First aid for bleeding. First aid for various bleeding

First aid for bleeding. First aid for various bleeding

The article is about the types of bleeding and ways to stop them. This knowledge can maintain health and life to someone.

Everyone should know about how to provide emergency pre -medical care for bleeding. Indeed, on the speed and adequacy of actions in some situations, which, unfortunately, are not uncommon, his own life or the life of the one who is nearby may depend.

Types of bleeding and first aid for bleeding

Before you provide first aid, it is necessary to determine the type of bleeding


Bleeding is the flow of blood from a vessel or heart due to damage. Usually, it occurs due to injury or internal disease.
Classification of bleeding is carried out according to several criteria.
By which vessel is damaged, distinguish:

  1. Arterial bleeding - occurs in violation of the integrity of the walls of large blood vessels carrying blood and arteries enriched with oxygen to tissues and organs. Doctors consider such damage the most dangerous, since due to the highest pressure in the arteries the body loses blood too intensively. It is reddened, it comes out pulsating, funds
  2. Venous bleeding - occurs in violation of the integrity of blood vessels that carry blood enriched with carbon dioxide, veins. This type of injury can be distinguished by the dark cherry color of the blood, which evenly flows from the damaged vessel
  3. Capillary bleeding is a weak loss of blood due to a violation of the integrity of small vessels. As a rule, does not pose a threat to life, but is the most common look

Important: a case is possible when during injury there are a violation of the integrity of several types of blood vessels at once. Then bleeding occurs, called mixed

Depending on where exactly the blood leaves from the damaged vessel, bleeding is distinguished:

  • external - blood enters the environment
  • internal - blood enters the body cavity or inside the hollow organ (for example, hemotorax, in which blood accumulates in the pleural cavity)

Everyone should know the next few tricks. With their help you can stop blood loss.

  1. The maximum bending of the limb. It is used in the case when damage to the blood vessel occurs below any mobile joint, as a rule, elbow or knee. When bending the joint, a natural pouring of the vessel occurs
  2. Direct pressure on the wound. It is used to artificially restore the integrity of the small artery, vein or capillaries. Under extreme conditions, a pressure dressing is made from improvised means - a bandage folded several times, gauze, but more often from ordinary multi -layer fabric
  3. Burning. This assistance is provided before the arrival of doctors to the victim with serious injuries of veins or arteries, as a rule, on the limbs

Important: the tourniquet can have a different design. You need to apply it skillfully

General rules for the imposition of hemoostal building structures are as follows:

  1. Homesostal procedure of this type is carried out only with arterial bleeding
  2. The position of the damaged artery can be different, but the tourniquet is always superimposed between this place and the heart
  3. There should be a layer between the tourniquet and the body. If there are no clothes, you need to put a piece of fabric or bandage under the tourniquet
  4. There should be nothing above the tourniquet. Doctors must once see him
  5. You can squeeze the artery with a tourniquet for no more than half an hour. As a rule, a piece of paper is placed under it with the designation time. If this is not possible, this time is written by the blood of the victim right on his body
  6. If doctors are not profitable in half an hour, the tourniquet weakens (for 10-15 minutes), at this time they carry out hematopoietic procedures of a different kind. After the tourniquet is tightened again

Burning on the lower limb
Burning on the lower limb

General algorithm for providing emergency care for bleeding

If a person is in a situation where it is necessary to help the victim with bleeding, you need to do the following:

  1. Assess the situation: try to find out what is a source of danger, whether it is eliminated
  2. Take measures to protect himself and the victim in the event of a source of danger
  3. Trying to evaluate the severity of the victim’s condition: to determine whether his life threatens anything other than bleeding. For example, the victim may have a cardiac or breathing, pneumothorax, open fractures, more
  4. Try to determine if the victim has internal bleeding in addition to external
  5. Try to determine the type of bleeding and, depending on it, a way to provide assistance. If the blood is not enough, most likely, the integrity of the capillaries is disturbed, it is enough to rinse and disinfect the wound, apply a bandage on it. If there is a lot of blood, it is dark and flows, venous bleeding can be suspected. It is necessary to impose a bandage and transfer the victim to doctors for further assistance. If there is a lot of blood, it is scarlet and pulsates, determine the life -threatening arterial bleeding. In order to stop it, they apply a tourniquet and wait for professional doctors

    General algorithm for providing emergency care for bleeding
    General algorithm for providing emergency care for bleeding

Important: everyone should know signs of internal bleeding. The victim begins to feel weak suddenly or growing, he is dizzy, he wants to drink, flies flicker before his eyes, a fainting may happen. The skin of the victim is pale or cyanotic, it can be covered with cold later. Pulse and pressure in the victim weaken, while breathing quickens

First aid for bruises, fractures and bleeding.

VIDEO: First medical care for fractures. Educational film

Emergency assistance in capillary bleeding

Capillary bleeding often becomes a result of domestic injuries. It happens in a child, for example, who fell and put his knee. As a rule, with this type of bleeding, small subcutaneous capillaries are damaged. The injury is not a danger to human life.

As a rule, capillary bleeding can be stopped easily.
As a rule, capillary bleeding can be stopped easily.

Important: capillary bleeding itself is not dangerous. But there is a risk of infection of the wound. Before applying the dressing, the damage site must be disinfected.

Assistance algorithm for damage to the capillaries, wound:

  • rinse with running, necessarily clean water
  • treated with antiseptic - alcohol, vodka, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol infusion of calendula, other
  • cover with a clean bandage or gauze

As a rule, the help of a doctor in the bleeding of this species is excessive. There is a need to make a visit to the clinic only if the infection still hit the wound.

Venous bleeding, signs and first aid

Smoothly, without a pulse, dark blood arising from the wound is a sign of venous bleeding.

With venous bleeding, a pressure dressing is applied.
With venous bleeding, a pressure dressing is applied.

It is necessary to evaluate how much a large vein is damaged.

Important: if a large vein is damaged, a tourniquet is applied. Be sure to lower the place of injury!

In case of violation of the integrity of the medium -sized vein, a pressure dressing is enough.

  1. The victim is seated or laid so that the damaged limb is raised
  2. If possible, free the damaged place from visible pollution
  3. Put a pressure bandage
  4. Waiting for doctors

Inquisition for arterial bleeding

To stop the scarlet blood that beating from the artery with a fountain, you need to very quickly.

  1. The victim is seated or laid so that the damaged limb is raised
  2. If possible, try to press the artery with their fingers. The vessel needs to be pressed directly to the bone, otherwise blood loss will continue
  3. Put a tourniquet. It can be improvised - a belt, a towel, a flap of fabric
  4. Waiting for doctors

Important: the tourniquet cannot be overexposed longer than the allotted time. Otherwise, blood circulation may be disturbed in the limb, necrosis will begin.

Assistance in nasal bleeding

Nasal bleeding can open due to many circumstances. Most often, the reason for this happens:

  • high blood pressure
  • violation of the integrity of blood vessels
  • violation of the composition of the blood
Assistance for nasal bleeding.
Assistance for nasal bleeding.

Only a doctor can determine whether bleeding from the nose is physiologically, traumatic or caused by any disease. Everyone should know how to provide first aid in such a situation.

  1. The victim is planted so that his head and the body are slightly tilted down
  2. If the cause of the bleeding is clearly not an injury to the nasal skeleton, the nose wings are slightly pressed for 5 minutes
  3. A cotton swab soaked in clean water or 3% perhydroles is inserted into the nasal passage
  4. If the bleeding is strong, you can apply cold to the nose - ice from the freezer, cold bottle, even frozen vegetables. It is necessary to make sure that the infection does not get into the nose. The cold is applied for a maximum of half an hour
With nasal bleeding, the head cannot be thrown back.
With nasal bleeding, the head cannot be thrown back.

Important: you need to make sure that blood from the nose does not flow through the nasopharynx. If this happens, vomiting may begin to begin. That is why, with nosebleeds, you can not throw your head or lie down on your back.

If the blood from the nose does not stop for 30 minutes, you need to call an ambulance.

VIDEO: How to stop nasal bleeding?

First aid for gastric bleeding. First aid for intestinal bleeding

Gastric, intestinal or gastrointestinal bleeding is a condition in which, due to damage or destruction of the vascular wall of the digestive organ, blood enters the cavity of the esophagus, stomach, one or the intestinal.

Gastrointestinal bleeding is a very dangerous condition.
Gastrointestinal bleeding is a very dangerous condition.

The severity of the condition of the victim is determined by the following factors:

  • the degree of damage to the vascular wall of the organ
  • the intensity of bleeding
  • blood pressure level
  • the state of the blood coagulation system

The causes of these internal bleeding

  • erosive and ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • varicose veins of the esophagus
  • benign and malignant formations of the stomach and intestines
  • prolonged vomiting, due to which the vessels in the stomach or esophagus burst
  • injury
  • foreign body in the stomach

Symptoms of bleeding in the stomach or intestines are pallor, nausea, stomach disorder, feces with red or black veins, blood vomiting, abdominal pain.

Important: if you suspect gastrointestinal bleeding, it is necessary to cause an ambulance.

We ourselves need to undertake the following:

  • lay the victim, create peace for him
  • raise the patient's legs at an angle of 15 degrees
  • put the cold on the stomach

Important: in a patient with gastrointestinal bleeding, respiratory and palpitations can be stopped, so these functions need to be controlled. The patient cannot be left alone. He cannot be given to eat and drink.

How to provide help with bleeding: tips and reviews

Life safety is studied at school. But, unfortunately, many students relate to this subject not serious, missing lessons or simply inattentive on them. Therefore, they do not know how to provide assistance in injuries and bleeding. Such ignorance can cost someone health or life.

Everyone should know how to provide assistance in bleeding!

VIDEO: First aid for bleeding

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