10 things you need to know about coffee. Coffee - benefits and harm

10 things you need to know about coffee. Coffee - benefits and harm

The article will reveal all the riddles that fraught with coffee will answer the questions of what the harm and benefits of coffee are, how to store coffee, what are the differences between Arabica and timid, which grinding of coffee and many others to give.

A drink, without which many no longer represent their life, coffee not only firmly entered the diet, but also became an integral part of secular conversations and business meetings, as well as a means for the charge of vigor, increasing mood and salvation for people with low pressure.

Nevertheless, from time to time you can hear about the results of the next study with the new facts of harm or the benefits of coffee. Should you refuse this familiar drink, or is it quite harmless? In order to make a conscious decision, it is necessary to know all the arguments “for” and “against” coffee.

How does coffee affect the human body?

The influence that coffee on the human body consists of the actions of its individual components. Therefore, first you should look into the chemical composition of this drink.

Raw coffee beans
raw coffee beans

Raw coffee grain contains:

  • squirrels, fats and carbohydrates
  • alkaloids (trigenellin and caffeine)
  • acids (chlorogenic, hinnaya, citric, coffee, sorrel, etc.)
  • tannins
  • mineral salts and trace elements (potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, nitrogen, etc.)
  • vitamins
  • essential oils
  • water

When frying, the proportions of the elements contained in the grain change, new compounds are formed (for example, vitamins PP). Depending on the variety of coffee beans and the degree of frying, the composition of the drink is also different.

  • Caffeine
    It is known for its properties of excitation of the nervous system, increasing productivity, energy charge, a decrease in physical fatigue and drowsiness. Caffeine is also accused of addictive and developing dependence.

Important: caffeine is contained in many plants, but in large quantities - in guaran, in tea leaves, coffee beans, cocoa and cola nuts.

Coffee beans
coffee beans
  • Trinelline
    In the process of frying grains, Trinellin is involved in the formation of a multicomponent substance cafeol, which gives coffee characteristic taste and aroma. In addition, when frying, trigenellin selects nicotinic acid (vitamin PP or B3), which improves microcirculation, reduces cholesterol, etc.

Important: the deficiency of vitamin PP can lead to the development of Pellagra's disease (symptoms: diarrhea, mental abilities, dermatitis).

  • Chlorogenic acid
    It is present in different plants, but coffee is distinguished by the largest concentration of this acid. The beneficial properties of chlorogenic acid include an improvement in nitrogen metabolism. In addition, acid -contained acids contribute to the normalization of the digestive tract. Chlorogenic acid brings a binder in coffee.
  • Vitamin p
    Strengthens the walls of capillary vessels. One cup of coffee contains approximately a fifth of the daily need for this vitamin.
  • Essential oils
    They have an antiseptic effect, participate in the formation of an attractive aroma of coffee.
  • Tannins (tannins)
    Beneficially affect digestion, give coffee a bitter aftertaste.

Harm from coffee consumption

Coffee coffee
coffee coffee

At first glance, the components present in coffee do not carry out any harm to the body. But recommendations to abandon this drink are still heard quite often. This can be explained by the following negative factors:

  • Addiction
    Despite how many cups of coffee a day you drink, there is an addiction to a certain dose of coffee, without which you already feel some discomfort. For this reason, as well as because of a sense of pleasure that causes coffee, some try to attribute coffee narcotic properties. However, the release of the hormone "happiness" of serotonin is also observed after consuming chocolate. Obviously, the attribution of these products to drugs is an exaggeration. As for dependence, unpleasant symptoms of irritability and headache that appear with a sharp cessation of coffee use usually quickly disappear.
  • Heart disease
    The use of coffee is often associated with the risk of developing heart diseases, in particular coronary heart disease. There are no reliable data that coffee can cause a coronary heart disease in a completely healthy person. However, people suffering from cardiovascular diseases to use coffee, as well as other caffein -containing products, are dangerous to health.
Heart disease
heart disease
  • Increasing pressure
    Coffee is really capable of increasing blood pressure, but this effect is short -term. In addition, the research results recorded that in most cases, people who are unhappy with coffee react by increasing pressure. For those who used coffee on a regular basis, an increase in pressure was either not observed at all, or it was slight. Therefore, the direct dependence between the use of coffee and the development of hypertension was not revealed. It should be noted that we are talking about reasonable amounts of daily coffee consumption (see more details below) and healthy people. Obviously, coffee hypertension is contraindicated.
  • Calcium non -vocity
    Coffee prevents the full assimilation of calcium. This is one of the reasons why coffee is not recommended to drink during pregnancy, when calcium is especially necessary for the female body. In addition, it makes no sense to combine the reception of products that serve as a source of calcium with the use of coffee (cottage cheese, cheeses, etc.), since calcium will simply not be learned by the body.
  • Nervousness and irritability
    These and more serious disorders of the nervous system can cause excessive caffeine consumption. According to the study, the use of more than 15 cups of coffee per day can lead to hallucinations, nervous, seizures, fever, pulse, vomiting, stomach disorder, etc.
    Here, individual sensitivity to coffee should also be taken into account. For some, 4 cups per day do not affect well-being, and someone even feels nervous overexcitation after one.
  • The formation of benign breast tumors
    This conclusion came to the study of the influence of excessive doses of caffeine on the female body. This applies to all caffein -containing products. There is evidence that a benign tumor disappears when caffeine consumption is stopped.
  • Dehydration
    One of the disadvantages of coffee is dehydration of the body, while a person does not always feel a feeling of thirst. Therefore, coffee machines should control the amount of fluid drunk and remember the need for additional water use.

Coffee should not be consumed with:

  • atherosclerosis
  • insomnia
  • hypertension and heart disease
  • glaucoma
  • increased excitability
  • cholecystitis
  • cirrhosis of the liver
  • stomach diseases (ulcer, gastritis, etc.), kidneys
  • and etc.

You should not indulge in coffee before going to bed due to possible insomnia and increased excitability.

It is advisable to refuse coffee or reduce its amount during pregnancy. Such a warning was first explained by the threat of miscarriage. Recent studies say that the abuse of caffeine affects the weight of the fetus, as well as the duration of pregnancy. Caffeine reduces the weight of the child at birth and increases the period of gestation.

A pregnant woman with a coffee mug
a pregnant woman with a coffee mug

In addition, it is not recommended to drink coffee for the elderly.

In general, it is advisable to talk about the dangers of coffee, provided that significant abuse, when buying low -quality, cheap coffee, as well as in case of violation of the rules for the preparation of this drink.

The benefits of coffee use

Reasonable caffeine consumption not only does not harm, but also positively affects the work of the body. In particular, coffee:

  • contributes to the mental activity of the brain
  • tones, improves mood, adds strength and energy
  • eliminates headache, migraine
  • saves from fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness
  • is an antidepressant, reduces the likelihood of suicidal episodes
Girl in a jump
girl in a jump
  • stimulates memory and is the prevention of Parkinson and Alzheimer's diseases
  • weakens the action of sleeping pills, caffeine is used for intoxication with poisons and drugs
  • stimulates the work of the stomach
  • enhances the activity of the heart, increases the pressure, which facilitates the condition of hypotonic
  • has anticandine properties, reduces the risk of cancer.
  • reduces the likelihood of obtaining cirrhosis, gout, diabetes, and kidney problems

It is important to emphasize that a positive effect when consuming coffee can only be achieved with moderate consumption of this drink.

Daily coffee consumption rate

Without harm to health, you can afford 300-500 mg of caffeine per day. Depending on the degree of roasting and variety, one coffee mug contains 80-120 mg of caffeine. This means that approximately you can drink 3-4 circles per day without worrying about the possible consequences.

Three cups of coffee
three cups of coffee

The permissible daily dose of caffeine during pregnancy according to WHO is 200-300 mg, which is equivalent to 2-3 coffee mugs.

However, it should be remembered that coffee is not the only source of caffeine, so calculate an individual portion, taking into account other caffein -containing products that you consume.

Chocolate candies
chocolate candies

The negative effects of coffee some studies are fixed already with a regular exceeding the daily volume of 4-5 mugs.
A deadly dose of 10 g of caffeine is considered a deadly, which corresponds to approximately 100 cups of coffee.

Interesting: in the number of coffee consumed per capita, Finland is in the first place, in the second - the USA, in the third - the UK and in fourth place - Russia.

Types and varieties of coffee: Arabica and robust

There are two most popular types of coffee: Arabica and Robust, while varieties there are more than a hundred.


  • the most common type of coffee
  • has a milder taste, light sourness and strong aroma
  • contains about 18 % of oils and 1-1.5 % caffeine
Arabica coffee tree
arabica coffee tree


  • characterized by a more rude taste, astringent
  • contains about 9% of oils and up to 3% caffeine
  • often used in the preparation of soluble coffee
  • usually, due to bitter taste, they do not use in its pure form, but mixed with arabica in different proportions
  • inferior in popularity of arabica due to specific taste qualities
  • the content of caffeine in Robust twice exceeds this indicator in Arabica
Robusta coffee grains
robusta coffee grains

In addition to these species, there are also the coffee of the libric and excel, which are similar to the taste of timid and are used to create mixtures.
The taste, smell and chemical composition of coffee, including the amount of caffeine, is determined by climate, the soil of the growth of coffee trees and other factors, the variety of which determines the presence of a large number of coffee varieties.

Some of them:

  • Santos, Victoria, Konilon (Brazil)
  • Colombia
  • Ethiopian Arabica Harar
  • Arabica Mayor (India)
  • Tapanchula, Maragojip (Mexico)
  • Mandeling, Linting (Indonesia)
  • Arabien Mokko (Yemen)
  • Nicaragua Maragogit and others.
Different varieties of coffee
different varieties of coffee

What kind of grinding is coffee?

Depending on the method of preparation, the duration of opening the aroma and taste, different types of grinding are used. Distinguish:


  • Application: best suited for cooking in a French press, piston teenage or classic coffee houses
  • Time required for the complete manifestation of taste: up to 8-9 minutes


  • Application: the most universal grinding, is used for different brewing methods, good for coffee coffee houses
  • Time: up to 6 minutes


  • Application: Preparation of coffee in a coffee maker
  • Time: up to 4 minutes

Important: for espresso there is a special type of grinding that is marked accordingly on the coffee package. Coffee machines for expresso are immediately equipped with a special coffee grinder for special grinding.

Very small (powdered)

  • Application: ideal for cooking in a Turk for obtaining the so -called Turkish coffee
  • Time: 1 minute
Different grinding coffee
different grinding coffee

Too thin grinding can be bitter, with too rude grinding coffee it can turn out to be watery, because if preparing it will not have time to open its taste. In addition, super -thin, along with very large grinding, can clog the coffee machine. Therefore, it is important to adjust the grinding well, find the most suitable individual taste depending on the type of cooking.

Hand coffee grinder
hand coffee grinder

Coffee can grind yourself with the help of a coffee grinder (manual or electric) or buy the right grinding immediately obtained by industrial. The latter usually undergoes additional filtration (through a special sieve) for the selection of coffee particles of the same size. It is known that homogeneous coffee shows its taste better.

How much can you store ground coffee?

It is recommended to grind coffee immediately before use, otherwise the coffee left in a coffee grinder loses its aroma in an hour.

Coffee is very sensitive to the effects of air and light. Therefore, it should be stored in a sealed packaging in a cool place.

Coffee storage
coffee storage

After opening the packaging, ground coffee loses its original aroma and taste in a week. Accordingly, for maximum conservation of taste, ground coffee should be in vacuum.

The most popular coffee drinks

Combining many different ingredients with coffee in various proportions, they get a large assortment of coffee drinks. Iceone, caramel, milk, chocolate, liquor, honey, berry syrups, etc. - This is an incomplete list of products compatible with coffee, which give it a unique taste and smell.

Types of coffee drinks
types of coffee drinks

Among the most common coffee drinks:

  • espresso - pure coffee, which is prepared in small volumes with a high concentration of coffee, which makes the drink very strong; is the basis for the preparation of other varieties of coffee drinks
  • americano - This is an espresso with a high water content for those who do not like the bitterness of strong espresso
  • kappuchino - coffee with the addition of milk and the formation of milk foam
  • mcKoyato - Podpucino subspecies: coffee + milk foam in the same proportions
  • latte - milk with coffee, where a large share of the drink is milk
  • glass - coffee with ice cream
  • irish - Coffee with alcohol
  • mokko - Latte with chocolate
  • coffee is in Viennese - espresso with whipped cream, sprinkled on top with chocolate, cinnamon, nutmeg, etc.
  • romano - espresso with lemon zest
  • turkish coffee - with foam with the addition of spices (cinnamon, cardamom, etc.), classic coffee is cooked in Turk
  • and many others

Is it useful or harmful coffee with milk?

Coffee with milk
coffee with milk

Milk suppresses caffeine, so coffee with milk has a less tonic effect. For people suffering from gastritis or other diseases in which it is not recommended to get carried away with caffeine, coffee with milk
In limited quantities, it can be an excellent way out.

Important: in pure form, coffee does not contain calories, but with the addition of milk it loses its properties of a dietary product.

Is it useful or harmful to coffee with lemon?

Coffee with lemon
coffee with lemon

The rich vitamin C is undoubtedly a useful product. In addition, lemon also neutralizes caffeine. In combination with lemon, a coffee drink acquires a special taste and is perfect for those who love coffee, but fears excessive effects of caffeine.

Is it useful or harmful coffee with cinnamon?

Coffee coffee
coffee coffee

Cinnamon is known for numerous healing properties and wide use for the purpose of losing weight. Therefore, coffee with cinnamon (without sugar) can become not only a delicious drink, but will also contribute to weight loss (subject to other necessary conditions).
However, cinnamon, especially in large quantities, has a number of contraindications:

  • pregnancy, hypertension, problems with liver and kidneys, increased excitability, individual intolerance, etc.

Is it useful or harmful coffee without caffeine?

At first glance, coffee coffee solves all problems associated with the negative consequences of excessive caffeine use. However, everything is not so simple.

Girl with a cup of coffee
girl with a cup of coffee
  • Firstly, Caffeine in such coffee is still contained, but in small quantities.
  • Secondly, The process of decoding in the predominant majority involves the processing of grains with a chemical solvent by ethylacetate, which, despite the subsequent purification of boiling water, risks remaining coffee grain.
  • Thirdly, One of the negative consequences of consumption of coffee without caffeine is to increase the amount of free fatty acids in the blood that are responsible for the formation of poor cholesterol.

In addition, caffeine, as mentioned, has a positive effect on the body with the right approach.

Important: according to the results of research, the accusation of caffeine of increasing pressure is unreasonable. Perhaps other components of coffee are to blame for this.

Therefore, the use of coffee without caffeine is not always a reasonable replacement.

How to cook coffee correctly?

Coffee in Turk
coffee in Turk

The final properties of coffee, including its benefits or harm, depend on the method and correctness of preparation.

In order to prepare good coffee at home in the absence of a special coffee machine, you need:

  • fall asleep

Important: it is better to give preference to the smallest grinding of coffee.

  • pour cold water
  • wait for the foam and remove the foam
  • let it set off a little, and repeat the procedure twice
  • before pouring coffee in cups, the latter should be heated, pouring boiling water

Important: coffee cannot be brought to boiling.

To prepare coffee in Turkish, they use 10 g (3 tsp) per glass of water, but the dosage can be changed based on preferences.

Useful tips for the hostess

Coffee cup and coffee grains in smoke
coffee cup and coffee grains in smoke
  • In order to check the quality of coffee beans, you can pour them with cold water, shock a little and drain the water. If the color of the water has not changed, then high -quality coffee, i.e. does not contain dyes
  • A test for the presence of impurities in a hammer of coffee can be carried out in a similar way: pour cool water. If the impurities are present, they will settle, and you will notice them at the bottom of the container.

Summing up, list 10 main factswhich you need to know about coffee:

1. With moderate consumption (no more than 3-4 cups per day), coffee does not harm a healthy person
2. Moreover, coffee has a number of beneficial properties, including stimulates brain activity, suppresses depression, prevents the development of many diseases
3. Contraindications to the use of coffee exist in the presence of problems with the heart, the nervous system and other diseases of the liver, kidneys, etc.
4. Arabica contains two times less caffeine than Robusta

Girl and guy over a cup of coffee

girl and guy over a cup of coffee

5. Coffee grinding is important for different ways of making coffee. For example, the smallest is used to make coffee in a Turk and requires less time to reveal their taste qualities than larger grinding
6. The amount of caffeine increases during heat treatment, i.e. dark fried grains contain less caffeine than poorly fried
7. Soluble coffee is made of cheaper and less valuable varieties of coffee and contains more caffeine

Cup of coffee with smoke
cup of coffee with smoke

8. It is preferable to buy coffee in grains and grind it before cooking, since ground coffee quickly loses its aroma and initial taste characteristics, and keep it in the absence of vacuum packaging for a long time
9. Coffee coffee with certain methods of decoding can even be harmful
10. It is recommended to drink coffee in the morning, but not on an empty stomach, since it stimulates digestion

Video: Coffee. Harm and benefit

Video: Scientific news about the benefits of coffee

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Comments K. article

  1. 6. The amount of caffeine increases during heat treatment, i.e. Darkly fried grains contain less caffeine than poorly fried.
    A strange contradictory statement.

  2. The article is very informative, I leave it in bookmarks - for the wife this is relevant.
    But the remark is fair, in the sentence a clear contradiction, would not hurt to clarify.

  3. "Useful or harmful coffee without caffeine?"

    well, you can already ....

  4. Most likely, a typo, and so it means that the dark coffee is more caffean, per unit volume.

  5. Caffeine is destroyed under the influence of temperature, but the difference in the amount of caffeine when comparing the dark and light frying is slight. It all depends on the variety and grinding.

  6. the darker the grain, the stronger the frying is to logic, and not the contrary, as the author indicates in the note.

  7. Scientists have proved the usefulness of coffee.

  8. Perhaps this is one of the best articles that I read. Thank you.

  9. Very interesting article!

  10. Knight with cirrhosis:
    Coffee should not be consumed with: .... cirrhosis of the liver
    ... Positively reflects on the work of the body. In particular, coffee: ... reduces the likelihood of cirrhosis ...

  11. The article is good, everything is good in moderation, it is about coffee, but it is impossible to watch Malyshev, even in milligrams, GPUPEE PAVPEN, who is admiring herself, is difficult to find, her happiness that she does not know this

  12. I esteemed that coffee washed out calcium from the body. Interesting, is that true?

  13. Good article. Sweet. I didn't know something about coffee. Basically, everything is illuminated and reflected: benefits and harm. I will summarize: “everything is moderately good” thanks for the work.

  14. I agree that everything is fine in the measure and this truth can probably be attributed to any situation. I love coffee and drink it with pleasure. It really raises my mood and sets me up in a working way. Of course, that coffee would not be in harm with health and to taste excellent, it should be of high quality, there are many good brands selling good coffee, I personally give preference to Torrefacto, verified by many years of cooperation with it.

  15. Well, people with heart problems are not worth drinking coffee myself, I drank turboslim coffee when I lost weight, it helped to smoke my appetite, and later I sat down on a diet, so I could very well drop it and is now ready for summer)

  16. Thanks for the good, useful article. As they say, everything is within the norm.

  17. If you carefully read everything, it is clear that there is more benefit from coffee than harm .. You just have to abuse, but drink no more than 3-4 cups per day a day.

  18. hello, the article is useful. Only the button does not work in VK for you

  19. "Weakens the action of sleeping pills, caffeine is used for intoxication with poisons and drugs"
    Does it somehow affect anesthesia? For example, wake up during the operation?

  20. "However, it should be remembered that coffee is not the only source of caffeine"
    Well, they would write a list where still caffeine is contained if such smart

  21. "Coffee cannot be brought to boiling"
    BUT WHY???

  22. "It is better to give preference to the smallest grinding of coffee"

  23. “Caffeine is contained in many plants, but in large quantities - in guaran, in tea leaves, coffee beans, cocoa and cola nuts”
    In your opinion, tea contains more caffeine than in coffee beans?

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