smoothies

Grapefruit, kiwi, strawberries and other fruits and berries have a fat -burning effect. Such cocktails are best drunk immediately after training. For lovers of sweet and sour taste, a cocktail of pineapple and grapefruit is suitable. Such a drink will not only help to lose a few extra pounds, but also neutralize free radicals and toxins.

To prepare such a smoothie, you need to mix the pulp of half of the pineapple and grapefruit in a blender. Add a spoonful of honey and several ice cubes to the drink.

Tibetan smoothie

Fat -burning cocktailThe drink, which appeared not so long ago in our country, gained popularity very quickly. Tibetan smoothie can be ordered in any large village. But, if you have the opportunity to buy products such as mangoostein, Tamarind, Langstat, Sapodilla and Bail, then you can prepare a healing drink of Tibetan monks at home.

To do this, you need to mix the above ingredients in a blender. Add fennel to them and mix with a blender to a puree state. If the cocktail turns out too thick, you can add a little kefir.

Soup smoothie

Popular in the west soup-puree is one of their varieties of smoothie. Preparing them is quite simple. And the effect of digestibility can surpass the use of ingredients included in such soups separately. Excellent smoothie soup will be below the prescribed recipe.

We clean the cucumber from the peel and seeds. From the average avocado we extract the pulp. Grind the garlic (1/2 clove). Using a juicer of celery (5 stems) and cilantro (1 beam), squeeze the juice. Put the cucumber, a pulp of avocados, chopped garlic in the blender, pour the juice (1/2 lemon) and add the zest (1/2 lemon). Beat to a homogeneous state. Such soup-puree can be seasoned.

Sports smoothies

Sports cocktailThe main goal of athletes using such cocktails is to replenish the body's needs after training in proteins. Such proteins can be obtained from cottage cheese or eggs. More “advanced” athletes add protein additives to their drinks. They can be purchased in any department of sports nutrition. Such additives can be mixed with milk, bananas and other ingredients.

Smoothies for cleansing

A cocktail of spinach, banana and lemon juice has excellent cleansing functions. To prepare it, you need to mix 350 ml of mineral water without gas, bananas (3 pcs.), A large bunch of spinach leaves and lime juice or half lemon. In addition to its cleansing qualities, this cocktail will help to make up for the body's need for some vitamins and minerals.

Smallness for weight loss in a blender

In a blenderA cocktail for weight loss can be prepared from bananas and strawberries. To do this, you need to take fresh or frozen strawberries (150 g), a half of a banana, low -fat kefir or yogurt (150 ml) and cottage cheese (1 tbsp. Spoon). First you need to mix fruit in a blender. Then you need to add kefir and cottage cheese to the crushed mass. Strawberries can be replaced with any berries: ink, raspberries, blueberries, etc.

Smoothies on the water

Cocktails on the water are not very popular. But, sometimes for fasting purposes, you can replace milk or fruit juice with water. If you want to cook such a drink, just mix 2 parts of spinach with one part of the water in a blender. For taste, you can add a couple of bananas to such a drink.

Smoothies with a banana

BananasBanana is one of the most popular products used in the preparation of cocktails. Probably, everyone tried a thick drink with this fruit and, not suspecting that he is using smoothie. We offer to try a banal-tied cocktail. It will not only help to quench hunger before bedtime, but also thanks to the compounds that are part of the pumpkin will cleanse the body of toxins.

We clean the banana (1 pc.) From the skin, cut into slices and freeze in the refrigerator. We put pumpkin puree (3/4 cups), vanilla yogurt (1 cup), cinnamon (1/2 tsp), nutmeg (0.125 tsp), ground clove (on the tip of a knife), honey (1 Art. spoon), frozen pieces of banana and ice. Pour orange juice (0.3 cups) and mix until homogeneous. Serve chilled.

Smoothies with milk

A healthy cocktail based on milk can be done by mixing this valuable drink with an apple. To do this, clean the apples (2 pcs.), Cut them into small pieces and place them in a blender bowl. Then you need to pour milk (300 g) there and pour ground cinnamon (on the tip of a knife). The ingredients need to be mixed until a homogeneous mass and drink. If the drink is a few acidic to it, you can add sugar or honey to taste.

Smoothies with oatmeal

With oatmealOatmeal is a product that will help clean the intestines of toxins and toxins. In addition, oatmeal is able to satisfy hunger and normalize metabolism. You can use this product in cocktails with almost all fruits and berries. For example, with kiwi.

We clean 2-3 kiwi from the skin and cut into small pieces. Pour the Hercules flakes with boiling water and leave for a couple of minutes. We drain the water and mix in a blender with kiwi and milk.

IMPORTANT: Kiwi composition includes compounds with fat -burning actions. Therefore, such a smoothie is ideal for everyone who monitors their figure.

Smoothies with cottage cheese

Excellent fitness-cocktail can be prepared from cottage cheese and greens. This drink can be replaced by a protein cocktail when classes in the gym.

To prepare it, you need to take several twigs of dill, cilantro, basil and celery stalk. Rinse the greens and dry it. We clean the fresh cucumber from the skin. We put all the ingredients to the blender and add cottage cheese there (100 g). Mix and enjoy delicious, and most importantly, a healthy drink.

Coffee smoothie

CoffeeCaffeine and bananas. Probably the best combination in order to wake up and take up the fulfillment of your affairs with double energy. The cocktail in which these ingredients will be combined, the real "battery" for the body. To make such an energy smoothie is very simple.

We clean the banana (1/2 parts) from the peel and cut it into small pieces. We put them in a bowl of a blender. Pour chilled milk (220 ml) there and mix the ingredients until smooth. Add sugar (no more than 1 tbsp. Spoon) or honey. As well as coffee (2 tbsp. Spoons) and cinnamon (on the tip of a knife). After mixing, a delicious coffee-banana cocktail with notes of cinnamon should get.

Smallness for weight loss. Tips and reviews

Julia. For the first time I tried such a fruit cocktail in the summer in a cafe. I really liked the idea of \u200b\u200bgrinding fruits to the state of mashed potatoes. In contrast to the juices of Freshi, more nutrients remains in the smoothie. Most of all I love celery, kefir and greenery cocktail. But, my highlight is a spoonful of linseed oil. Such a drink will like all people who follow their figure.

Marina. I remember how they gave me a vegetable drink in the kindergarten. It resembled a modern smoothie, but was not very pleasant to taste. Today, such cocktails not only have an excellent taste, but also allow me to exclude harmful snacks during the working day.

Video. Reduce excess weight with proper nutrition! Green smoothies for weight loss is quickly and useful!

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Comments K. article

  1. I liked the article very much, thanks for the recipes!

  2. Thank you more, a very voluminous and useful article on information, and I adopted several recipes.

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  4. Thanks for the article, I took a couple of recipes on the note. By the way, I really love with grapefruit because now I try to lose weight. Smoothies are good, of course, but personally it seems to me for a more noticeable result of this is definitely not enough. Now I am taking the second course of Isselix, and metabolism has significantly accelerated.

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