Diet 1,500 calories per day: an approximate menu for a week and for every day for weight loss. The correct diet and simple recipes for 1,500 calories for weight loss. How much you can lose weight in a month on a diet of 1,500 calories per day: reviews and results of weighty

Diet 1,500 calories per day: an approximate menu for a week and for every day for weight loss. The correct diet and simple recipes for 1,500 calories for weight loss. How much you can lose weight in a month on a diet of 1,500 calories per day: reviews and results of weighty

To lose weight, many losing weight consider kilocalories. In this article you will learn an approximate menu for 1,500 kilocalories per day.

Many in the winter season gain weight, as a result - in the spring it is difficult to put on their favorite jeans in tightening. We have to experience all kinds of losing weight in order to return the previous parameters.

Now many diets are known that allow you to put your volumes in order, one of the effective ones is moderate calorie intake per day. More precisely, a person should not exceed the consumption of 1,500 kilocalories per day. Thanks to this, you will lose weight of your body and the feeling of hunger will not depress you.

Fractional power plan for a balanced diet for 1,500 calories per day

So that kilograms are melted before our eyes, and the body does not feel stress, first of all, you will have to switch to fractional nutrition.

  • You must eat at least five to six times a day. Then she will be very absorbed, there will be no sensations of discomfort in the stomach.
  • Do not break the water balance. Drink ordinary water without gas in an amount of 1800-2000 ml per day.
  • Be sure to have hot dinners in the diet at least once during the day.
  • Try not to meal right before bedtime. Strange 4 hours before going to the kingdom of Morpheus. The only thing you can afford before falling asleep is a glass of low -fat kefir, milk, if hunger is overcome.
  • Chew the food well, do not eat on the go.
  • It is better to conduct a diet at a time when you are not loaded with work or on vacation. After all, compliance with the diet plays a large role in losing weight.
  • Your positive setting is also important. Avoid stressful situations as little as possible due to trifles.
How to eat 1,500 kilocalories per day on the diet?
How to eat 1,500 kilocalories per day on the diet?

IMPORTANT: If you eat five times a day, then all meals account for 300 kilocalories. Your diet should include low -fat meat, cereals, fish, vegetables, fruits. Try not to combine protein food with legumes, potatoes. In this way, you slow down the digestion of food and significantly increase the calorie content of the cooked dish.

A set of low -calorie products for a diet of 1,500 calories per day: List

Most importantly, when you are trying to lose hated kilograms, do not overeat. Even if you are at a festive dinner. Eat exactly as much as it is provided in the 100 kilocalori diet program. The list of products for this diet is quite diverse:

  • vegetables (tomatoes, broccoli, cucumbers, cabbage, etc.)
  • fruits (raspberries, strawberries, apples, oranges, tangerines, kiwi)
  • protein food (low -fat meat, eggs, fish)
  • laose -killed products (cottage cheese, cheese, fermented, kefir)
  • sea products (squid, crab sticks, shrimp)
Low -calorie vegetables, fruits and other products
Low -calorie vegetables, fruits and other products

What products cannot be eaten on a diet of 1,500 calories per day: List

So that the menu of your diet does not consist of one breakfast or lunch, avoid high -calorie, fatty, sweet foods. Refuse:

  • Ice cream, cake, waffles, marshmallows, sweets and other sweets
  • Fast food, liver, chips, crackers
  • Coca of Cola and other soda
  • Do not eat dishes that are cooked in a pan in oil or fat
What can not be eaten on a diet?
What can not be eaten on a diet?

The correct diet and the approximate menu for a week and for every day with the calculation of calories for weight loss on a diet of 1,500 calories per day

You can distribute the menu for a day on your own, the main thing is that you put back to normal. You can calculate calories according to the calorie table.

Calorie content of products
Calorie content of products

Approximate menu for a day:

In the morning:

  • Pumpkin porridge with millet - 80 g
  • Death -fat cottage cheese - 125 g
  • Apple
  • Tea - 225 ml


  • Juice made of fresh carrots, apple - 80 ml
  • Yogurt - 100 g


  • Buckwheat porridge - 50 g
  • Gulyash with beef meat - 80 g
  • Soup with vegetables, asparagus - 100 ml
  • Beetroot caviar with lemon sauce - 100 g
  • Fruit compote - 180 ml


  • Prunes - 65 g
  • Herbal tea - 225 ml

In the evening:

  • Cabbage rolls with veal, vegetables - 175 g
  • Tomatoes, greens - 125 g
  • Mint tea - 225 ml

Before bedtime:

  • Yogurt - 175 ml
Menu for lunch
Menu for lunch

Diet menu table 1500 kilocalories for seven days:

The diet is for three days. Diet - 1,500 kcal
Diet menu 1,500 kcal per 4 days
Diet menu 1,500 kcal for Thursday-Discovery

What can be eaten for 1,500 calories per day: List of dishes

As mentioned above, you can make a menu yourself. The tables include data on the content of kilocalories in a particular product. It’s just that you need to take into account the method of preparation, since in fried dishes on fats (plant, animals) will contain much more excess calories than in the same dishes prepared in the oven cooked in a slow cooker.

So from the prepared dishes will be useful as follows:

  • Vegetable soup with mushrooms, without potatoes
  • Chicken soup, vegetables
  • Beef goulash with peas, carrots, onions
  • Fish with vegetables cooked in a double boiler
  • Pepper with low -fat meat and vegetables
  • Cabbage rolls with veal, carrots, onions, tomatoes
  • Steam cutlets
  • The meatballs baked in the oven or cooked in a double boiler
  • Vegetable salads
  • Stewed cabbage with vegetables
List of dishes for the day. Diet 1,500 kcal
List of dishes for the day. Diet 1,500 kcal

Simple recipes for 1,500 calories for weight loss

Fish conservation soup


  • Water - 0.5 l
  • Fish canned food - 1 pc.
  • Onions - 50 g
  • Rice - 50 g
  • Oil - 10 g
  • Carrots - 50 g


  1. Pour the washed rice into boiling water
  2. Then add carrots cut into strips, onions
  3. When the rice becomes soft, load the remaining products
  4. Let it boil over low heat until cooked
Soup with canned food, rice
Soup with canned food, rice

Bottom apples


  • Apples - 175 g
  • Water - 12 ml
  • Cottage cheese - 175 g
  • Egg - 1 pc
  • Honey - 45 g
  • Raisins - 14 g


  1. Wash the fruits, carefully free the core with a knife
  2. Prepare a sweet filling from the rest of the components
  3. Pour the fruits
  4. Place in the oven
  5. Baking time 18-25 minutes
Apples with cottage cheese in the oven
Apples with cottage cheese in the oven

Porridge with sauce


  • Buckwheat - 100 g
  • Mushrooms - 125 g
  • Onions - 65 g
  • Milk - 75 ml
  • Water - 75 ml
  • Flour - 15 g
  • Vegetable oil - 15 ml


  1. Break buckwheat. Water should be two times more cereals.
  2. Clean the mushrooms, then wash them well, cut into the same pieces.
  3. Clean the onion too from the husk, wash under cold water, you can cut, both half rings and cubes.
  4. Start cooking the sauce now. Fry the mushrooms in the frying pan. Then pour the flour.
  5. Pour milk, water, salt, add onion for smell.
  6. Cook the sauce for another 6 minutes.
Buckwheat is dietary
Buckwheat is dietary

Chicken breast with vegetables

  • Brisket - 125 g
  • Green onions - 65 g
  • Sweet pepper - 75 g
  • Tomatoes - 100 g


  1. Cut the meat into equal pieces
  2. Pour a little water into the pan
  3. Put the breast there, add tomatoes cut into cubes
  4. Pour under the lid until cooked
  5. Add pepper, onion, salt to the mass
  6. Let him extinguished on fire for about 14 minutes
  7. At the end, sprinkle on the dish with green feathers of onions.
Stewed brisket
Stewed brisket

How to burn 1,500 calories per day?

In order for your weight to decrease, you need to spend the kilocalories received by a person per day. It is interesting that even when you are sitting, you read information online, you are already spending energy. In one hour of this reading, a person loses 29 calories.

To make the consumption more effective, the body should be loaded with active physical exertion. So in one hour of running, you will lose 700 calories, during the same time weeding the garden you can lose 250 calories.

Next, see the calorie burning table:

How many calories does a person lose with various physical activity?
How many calories does a person lose with various physical activity?

How much can you lose weight in a month on a diet of 1,500 calories per day?

This is not to say the exact figure, because the losing weight spend a different amount of energy per day. It all depends on what kind of activity a person has. Some lead a sedentary lifestyle, while others are actively moving. If we count on average that 1900 kilocalories are burned per day, then you can get rid of about 4-5 kilograms of excess body weight in a month.

Diet 1500 calories
Diet 1500 calories

Video: diet for 1,500 calories per day

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Comments K. article

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  2. I liked the article. I will use the tips. THANKS.

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