How to increase potency at home? Methods of increasing potency

How to increase potency at home? Methods of increasing potency

The article will tell in detail about ways to increase potency in men.

Potency is extremely important for men at any age. Not only sexual life depends on it, but also the functioning of many systems in the body: endocrine, urinary and sexual.

Problems with potency can begin in men after 40 years. As far as it will be critical, depends on the health of the man and on his genetic predisposition. Also, nutrition, quality of life and ecology is of great importance. In the power of each man to increase potency using additional methods.

Problems with potency
Problems with potency

Methods of increasing potency

With the development of medicine, men have many ways to increase potency. Also, do not forget about folk recipes proven for years.

  • Potency worsens as a result of hormonal changes. Male hormones are extremely dependent on the food consumed. Therefore, the first thing to do is to establish food
  • It is necessary to additionally use vitamins that stimulate the production of male hormones: zinc, phosphorus, vitamin E
  • You can use drugs. They have various compositions. Some are based on plant complexes, in others - chemical elements. Such drugs should be used after consulting a doctor
  • Folk remedies. People have long wondered how to increase male potency. Therefore, many folk recipes have come to our time
  • With the help of massage and special exercises, you can also establish a sexual function
  • There are additional medical procedures that the doctor can prescribe with impaired potency
Ways to establish potency
Ways to establish potency

Factors that negatively affect male potency

Before increasing potency in additional ways, it is necessary to burst into the causes of the problem. There are several common factors that negatively affect potency:

  • Age -related changes in the body
  • Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption
  • Overweight
  • Irregular sex life
  • Chronic diseases (urinary, endocrine or cardiovascular systems)
  • Injury
  • The use of steroids during sports
  • The use of some drugs
  • Stress and mental illness.

Only after identifying one of the factors, it can be cope with the problem of impaired potency.

Preparations to enhance potency

There are a number of drugs that can return male potency. Some of them are aimed only at increasing potency, and some at the additional stimulation of sexual desire (drugs, by the type of “Viagra”).

To improve potency, the first group of drugs is recommended. Firstly, they have a longer effect (up to 24 hours), and secondly, they do not carry the load on the nervous system. The composition of such drugs includes a substance of yochimbin or cantaridine.

Sometimes, there is an additional plant complex. The effect of drugs is aimed at improving blood supply in the genitals, expanding blood vessels, and a decrease in muscle spasm. Preparations to enhance potency can be used only after consulting with a doctor.

It is not recommended to use drugs to increase potency to persons who have not reached 25 years of age and those who suffer from angina pectoris and convulsive syndrome.

Medicines for potency
Medicines for potency

Increasing potency in 60 years

The main reason for the deterioration of potency at this age is age -related changes. Unfortunately, it is difficult to extend potency until old age. At 60, the production of hormones slows down, blood supply worsens and the ability of cells to regeneration decreases. But, with the help of drugs, exercises and stimulating products, a man can extend the youth of the reproductive system.

Increasing potency in men after 50

After 50 years, every man who takes care of the quality of his sexual life must reconsider the quality of his life. Even if there are no problems with potency yet, you need to take a set of measures to maintain youth:

  • Healthy lifestyle. 50 years - age when it is time to quit smoking.
  • Physical exercises. If you did not go in for sports earlier, it's time to start doing morning exercises and easy run
  • Reset extra pounds. Excess weight not only worsens potency, but also negatively affects all internal organs
  • To establish your food
  • Do not be nervous because of problems at work and in personal life. If necessary, consult a psychologist
  • Hold a regular sex
  • Be in a good mood, feel the joy of every day
Elderly problems
Elderly problems

Products to increase potency

Food is one of the most important factors that affects the production of male hormones. There are a number of products that have a stimulating effect on the sexual system of a man. They act as an aphrodisiac - natural pathogens who increase potency.

  • Nuts: walnuts, pistachios and almonds
  • Figs
  • Pomegranate
  • Onion and garlic
  • Chicken eggs
  • Rye bread
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Nettle
  • Sour -milk products: cheese, cottage cheese and kefir
  • Fish products, especially mackerel
  • Seafood: mussels, shrimp and crabs
  • Products containing Omega-3 and Omega-6 fats: olive and linseed oil, fish oil
  • Greens: celery and spinach
  • Honey
  • All kinds of spices: pepper, ginger, cloves, cinnamon
Healthy foods
Healthy foods

Folk remedies to increase potency

In folk medicine, there are many recipes for increasing potency. The most popular of them:

  • Medicinal herbs that improve potency: nettle, thyme, ginseng and calamus. Nettle can be eaten or used for cooking a decoction. To prepare a decoction, you need to insist nettle leaves in boiling water. Then, take the product before meals. A thyme decoction is able not only to improve potency, but also to cope with prostate diseases. You can cook herbal tea with thyme
  • Ginseng has long been considered a natural aphrodisiac. Decoctions and tinctures are prepared from it. To increase potency, I also use the roots of the AIR plant. They prepare a healing decoction of them
  • A mixture of honey, carrot juice, ginger and nuts positively affects the sexual system of men. Nuts need to be chopped, rub the carrots and mix all the ingredients. You can use both dried and fresh ginger
  • White wine can spur sexual desire and return potency. However, it must be consumed no more than 100 grams
  • Beetroot salad, onions and asparagus. All of these ingredients positively affect male potency
  • Also, folk healers recommend to improve potency daily to eat a handful of walnuts, drinking a glass of milk
  • Eleutherococcus extract is a natural pathogen. It can be purchased at any pharmacy and consumed, according to the instructions
Folk remedies
Folk remedies

Ginger to increase potency

Ginger root has a stimulating effect on sexual activity, improves metabolism and blood circulation. In addition, ginger is a delicious spice that can be added to tea and various dishes. You can use ginger root, both fresh and in the form of powder. Here are a few dishes where it is appropriate to add this seasoning:

  • In baking ginger will give aroma and bitterness. To make the bitterness minimal, add dried ginger. The most popular dish is ginger cookies
  • Ginger is used for marining meat and chicken. To prepare ginger marinade, mix soy sauce, grated ginger, garlic and spices to taste
  • Also, this spice is added in the preparation of fish dishes and seafood
  • From ginger, you can make delicious tea. Especially ginger is combined with honey. In addition, honey and ginger are two important products of improving potency

Tincture to increase potency

  • Tincture from handsome. To prepare this tincture, the leaves of the plant are used. They are dried and poured with vodka (on 2 tablespoons of 0.5 liters of vodka). The tincture must be left for a week in a dark place, periodically shaking it. After this is strain, and use 10 drops three times a day
  • Effective means - garlic tincture. To prepare garlic rubbish, pour vodka and insist
  • Ginseng is the best tool for increasing potency. There are already ready -made tinctures in the pharmacy of this healing plant
  • Also, nettle, calamus and thyme are used to prepare therapeutic tinctures

Recipes for increasing potency

There are several recipes of delicious, and at the same time useful dishes that can increase potency.

  • A salad of egg, green onions and cheese. All these products positively affect male potency
  • Beetroot salad, celery and carrots
  • Vitamin Baton: in a blender, grind walnuts, almonds, raisins and dried apricots. Distribute the mixture evenly on parchment paper and send it to the refrigerator. Then cut into portioned pieces
  • Green tea with ginger and honey. Add a couple of slices of fresh ginger to ordinary tea, and replace sugar with a teaspoon of honey

Herbs to increase potency

Many folk recipes are based on the use of healing herbs. They are used for the preparation of herbal teas, tinctures and decoctions. Before using any of the herbs, you need to consult a doctor. Many herbs are not compatible with some chronic diseases, some may be allergic. A list of herbs that can normalize male potency:

  • Nettle
  • Thyme
  • Air
  • Belladonna
  • Male shedding
  • Rue
  • Rosemary

Massage and exercises to increase potency

You can improve potency not only with chemical and biological effects, but also with the help of physical exercises and massage.

  • Chinese medicine claims that there are special points on the human body, massaging which, you can achieve improvement of potency. Such points are located on the hands, feet and back. For more accurate exposure, acupuncture is used. Such procedures should be carried out by a specialist with work experience
  • Also, erotic massage is positively affected. In this case, there should be complete relaxation and trust in the partner
  • Some doctors recommend to improve the potency of prostate massage. Such a massage can be done independently by receiving instructions from a urologist. Despite the fact that many men neglect this procedure, prostate massage not only improves potency, but also prevents prostatitis
  • Physical exercises are also able to improve potency. Firstly, they improve blood supply and help to lose weight, and secondly, they give activity and optimism

Improving potency: reviews and tips

  • No need to panic with a deterioration in potency. All biological processes can be established
  • It may take time for treatment, be patient
  • No need to abandon personal life and intimate relationships due to problems with potency
  • Eliminate factors that negatively affect health
  • Prepare healthy food, get enough sleep and do not be nervous on trifles
  • Medicines do not need to be used too often. They can only be an auxiliary method
  • Do not tighten with a visit to a doctor. He will be able to quickly find out the problem and prescribe treatment

Video: Exercises to increase potency
















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  1. Good afternoon everyone! My name is Ivan, I am 47 years old. For the past 6 years I have been working as a taxi driver and this is most likely to have problems with potency. Plus, age makes itself felt ... went to the urologist, he advised to drink AK 45. I drank a whole course, I was satisfied with the result, because I feel much more confident than before.

  2. I want to say that well, well done, in fact, that I turned to a specialist, because I did not do it and only lost time for meaningless treatment, then I still changed my mind, the truth did not go to the doctor, but I received an online consultation, I was recommended to purchase the drug Semendal A booster to restore potency, thank you very much to an experienced specialist that I advised him, helped me!

  3. The right Misha writes here, it is necessary to the doctor and the sooner the better, problems with potency are always a reason. It turned out that it was a matter of impaired nervous function, but it also regulates everything in the body. The doctor prescribed to me the tiocide BV, after a few days of reception, vigor appeared, somehow it was noticeably increased, and everything was getting better in sex. And self-medication is not an option.

  4. it is important to find the reason here, I was generally said that the whole problem is stagnant blood, they prescribed Actovegin with a smartprom, then I drank a impase. The main thing is not to rush to advertising, because all these super-tools can harm even worse.

  5. The most famous honey and nuts are from products for potency. More seafood is well influenced by this business. As a 40, my husband exceeded, and the problems began on this part. Therefore, I already know almost everything than to contribute from products. A healthy lifestyle is also important to observe. Recently, the doctor still recommended connecting tablets to her husband, well, at least inexpensive advised, Viatail are called. Two times cheaper than Viagra in a pharmacy costs, by the way. Sex has become like in youth straight, amazing.

  6. Thank you very much for the article.

  7. I never had any special problems with potency, but here, against the backdrop of some problems at work, once or twice came out not like a mistake, but there were some unpleasant moments for me with my wife. In principle, I don’t want to upset her either, but it is not necessary to know about my problems about my problems. Moreover, I looked at myself a good remedy for cases of fatigue (emotional, probably to a greater extent) - Vildera is called. I found even optimal packaging for myself - 4 tablets, the most. About an hour before the alleged proximity I take a pill-and ready. Neither misfires, nor problems with the self -esteem and mood of the wife - intimacy is at the highest level. So, in rare moments of problems with potency, I know what to do.

  8. It turned out above that I wrote under my husband’s nickname (Alexei), so I decided to clarify so as not to mislead.

  9. As the urologist told me, to some extent, all spices, not only ginger or cinnamon, enhance potency. A little bit of them should be added to food and in general it is better to love the oriental cuisine. She really accelerates blood. And stagnation of blood, indeed, in most cases leads to problems. Okay, if just stagnation, I drank medicines, was treated with a smart man, let go. And then after all, a spasm of blood vessels happens, and a lot of everything. As a examination, I first thought that it was better not to live at all. But nothing, it seems to be gradually solving ...

  10. By safety, you need to choose pills, well, to read contraindications for them. I myself began to take Viatail on the advice of the doctor, says this drug check passed and the dose is optimal there. So in the mud I will not hit now.

  11. And I liked Vildera. The product is cool, based on sildenafil, prolonged action (i.e., the active substance is not released immediately - you can enjoy the process with might and main)): not only is the erection excellent with this tablet, but also increased in time in comparison with how I used to have.

  12. I accept what the doctor prescribed to improve potency. And he appointed me Viatail - a remedy for new products, but already showed himself very positively: an erection with him when stimulating the appropriate (no excesses - everything is as it should) pleases one hundred percent, sexual intercourse passes just with a bang.

  13. At home, nuts can be eaten, shrimp and feminine, in general nutrition, you can somehow help potency.

  14. I have a friendly friend, in this regard, “sewn”, I took a lot of things to improve an erection, so I recommended that I accept Vildogri. I bought it, and now if I want to surprise my friend, I take a pill for sex. So we can frolic with her all night.

  15. tired of being a loser in bed (((I give up positions oh give up (((

  16. Nikolai, so if tired, you need to solve this problem. For example, I feel with Vildegr, I feel like a real man. Two, three approaches to the night, and even in the morning the erection is cool.

  17. A lot of money is needed for medicines. If you calculate how much money goes to tablets per year, it turns out that it is cheaper to buy a smartprost to your home.

  18. will the effect of smart work be the same?

  19. It is very good to eat seafood, if you like, of course, and nuts with honey are also good. It is very important to exclude stress, rest more. My husband was just because of stress and felt the first problems, he then took Vildegra’s pills, they already wrote above, good in my opinion, act as it should. Of course, a man is good to go to the doctor if problems with potency, but few of them can be persuaded to do this.

  20. Damn, yes, you think that smartprost is just a brand! Read about the principle of action: Surely in the clinic there is a similar free physio!

  21. My very problem is sometimes such a plan-age began. He shared with a friend, he advised me the tablets, calls Vildegra. The use of them is not complicated, I drink one tablet an hour before intimacy and all the goals of work and defense. The wife is also satisfied, says that just like in his youth.

  22. Adex, and that one tablet is enough?

  23. Yuri, quite. For an hour, I have about about the tablet and into battle. So in the morning it happens to my wife, though she is no longer in a state after the night of love. It’s good that the doctor recommended that the doctor recommended buying me. And the price is a gift, a tablet about 35 rubles rises, if a large pack like me, buy.

  24. We must also buy something, otherwise the misfires were frequent.

  25. I also increase potency with the help of Vildegra. Like many men, after 45 years, problems in this regard began to manifest themselves. But Wildera was very useful and tolerated good, and an affordable price, and most importantly - the result. The erection from the tablet is excellent, everything passes at the highest level.

  26. And I drank Eropostan - the doctor recommended me. It helped, and for six months everything is normal. Although I already thought that I couldn’t do it anymore - I didn’t stand at all, my wife was about to leave. But of course, I myself am to blame - until the last with a trip to the doctor, I pulled. It is inconvenient to talk about such a thing.

  27. Here my wife and I went to rest, sea, wine, all things. Well, she wants sex, but more, but more, and I have become old recently, it doesn’t always work out. On vacation I took with him the drug Vildera, in the first he used it and regretted that he had not taken before. I pleased my wife, he completely relaxed, for a long time we had no such sex.

  28. Thank you, just by the way these tips and recommendations.

  29. At one time I used Vildrogra, cool tablets. But the doctor prescribed them to me when problems with potency began. Now I recall that time with a terrible desire to buy them again - such sex with them is quality, with an erection of 5+.

  30. I bought Viatail here in order to improve potency. I was satisfied. The tablets work as it should, the erection with stimulation is steep, persistent, the finish of the process is bright and memorable - the orgasm is incomparable simply.

  31. Do not sit on a seat. And to walk more, exercises on the pelvis and press also help well. Of the working tools I tested - Vildera. The cost is normal, especially if you take packaging more. The last time I bought 30 tablets on a pharmacy, if you enter the VILDEGRA30 promotional code, then there will also be a discount of about 120 rubles. For a year now I have been using these pills.

  32. Thank you, a cool article, quite relevant.

  33. No, home remedies are clearly not for me. I need this so that the result occurs as soon as possible. Wilderah took a look at the pharmacy, after a two -month reception (not daily, but if necessary) I can say that the drug is really cool. The erection with him is of high quality, in just an hour, on average, ready for intimacy, as a tablet I will take.

  34. Men, better see a doctor. When my husband began to hand over the position, sweating appeared, dizziness, then he turned to the doctor, and he had the initial stage of alcohol neuropathy. He does not abuse that, but the problem has begun. Well, the doctor made a diagnosis in time and prescribed the BV thioctacid prescribed to his wife. Now health is normalized, dizziness is less common, and in sex everything is as good before.

  35. I noticed Viatail’s pills for my husband, immediately on the boil, what kind of pills, but who appointed him. But it turns out he even went to the doctor so that he would advise him to improve an erection, and the doctor recommends. So they are completely satisfied.

  36. And my spouse buys the drug Vildera. I know that a friend advised him these pills, so now he drinks literally one tablet before sex, and during the night two, or even three times pester me)

  37. thanks

  38. I took the tribulus effect as prescribed by a doctor ... I also convinced my wife to make special medical massages (the sea is on the internet of information)-all together and helped)) now everything is in order with intimate life)

  39. And my husband and I sometimes practice Vildegra tablets, the doctor allowed her husband to use them because there are problems with an erection, and these are quite safe for husband’s health and help well. Intimate life with age does not end you know.

  40. And I noticed that my husband, in order to please me in bed, began to take pills. Of course, it became curious what kind of means is called. It turned out to be Viatail. But the remedy is good, both of us with the spouse "happy")))

  41. I tried a lot of things, but only it was not, it was not there. The doctor prescribed some pills, I don’t even remember the names, and the result is all “zero”. The wife seemed to be reconciled, not young, after all, but these were the most unpleasant problems. The pharmacy was advised to try Eronestil. I doubted for a long time, I consulted at home with my wife and still bought the next day. Eh, thanks to him - the second youth with his wife came. Several times a night is not at all a problem even at my age.

  42. I still adhere to the opinion that you can’t do without drugs in this matter. I accept the effect of Sildenafil on the advice of the doctor, it is more profitable in the price of many analogues. Well, I try to lead a healthy lifestyle. There are no problems in bed, thank God))

  43. At 40, problems with potency began, against this background he quarreled with his wife. I did not want to drink chemistry so that the doctor was simple, the last hope was, and you know, it helped me, as it took off my hand, I hope someone helped someone

  44. potetsu is well raising Virex, verified on her husband, with age he began problems in this matter, his friend advised him this drug, after a while everything was getting better, we feel like in 17

  45. There are a lot of drugs for potency by name. But regardless of this, they are FDE inhibitors, whose active substance ends on-attacks: sildenafil, tadalafil, vardenafil, etc. The doctor prescribes by the DV, and the patient himself chooses the name at the price and other characteristics. I was determined by the Tadalafil DV, the famous Cialis belongs to this group. But since it is the most expensive, my choice fell on Tadalafil-SZ. Where the effectiveness is preserved, and the expenses are much smaller.

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