Lemon treatment of various diseases. The benefits of lemon for weight loss

Lemon treatment of various diseases. The benefits of lemon for weight loss

What do we know about lemon? It has a lot of vitamin C, it is useful for colds, the thinner the peel, the more useful the lemon. What else hides this fruit under its peel?

Useful properties of lemon and harm

Health benefits for health

  • organic acids are useful for digestion, stimulate the production of enzymes and gastric juice, and help to break down fats
  • minerals: potassium nourishes brain cells, strengthens the heart, calcium prevents caries and restores bone tissue, magnesium promotes blood
  • vitamins C and P accelerate wound healing, help with the treatment of the respiratory tract and infections, and help with hypertension and diseases of the genitourinary system
  • essential oils improve the composition of the blood, strengthen immunity, tones and stimulates the work of all vital organs
  • pectin contained in lemon reduces appetite, helps to break down fats and slows down the absorption of carbohydrates
  • bactericidal and antiseptic properties reduce pathogenic flora in the body
  • flawonides contained in the peel reduce cholesterol and improve the work of blood vessels, also have antitumor properties

Possible harm:

  • lemon bones contain poison, they always need to be removed
  • with inflamed mucosa (bronchitis, gastritis), pure lemon juice enhances irritation
  • with pancreatitis and cholecystitis, it can provoke an attack
  • with allergies, it can lead to anaphylactic shock

Lemon is useful for men and womenThe benefits of lemon are the same for men and women

A slice of lemon without sugar invigorates no less than a cup of coffee. Lemon helps to relieve fatigue well, increase the concentration and general tone in the body, relieves tension when working at a computer, facilitates muscle and head cramps.

Folk recipes with lemon

The benefits of lemon for blood vessels

  • The lemon strengthens the walls of blood vessels and cleanses them of cholesterol, increases their elasticity, and normalizes blood coagulation. To maintain vessels in a healthy form, you can take a lemon -based mixture in the autumn and spring.

A mixture to strengthen blood vessels.

RECIPE: Grind 6 whole lemons, 6 slices of garlic, add 200 g of honey, place the resulting mixture in a three -liter jar, pour the jar with warm water to the edges and insist for three days in closed form at room temperature. Take the resulting solution 100 ml three times a day half an hour before meals.

Lemon with heart problemsThe benefits of lemon for the heart

Lemon is useful for heart attacks, ischemia, heart failure, angina pectoris, tachycardia.

Mixture to improve heart function.

RECIPE: Take 200 g of raisins, dried apricots, prunes. Rinse well, soak in water, grind in a meat grinder. Add 200 g of crushed walnut and 200 g of honey. Peel medium -sized lemon, pass with the peel through a meat grinder and add to the resulting mixture. Give a few days to brew in the refrigerator, then use 1-2 tbsp in the morning on an empty stomach.

The benefits of lemon in liver diseases

Lemon enhances the production of enzymes with the liver, normalizes calcium levels, cleanses the liver of toxins.

The easiest recipe: Drink on an empty stomach daily in the morning half an hour before meals a mixture of a glass of clean water and freshly squeezed juice of one lemon.

Liver cleaning with oil and lemon juiceCleansing the liver with oil and lemon juice

Attention! Not recommended for people with chronic diseases of the liver and gall bladder
Daily in the morning on an empty stomach, drink the juice of half a freshly squeezed lemon and 1.5 tbsp of any vegetable oil.

This mixture promotes the release of bile into the stomach, cleansing the liver, preventing stagnation and the formation of stones in the gall bladder, improves the intestines, washed out slags.

The benefits of lemon against a cold

Lemon strengthens the immunity well and kills bacteria, is an excellent natural agent in the prevention and treatment of colds.

RECIPE: Pass the lemon through a meat grinder, mix with 200 g of butter and 200 g of honey. It is not necessary to melt the oil, mix in cold form. You should get a homogeneous paste of viscous consistency. Take daily a dessert spoon an hour before meals.

The benefits of lemon with coldsLemon for atherosclerosis and hypertension.

RECIPE: Take 400 g of garlic and horseradish, add 6 large lemons and 4 stems of celery, grind everything in a meat grinder, cover and leave in the heat for 14-16 hours, then hold in the refrigerator for another three days. Squeeze the juice from the resulting mixture, take it 1 tbsp before meals three times a day.

Lemon in cosmetology application

  • To remove black acne Right up your face, wipe the problem areas with a cotton swab moistened with freshly squeezed lemon juice. The procedure can be repeated daily until the problem is completely eliminated
  • Bold problem skin wipe your faces several times a day with a fresh lemon sliced
  • For normal skin Pure lemon juice is not suitable, it is necessary to mix it with water in a ratio of 1: 1
  • Instead of a tonic, use the following tool: mix the juice of one lemon, 1 tbsp of honey and 60 ml of spring water. Tonic is suitable for ladies with any type of skin
  • For mature or weathered skin Grutter from soaked oatmeal and lemon juice will help. Distribute the gruel evenly on the skin of the face, withstand for half an hour and wash off. The mixture will restore complexion, cleanse and pull the skin
  • For fast facial complexion And the elimination of dark circles under the eyes is the same mixture: take 1 hour of honey and thick sour cream, ½ h Lemone juice, mix in a homogeneous mass and apply to the face, keep half an hour

Lemon use in cosmetology

  • For bleaching Grind the skin in porridge 50 g of boiled white beans, add a teaspoon of almond oil and 1 tbsp of lemon juice, mix until a homogeneous state. Apply on the face, hold for half an hour, rinse with water
  • For excessively dry skin Any of the recipes described above is suitable, in which you need to add 1 h l glycerin
  • From teenage acne A mixture of blue clay and alcohol will help, 2 tbsp, with the addition of 1 hour of lemon. The mixture is applied to the face for 16-18 minutes, then washed off with cold water

Hair -oil

Lemon oil normalizes the sebaceous glands of the head, disinfects and prevents the appearance of dandruff, stimulates the strengthening and growth of hair. Lemon essential oil in order to avoid fake it is better to buy in a pharmacy.

  • In order to give the hair healthy appearance, shine and freshness, add to the water to rinse hair after washing 2-3 drops of lemon oil and 1 tbsp of table vinegar for each liter of water
  • Also for Freshening color You can apply a few drops of essential oil to dry hair and comb for 5-10 minutes

Hair treatment with lemon

  • For hair strengthening Before washing, you can make a mask from a mixture of lemon oil with any other at hand (olive, burdock, castor, almond). Mix 2-3 drops of lemon oil in a proportion for each tablespoon of the base. Heat the oil mixture in a water bath to body temperature, apply to the hair and scalp, wrap with polyethylene, then a towel and leave for 30-40 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and wash your head in the usual way

Lemon oil for skin

  • To restore damaged and coarse skin of the hands, especially in the winter, you can use lemon essential oil in combination with other natural oils for applying the hands of the hands for 5-7 minutes with circular massage movements

On the basis of lemon oil, you can independently prepare a hand cream.

Recipe: Mix 30-40 ml of a strong infusion of chamomile, 50 g of butter, 1 tbsp of honey, 2 tbsp of castor oil. Melt the mixture in a water bath and beat with a whisk until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Beat it until your cream cools to room temperature. Add a few drops of lemon oil to the cream.

Hand -to -hand lemonThe benefits of nail lemon juice

Lemon oil strengthens the nails, whits the nail plate well, gives it smoothness and healthy appearance.
To improve the condition of the nails, you can rub the lemon oil directly into the nails or make a spa laid from warm water with a few drops of lemon oil.

The benefits of lemon for weight loss

  • Lemon juice is useful for digestion, stimulates the production of enzymes and gastric juice, helps to break down fats
  • When using any diet, you can supplement the diet recommended by the juice and zest of lemon
  • Add chopped peel to salads, flakes, cereals, soups
  • Meat and fish dishes before consuming water lemon juice
  • The easiest way is to drink the juice of half lemon, diluted with a glass of pure drinking water in the morning on an empty stomach daily in the morning
  • Extreme ways of losing weight (refusal to eat and use only lemon juice with water) are not too useful for the digestive system, and in the presence of some diseases, such a diet can lead to serious consequences

The benefits of lemon when losing weightThe benefits of lemon with mineral water

For the optimal maintenance of water in the body and the proper work of all organs, doctors advise drinking at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day, not counting the liquid used in the form of coffee, tea, soups, juices and so on.
If you add lemon juice to the water for the water, the benefits will increase significantly. The main thing is to follow several important rules.

  1. Only a drink of body temperature is contributed to the metabolism. Cold and hot drinks affect the body exactly the opposite
  2. If you add lemon, the amount of water drunk must be increased to 2-2.5 liters to reduce acidity
  3. In the evening, water with lemon can be taken no later than an hour before bedtime

The benefits of lemon with mineral waterThe benefits of green tea with lemon

  • Green tea stimulates the nervous system, is an excellent antioxidant, improves metabolism processes, contains a whole complex of nutrients. In combination with lemon, green tea helps to prevent many diseases, including obesity
  • But so that tea and lemon do not lose its beneficial properties, you can not add lemon to hot tea. Tea has the maximum therapeutic effect if you consume it without sugar and add lemon when tea has cooled up to 40-45 degrees
  • If you are not a lover of warm drinks or cannot drink tea without sugar, we advise you to do this: eat a slice of lemon with sugar, then drink it with hot tea. In this sequence, you will save all valuable trace elements and substances of green tea and lemon

The benefits of green tea with lemonThe benefits of lemon tincture with garlic

  1. Take lemon and garlic in a ratio of 1 large head of garlic per 1 medium fruit of lemon
  2. Clean garlic
  3. Lemons are used with zest. It is necessary to rinse them well.
  4. Let everything through a meat grinder or mix in a blender
  5. Put the composition in a three -liter jar, pour warm water to the edge of the can, cover with a lid, cover with luminous fabric and leave at room temperature for three days
  6. Then squeeze the resulting juice into clean dishes and store in a cool place

Take before each meal in half an hour. The dose varies from 50 to 150 ml, depending on the individual tolerance of lemon and garlic.
The composition cleans the vessels well, strengthens the heart

The benefits of lemon with garlicThe benefits of dried lemons

Lemons in dried form do not lose their beneficial properties and can be used in the preparation of any recipe, if there is no fresh fruit at hand.

For drying, it is necessary to carefully choose the fruits, since the slightest fungal damage will lead to the fact that the fruit will be unsuitable for use.

It is necessary to buy hard fruits with elastic skin, without dent and darkening, with thick skin and clean yellow without a green impurity.

The benefits of dried lemon

The benefits of lemon zest

The zest of lemon is its outer peel, which usually remains when squeezing the lemon. However, the peel contains no less beneficial substances than in lemon pulp.

  • In dry form, the zest of lemon is used as a spice: grind it into powder and add to your favorite dishes
  • Freshly, ground zest is often added to pastries, fruit and vegetable salads, desserts

Tsukati from the zest of lemon

Home Cescaps from Lemon Cestra

  • Peel the lemon peel of fibers
  • Cut it with long narrow slices
  • Dip in boiling water for 15-20 minutes to remove bitterness
  • Take out and let cool
  • Prepare sugar syrup: Mix until completely dissolved sugar with water from water from
  • Calculation of 1 cup of water for 1.5-2 cups of sugar
  • Pour the lemon peel into the syrup and cook half an hour over low heat
  • Then remove the centers, cool and sprinkle with sugar powder to taste

Video. Lemon: tips and reviews

Video. Lemon essential oil: 10 main properties

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Comments K. article

  1. My husband can entirely have these lemons)) especially when it gets sick. But I did not notice that after that it was rushing to the better.

  2. I love lemons too. In winter I cut, pour sugar - and in the refrigerator. They say that it is useful for prevention, but I still manage to wise)) I am saved by Ingavirin. With him, in 3-4 days I completely cure without trouble and nerves.

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