Pregnancy and the threat of miscarriage. How to prevent a threat of termination of pregnancy? The dates of the miscarriage

Pregnancy and the threat of miscarriage. How to prevent a threat of termination of pregnancy? The dates of the miscarriage

In this article you will learn about the symptoms of the threat of miscarriage, the causes that cause it, as well as about the measures that you can take to avoid this diagnosis.

Did you see 2 strips on the test? Congratulations - you are pregnant! From this moment, joyful chores begin in anticipation of the child and his bearing. But you need to know some nuances that may come in handy in the future and help you avoid trouble.

Statistics do not please us with good numbers, unfortunately.

Approximately every fifth pregnancy ends earlier than the period necessary for bearing a healthy baby. And there are much more women with a diagnosis of “threat of termination of pregnancy”.

The threat of miscarriage, unfortunately, can occur at any stage of pregnancy, if this happens up to 22 weeks - this is called spontaneous abortion, but when it comes to later stages, then it is said about premature birth. The fact is that there were cases that doctors saved children born after 22 weeks and nursed them.

That is why, starting from this period, if there are any serious complications of pregnancy, they say not about its interruption, but about premature births. Modern medicine allows you to save children born with a weight of more than 675 grams.

Premature baby
Premature baby

Cases are quite frequent when the pregnancy ends barely starting that even a woman does not always know what happened, because At the same time, a small delay in menstruation occurs, but then they come, perhaps they pass more painful and more abundant than usual, and a woman may not guess about what happened.

The later the pregnancy is interrupted, the more difficult it is for a woman to survive both psychologically and physically.

How to determine the threat of miscarriage? Symptoms and signs with a threat of miscarriage

Knowing a number of symptoms that may occur in the threat of termination of pregnancy, you may be able to avoid undesirable consequences if you take the necessary measures in time. But also do not forget that not every pregnancy can be saved. It depends on the reasons for the threat that you will also find in this article.

So, there are 3 main symptom of the threat of miscarriage.

  1. Uterine bleeding - The most dangerous of possible symptoms, which makes it the most serious. In this case, it often begins with literally a few drops, and then gradually intensifies. This symptom can last several days. The discharge can be both bright red and dark brown. If there are blood clots or pieces of tissues in the discharge, then most likely there was a miscarriage. Bleeding most often occur due to detachment of the fetal egg
  2. Nagging pain It also occurs quite often with a threat of miscarriage, but it may be absent. It happens that the symptoms either appear or disappear, then appear again. At this time, it is better to doubt, but quickly get to your gynecologist-perhaps you will save your child. Do not confuse painting pain with pain on the sides of the abdomen, these pains are quite normal and are found in almost all women, they are associated with the changes that occur in the ligaments of the uterus when a woman is pregnant
  3. Hypertonus of the uterus Also quite frequent. In the first trimester, the anterior or rear walls of the uterus mainly occur. This diagnosis is confirmed by an ultrasound examination, but it can be determined without it. About how to recognize the hypertonicity of the uterus, read the section below. With hypertonicity, there are painful sensations and the uterus seems to be “stamping”. You need to consult a doctor as soon as possible with complaints of these symptoms, because The sooner experts take measures, the more likely it will be possible to preserve the pregnancy. But if you have similar periodic sensations after a period of 32 weeks, then these are the so-called false contractions, or they are also called the fights of Brex HiX. This phenomenon is normal and very common in pregnant women, this is such a body preparation for childbirth, so in this case you should not worry
How is a miscarriage
How is a miscarriage

All these symptoms can be periodic in nature, appear and disappear, intensify or be barely noticeable. If you have identified any of these symptoms, urgently consult a gynecologist for help, because The life of your child depends on adequate treatment!

How to determine uterine hypertonicity?

To do this is quite simple and it is very important to do this as quickly as possible if you have at least the slightest suspicion. Symptoms of hypertonicity are quite simple:

  • in the first trimester, the future mother feels the heaviness in the lower abdomen, there are pulling pains similar to pain during menstruation, they can give both to the sacrum and the lower back
  • at later stages, i.e. In the 2nd and 3rd trimester, the symptoms are the same, only visually you can see that the stomach is compressed, it becomes very solid - “stamping”

Any woman, faced with hypertonicity, can quickly determine his symptoms at home.

Uterine hypertonicity with a threat of miscarriage
Uterine hypertonicity with a threat of miscarriage

Rarely, but with tone there are also smeaging bloody discharge. When they appear, call an ambulance urgently, lay down and try to calm down.

However, it should be noted that there are cases when hypertonicity is asymptomatic and only an examination for ultrasound can make such a diagnosis.

The reasons for the threat of miscarriage

There are actually quite a lot of reasons, they can depend on the state of health of the body of the future mother, and on the embryo itself or from external factors. Some of these reasons can be tried to avoid, so you need to know about them. But unfortunately, it often happens that the reason cannot be found out.

Blood test for the threat of miscarriage
Blood test for the threat of miscarriage

It should be noted that the longer the pregnancy period, the less the likelihood of its interruption.

  • Genetic changes in the fetus - A very common cause of termination of pregnancy, or rather, about 70% of miscarriages are caused precisely by pathologies in the embryo. This can happen both due to the external environment, and because of some hereditary disorders. This can be considered a natural selection, nature has ordered so much that non -viable embryos die before birth. In this case, the termination of pregnancy is practically not stopped, and you should not do this. When symptoms of threats appear, the fetus is most often dead. A woman should understand that in such a case, pregnancy cannot be preserved, and she needs to focus on identifying possible causes of genetic disorders in order to exclude them in the future
  • Hormonal disorders They can also seriously affect pregnancy and its bearing. The most common violation is lack of progesterone In the body, which is responsible for preserving pregnancy. This hormone is first produced by a yellow body, for about 16 weeks, when the placenta ends its formation, it takes this function to itself. That is why this problem is most often encountered in the first trimester, until the placenta has yet been formed. Progesterone is also responsible for the successful implantation of the fetal egg into the wall of the uterus and with a lack of its fetal rejection. Another frequent violation by the hormonal system is an excess of male hormones. With excessive production, androgen is suppressed by female hormones, which leads to a threat, and then possible to a miscarriage. The hormonal balance can be adjusted by contacting the doctor in time. And it is better to identify it before pregnancy, then the threat of interruption will not arise
  • Genetic incompatibility of parents The fetus is also a common cause of miscarriages. If the genes of mother and father are very similar, the female body will reject the fetus. So nature has been ordered that cares about a healthy continuation of the genus with different genes
  • Parents incompatibility according to the Rhesus Factor of the Blood. There are cases that the expectant mother has a negative Rh factor, and her partner has positive, most likely there will be difficulties in gestation, in the event that he took the Rh factor of his father. This is due to the fact that the woman’s body considers the embryo a foreign body and will reject it
Rhesus conflict and threats of miscarriage
Rhesus conflict and threats of miscarriage
  • Another reason - increased blood coagulation. Often this problem is revealed in a later date
  • Features of the structure of the uterusthey can also interfere with the bearing of the child, because the violation in the structure may prevent the fruit egg with the uterine wall and hold there. There are two -horned uterus or saddle -shaped, this development defect will complicate the woman with a child, including The threat of miscarriage is possible
Features of the structure of the uterus and the threat of miscarriage
Features of the structure of the uterus and the threat of miscarriage
  • Exist and infectious diseasesthat can provoke a threat of termination of pregnancy. It can be banal flu and pneumonia, kidney diseases, chlamydia, viral hepatitis, syphilis, rubella and others. It is very dangerous if the temperature of the body of the pregnant woman is increased, so you need to try to avoid infections and not contact sick people
  • There is also a series gynecological diseasesthat can provoke a threat of miscarriage. These diseases include inflammation of the genitals, endometritis, uterine fibroids and others
  • Previously transferred by a woman abortion or miscarriages, in which curettage was carried out, can also be affected by gestation. This is due to the fact that the endometrium is damaged with these procedures - the inner layer in the uterus
  • The threat of miscarriage occurs and at endocrine diseases or diseases of the immune system, for example, in case of violation of the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, as well as with a disease such as diabetes mellitus
  • Medications They can also harm, because Almost all drugs cannot be taken during pregnancy. In addition to medicines, it is even better to refrain from taking medicinal herbs and various herbal fees, even the most harmless
Medicines and the threat of miscarriage
Medicines and the threat of miscarriage
  • In the second half of pregnancy, cases of a threat of miscarriage due to the availability of pathologies in the development of the cervix, as well as placenta. If the cervix is \u200b\u200bweak, it may not withstand and open up earlier than the set deadline without holding the fetus
  • From emotional state Much also depends on the pregnant woman, in particular, the health of her body. Stress can worsen the course of pregnancy, and sometimes even provoke a miscarriage
  • Lifestyle The pregnant woman also occupies not the last place among the reasons why there is a threat of miscarriage. A pregnant woman should abandon bad habits, such as smoking, drinking, drugs, and also refrain from eating coffee and other harmful foods that can harm
The lifestyle of the pregnant woman and the threat of miscarriage
The lifestyle of the pregnant woman and the threat of miscarriage
  • Injuries, physical activity, falls, strokes in the stomach can also seriously harm. It is interesting that even if a woman suffered a concussion before becoming pregnant, this can further provoke a threat of miscarriage
  • Based on statistics, in women over 35 years oldoutdoles are twice as often. Experts associate this with the fact that the eggs are aging and more embryos are not viable. In men, spermatozoa is constantly produced from the moment of their puberty, but women are already born with eggs that are gradually growing with them. Therefore, the older the woman, the older and her eggs, which over time lose their vitality due to surrounding factors: they are affected by the transmitted diseases, toxins and other harmful substances

Treat yourself and your health, it is advisable to start before pregnancy, and this will help you endure and give birth to a healthy baby.

How to preserve pregnancy with a threat of miscarriage?

With a threat of miscarriage, you can often preserve pregnancy if a woman takes all measures in time and begins treatment. It is best to do this in a hospital where you will be under supervision and where you can conduct all the necessary examinations.

Preservation of pregnancy in the first trimester

At any time, the emerging threat of termination of pregnancy must be treated, but in the early stages everything is complicated by the fact that it is difficult to find out the cause of the threat.

If the child is long -awaited or there were already unsuccessful attempts, doctors in the first trimester try to preserve pregnancy. But if the woman is healthy, the pregnancy is the first and the threat of interruption cannot be eliminated, it is believed that it is better not to go against nature and try again, and perhaps the next pregnancy will proceed better.

This is due to the fact that in the early stages, miscarriages very often arise due to the non-viability of the fetus and the presence of genetic deviations.

The threat of miscarriage in the first trimester
The threat of miscarriage in the first trimester

Preservation of pregnancy in a hospital

  • Most often, in case of complications of pregnancy, a woman is put to the hospital for further examination, treatment and observation
  • One of the main treatment methods used is strict bed rest. With hypertonicity, women make droppers with magnesia, prescribe candles with papaverine, as well as no-shpu. With problems with giving pregnancy in the first trimester, this is enough
  • With hormonal problems, progesterone preparations are prescribed, such as Utrozhezta or Duphaston. In the second and third trimesters, ginipral is often prescribed
  • If the pain ceases, there is no bleeding, the uterine tone is normal - this indicates the proper treatment and preservation of pregnancy. But do not forget that after discharge from the hospital you must protect yourself, follow the recommendations of gynecologists and observe the regime
Treatment of the threat of miscarriage in a hospital
Treatment of the threat of miscarriage in a hospital

Preservation of pregnancy at home

  • Many are interested in the question of whether it is possible to treat the threat of miscarriage at home. It is not so simple to answer this question, because it all depends on this particular case, the causes of the threat of pregnancy, the degree of its severity, the quantity and strength of the manifestation of symptoms, on the state of health and well-being of the pregnant woman
  • With a slight hypertonicity, for example, you can be treated at home. But you will need to fulfill the doctor’s prescription, including observing strict bed rest, take during medicine, avoid stress, overwork
  • However, you need to understand that in this case you yourself are responsible for the consequences, you risk primarily the life of your not born child. After all, household chores, a fed husband, learned lessons with an older child are not worth it! In addition, all things can be repaired by the same husband, mother, sister, girlfriend. Think about this well before refusing to treat in a hospital
\\ Treatment of threat of miscarriage at home
Treatment of the threat of miscarriage at home

The threat of miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy

The first trimester lasts from the 1st to the 12th week. The first period, which can be called critical, usually occurs at the 2nd or 3rd week. At this time, a fertilized egg is already in the uterus and implanted into its wall. This period is very important, and most often a woman does not even know what is happening now, and in case of failure, she may not know that she had a miscarriage.

The most common causes of the threat of miscarriage are the following:

  • genetic disorders in the fetus and its non -viable
  • the presence of endometrial damage (layer inside the uterus)
  • the presence of bad habits in a woman, taking drugs harmful to the fetus
  • stress
  • scars after cesarean section
  • the presence of uterine fibroids
  • violations in the structure of the uterus

The period of 8-12 weeks is also dangerous and the threat of termination of pregnancy may occur. As a rule, at this time, the reason is the lack of progesterone in a woman.

The threat of miscarriage in the second trimester of pregnancy

In the second trimester, which falls out for 13-26 weeks, there is also the possibility of an interruption threat. At this time, the critical period falls into 18-22 weeks, because The uterus is growing intensively.

  • Dangerous during this period are violations in the development of the placenta - low presentation
  • Pathology of internal organs
  • The presence of infectious diseases

The above reasons make the placenta sensitive, which leads to its detachment. And as already mentioned, the detachment causes bleeding, due to which a miscarriage is possible.

The threat of miscarriage in the third trimester of pregnancy

  • After the 26th week of pregnancy, the third trimester begins. During this period, instead of a threat of miscarriage, a threat of premature birth is possible
  • In the third trimester, bleeding may occur, the causes of which are most often low placentation or presentation of the placenta
  • Premature detachment of the placenta in most cases does not harm mom and baby, but violates the connection between them. When bleeding, be sure to consult a doctor
  • You should also be alerted by the lack of stirring of the baby, it happens that children die in the womb because of the umbilical cord or for other reasons. Better to be rebuilding and go to the doctor if you are worried about the long absence of shocks
  • The flow of amniotic fluid can also lead to suffocation of the fetus, so do not hesitate, your child can still be saved. In these cases, they stimulate premature birth with special drugs
  • The period from 28 to 32 weeks is very dangerous, because The uterus is growing intensively. Therefore, at this time, premature births caused by placental detachment, late toxicosis, hormonal disorders and for other reasons, most often arise, and for other reasons

The main thing that a woman should do is, at the slightest violations in her well -being, will seek medical help, try to calm down and trust the doctors. Nowadays, thanks to the latest medical technologies, 96% of premature babies manage to save and go out in special children's departments.

Treatment with a threat of miscarriage. Drugs in the threat of termination of pregnancy

  • In the treatment of the threat of miscarriage, a woman must observe bed rest. In some cases, she is not allowed to get out of bed even to the toilet
  • Naturally, with the first symptoms and a decree of the diagnosis of the threat of termination of pregnancy, the woman begins to worry and nervous. However, stress, not the best medicine, the oppressed psychological condition of the pregnant woman can aggravate the situation, so doctors prescribe sedatives, such as the tincture of valerian, sistenas
Sedative with the threat of miscarriage
Sedative with the threat of miscarriage
  • In the first trimester, doctors very often prescribe hormonal drugs that contain progesterone (Utrozheztan, duphaston) or medicines that suppress excess male hormones - androgens
  • If the cause of the threat is immune diseases, experts recommend drugs such as dexamethasone, media proposition
  • If an ultrasound deficiency or examination by a doctor was detected, then under anesthesia, an operation to apply seams on the cervix is \u200b\u200bperformed, which prevent the egg with a fetal egg. At the same time, the woman receives drugs that relax the uterus
  • In case of a threat of miscarriage for a period of more than 16 weeks, gynecologists prescribe pregnant drugs that relieve uterine muscles, such as ginipral, party -sulfate, magnesium sulfate. Usually pregnant women are made droppers with these drugs
Pregnant dropper with a threat of miscarriage
Pregnant dropper with a threat of miscarriage
  • If a woman has bleeding, hemostatic medicines are used
  • If necessary, pregnant women are treated for infections, inflammatory processes, various chronic diseases
  • To strengthen the body, doctors also prescribe a pregnant woman to drink a course of vitamin

In most cases, the threat of termination of pregnancy can be avoided if it is right to approach the question of your health during your child’s planning or at the beginning of pregnancy. And also do not forget that by contacting the doctor on time, you will save the life and health of your future baby.

Vitamins with a threat of miscarriage

If the diagnosis of “the threat of miscarriage” is made, pay attention to the vitamins that you accept, because Their disadvantage or excess can worsen your position and condition. You do not need to take vitamins yourself during pregnancy, be sure to consult your doctor. Try to first establish your diet, which should include vegetables, fruits, dairy products, fish, as well as low -fat meat.

Vitamin E plays a rather large role, it helps to preserve pregnancy, and is also necessary for the normal development of the fetus. You will find this vitamin in butter and vegetable oils, seeds, nuts and other products.

Dufaston in the threat of termination of pregnancy

  • Dufaston is prescribed to pregnant women with a lack of progesterone in their body. As well as Utrozhezta, this drug is a synthetic analogue of a female hormone
  • Dufaston is well tolerated by women and has no contraindications for taking pregnant women, does not affect the liver and blood coagulation. Most often it is prescribed in the first trimester of pregnancy
  • As previously mentioned, progesterone is produced by a yellow body up to 16 weeks, and then it takes this function of the placenta, which will finish its formation by this moment. Therefore, the lack of this hormone is observed precisely at the beginning of pregnancy. In rare cases, taking the drug is extended to 20 weeks
  • The dosage necessary for a particular woman is prescribed by a doctor. After the symptoms of the threats have passed, the drug is taken for another week, then gradually reduce the dosage. If the symptoms return, you need to continue taking the drug for some time. It is not recommended to abolish duphaston reception sharply

How to preserve pregnancy at the threat: tips and reviews

It is better, of course, to prevent the appearance of a miscarriage and now we will tell you how:

  • Prepare for pregnancy in advance: examine your body to identify chronic and other diseases that are different for the fetus and future mother of infections, do an analysis for the genetic compatibility of you with the future father, learn about compatibility by the Rh factor
  • Sprinkle all the diseases and infections found
  • Less in crowded places and do not communicate with sick people - you need to avoid any infections during pregnancy
  • Visit your doctor regularly in a antenatal clinic
  • During pregnancy planning, you need to quit smoking, not drinking alcohol and drugs, and, of course, you need to refuse all this during pregnancy. It is worth doing the same to the future father
  • Eat correctly and follow your diet
  • Avoid stress, if you can't do it, ask the doctor to choose sedatives to you
  • Protect yourself from unnecessary physical exertion, do not wear heavy, avoid injuries and falls, protect your stomach
Pregnant at the reception of a gynecologist with a threat of miscarriage
Pregnant at the reception of a gynecologist with a threat of miscarriage

If you still have symptoms indicating the appearance of a threat of termination of pregnancy, you must urgently take the necessary measures.

  1. If you have bleeding, urgently call an ambulance
  2. If you find any symptoms of a threat of termination of pregnancy-consult a doctor as soon as possible
  3. If your stomach has become solid, you feel that the uterus is in good shape, lay down, relax, calm down. Put a candle of papaverine and drink valerian
  4. While waiting for an ambulance or doctor, exclude all physical activity, including And household chores, lay down and try to calm down

VIDEO: The threat of miscarriage: how to preserve pregnancy?

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Comments K. article

  1. Pregnancy is a natural state. And if the doctors did not find any serious genetic anomalies, the process of bearing a child should not turn into continuous treatment of the mother. Preserving therapy is an unconditional good for those who have serious evidence for this.

    Most women, unfortunately, seek to eliminate even those health problems that do not have a direct effect on the child during gestation. Thus, they harm not only to themselves, but also the baby.

  2. Vika, women are afraid for the baby, therefore they go to retaining therapy.

  3. Health problems need to be eliminated if possible before pregnancy. For example, -Virus Herpes. I never thought that he posed such a serious threat to his mother and baby, until two miscarriages had a friend. Only after the treatment of herpes, the pregnancy ended with the birth of a long -awaited child.

  4. Mila, yes, really. I read about it. As you imagine, it becomes so scary (

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