How to accelerate metabolism? Accelerating metabolism drugs

How to accelerate metabolism? Accelerating metabolism drugs

If we define the “exchange of substances” in a simple human language, then this is the processing of nutrients coming with food and converting them into building elements for body cells. When the cells receive such building material, they give the spent elements. Disorders of metabolism can lead to serious problems. One of them is obesity.

The task of each person who watches his body is acceleration of the metabolic process. This can be done in various ways. But, it is best to approach the acceleration of metabolism using a complex of measures below.

Slender body

The metabolic rate is determined by several factors:

  • age
  • heredity
  • physical activity
  • emotional state of man

In addition, some food and drinks affect the rate of metabolism.

Important: any soluble organic matter, entering the body, is built into the metabolic process. In this case, it can be used to obtain energy or go “in reserve”. That is, turn into fat and remain in the "warehouse" of the body until better times. Moreover, not only carbohydrates, but also proteins can turn into fat. If there is no need for them at the moment.

Slow metabolism leads to the low need of the body for energy. That is why food, falling into it, is not used for its intended purpose, but turns into fat.
In order for the body to be slender increase metabolism rate.

What depends on the metabolic rate?

The rate of metabolism depends on the three factors:

  1. Proper nutrition
  2. Increase in energy consumption (training)
  3. Increase in the amount of fluid used

Products that accelerate metabolism in the body

The basis of a slender body is proper nutrition.
Some foods consumed with food can help “disperse” metabolism. But, first of all, it is necessary to correctly build your diet. It should contain the presence of “correct” carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Important: the main meal is to make breakfast. A cup of coffee instead of breakfast greatly slows down the metabolism.

Protein food accelerates metabolism well. Fish, dairy products, low -fat meat, seafood are able to “disperse” metabolism. About a third of useful substances from such products are immediately spent by the body. Protein food is not only useful in itself, but can also drive away hunger for a long time.

Metabolism products

How does the frequency of meals at the speed of metabolism affect?

Important: frequent meals also affect the speed of metabolism well. But, the main thing during such meals is not to overeat. Remember the diet " five tablespoons"? You can use this approach to the formation of your diet.

Does metabolism accelerate a variety of nutrition?

Another important factor in rapid metabolism - a variety of nutrition. You need to think not only about the correct number of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but also about the required number of vitamins and minerals. And this can only be done with a variety of food. For example, it is important: such fats as Omega 3 and Omega 6 contained in large quantities in seafood, excellent catalysts of acceleration of metabolism.

The role of spices in acceleration of metabolism

Various spices have a good influence on acceleration of metabolism. Especially in this role, red pepper succeeded. According to some scientists, beneficial substances from this spice can accelerate some metabolic processes by 50%. In addition, red pepper has other positive effects. But, people with problems stomach And the pancreas, this spice is contraindicated.

Also, the stimulation of metabolic processes in the body is influenced by: mustard, cinnamon, ginger and ginseng.

Do they increase the metabolism of coffee and green tea?


Caffeine is able to have a positive effect on metabolism. According to American nutritionists from the Florida Institute, two or three cups of coffee per day accelerate metabolism by 5%. But, if you increase the amount of caffeine used, then its effect is reduced. Besides, an increased amount of caffeine negatively affects the nervous system.

Concerning green tea, it also contains caffeine. But, besides this substance, in green tea there are also catechins. They positively affect thermogenesis - The process of heat production for the proper operation of its organs. Such heat production also needs energy. Which positively affects the rate of metabolic processes in the body.

The effect of apple vinegar on metabolic processes in the body

More recently, scientists have discovered the positive properties of influence apple vinegar to metabolism. Japanese nutritionists have discovered the ability of this natural product to neutralize and remove excess fats from the body. It is believed that one spoonful of apple cider vinegar per day is able to accelerate metabolic processes in the body. But, before applying this product, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Grapefruit juice and metabolism


Grapefruit juice, in fact, like this citrus fruit, has a positive effect on the rate of metabolism. Ten years ago, a study was published in Nature magazine, according to which grapefruit juice is several times superior to apple juice in effect on metabolism.

Accelerating metabolism drugs

To date, there is a large group of drugs based on antidepressants and antipsychotics that help to “disperse” metabolism. Of course, you need to resort to their help in extreme necessity and be sure to be supervised by a specialist. Such drugs include:

Meridia. The main prescription of the drug is the suppression of a sense of hunger. But, besides this action, Meridia has a positive effect on the speed of metabolism. Taking this drug leads to the normalization of the level of lipoproteins, triglycerides, cholesterol, glucose, uric acid, glycated hemoglobin, C-peptides and the best absorption of food.

« Reduxin». The domestic drug to reduce the feeling of hunger and enhance energy consumption by the body works like "Meridia"

"Lindax." The drug enhances the feeling of satiety of the body and eliminates the craving for high -calorie products. But, also, the reception of "Lindax" leads to increased energy consumption.

How to speed up metabolism at home


One of the factors of metabolism acceleration is ensuring an increase in energy consumption by the body. You can achieve this at home regular training. To do this, it is not at all necessary to sign up for shaping, Pilates and other popular aerobics today. In chapter sport Our site contains the best types of training that can be engaged in at home.

Important: recent studies show that strength training has more influence on the acceleration of metabolism than cardio. In addition, such training can return the tone to the muscles, “tighten” the body and make it more beautiful. Moreover, strength training is shown not only by the strong half of humanity, but also to women.

How does water accelerate metabolism?

The correct drinking regime is also an excellent catalyst for quick metabolism. It is necessary to consume at least two liters of water per day. Pure water, not fluids from coffee, tea and other drinks.

Important: water helps the best blood circulation in the body, suppresses the feeling of hunger and attracts fat stocks in metabolic processes.

In addition, water makes the body spend excess energy on its processing. At the same time, the water itself does not carry any calories.

Important: lack of water in the body leads to a decrease in metabolic rate. Water is necessary for many metabolic processes and its small amount will greatly affect the work of the whole organism. Scientists calculated that daily a person should drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water, distributing evenly this volume during the day.

How to speed up metabolism: tips

The metabolism is affected not only by proper and regular nutrition, training and drinking mode. The following tips can be “dispersed” by metabolism:

Council #1. Sleep for at least eight hours a day. Scientists have proved that if you sleep less, then many metabolic processes will slow down. In addition, the lack of sleep can cause other problems in the body.

Council #2. Visit the sauna. The sauna or bath accelerates fat metabolism. Heat enhances the decay reactions of fat deposits. Separate fat cells are more easily processed by the body.

Tip #3. Stresses have a great influence on the slowdown in the body's metabolic processes. Stress hormones not only suppress the processes necessary for the body, but are also able to enhance the feeling of hunger. What is even worse affects the body.

The high metabolic rate is not only an important task when reducing weight. The correct rate of metabolism is the key to health and beauty.

Video. Metabolism.

Video: How to accelerate metabolism?

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  1. In my own experience, I can say that sometimes in such accessible ways as scenes, healthy lifestyle, contrast shower, can not achieve the desired result. I followed everything, and the metabolism did not become better, even on a shortage of calories, which was very upset ((it turned out that the reason was in the thyroid gland, a little ... had to undergo treatment (thank God, non-hormonal endocrinol and infusions of white cinquefoil). Gradually, the weight began to return to normal, and I feel better now.

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