Psychological weight loss. Habits leading to weight gain and inhibiting the process of losing weight.

Psychological weight loss. Habits leading to weight gain and inhibiting the process of losing weight.

In this article you will find answers to questions, what is the psychological aspect of weight loss.

Not always excess weight in a woman or man is associated with a genetic predisposition, a tendency to overeating or a sedentary lifestyle. In addition to all these factors, there are also quite harmless, at first glance, habits that contribute to the acquisition of extra pounds.

Habits leading to weight gain

Important: if you analyze your behavior, in a restaurant at the “Swedish table”, visiting or at home, you will find that you are forming “tendency to fullness” yourself.

  • Of the several options for plates, you choose the one that is larger. Having put a small amount of food in it and leaving an empty space, psychologically, a person tunes in that food is not enough. If a large plate is filled, then, for sure, such a portion will be too large for you. To avoid overeating, it is better to take a small and shallow plate.
  • In the restaurant, you prefer to sit facing the buffet. If you see a variety of beautifully designed dishes in front of you, you will definitely want to try as much as possible.
  • At home, you should not leave sandwiches, cookies or sweets on the table, because each time, passing by, you will want to have a bite. Remove the products in the refrigerator or cabinet immediately after eating.


  • Try not to leave anything on a plate. This habit is laid back in childhood, when a portion quickly eaten to the end caused approval and praise of the parents. Think about it, because now you are most likely also raising your children with all love. If you feel full, push the plate, not sparing to throw away food or be afraid to offend this mistress.
  • You eat in a hurry and do not carefully chew food carefully. It is noted that a full person makes about 12 chewing movements on a piece of food, while for proper digestion you need to perform at least 30. In addition, with rapid absorption of food, the brain does not receive information about saturation in time, and you can eat twice More than necessary.
  • Do not pay sufficient attention to the choice of the dish and do not focus on the process of eating. While visiting or restaurant, you immediately fill your plate, without looking at the assortment. As a result, you still cannot abandon your favorite dishes, even if you notice them after a whole random food. At home you often eat, sitting at a computer or in front of a TV, not noticing what exactly you ate. Usually the process ends only after the end of the program or film, and not when you are really full.

  • You “seize” all negative emotions, replacing the pleasure of life with pleasure from food. It is the food that becomes a universal comforter for you and the main way to cheer you up.
  • Breeding breakfast. The lack of a full breakfast increases the risk of obesity by 4 times.

Habits inhibiting the process of losing weight

So, you firmly decided to lose weight and put on this seemingly all efforts, but the weight does not decrease. Having written off everything to genetics, many give up or put off weight loss until better times.

Important: in fact, there are a number of mistakes that people who dream of becoming slim.

  • After a firm decision, to lose extra pounds to become the first thought - "do not eat." In the case of a sharp restriction of food or starvation, the body, without receiving a sufficient number of calories, switches to a stress regime and begins to burn “unnecessary” resources - muscle tissue. In this case, fat deposits serve as the main margin on “difficult times”. To avoid such a situation, you should gradually switch to low -calorie food, drinking it often, in small portions. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the number of calories and ensure the receipt of at least your basic metabolism. Otherwise, the body will respond with a sharp decrease in activity - fatigue, lethargy, apathy.

  • Second The thought of losing weight will be - "from Monday I will go to the gym." Sports, of course, help to lose weight, tighten the muscles and get a charge of energy. But all efforts will be in vain if, after returning from training, you continue to eat high -calorie food, drink sweet carbonated drinks and do not give up flour and sweets. For the weight loss process, it is not necessary to exhaust yourself with many hours of training, it is enough to abandon oily, sweet and increase activity - move as much as possible.
  • Third The mistake will be the faith in the “magical” means that the advertising headlines are full. Do not succumb to the psychological impact of advertising and promises of quick weight loss. Any tablets, dietary supplements and express diets will cause tremendous harm to your body, returning the discarded kilograms and adding new problems. Hormonal disorders, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, skin aging, hair loss-this is a small list of consequences of rapidly getting rid of excess weight.
  • Psychological mood It can also affect the braking of weight loss. If you feel fat and do not see the opportunity to change, with your thoughts you give yourself an installation to the futility of all attempts. Imagine yourself slender, let your thoughts tune in to the joy of a beautiful, tightened figure, and you will see how the desire turns into reality.


In addition to low -calorie nutrition and an increase in physical activity, you need to try to develop some useful habits that help in the fight against extra pounds. Using the techniques of psychological weight loss, you will quickly achieve the desired result.

  • Buy products in a sufficient amount of 1 time per week, trying to abandon white bread, confectionery, fat and canned products. If your refrigerator is filled with useful products within a week, you will have less chance to eat something harmful.

  • Having determined your portion of food, take away a pan or salad bowl away so that there is no temptation to put additives for yourself. Try to eat a small portion slowly, chewing carefully. Then, despite the small amount of food, a saturation signal will receive a signal into the brain.
  • In the refrigerator, place useful products so that your eyes immediately fall. Psychologically, this technique will help get rid of a sense of restriction in the choice of products. Be sure to wash the fruits and put in a prominent place - so you eat them much more.
  • Take a walk after dinner. A walk in the fresh air will save you from risk to enjoy the dessert before bedtime, helps digestion and saturate the body with oxygen.
  • Do not forget about water. Every morning it should begin with a glass of clean water, and during the day you need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of dining room water without gas. A glass of water, drunk 20 minutes before eating, will also allow you not to eat excess.

How to unlearn stress, troubles, experiences?

The so -called, food dependence is formed from the habit of replacing food with a lack of positive emotions. More often, women show such addiction, since more emotionally excitable and vulnerable than representatives of the stronger sex. If you want to lose weight, then you need to learn how to cope with the desire to seize problems and experiences.

  • Listen to yourself and determine your mood. Having determined the presence of negative emotions - anger, resentment, fear, anxiety, you will learn to distinguish emotional hunger from physiological.
  • Try to relax and dream a little. Think about what gives you pleasure - positive emotions will relieve tension from the center of saturation.
  • The movement will also distract you from the emotional load - take a walk, turn on the music and dance or do cleaning.
  • Talk to a loved one who is ready to listen to you. After discussing problems with a friend, you will remove the load of negativity and calm down.
  • Try to fill your life with pleasant impressions - learn to relax and see positive moments even in ordinary things.

The brain is responsible for excess weight and getting rid of it

Often, problems with excess weight are formed at the subconscious level and can be associated with a psychological mood, mental trauma or a common person’s life position. Realizing the reasons, you need to tune in to radical changes.

First of all, it is necessary to change the attitude towards yourself.

Important: a desire to look in the mirror with pleasure, like yourself and feel confidence in their capabilities will become the basis for the desire to act.

You need to learn to sincerely love yourself and understand that only a few steps are left before the desired perfection.

Ensure a certain goal for yourself - why do I want to lose weight?

Many associate the acquisition of a slender figure with changes in communication with others, the development of career and personal life. It is important to have not only an abstract idea that thin people are always successful, but to determine the desired effect for themselves.

Important: whatever your motive is-to feel confident during the vacation at sea, buy an elegant sheath dress, return the attention of a loved one or get rid of complexes-this will only be your desire and it will give you the necessary forces for going to the gym and abandoning your favorite cake.

How does the study of the success of other people affect the process of losing weight?

It is very important not to be lonely, even in the way of getting rid of excess weight. If you do not find support from family and friends, get acquainted with people with similar problems in the gym or network. Setting certain goals and deadlines, the exchange of experience will help you “not to break” and achieve the desired effect. No less important is communication with those who can successfully demonstrate the result of their efforts. The positive experience of “miraculous transformation” will allow you to gain confidence in your abilities.

Video: how to lose weight a simple way

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  1. In fact, it often happens to me that I want to eat a problem .. I get something low-calorie (bran, vegetables) or protein (sport expert proteinmix, seafood, egg proteins) to hamper, so that without harm the figure

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