Recipes of dietary second dishes for weight loss at home. Low -calorie dishes of meat, fish, vegetables, mushrooms and weights for weight loss

Recipes of dietary second dishes for weight loss at home. Low -calorie dishes of meat, fish, vegetables, mushrooms and weights for weight loss

Dietary second dishes are the key to a slender figure and good health. The range of non -calorie recipes is very rich. Vegetables, lean meat and fish are cooked easily and quickly.

Delicious melting dishes for weight loss

Beans are a wonderful product that helps to lose weight and find a feeling of satiety.

Picky steam beans

Pitch beans are a beautiful fresh side dish for any meat and fish. So, it combines salmon, chicken fillet and boiled beef. The beans have a thin delicate taste and does not require a long troublesome.

  • The required amount of beans (no more than a half -kilogram) load into a double boiler or multicooker
  • In active mode, beans prepare for about fifteen minutes
  • During this time, prepare the sauce: olive oil, lemon juice and rosemary
  • Sprinkle the finished beans with salt and flavor with the sauce

Dietary lobio from beans

Preparing a bean lobio in a slow cooker is unusually simple. For lack of multicooker, an ordinary saucepan with a thick bottom is suitable.

Lobio made of red beans
lobio made of red beans

Any beans are suitable for cooking lobio, but it is best to take a large red one:

  • pour half a kilogram of beans with water for the night
  • download the soaked beans into the slow cooker and pour water two fingers above the beans
  • choose the "double boiler" mode
  • for an hour, check the water level, periodically pouring it
  • after an hour of extinguishing, add a little spicy pepper chopped into strips.
  • chop finely white and red onion, add to the slow cooker
  • pour 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil and mix the dish well
  • squeeze three cloves of garlic through a crush, chop the greens (parsley or dill) and add to the dish
  • pour the beans with tomato juice and simmer another hour


Unusual dishes from leaps for weight loss

The uniqueness of lentils is that this is an absolutely environmental product. In whatever conditions she grows, lentils are not able to accumulate nitrates. There are three types of cereals: red, brown and green.

Red lentils in her own juice

To prepare this dish, you will need only cereals, onions and spices.

Red lentils
red lentils
  • A full glass of lentils must be thoroughly washed from dust and soaked
  • Pour the cereal into the pan and pour it with water two fingers above the level
  • Chop finely white onion and a little onion
  • squeeze the clove of garlic in the grip, salt and throw one bay leaflet
  • Cook the lentils for half an hour, after readiness, drain excess water, season with oil and spices

Cutlets from lentils

This is an original dish that will be a great addition to the table both to diet and in post.

Lentil cutlets
lentil cutlets
  • a glass of lentils must be boiled for a long time until the puree is formed
  • fry finely chopped onion with garlic in a pan
  • add spices, salt, pepper and frying in puree
  • after the mass cools to form cutlets from it, roll in crackers and fry in olive oil

Video: "A delicious dish of lentils"

Simple bargaining dishes for weight loss

Palvka can become an original dish if you cook it with a soul.

Risotto with barley

To prepare the dish, you need:

  • carrot
  • onion
  • peas
  • garlic
  • greens
  • oil
  • water
  • pearl barley
Pension risotto
pension risotto
  • small the onion finely, grate the carrot with a grater
  • Fry onions and carrots in a pan, add garlic
  • perlip (10 tablespoons) weld pre -plot and drain water
  • pour the barley and green peas into the pan, cover with a lid
  • you can add a little water
  • season the dish with salt and spices, decorate with herbs

Pearl barley porridge with mushrooms

This dish is easy and useful to cook in a slow cooker.

Palvka with mushrooms
palvka with mushrooms
  • pour a tablespoon of oil into the multicooker bowl
  • chop finely on onion onion and cut on onions
  • когда лук пустит сок, отправьте в мультиварку грибы, нарезанные крупно
  • year, mushrooms will fry a little, squeeze the clove of garlic into the vegetables and pour them with water
  • pour the pearl barrier (glass)
  • add water as needed
  • salt the dish and season with spices

Chicken breast chicken for weight loss

Chicken breast is a dietatic protein product, which necessarily needs the body during a diet.

Kurina breast roulette with spinach

  • cut the chicken breast so that you get a pocket
  • salt and pepper your breast, marry in soy sauce
  • in a pan, fry the onions with a bunch of spinach and one squeezed garlic clove, salt
  • fill the breast pockets with a roasting and fasten with a toothpick
  • it is necessary to fry the breast in the same pan where there was a frying
  • do not add oil if the pan is sufficiently dry - add water
  • roulet can be eaten whole, or you can cut portioned
Spinach roll
spinach roll

Chicken meatballs in tomato sauce

  • grind chicken breast in a meat grinder in minced meat
  • add chopped onions and garlic to minced meat
  • season the minced meat with spices to taste
  • fry the onion and clove of garlic in the stewpan
  • peel the tomatoes from the skin and seeds and add to the roasting
  • when tomatoes turn into a paste pour two tablespoons of soy sauce
  • form balls from minced meat and lower it into the sauce
  • stew in a stewpan until cooked
Chicken ymples
chicken ymples

Delicious Dishes for Losing weight.

The turkey has an excellent set of trace elements that saturate the body.

Baked turkey in the oven

  • heat the oven to 200 degrees
  • back the meat with pieces of carrots and garlic
  • lamp turkey meat: olive oil, salt, pepper, a mixture of Italian herbs
  • the meat is baked in a well -heated oven for half an hour
  • every 10 minutes it should be watered with orange juice (not sweet)
  • the breast can be cut with slides, other turkey meat is served portioned
Baked turkey breast
baked turkey breast

Fragrant turkey with prunes

  • cut the meat of turkey cubes
  • chop the onion and finely chop the clove of garlic
  • fry the meat with onions in a pan until whitewashed
  • transfer to a high stewpan and pour a little water
  • add a handful of prunes to a stewpan and mix
  • salt and pour to taste, simmer until the meat is ready
  • disgust the dish in a plate
Indian with prunes
indian with prunes

Fast dishes from buckwheat for weight loss

Buckwheat is a cereal that saturates the body with useful trace elements and giving satiety. Cooking it is easy and fast.

Sweet buckwheat with dried fruits

  • Soak buckwheat before cooking, so it will prepare faster and will be crumbly
  • Soak dried fruits in boiling water: dates, raisins, figs, dried apricots and prunes
  • Cut finely dried fruits
  • Send buckwheat to cook when the water boils - pour dried fruits
  • Cook until cooked cereals
  • Season the finished dish with honey
Sweet buckwheat
sweet buckwheat

Buckwheat porridge with pumpkin and mushrooms

  • fry the onion with mushrooms in a pan
  • send a slice of pumpkin for ten minutes to the microwave so that it becomes soft
  • put a buckwheat
  • when the porridge is almost ready, add fried mushrooms with butter and finely chopped pumpkin to it
  • salt and season the dish to your taste, decorate with a bolt
Buckwheat with mushrooms and pumpkin
buckwheat with mushrooms and pumpkin

Mushroom dishes for weight loss for every day

Mushrooms are always tasty, fragrant and satisfying, they successfully dilute a boring diet and lean diet.

Fried mushrooms with patch beans

  • clean champignons and cut with beautiful slices
  • heat the oil in a pan
  • send mushrooms and onions to rings to the pan
  • когда грибы начнут темнеть и румянится, добавьте в сковороду стручковую фасоль
  • salt and pepper the dish to taste
  • close of garlic will add aroma and spice
Mushrooms with patch beans
mushrooms with patch beans

Risotto with mushrooms

  • put the rice to be boiled up to half -consumption
  • heat the oil in a pan and fry the onion with carrots
  • when the onion becomes transparent, send mushrooms and green peas to the pan
  • mushrooms need to be frying until half consumption, at the moment when they let the juice - add semi -ready rice
  • risotto is brought to readiness in a high pan, salt to taste
  • you can add water as needed
Risotto with mushrooms
risotto with mushrooms

Dishes of weight loss for each day

Fish is an important component of any diet. It can be prepared so that the dish turns out to be very dietary and useful.

Hek in tomato from multicooker

  • at the bottom of the multicooker, lay out chopped vegetables: onions and carrots
  • add a spoonful of oil and enable the "Frying" mode
  • after half an hour, send three chopped tomatoes to the bowl
  • когда томаты закипят и превратятся в кашицу в чашу отправьте кусочки хека, бережно перемешайте, чтобы соус покрывал все кусочки
  • super the dish for at least half an hour until the fish is ready, salt to taste
  • decorate the finished dish chopped greens
Hek in tomato
hek in tomato

Steam dietary fish

  • clean the fish fillet from the seeds and lure
  • marinade: oil, salt, pepper, lemon juice, a mixture of Italian herbs, a clove of garlic
  • put the fish fillet in a double boiler or a slow cooker
  • cover the fish with a bunch of parsley and cook for a couple of twenty minutes
Steamed fish
steamed fish

Seafood dishes for weight loss

Seafood will decorate any table, especially if they are correctly prepared.

Stewed shrimp with mushrooms

  • the shrimp is completely defrost
  • boil
  • fold boiled shrimp in the dishes and squeeze the garlic on them, mix
  • fry mushrooms with a spoon of oil in a pan
  • add one spoon of not fat sour cream
  • pour the shrimp to the mushrooms, mix and put out for another five minutes
Mushrooms and vegetable shrimp
mushrooms and vegetable shrimp

Mushroom casserole with squid

  • boil water, throw squid carcasses into boiling water and turn off the fire
  • after ten minutes, remove the carcass carcasses and cut into strips
  • cut the onions and fry in a spoon of oil
  • add chopped champignons to the onion and fry until the juice is launched
  • add chopped squid to vegetables and put out for 5 minutes with garlic
  • we shift the dish into the mold and pour the whipped egg
  • we send to the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees
Casserole with squid and mushrooms
casserole with squid and mushrooms

Recipes for weight loss pumpkin dishes

Baked pumpkin with honey and cinnamon

  • peel half the pumpkin from seeds
  • a pumpkin inside the excess with a knife to make cubes
  • cover the pumpkin with a thin layer of honey
  • sprinkle with cinnamon
  • bake half an hour at a temperature of 200 degrees
Baked pumpkin
baked pumpkin

Oatmeal with honey and pumpkin

  • boil water in the pan
  • add oatmeal and mix
  • while porridge boils, rub the pumpkin on a coarse grater
  • add pumpkin chips to porridge
  • add two spoons of honey
  • when the porridge boils, turn off the fire and cover with a lid
  • porridge should brew another 15 minutes
Oatmeal with pumpkin
oatmeal with pumpkin

Recipes of potatoes for weight loss

Potatoes used together with other vegetables are quite a dietary product.

Vegetable stew

  • cut the vegetables: potatoes, eggplant, tsukini, onions, cabbage, carrots and pepper
  • send to the pan and pour tomato juice
  • when the dish boils, add garlic
  • season with spices and put bay leaf in a dish
  • decorate the finished dish with herbs
Vegetable stew
vegetable stew

Potato puree with celery and colored cabbage

  • cut potatoes, celery and cauliflower in small cubes
  • boil water and sunbature it, add bay leaflet
  • send vegetables to boiling water
  • cook until finally celery
  • youth vegetables or send to the blender
  • season the finished mashed potatoes with olive oil and green onions
Puree from potatoes, celery and cabbage
puree from potatoes, celery and cabbage

Celery dishes for weight loss, recipes

Celery is an unusual root crop that is increasingly found in our market. Dishes with celery fragrant and healthy.

Omlet with celery

  • grate celery on a coarse grater
  • send the shavings to the pan and put out with butter and water until the moisture is evaporated
  • beat three eggs with two tablespoons of milk in the dishes
  • salt the egg mass and mix it with finely chopped greens
  • pour the celery chips omelet
  • fry over low heat for 10 minutes
  • decorate the dish with tomato slices
Dietal omelet
dietal omelet

Cabbage rolls with celery

  • boil a round -grain rice
  • grind the chicken breast into minced meat
  • boil celery slices, twist them in a meat grinder
  • mix minced meat with celery and rice, salt
  • boil cabbage leaves in boiling water
  • wrap the minced meat in cabbage leaves
  • send to a pan with a thick bottom, pour a broth or tomato juice
  • stew 40 minutes
Cabbage rolls with celery
cabbage rolls with celery

Lighting beets, recipes

Beetroot caviar with garlic

  • clean the beets from dirt under water
  • send to cook until soft
  • twisted beets in a meat grinder
  • squeeze the garlic in a crush (to taste), add to beets
  • season with vegetable oil and salt
Beetroot caviar
beetroot caviar

Beetroot cutlets

  • boil beets, twist in a meat grinder
  • add a raw egg, salt, a little flour to the mass
  • form cutlets
  • roll them in crackers and fry in oil
Beetroot cutlets
beetroot cutlets

Cabbage dishes, recipes for weight loss

Stewed cabbage with mushrooms

  • fry onion with carrots in a pan
  • add mushrooms chopped into strips
  • chop cabbage, send to a pan
  • pour cabbage with tomato juice and simmer until cooked
Stewed cabbage with mushrooms
stewed cabbage with mushrooms

Cabbage with rice

  • boil rice until half -cooked
  • fry the onion with carrots in a pan
  • add cabbage to the pan and pour the tomato
  • pour half -ready rice
  • salt and season to taste
Cabbage with rice
cabbage with rice

Broccoli dishes, recipes for weight loss

Boiled broccoli

  • clean broccoli flowers
  • boil the inflorescences in boiling water for five minutes
  • remove the cabbage with a slotted spoon and immediately transfer to cold water
  • prepare the sauce: olive oil, lemon juice, pepper and salt
  • season cabbage with sauce
Boiled broccoli
boiled broccoli

Broccoli and egg casserole

  • boil broccoli according to the previous recipe
  • beat a few eggs into an omelet, salt and season
  • put broccoli in shape, pour egg
  • bake an omelet in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees
  • sprinkle with cheese when serving
  • decorate with herbs
Broccoli casserole
broccoli casserole

Quick Dishes of Witting Washing

Pancakes from zucchini

  • grate the zucchini on a coarse grater, remove excess juice
  • add an egg to them, mix
  • add salt and pepper to taste
  • add a spoon of flour for a density
  • bake in the oven 200 degrees until golden crust
Object pancakes from the oven
object pancakes from the oven

Stuffed zucchini in the oven

  • divide the zucchini into two halves
  • peel the seeds
  • send to the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees
  • chop the chicken breast in the headlights, mix with eggs and spices
  • get out zucchini and put minced meat in boats
  • send to the oven for 20 minutes
  • decorate with herbs

Video: "Dietary cutlets with vegetables"

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Comments K. article

  1. Thanks for the recipes, I will try. True, my gases begin strong from cabbage (((

  2. A lot of things are for weight loss now. But I really liked the power system of Anna Belousova “3 ages”, excellent recipes for those who want to lose weight.

  3. My friend has an avid diet, so she told me that when you sit down and a diet needs to clean the body from toxins. Otherwise, they will begin to come out through the skin in the form of acne. Therefore, I was reinsured and immediately began to accept Enterosgel. So kilograms are gone due to the diet, and the skin remains clean. Thanks to a friend, for the hint.

  4. Olga, I understand you well. The very same problem was the same until I began to take Orlix with the first portions of food. So now if I sit on a diet, then I will definitely buy these pills. And you know losing weight without any gases and muttering in the stomach.

  5. Everything looks very tasty. And most importantly - useful. I sometimes indulge myself with puff rolls with a confiture (I add low-calorie confitures in which there is no sugar. I order such in Ivan Pole). The main thing in the diet is the mood. If you want to lose weight, tune in, that you need to change something in the diet. But dietary food can be tasty. Experiment.

  6. Quite true, dietary food can be tasty, and most importantly, it is useful. So at the very beginning of my weight loss I sat on a very strict diet, plus I went to the gym for training, since we all understand that only diet and sport can effectively help lose weight. But sometimes there is absolutely no strength for all these power loads, since you eat not high -calorie foods at all. So then I began to take Milronate, in order for me to increase endurance and performance and I have strength for training.

  7. How much I did not try to sit on the right diets, there is little sense. There is a reason, but I'm breaking away, since performance falls.

  8. Julia, you are apparently the same as mine. If I refuse sweets, I can’t work everything, there is no strength at all, and my memory worsens. This was true, before I did not use the capsules of Mildronate and sit on a diet. Olga, I also look about these capsules, wrote above. In reality, the diet goes better with them, there is enough strength to work, the house, and the memory only becomes better.

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