Homemade fat -burning cocktails. Recipes for making fat -burning drinks at home

Homemade fat -burning cocktails. Recipes for making fat -burning drinks at home

All about the benefits of homemade fat burning drinks. TOP of the best recipes for losing weight cocktails at home.

In a complex of weight loss measures, fat -burning cocktails are often included. These are purchased compositions that enough to beat with water in a blender, or home -made drinks. All of them have their pros and cons, some are more effective, others are less. In the article you will find the principles of preparation and recipes for homemade cocktails.

The principle of action of fat -burning cocktails. What is the difference between a homemade fat -burning cocktail from the purchased?

The fat -burning cocktail, regardless of whether it was bought in a store or cooked independently, is aimed at splitting subcutaneous and internal fat.

Homemade cocktails help to lose weight
Homemade cocktails help to lose weight

This is an auxiliary method of losing weight, since it will not be possible to lose excess weight on some drinks. Directly cocktails do not affect the percentage of adipose tissue in the body. But they perform an equally important effect in the body:

  • reduce appetite
  • accelerate metabolic processes
  • have a mild laxative effect
  • normalizes digestive processes
  • accelerates the processes of assimilation of nutrients from food
  • enriches the body with valuable vitamins and minerals
  • calm down the nervous system

Important: a set of properties of a fat burning drink depends on its composition. If desired, you can prepare a cocktail with all these qualities.

Fat -burning cocktails are also quite appetizing, and at the same time a useful treat
Fat -burning cocktails are also a rather delicious treat

Many store cocktails have among their components quite heavy substances for the body. These elements negatively affect the human nervous system, suppressing its natural reflexes. Therefore, experts recommend preparing drinks themselves, using only natural and fresh components.

Important: home drinks have several advantages compared to purchased mixtures. This is the availability of ingredients, the relative cheapness of the finished product, an almost complete absence of contraindications.

As for the disadvantages of home cocktails, they are many times less effective purchased and spoil much faster.

The benefits and harm of fat -burning cocktails.

The benefits of cocktails for weight loss are obvious. Homemade drinks made from natural ingredients regulate metabolic processes, positively affect the digestive function, and help get rid of extra pounds.

Dry purchased mixtures for cocktails
Dry purchased mixtures for cocktails

Fat -burning cocktails can also be drunk people who simply follow a healthy lifestyle. The drink can become tasty, and most importantly, a healthy snack, because it contains only natural components. Thanks to cocktails, you can get the necessary nutrients, as well as many vitamins and micro and macro elements.

There is only one contraindication for the use of fat burning drinks: an allergic reaction to a particular ingredient or individual intolerance to a particular component. But even if you are allergic to one element, it is easy to replace it in a cocktail by another or several at once, without depriving a drink of benefit and taste.

How to cook a homemade fat -burning cocktail? When do you need to drink greasy homemade cocktails?

Take cocktails in combination with proper nutrition and physical exertion
Take cocktails in combination with proper nutrition and physical exertion

Here are the basic rules for the preparation and use of home cocktails for weight loss:

  • In water recipes, use cold moisture. It is the cold liquid that helps burn calories faster and get rid of extra pounds
  • For recipes based on sour -milk drinks, choose products with the least percentage of fat content
  • A big mistake of losing weight is the use of high -calorie products during the period when they take cocktails to reduce weight. The cocktail does not exclude the rules of healthy nutrition and compliance with rational energy value
  • Use cocktails in combination with other methods of losing weight. You can’t lose weight with the help of only drinks
  • Cook only one portion at a time and immediately drink it. Cocktails cannot be stored, they only need to drink them fresh
Fat -burning drink with lemon and mint
Fat -burning drink with lemon and mint

Important: a cocktail is used in addition to eating or instead of a snack. Fat -burning drinks cannot be replaced by a full -fledged meal

Ginger cocktail recipe for ginger

Diability for losing weight based on ginger due to the rich composition of the main ingredient enhances blood flow and accelerate metabolic reactions in the body. In addition to the fat -burning effect, ginger cocktails are toned, filled with energy and vitality, relieve fatigue, fight cellulite, and improve overall well -being.

There are many recipes of cocktails based on ginger.

Classic drink from ginger, honey and lemon
Classic drink from ginger, honey and lemon

For classic ginger drink you will need:

  • grated ginger - 2 tbsp.
  • water - 2 l
  • honey - 1 tsp
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp.

Combine all the components in a glass bowl. Boil the water and pour the ingredients, cover with a lid and insist for 60 minutes.

Important: you can drink a classic drink with ginger at any time and in any quantity, for example, replacing them with the use of ordinary water.

Ginger tea with garlic
Ginger tea with garlic

For ginger drink with garlic you will need:

  • grated ginger - 4 tbsp.
  • garlic - 4 slices
  • water - 2 l

Finely chop the garlic or pass through the garlic cake. Mix with ginger and pour boiling water. Leave a decoction in a glass bowl for at least an hour.

Important: due to the presence of garlic, such a drink may seem not very pleasant to taste, but it is with garlic that the fat-burning effect of ginger is revealed in full.

A recipe for making a fat -burning cocktail of kefir and red pepper and cinnamon

Kefir, red pepper and cinnamon drink
Kefir, red pepper and cinnamon drink


  • non -fat kefir - 250 ml
  • cinnamon - 0.5 tsp.
  • red pepper - a pinch
  • grated ginger - 50 g

Mix all components and beat in a blender.

As for pepper, lovers of acute can add a whole pinch. You can adjust the amount of ingredients yourself. But at least a little pepper needs to be added, otherwise you will not achieve the desired weight loss effect.

Important: experts recommend drinking such a drink in the morning on an empty stomach. Kefir, enveloping the walls of the stomach, makes the cocktail safe for the digestive system.

However, if you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, consult a doctor before using this drink.

How to cook a fat -burning cocktail with kiwi?

Kefir and kiwi drink
Kefir and kiwi drink

For kiwi and kefir cocktail you will need:

  • kiwi - 1 pc.
  • kefir - 200 ml
  • lemon - 1 slice
  • peppermint - pair of twigs

Kiwi cut into cubes, you can not remove the peel from the slice of lemon. Download all the components into the blender bowl and beat for 30 seconds.

Fruit cocktail with kiwi
Fruit cocktail with kiwi

For Fruit cocktail with kiwi Take:

  • kiwi - 1 pc.
  • apple - 0.5 pcs
  • orange - 1 pc
  • grenade - 0.5 pcs
  • banana - 1 pc
  • water - 100 g

From a grenade and orange pulp, squeeze the juice into the blender bowl, pour water there and add the remaining fruits cut into cubes. Beat to uniformity.

Important: the fruit drink is very nutritious. Such a vitamin cocktail can be replaced by breakfast, charging yourself with energy and vitamins for the whole day.

Homemade fat -burning drink with cinnamon and honey

Honey and cinnamon - products for effective combating fat cells
Honey and cinnamon - products for effective combating fat cells


  • honey - 2 tsp
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp
  • water - 200 ml

Important: you can take any amount of honey and cinnamon, the main thing is to observe the proportions of these ingredients 2 to 1, respectively.

Pour the cinnamon with boiling water and cover with a lid, leaving it for half an hour. After this time, lift the lid so that the liquid cooled. When this happens, put honey in a cup.

Important: high temperatures destroy the beneficial substances that are contained in natural honey, so you need to add it to cold dishes.

Divide the volume of the resulting drink into 2 parts, one of which drink at night, the second - the next day on an empty stomach. In the evening, prepare a new portion.

Homemade fat -burning cocktails with honey and fruits

Drink with honey and lemon
Drink with honey and lemon


  • kiwi - 1 pc.
  • lemon - 2 slices
  • mint - 3 twigs
  • parsley - 3 twigs
  • honey - 1 tsp
  • water - 100 ml

Download all the components into the blender bowl and beat. Honey can be added less or more depending on your taste preferences.

Fat -burning cocktail with grapefruit

Fat -burning drink with grapefruit
Fat -burning drink with grapefruit


  • grapefruit - 2 pcs.
  • pineapple - 2 slices
  • celery - 2 stems
  • honey - 1 tbsp.

Before whipping the components, clean the citrus fruit and divide into slices. Beat the ingredients until smooth.

Important: the combination of grapefruit, celery and pineapple perfectly tones and cleanses the body, honey helps to fight cellulite, has a beneficial effect on the elasticity of the skin.

Home fat -burning cocktails: tips and reviews

The effectiveness of fat -burning cocktails
The effectiveness of fat -burning cocktails

Fat burning drinks are prepared in a matter of minutes, and a large number of ingredients for them allows you to choose a cocktail to taste. The composition of losing weight drinks is simple and does not require you to search for exotic ingredients: as a rule, all components for cocktails are easy to find in any refrigerator.

But despite all the simplicity of cooking, losing weight drinks are incredibly effective. All this has collected a lot of positive reviews about fat burning cocktails.

Video: Losing weight cocktails-3 super-receptor

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Comments K. article

  1. i tried almost all these drinks, everything is very cool. If not at home, on vacation or business trip, they replace with turboshelim (fitness drink), fats go very well with it for training twice

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