How to cook tofu at home? Tofu, pie, fried tofu sauce recipes

How to cook tofu at home? Tofu, pie, fried tofu sauce recipes

Tofu cheese is a very rich in vegetable protein. It is very popular in Asian cuisine. Many vegetarians use it as a substitute for meat. This cheese can be prepared at home. But, for those who do not want to mess with soy milk, in each large supermarket you can buy tofu in the finished form today.

Types of tofu cheese

Depending on the technology of cooking, three types of tofu are separated:

Silk (soft). In such a cheese, tofu is the most moisture. And in its consistency, this product is more like custard or pudding. In China, green onions, chili pepper and even shrimp are added to this soft cheese. The mixture obtained in this way is an excellent snack.

Linen (hard). Part of moisture is removed from this tofu in the production process. But, unlike dry cheese, its consistency is much softer. In its structure, a solid tofu is similar to meat. And it is this type of soy cheese that is most often used in cooking.

Dry. In the production of this type, the moisture is removed from the product using pressure. In its structure, this product is similar to ordinary cheese. But, unlike him, crumble during cutting.

How to make tofu cheese at home? Instructions

Soy cheese
Soy cheese
  • Tofu cheese in Chinese, Japanese and Korean cooking occupies a very high place. Surprisingly, there is no consensus about the origin of this product. Today, Tofu is cooked in the same way as many years ago. And you can do this even at home
  • Tofu prepare from soybeans. They are boiled and pressed so that milk comes out of them. It is precisely the soy milk obtained and cleaned of solid inclusions that is the main ingredient in the tofu cheese. A special substance (coagulant) is added to milk. Under its action in soy milk, flake -shaped parts are formed. They are separated from the liquid and, depending on the type of tofu, pressed or simply laid out by forms
  • It is quite difficult to cook tofu at home for two reasons. First: soybeans in supermarkets are sold quite rarely. Second: technology requires careful observance of all actions. Therefore, it is best to use ready -made tofu in your recipes. But, if you are interested in making this product yourself, then you can try

We cook soy milk

Soy milk
Soy milk

To do this, pour soy beans (1 kg) with water and withstand them in this form for a day. In this case, the water needs to be changed 2-3 times. Soybeans have a plant taste. To do this, in order to remove it in the water in which they are soaked, add a couple of a pinch of salt.

The swollen soybeans must be washed and with the help of a meat grinder, turn into minced meat. Pour it with water (3 l) and let it brew for 4 hours. Once per hour, soy minced meat diluted in water must be mixed.

With the help of a colander, we separate soy milk from the remnants of beans. It can be used not only for cooking tofu, but also as a healthy ingredient in many drinks and cocktails. Soy milk can be eaten by people in whom cow's milk causes allergic reactions.

Soy milk tofu recipe

To prepare the tofu, you need to take 1 liter of soy milk. It must be heated until the boil is turned off the fire and leave on the stove for 5 minutes. Then you need to squeeze lemon juice (1 pc.). Gradually mix the mass until it is completely folded.

We filter the curled milk and squeeze excess moisture. If the goal is solid soy cheese, then after pushing moisture, the resulting mass is placed under the press.

Soy flour tofu recipe

Since soybeans are rarely sold, soy flour is used more and more often to prepare home tofu. Its (1 tbsp.) Is mixed with cold water (1 tbsp.). Then pour boiling water (2 tbsp.) And mixed. The resulting mass must be cooked for 10-15 minutes. Then lemon juice is added to such "milk". Next, everything must be done as indicated above.

Tofu dishes

Tofu dishes
Tofu dishes

Tofu cheese is a unique and universal product. It can be used as an ingredient for the main dishes, as well as sweet desserts. Soups and casseroles are prepared from the tofu, it is fried and even used for cooking.

IMPORTANT: TOFU has 10% protein, which includes all amino acids that are indispensable to humans. That is why it is so popular among vegetarians. This product is well absorbed by the stomach. There are practically no fats and carbohydrates in it.

Recipes for cooking dishes with tofu

This curd cheese has a neutral taste. But, he has one wonderful feature. He absorbs the smell and taste of products with which he “adjacent” in one dish. Since this curd cheese came to us from Asian countries, it is very often supplemented by various spices and seasonings. Which allows him to acquire amazing taste shades.

Pineapple salad with tofu

Tofu salad
Tofu salad

Cut the tofu (300 g) into small cubes. We fall asleep them into the salad bowl. We put pineapple (300 g) on \u200b\u200btop, cut into squares similar to cheese. In this salad, you can use both fresh and canned pineapple. Shink cabbage (150 g). Add salt to it. Thanks to this, it will become soft and juicy. Rub carrots (100 g) on \u200b\u200ba fine grater and mix it with chopped peanuts (1/2 cup). Add these ingredients to tofu and pineapple. We season with sour cream and mix.

Tufa Tofu

Add cilantro (2 stems), ginger (2 pieces), garlic (1 clove) to the vegetable broth (2 cloves) and red peppers (1 pc.). We bring the broth to a boil, cover with a lid and cook over low heat for 25 minutes.

We pick up Tofu (100 g) in soy sauce (2 tbsp. Spoons) 25 minutes. Cook noodles (50 g) and lay it out on 4 plates. We burn the broth into a clean pan. Add carrots (2 pcs.), Fresh champignons (100 g), Tofu in soy sauce and simmer for 2-3 minutes.

We lay out the tofu with vegetables in plate with noodles. Water with lemon juice and decorate with herbs.

Buckwheat noodles with eggs and tofu cheese

Buckwheat noodles with tofu
Buckwheat noodles with tofu

Buckwheat noodles will give 100 points of handicap of ordinary wheat noodles. It has less gluten and therefore it is almost completely absorbed by the body.

Boil the eggs (2 pcs.) Screwed. Buckwheat noodles (500 g) are cooked for a minute less than indicated on its packages and wash with cold water. Fry the red onion (1 head) chopped in half rings in a frying pan. For this purpose, it is better to use sesame oil. Add rice vinegar (50 g) to the onion, reed sugar (1 tbsp. Spoon), soy sauce (2 tbsp. Spoon) and simmer for a minute over low heat.

Cut the eggs like an olivier salad. We shift the noodles in the pan and mix with soy sauce. After that, add the tofu (100 g), the chili pepper (1 pc.) And eggs. Again, mix everything and serve to the table.

How to cook tofer fried cheese?

As you could see, tofer cheese can be used to prepare various dishes. Many people like this product in a fried form. There are several ways to fry the tofu. Below they will be listed.

Cheese tofu fried in a pan with onions and garlic

We heat vegetable oil in a pan (1-2 tbsp. L.). Finely chop the onion (1 pc.) And pass the garlic (1 clove) through the press. Fry these products in oil.

In a pan with onions and garlic, lay out the tofu (200 g - 300 g) sliced \u200b\u200bby squares. Fry and add spices and thyme. Mix. The readiness of the tofu is determined by a golden crust, which is coated from all sides.

How to fry the tofu in panning

Soy cheese in panning
Soy cheese in panning

Prepare the sauce for the marinade. Pour soy sauce (50 ml) and freshly squeezed lemon juice into the container (1 pc.). Add red (0.5 teaspoon) and black pepper (0.5 teaspoon), cilantro (2 branches), ground coriander (0.5 teaspoon), chopped garlic (2-3 slices) and finely chopped Cucumber (1 pc.). Mix the products and add toFom (500 g) to the marinade for 10 minutes.

Then we cut the cheese into rectangular pieces. Salt and roll in flour. We fry in vegetable oil until brown brown on both sides.

Tofu Tofus Recipe

Cut the cottage cheese (400 g) into small slices. Dilute the flour with beer (0.25 cups), add the oil (1 tbsp. Spoon) and vodka (1 tbsp. Spoon). Mix and add 2 whipped protein.

We dip the slices of tofu in the batter and fry until golden brown.

A snack from the cheese tofu, chestnuts and vegetables


To prepare this original dish, you need to mix all the ingredients in the kitchen combine. Serve to the table on salad leaves.


  • Tofu cheese - 150 g
  • White cabbage chopped - 0.5 cup
  • Carrots missed through the grater - 0.5 cup
  • Kilian chestnut chestnut (cut slices) - 115 g
  • Green onion (small -cut) - 1/8 cup
  • Cisisa fresh (chopped) - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Asian chili sauce - 1/5 cup
  • Fresh lime juice - 0.5 tbsp. l
  • Salad leaves - 4 pcs

Using a paper towel, remove excess moisture from the tofu. We lay cheese, cabbage, carrots, chestnuts, green onions and cilantro in the cup combine. Grind and mix the ingredients to a homogeneous mass. We move them to a large pan.

Add to chopped products the chili sauce and lime juice. Put the pan on small fire and warm for 1-2 minutes. Mix and spread the mass on the leaves of the salad, wrap them with a roll and fasten them with wooden skewers. Serve to the table.

Soyu cheese sauce, recipe

Tofu in cooking is often used as the basis of various sauces. Such sauces can be included in various dishes by enriching their taste. To prepare this sauce, delicate soy cheese is suitable. This product can be used in its pure form (without additives) or with the addition of paprika.


  • Top Tofu - 100 g
  • Olive oil EV - 3 tbsp.
  • White vinegar - 2 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Mustard - 25 g
  • Soy sauce - 3 tbsp.
  • Garlic cloves - 1 pc.
  • Black pepper - 0.5 tsp

Put chopped garlic and mustard in a blender bowl. Add soy sauce and mix at low speeds. Add sugar, black pepper, olive oil and tofu. Mix until homogeneous mass at medium speeds. Try the sauce to taste. If necessary, you can add sugar or salt.

Such a tofu sauce can be combined with fresh vegetables and spread on bread. You need to store the sauce in a closed jar in the refrigerator.

Smuses with pomegranate juice and tofu

Smoothies with tofu
Preparation of smoothies with tofu

Useful cocktails can be prepared not only from vegetables, fruits and oatmeal. Delicious and healthy smoothies can be prepared by mixing the lower ingredients with tofu cheese in the Benlera cup.


  • Tofu (chopped) - 1/3 cup
  • Any berries - 1 cup
  • Pomegranate juice - 1/2 cup
  • Honey-1-2 tsp.
  • Ice cubes - 1/3 cup

Such a drink can not only saturate your body with useful substances, but also quench thirst in the summer heat.

Tofu pie recipe


In Asian cuisines, there are quite a few baking recipes with soy cheese. But, this recipe is still closer to European, or rather to Italian cuisine. And most likely Mozarella was used in the original pie. But, why not cook such an open pie with tofu?

Ingredients for the test:

  • Flour - 250 g
  • Cream - 100 g
  • Butter - 70 g
  • Drinkle - 0.5 tsp.
  • a pinch of salt

For filling:

  • tOF - 150 g
  • cream - 150 g
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • hard cheese - 70 g
  • mushrooms to taste
  • seasoning (for this recipe, the mixture "Italian herbs" is best suited)
  • fresh greens
  • ground black pepper
  • salt
  • vegetable oil for frying

Cooking an open pie with tofu:

Knead the dough. We sift the flour several times, saturating it with oxygen. Add baking powder, salt and vegetable oil. Rub the flour into the baby. Add cream and knead the dough. Then we clean it in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

For the filling, you need to cut the mushrooms into small pieces and fry them in vegetable oil. In the process of frying, the mushrooms must be salt and pepper. Cut the tofu with cubes and chop the greens. Rub cheese on a fine grater. Mix eggs, cream and grated cheese into a homogeneous mass.
Lubricate the round shape with vegetable oil. Evenly place the dough in it. We make sides. We spread mushrooms and tofu on the dough. Sprinkle them with herbs and herbs. We pour creamy-raw sauce and bake in the oven.

Cheesecake with pumpkin and tofu

Chizkek from pumpkin
Chizkek from pumpkin

To prepare this dessert, soy cheese, pumpkin and cookies will be needed. Since this recipe was spied on a vegan forum, it can be used even by strict vegetarians. At the same time, the taste of this cheesecake from such “processing” was practically not affected.


  • Cookies - 1 kg
  • Any vegetable oil suitable for sweet pastries is 50 g
  • Water-2-3 glasses

For the first layer of cream:

  • TOF - 200 g
  • Sugar - ½ cup
  • Corn starch-2-3 tbsp. tablespoons
  • Lemon juice - 1, 5 tbsp. l.
  • Vanillin

For the second layer of cream:

  • TOF -300 gr.
  • Pumpkin puree - 1/2 cup
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Cinnamon - 1/2 tsp.
  • Ginger - 1/4 tsp.
  • fresh nutmeg, grated - 1/4 tsp.
  • walnut or coffee liquor 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking a vegan cheesecake:

  • Mix the cookies ground in crumbs. You can add a little water. The mass of the dough resembles. If not very sweet cookies are chosen, then you can add sugar to it. We lay out the bottom of the form with the prepared mass
  • We prepare the cream for the first layer. Beat tofu, corn starch, sugar, vanillin and lemon juice in a blender. We lay out the resulting mass on the cookie cake
  • Beat in a blender ingredients for pumpkin cream. Pour them over the first layer. It is important to consider that when baking, the cream will rise by several centimeters. Therefore, the filling cream in the mold needs to leave at least 5 cm from the edge of the side
  • Bake such a cheesecake in the oven at 190 degrees 50-60 minutes. In order to accurately verify with readiness, it is necessary to check the degree of baking using a toothpick. If the cream does not stick to it, then the dessert can be removed from the oven
  • This cheese recipe is quite universal. Pumpkin puree can be replaced with apple, orange or pear. You can diversify the taste by adding nuts, raisins, chocolate or centers to the cream

How and with what you need to eat soy cheese tofu: tips and reviews

Soy cheese tofu
Soy cheese tofu

Maria. My "corporate" recipe is stuffed soy cheese cubes. I fry them and extract the middle. I fill it with pork minced meat or shrimp. For friends of vegetarian, instead of meat, I use vegetables.

Katia. Tofu is a very tasty product. But, this is if you can cook it correctly. Unfortunately, I did not work out for the first time and I even forgot about this cheese. But, then gradually began to include it in my menu again. First added to salads. Then she began to fry with spices. I experimented with tastes. Now they fry this product in nori leaves with the addition of various seasonings. It turns out very tasty.

Video. Recipe for soy milk and cheese tofu at home

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