Fresh juices. The benefits and harm of vegetable and fruit drinks

Fresh juices. The benefits and harm of vegetable and fruit drinks

The article will tell you how to store and drink freshly squeezed juices. You will also learn everything about the useful and negative properties of this product.

Delicious and healthy freshly squeezed juices can be prepared almost from all vegetables, fruits and berries. Due to the fact that such a product is not amenable to heat treatment, in the process of manufacturing, all beneficial vitamins and trace elements are preserved in it. Most of all adults and children love fruit juices.

They have a rather pleasant smell and a bright, memorable taste. But in addition to fruits and berries, Freshi can also be made of vegetables. Of course, such a drink may not have a good taste, but the body will bring benefit to the body no less than fruit.

The benefits of freshly squeezed juices

Home -made freesh are a storehouse of useful substances that help the human body remain young and healthy. Thanks to this property, they are used to treat and prevent certain diseases. Doctors love freshly squeezed juices for containing a huge amount of fiber and enzymes.

These two substances help normalize the work of internal organs, increase the intensity of metabolic processes and cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. In addition to the fact that drinks from vegetables and fruits heal our body from the inside, they still improve our appearance. Regular intake of Frezhev, Morses and Nectars makes skin, hair and nails healthy and beautiful.

Useful properties of juices:
• Improve digestion.
• contribute to weight loss
• increase immunity
• saturate the body with vitamins
• rejuvenate the skin
• Stimulate hair and nail growth
• have an anti -inflammatory effect

The harm of freshly squeezed juices

But no matter how useful freshly prepared frees are useful, if you use them incorrectly, then a person can begin even greater health problems. This product has a lot of active substances that have a fairly strong effect on the work of internal organs. And if you drink juices in huge quantities and do not dilute them with water, it is likely that after some time the body will cease to cope and can prove itself, for example, chronic diseases.

Negative qualities of juices:
• can provoke the development of gastritis and stomach ulcers
• damage tooth enamel
• Some juices cause allergies
• An excess of carrot juice can affect skin color

The most useful freshly squeezed juices

Almost every doctor, prescribing treatment, recommends taking home -made nectars along with medications. Such a simple product at first glance will help minimize the negative effect of pills, accelerate urination, sweating and normalize the work of the blood and lymphatic systems. Therefore, if you are a little sick, then be sure to prepare all kinds of frees and fruit drinks, and you will not notice how strength and vigor will return to you again.

TOP of the most useful juices:

• Orange fresh. It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, nervous system, strengthens immunity, has tonic and antiseptic properties. If you drink at least half a glass of such juice for breakfast, then the body will receive a dose of vitamin C that he needs for the whole day
• Apple juice. Such a drink contains magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, sugar and salt of natural origin. It helps to normalize the functioning of the heart, gently reduces weight and increases the overall tone of the body
• Carrot Fresh. This product helps to treat vision, kidneys, liver and heart. And due to the fact that its composition contains cobalt and iron salts, it can be used to treat blood diseases
• Tomato juice. A drink made from fresh tomatoes contains the minimum number of calories. Therefore, in addition to the fact that it can be drunk, on its basis you can prepare diet soups, healthy sauces and nutrient cocktails
• sea buckthorn Fresh. Clothing from sea buckthorn must be drunk people suffering from hypertension, hypotension, gastritis, stomach ulcer and coronary heart disease. In addition, such a drink will help normalize the work of the nervous and endocrine systems
• Pumpkin juice. It is considered the most effective natural choleretic tool. It also improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract and quickly removes swelling

How to store it correctly and how much freshly squeezed juices are stored

Of course, ideally, Fresh of vegetables and fruits should have to be prepared, and immediately drink. But there are times when a useful drink should be prepared for the whole family (very often all family members get up at different times) or, due to a lack of time, you have to cook juice for the whole day.

And remember, freshly squeezed juice retains the maximum of vitamins and trace elements for approximately 2-3 hours. After this time, useful substances gradually begin to lose their beneficial properties. Therefore, if you couldn’t drink the whole drink, be sure to take care of its storage.

Recommendations that will help extend the life of freshly squeezed juice:
• Going for a walk or on a long trip, use thermal drum for storing juice
• At home, store Fresh in the refrigerator
• After preparing a vitaminized drink, immediately pour it into a glass container
• If you drop a couple of drops of lemon juice on vitamin nectar, it will interact less with oxygen
• If you have not drank juice during the day, it is better to freeze it

How to drink freshly squeezed juices Pomegranate juice increases libido_shutterstock_40578199

The benefits of aromatic and delicious drinks made of high -quality fruits are indisputable. But no matter how useful this product is necessary to know how to drink it correctly. Some people fall into extremes and practically exclude fresh berries, fruits and vegetables from their diet. They are simply sure that they can replace all this with home -made juice.

Of course, juices contain vitamins and trace elements necessary for our body, but Fresche remains enough, for example, fiber. And since this substance helps to cleanse the body and stimulates the work of the gastrointestinal tract, such a diet will quickly provoke various health problems.

Tips that will help drink juice correctly:
• After cooking, drink juice for half an hour
• Freesh with a fairly sour taste, drink through a tube
• In no case do not drink juice during food
• It is better to add a couple of drops of vegetable oil to yellow and red drinks
• Do not drink more than two glasses of nectar per day
• Do not replace clean water juices
• strongly concentrating Freesha is better to dilute with water

Consumption of freshly squeezed juice for weight loss

Now juice diets have become quite popular. It is believed that the use of natural nectars helps to lose weight quickly and for a long time. Of course, juices can be called a dietary product, because, despite the fact that they contain a huge amount of nutrients in them quite few calories. But with all its useful properties, this product cannot replace a person with normal food. Therefore, having decided on a juice diet, in no case do not completely refuse to eat.

Of course, you will be able to lose weight, but over time, the body will all begin to demand everything that it needs, and this will inevitably lead to overeating and a new weight gain. Therefore, if you want to lose weight for a long time, then just adhere to the basic power rules, and arrange exclusively fasting days on the juice. But even in this case, it is necessary to gradually increase the amount of Fresh drunk. For example, during the day, drink not only juice, but green tea and clean water.

Over time, you can reduce the amount of tea and increase the amount of juice. Also try to combine juices. Mix orange, apple and lemon. If you need to sweeten the drink, add natural honey to it. If you are careful about your body, then you will be able to throw off extra pounds and maintain your health.

Freshly squeezed juices during pregnancy

During pregnancy, delicious freshly prepared juices should take every expectant mother. They will not only help maintain the body in normal condition, but will also reduce the manifestation of toxicosis and have a beneficial effect on the development of the future person. But still you need to be very careful about choosing a useful drink.

Indeed, for example, if a woman has a tendency to allergic reactions, then during pregnancy this disease can become aggravated, and the body will give out a negative reaction even to those products that were previously perceived normally. Therefore, if during the period of gestation of the baby a woman wants to juice, which she did not use before, then it should be driven into the diet gradually.

Useful juices for pregnant women:
• Apple
• beetroot
• Orange
• Carrot
• Pomegranate
• pumpkin

At what age can I give different juices to a child?

  • Our grandmothers and mothers believed that freshly prepared juice is a simply indispensable product for the baby. Therefore, starting from two months, they began to introduce this drink into the diet of a small person. But over time, scientists have proved that this is not necessary to do this up to six months. After all, only in four months in a small person, enzymes begin to be produced, which can process not only one milk
  • And only at the end of the fifth month of life does the child’s gastrointestinal tract begin to function fully. Some pediatricians recommend up to a year, in general, do not give young children freshly squeezed juices. This product can be replaced with herbal teas and not very concentrated compotes. But still, if you decide to introduce home -made Frezhev, then give drinks from vegetables and fruits that are grown in your region
  • No need to give a son or daughter a pineapple, grapefruit or mango juice. Start better with apple or carrot. But even these juices before giving the child must be diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 1. Well, and, of course, do not forget about the quantity. To begin with, give the baby literally a couple of drops and, if no negative reactions follow you, you can gradually increase the amount of freesh. If you do everything right, then by the year the baby will be able to drink up to 100 g of freshly squeezed juice

Is it possible to drink juices to sick people?

As you already, probably, understood to drink freshly squeezed juices at any age, the main thing is to do it right. But still there are contraindications in which it is better to limit or, in general, to abandon the use of Frezhev home cooking. There are several diseases in which such a product becomes not easy, and is also able to aggravate the course of the disease.

If a person has pancreatitis, stomach ulcers, gastritis and urolithiasis, then it is better for him not to use freesh, nectars and fruit drinks. Also very carefully need to drink such drinks to people who have problems with the level of glucose in the blood. In all other cases, with the right approach, freshly squeezed juices will bring only benefits to the body.

Video: Useful freshly squeezed juices!


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  1. I liked the article, thanks.

  2. i have been drinking juice for 5 years only in the morning half a glass with everything that has grows in the garden, and I smear the gruel on my face look 15 years younger.

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