Losing weight with alpha lipoic acid. How to take lipoic acid for weight loss? Alpha-lipoic acid for weight loss: reviews, use, dosage, side effects

Losing weight with alpha lipoic acid. How to take lipoic acid for weight loss? Alpha-lipoic acid for weight loss: reviews, use, dosage, side effects

Methods for taking lipoic acid for weight loss. Contraindications and reviews.

Lipoic acid is a little -known substance that is not fully studied by scientists. This substance is produced in the body in insignificant quantities.

It is contained in some foods. The main feature of the substance is the ability to block the synthesis of glucose and promote the breakdown of fats.

How to take lipoic acid for weight loss?

It is recommended to administer the drug after reaching 30 years. This is due to the fact that it is at a young age that there is an active synthesis of acid.

In adulthood, the substance is practically not produced by the body, so if you want to keep yourself in good shape, enter the acid into your menu.

Rules for taking lipoic acid for weight loss:

  • Do not take products that contain a lot of iron together with the drug
  • Limit the use of chicken and beef liver, apples and buckwheat during the reception of the substance
  • The drug enhances the effect of some drugs, so before using some tablets, consult your doctor
  • The substance breaks down harmful cholesterol, therefore it is recommended for people suffering from hypertension
  • Alcohol prevents the active absorption of the substance, so drinking wine and the drug is useless
  • Distribute evenly the amount of substance into three doses
  • Drink the medicine an hour after eating

The drug is not a medicine, it is an active supplement that helps the body quickly cope with the breakdown of fats.

Daily dosage of lipoic acid for weight loss

  • The dose of 50 mg per day can be considered optimal and completely safe. This amount is sufficient if you do not train, and does not plan to lose weight
  • With active weight loss, it is allowed to use 200 mg of acid at a time
  • The daily dose is 600 mg. Divide it into three doses
  • It is recommended to gradually increase the amount of the drug. Start with 50 mg at a time and gradually increase the dose

Reviews of doctors about lipoic acid for weight loss

This substance is used not only as an active supplement when losing weight. In some cases, the drug is prescribed for glaucoma, diabetes and neuropathy.

Reviews of doctors:

  • The substance is a catalyst for metabolic processes in the body, respectively, it contributes to the rapid breakdown of fat
  • It prevents lipid accumulation and blocks the release of excess glucose
  • With not controlled administration of a substance, an exacerbation of an ulcer and gastritis is possible
  • As the only way to combat excess weight is ineffective. It is recommended to drink an additive in combination with a protein diet and training

Analogue of lipoic acid for weight loss

  • Lipoic acid is an inexpensive drug. Its cost is penny. Doctors often prescribe analogues of substances, as they consider them more reliable
  • In addition, recently this drug has disappeared from the shelves of pharmacies. Only in some kiosks can a pure substance be acquired
  • Basically, analogues that are not cheap are implemented. Usually their cost is several times higher than the price of acid


  • Berlithion. It is considered a hepatoprotector and is used for cirrhosis. Active substance - lipoic acid
  • Lipamide. This is also a medicine based on thioctic acid
  • Oktolipen
  • Tiotic acid
  • Thiletta

All these substances are based on lipoic acid.

Contraindications and side effects of lipoic acid for weight loss

Despite the complete naturalness of the additive, there are contraindications to its use. First of all, these are people with metabolic disorders.


  • Increased sensitivity
  • Diabetes mellitus (allowed to be taken under the supervision of a doctor)
  • Age up to 16 years
  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Stomach ulcer and gastritis

The use of lipoic acid for weight loss: reviews

Reviews about the drug diametrically opposite. Many really note the effectiveness of the medicine. In addition to losing weight, the substance helps to establish the liver. Many therapists prescribe it precisely for the treatment of the liver.

  • The effectiveness of the drug is noted by people who lead an active lifestyle and not hope only for dietary supplements
  • When taking it, it is advisable to do some physical exercises
  • The instructions indicate that the drug increases the release of energy, so it is advisable to use it before breakfast, after training and before bedtime
  • In addition to losing weight, it helps to normalize cholesterol levels
  • The condition of the skin and nails improves
  • Many note a surge of strength and vigor. This is due to the fact that thioctic acid is an antioxidant
  • Some women note that without a diet and sports there is no effect at all

Despite the naturalness of the drug, before taking, talk with the doctor. Do not try to replace training and proper dietary supplements. Do not exceed the specified dose.

Video: Lipoic acid for weight loss

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Comments K. article

  1. Hi all! Yesterday, the doctor diagnosed the initial degree of obesity and said that he would sit on a diet, otherwise it is not a buzz for health. He gave a few more recommendations and told lipoic acid. Is it necessary?

  2. Svetlana, if the doctor said, then of course it is necessary. The doctor prescribed such a drug to me, Tiocetacide BV was called. It reduces the level of blood sugar, which is very important with obesity and burns carbohydrates, if you say in a simple one. Yes, I did not want to eat at all, there was only a huge desire to lose weight. Now my weight is in principle satisfied with me, but now I strictly monitor nutrition and physical exertion.

  3. Alpha-lipoic acid (I usually have Evalarovskaya) not only for weight loss is good .... But in general, to maintain weight. I myself have been accepting it for a rather long time, and I must say, there is an effect. From the diet, I have long lost 10 kilos, I have eaten now, as before, and the weight does not grow, which is very happy) Well, of course, it is very important to play sports ... But this is another question)

  4. It is also nice to check vitamin D3 to all those who want to lose weight. I myself am the minisan D3 accept that the level of this vitamin is normal, then weight loss is easier and better.

  5. Everyone shares their secrets, I also decided to write. I always clean the intestines of toxins and toxins in front of the diet, use Enterosgel, as my cosmetologist recommended for me. I noticed that for a kilogram two or three I drop more when I spend this procedure.

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