Energy diet: rules, features, prohibited products, menu, dumb recipes

Energy diet: rules, features, prohibited products, menu, dumb recipes

To feel energetic and have a cheerful state of mind, you should regularly adhere to the energy diet, which will be discussed in the article.

This diet will not help you lose extra pounds in a week. For a long time you will go to the desired result. At the same time, you will receive enough energy so that the body can actively function. Do not harm your health.

Energy diet: Rules, features

People who want to iron how models know exactly how diets are reflected in the state of health. The nutrition is so limited that it does not give the body the necessary minerals and minerals for the normal operation of all organs. There is no balance between proteins, fats, as well as carbohydrates.

In the end, you have a feeling of fatigue and that even worse serious diseases. Often, excess weight goes with a liquid that is in the body and muscle mass. Energy diet You cannot compare with other diets. Subject to all the rules of a balanced diet, you can lose weight, saturate the body with energy.

All products that can be consumed in time of diet belong to the group of antidepressants, the composition of group B, E. The balance in the nutrition is so accurate that it triggers metabolism.

For energy
For energy
  • Getting rid of excess fat goes gradually. You can drop it from 2 kilograms per week. Its minimum duration is a week.
  • You will not have to starve on this diet, so those people who are accustomed to eat a lot, it will suit the best.
  • Food is accepted during the day often, which helps to nourish the body with energy. Vitamins in the body come thanks to fresh vegetables, fruits. In winter, if you are on an energy diet, it is better to supplement it with a polyvitamin complex.
  • You can drink up to 2 liters per day. Water can be in the form of skim milk, freshly squeezed juices, green tea. Fat in the body enters normal quantities.
  • It is contraindicated to use sauces, mayonnaise, as well as any kind of oils. Toxins are entered with fried foods, and also not very useful fats.
  • Energy diet can be called smart. Since the weight will decrease until it returns to normal. The metabolic processes themselves will regulate and adjust the process of weight loss.
Choose products
Choose products

Those who suffer from excessive thinness will help to gain kilograms that are so lacking. Natural processes that pass in the body help, how to cope with overweight and gain insufficient.

Energy diet: prohibited products

It is strictly forbidden to use three main products during the energy diet:

  • Caffeine -containing drinks (any teas, strong coffee, Coca-Cola, energy). The properties of caffeine are deceiving. You have a feeling that after a drink that you drink, you have a surge of strength, in fact it is an erroneous sensation. The first thing that caffeine acts is the nervous system, it stimulates it. The duration is 30 minutes, then the activity of a person is declining. This can be called short -term doping. We do not get energy, but on the contrary we lose it.
  • Sweets. Any types that contain sugar or its substitutes. They increase sugar in the body. This type of energy takes strength twice as much. A sharp increase in energy also leads to a sharp decline. This process is reflected in metabolism and slows it down.
  • Alcohol. Alcoholic drinks are very high -calorie - this is a long -known fact. But you definitely can’t get energy with alcohol. Energy is empty, which does not contain vitamins or minerals. When the process of a rush of strength ends, we have a feeling of emotional devastation.

To restore strength, and the body should be used to use energy donors. These include:

  • Freshly squeezed vegetable or fruit juices.
  • Tea on herbs or with berries.
  • Smoothies.
  • Simple water.
  • Porridge.
  • Legumes.
  • Gifts of the sea and fish.
  • Chicken eggs.
  • Dairy.
  • Whole -grain flour products.
  • Dried fruits.
  • Black chocolate without additives, honey.

Energy diet: menu

We offer several options for each meal


  • Natural yogurt, fresh berries, juices are extremely freshly squeezed.
  • Eggs with vegetables, lean meat, whole -grain piece of bread, juice.
  • Dairy porridge, freshly squeezed juice.


  • Vegetable light soup, whole grain piece of bread, low -fat milk.
  • Lenten meat with a side dish of vegetables, one small fruit, freshly squeezed juice.


  • Loof fish with boiled potatoes, stewed or fresh vegetables, natural yogurt.
  • Treaty meat cooked on grilled, fresh vegetables, fruits, freshly squeezed juice (can be replaced with low -fat milk).
  • Meat with a side dish of rice, a light salad of vegetables, fruits, freshly squeezed juice.
Fruits, juices
Fruits, juices

The proposed diet is just an example that you can adjust at your request, guided by permitted products and excluding those that are contraindicated. Clearly follow the rules: do not eat at night, portions should be small, food is not fat, do not miss meals.

Important: snacks can be made of dried fruits, nuts, natural yogurts, vegetables and any fruits, smoothies that can be prepared at home.

A great addition to energy diet, As a snack or as a replacement for the main meal, there will be a smoothie. This is a nutritious cocktail that is perfect for people who lead an active lifestyle.

The method of preparing such drinks is very simple and at the same time they are low -calorie. The basis of vegetables and fruits, as well as skim milk or kefir. They saturate the body with vitamins that are so necessary in the process of diet. Accelerate metabolism, envelop and protect the intestinal walls and at the same time help to lose weight.

Smoothies will be a great replacement for breakfast and dinner. But only 20% of the diet can be replaced with such drinks. Once a week you can make a fasting day, which will consist only of smoothie.

Energy diet: Smoothie recipes

Let's look at the most popular dark -skinned diet options.

Smoothies with spinach

Such a smoothie is very tender in taste, does not contain many calories and at the same time nutritious. Iron (p), magnesium (Mg), calcium (CA) and vitamins that are contained in banana and apple enters the body with spinach.


  • Frozen or fresh spinach.
  • Small banana.
  • Green apple.
  • Glass of water.

Clean the apple and banana from the skin. Place all the ingredients in a blender, pour water at room temperature with water. Beat to a homogeneous consistency. The calorie content of a cocktail per 100 grams is 45 calories.

Smoothies from celery

Such a cocktail is very useful, unusually tasty, normalizes cholesterol, serves as an antiseptic for the body. Celery is great to lose weight. It launches metabolism and fights overweight.


  • Any greens (glass).
  • Celery up to 3 pcs.
  • A small spoon of olive oil.
  • A glass of kefir with a low fat content.

Grind all the hard ingredients with a blender and pour kefir. Bring to a homogeneous consistency. 100 g of the drink contains 40 calories.

Smoothies with oatmeal

Oatmeal is considered a dietary product. It protects the body from infections. The oatmeal cocktail normalizes the digestive tract, rich in trace elements, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, accelerates metabolism.


  • Oatmeal 3 tablespoons.
  • Low -fat milk half a glass.
  • Wonderful yogurt half a glass.
  • Banana.
  • Honey.
  • A pinch of cinnamon.

Oatmeal must be soaked for 5 minutes. Beat the banana and flakes to the gruel. Add all other components. Decorate with cinnamon. Calorie content of the cocktail 79 calories.

Grapefruit smoothie

This citrus fruity is rich in vitamins. It has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, normalizes blood pressure. For sedentary people, this is a wonderful cocktail that helps to lose extra pounds, without making a lot of effort.


  • Half of the grapefruit.
  • Half of the orange.
  • Yogurt without sweeteners, 250 ml.

We clean the fruits and place it in a blender, beat. Pour everything with yogurt and bring everything to uniformity. In 100 grams of cocktail - 80 calories.

Smoothies from kiwi

This fruit is in the first place in terms of the number of vitamins containing in it, as well as trace elements. The fetus is rich in vitamin C. Ciwi -based Kiwi protects the immune system from the effect of infections, is low -calorie.

With kiwi
With kiwi


  • Kiwi 2 pcs.
  • Two large spoons of oatmeal.
  • Low -calorie yogurt.

Pour yogurt into the oatmeal and let it swell. Beat all the ingredients to a homogeneous mass. Clotor cocktail 83 calories.

Kefir smoothie

A kefir -based cocktail normalizes metabolism, and normalizes the gastrointestinal microflora. You can create many tastes and variations, adding different fruits and spices.


  • 250 ml of low -fat kefir.
  • Four spoons of unsweetened yogurt.
  • Strawberry.
  • For sweetness, you can add honey.
  • Several wheat seedlings.
With kefir
With kefir

Beat everything components with the help of a blender.

Important: cocktails based on vegetables and fruits contribute to weight loss, improve the complexion, skin condition, fight with fatigue and loss of strength.

In order for smoothies in the energy diet only benefits, one should be guided by some tips:

  • It is necessary to eat or drink a cocktail slowly so that a feeling of satiety comes gradually.
  • At the beginning of the diet, make for yourself 3 fasting days, which are completely consisted of energy cocktails. They will launch metabolism and begin to remove harmful substances from the body.
  • Replace at least once a day to meals of the darkness.
  • Do not add sugar to the cocktail, except for natural, which is contained in honey.

Cocktails will help you not feel hunger for a long time and at the same time give a charge of vigor and energy. By using energy diet You will get rid of subcutaneous fat, harmful toxins, as well as toxins. Only those products that can feed it with energy should enter the body.

As a result, you will receive a beautiful body, will not feel fatigue, you will be more resilient and full of strength. If you are not able to adhere to proper nutrition constantly, then let the body relax a couple of times a year.

Video: We are losing weight on an energy diet

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